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Who Is Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee?

Posted on Monday, March 21, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to begin hearings for President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, on Monday. But with a number of major domestic and foreign policy crises dominating the news, Jackson’s nomination has proceeded unusually quietly, meaning that many Americans still know precious little about Biden’s nominee.

Since Biden tapped Jackson as a replacement for Justice Stephen Breyer in February, Democrats have pulled out all the stops to portray Jackson in the most positive light possible, no doubt hopeful for a swift confirmation process that could turn the page on months of bad headlines for the Biden team. But even though Jackson’s potential confirmation would not alter the Court’s 6-3 conservative majority, her legal record and well-documented allegiance to left-wing causes have raised significant questions about her judgment, particularly as the liberal legal movement grows ever more authoritarian and divorced from basic legal principles outlined in the Constitution.

Since last June, Jackson has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a post to which she was also appointed by Biden. Prior to that, she was a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and Vice-Chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission. A graduate of both Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Jackson clerked for Justice Breyer—whom she is seeking to replace—and served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. If confirmed, Jackson would be the first former federal public defender to sit on the High Court.

Jackson’s previous legal rulings have indicated that, if confirmed, she would be a reliable rubber stamp for some of the progressives’ top legal ambitions. During her time as a judge, for instance, Jackson allowed a constitutionally dubious program that established race-based preferences for government contracts to remain in place. Moreover, as the Daily Wire reported, Jackson “has repeatedly embraced champions of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in lectures and speeches while nodding to the progressive idea with the use of terms such as ‘microaggression.’” Given that the Court is expected to hear a hot-button case relating to affirmative action and the role of race in college admissions at Harvard, her alma mater, next term, Jackson’s commitment to identity politics should sound the alarm for conservatives and constitutional originalists.

As a federal judge, Jackson halted Trump administration programs that deported illegal aliens, blocked Trump’s executive orders aimed at holding employees of the federal government accountable, and wrote a fiery opinion compelling former White House Counsel Don McGahn to comply with a subpoena related to the Democrat impeachment crusade against Trump in 2019, discarding sensitive questions of separation of powers. A progressive immigration group has also lauded Jackson for her omission of words like “illegal” and “alien” in her immigration decisions.

As several Republican Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have been eager to note, Jackson is on record defending terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay. Additionally, prior to her appointment as a federal judge, she signed onto an amicus brief authored by pro-abortion groups in support of a “buffer zone” near abortion clinics—targeting the First Amendment rights of pro-life Americans.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), a Member of the Judiciary Committee, also recently pointed out what he called an “alarming” pattern relating to “Judge Jackson’s treatment of sex offenders, especially those preying on children”—including her advocacy for “drastic change in how the law treats sex offenders by eliminating the existing mandatory minimum sentences for child porn.”

When it comes to her legal and judicial temperament, Jackson’s record is just as concerning. As Ed Whelan wrote for National Review, Jackson “is not highly regarded as a judge” and “has a striking record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit—including by progressive judges—in her high-profile rulings.” This analysis hits at the heart of Jackson’s fitness to serve on the High Court, and seriously calls into question whether or not she is actually one of the nine best jurists in the entire country.

As the Judiciary Committee begins its questioning of Judge Jackson this week, they should make sure not to let these crucial areas of concern fly under the radar. Though Democrats are eager to cloak Jackson’s striking record of left-wing radicalism and her questionable legal judgments behind less significant qualities like her race and gender (Biden himself has made clear on several occasions that these are the two factors that drove Jackson’s nomination), GOP Senators should do everything in their power to bring her legal record and philosophy to center stage.

Even if Jackson is easily confirmed—a scenario that at this point seems likely—the American people have the right to know the kinds of jurists the Biden administration is seeking to appoint. Though the ideological composition of the Court may not hang in the balance, the future of the rule of law, the American constitutional order, and some of our nation’s most venerable legal traditions are ultimately at stake. If Republicans do their job during next week’s hearings, Americans will witness the latest instance of this troubling pattern for themselves.

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3 years ago

Another of satan’s offspring, 0bama’s cousin.

3 years ago


3 years ago

The author writes “Even if Jackson is easily confirmed—a scenario that at this point seems likely—the American people have the right to know the kinds of jurists the Biden administration is seeking to appoint.” The bottom line is if people were truly concerned about the quality of judicial appointments to the Supreme Court in this instance, they could have looked up all of this information on-line months ago and relayed their concerns to the Senators to hopefully inform them of the public’s view. Numerous articles, containing this exact same information, have already been written concerning this individual’s judicial background over that time frame. By the way, all the concerns noted in the article are accurate.

So not sure what the purpose of this particular article is other than simply stating that with a judicial record like this, she should NOT be approved. Which is neither here nor there at this point, as it seems all the Senate Democrats and enough Republican Senators will vote to approve this nominee to the Court anyway.

3 years ago

Where is the Republican outrage by conservatives ? Cowards all !

Pray for God to help us .. the politicians won’t.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Anyone who let’s off Sexual predator’s of children is just plain evil. It’s one thing to put them in programs to try to get people rehabilitated, but another to just let them off. Predators just keep going after children. It’s just like people defend people coming up here, sending their kids with cartel members. It’s okay for their kids to be raped and sodomized! Really? If we, as parents, do that in America, we would be convicted and jailed! That’s how it should be! That is abuse of children! As a nurse in the hospital and in the school system, I have taken care of women and children of sexual abuse. We have to report to Children’s Protective Services and local police departments. It’s a very tragic and horrifying situation. Women, girls, and men, boys wear these scars for the rest of their lives. Without psychiatric help, many transfer this kind of thing onto their own children or other children. It causes many victims and horrors.

3 years ago

She is soft on child porn violators and pedophiles and supports racist causes; she is a perfect pick to help the deep state players get away with anything.

3 years ago

Fully expect McConnell, Romney, and the rest of the Senate RINOs to fall in line, vote with the
Democrats and confirm this evil woman. Perhaps if enough of us write/call the RINOs, we can get a few of them to show some conservative principles and stand up to Biden

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

The balance is not really 6 to 3, it’s 5 to 3 with one fence sitter in the chief’s chair.
I think the GOP members have done enough research to expose her as a typical radical favorite of the Biden regime.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 years ago

Any judge who is a champion of critical race theory has no business being on the Supreme Court. Supporters of critical race theory are racists who divide people and make decisions based on the color of one’s skin. It saddens me that we have so many Americans who are still practicing open racism by picking winners and losers based on skin pigmentation. One should be judged on merit and character, not on the genetics of one’s ancestors. It’s all very sad. In fact, supporters of critical race theory are doing serious harm to our Constitutional Republic. We, the people, are Americans and human beings first. Skin color is just by chance.

3 years ago

Yet again, a case of having an important post getting slipped in, during a crisis that has stolen the show. Ukraine has dominated every news broadcast these past several weeks and there seems to be no end in sight for the constant coverage and the non-attention to important issues like this nomination.
Facts tell us this judge will be a bad choice overall based on her past actions….and if there is coverage, you will find the republicans being less than aggressive in countering her nomination….they are weak and will fail to stop her confirmation, ….and the years to come with her on the bench will be more liberal agenda pushing. Hide and watch.

3 years ago

Just two words are enough. “Biden nominee”. This tells me she is a Godless, Satanic, evil, Marxist, globalist like the rest of the demo/globalists already in office. Once again, Loopy Joe just doing what he is ordered by his handlers, like Soros and some other billionaires.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

how could this nomination be described grotesque,absurd perverse insane there is no word to describe it

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

She is an Anti- free speech, Anti-gun, Big Government Socialist that will read what she wants into the Constitution, not what the Constitution says. America will be lost if people like her ever get control of the court, counting Chief Justice John Roberts they still have 4 Like Senator Cruz said, they are only one vote away.
Let’s see how many RINO Republicans vote for her, if a Republican from your State votes for her replace them in November!
God Save America!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago

There HAS to be someone better than this! We don’t need another leftist radical in a position of power! Will ANY of the Republican senators make a case that this woman DOESN”T abide by the Constitution but runs around it every chance she can? WE NEED people who will uphold our Constitution for ALL Americans NOT some victim group! ALL of us are victims of sin so this race/gender baiting has to stop! NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!

jake the snake
jake the snake
3 years ago

who is she! she is a person who has had everything handed to her on an affirmative action platter her entire live and despite having life ten times easier that any white person and fifty times easier that a white male she is still claiming oppression, racism and bigotry.

She has no sense of the amount of extra effort white males have to go through to get the same achievements she has handed to her.

The fact is the only way that black people will ever see the real world is if all special programs are ended.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

If Biden and the Marxist Democrats want this nominee then she’s just another radical headcase that we do not need anywhere near the Three Branches of our government.

3 years ago

What do we expect when the admin. uses the same criteria (race) that it used for the vp pick. Another unqualified justice to add to Soomayer

3 years ago

I’m just in awe that it wasn’t the best man or woman for the job. There are many in democratic positions. But to just say we have to put a particular race and gender in to me seems so wrong. So it’s one for one. There are many well more experienced candidates for the job!

Mr Silence Dogood
Mr Silence Dogood
3 years ago

If we can turn Manchin this socialist’s nomination is sunk

3 years ago

“The American people have a right….”. No, sorry. We’ve long since ceded those rights. This communist will be easily confirmed and the rinos will slobber over her dissembling. She will pretend to be fair and balanced and devoted to the constitution while in front of the cameras. Once installed she will vote like karl marx would until carried out in her dotage like rbg. Rights need to be fought for. Conservatives surrendered long ago after being accused of racism for simply existing. The evil spell continues.

3 years ago

This is a train wreck for truth and justice…

3 years ago

This is a train wreck for fairness, truth American justice.

3 years ago

Rubber stamp? Of course you would never acknowledge that the Republicans especially the despicable Clarence Thomas are nothing but “rubber stamps” for Republican policy preferences. Thomas is worse he is nothing but a sycophant for Trump.

Spare us your hypocrisy.

3 years ago

She sounds like the perfect Brandon nomination. She will do for the SCOTUS what this administration is doing for America.

3 years ago

Anti-White liberals and respectable conservatives that support unlimited third-world immigration and FORCED assimilation for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries say that they are anti-racist, but their policies will lead to a world with no White people i.e White Genocide.
Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.

3 years ago

“As several Republican Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have been eager to note, Jackson is on record defending terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay.” Reading that quote is all you have to do to dismiss this entire article. To denigrate an attorney for doing their job, in this case acting as an assigned public defender, panders only to those who are ignorant of our legal system.

Robert Williams
Robert Williams
3 years ago

I see her as an invaluable asset to American democracy and a stabilizing influence on a court that has shifted to the far, far right extremist view point! Its not too late to save our democracy, but its darn close!

3 years ago

A lying sack of sh*t

3 years ago

We need real Men standing strong. Ask the HARD RIGHT QUESTIONS.

Susan Miller
Susan Miller
3 years ago

We do not need a SCOTUS who is dead against the Constitution. We’re do not need a blatantly racist on the Supreme Court. We must not allow someone who sides with the enemy of our country as well as pedophiles in a roll of such importance.There are other qualified people to choose from without dredging the bottom of the pond.

3 years ago

We the people have very little say in things going on in DC, from a Supreme Court justice to the Ukraine. Our parties are at war themselves, as socialism is taking over. Our voting rights have been compromised so we don’t even have that. I do not trust our current leaders or mr Biden as he is feeble

3 years ago

Sounds like a shoe-in for the progressive, radical, socialist/communist party that call themselves democrats!

Jean Winter
Jean Winter
3 years ago

She is racist as far as I am concerned…one sided….dump her!!!

Phillip Ridenour
Phillip Ridenour
3 years ago


2 years ago

Urge all Senators to vote NO !

2 years ago

When a person is asked the same question repeatedly and they beat around the bush or don’t answer, that’s red flag. She’s too soft on pedofiles. Not a good candidate. That’s exactly why she will get voted in. Biden regime likes woke liberals. Dems will vote for her. All Bidens appointees are somewhat on the weird side.

Denis MacLellan
Denis MacLellan
2 years ago

Being a Canadian I should have no opinion on who you Americans appoint to the supreme court of America. But this woman as a judge has a despicable record of sentencing, is an obvious radical. Any person when asked What is a woman? Answers with a slur . I can’t answer that I am not a biologist although she’s a woman means is she may have a hidden agenda that she would bring to her judgemental Supreme Court cases. She should not be appointed. She is NOT representative of of americanism which means honesty and fairness.

3 years ago

Another of satan’s offspring, 0bama’s cousin.

3 years ago


3 years ago

The author writes “Even if Jackson is easily confirmed—a scenario that at this point seems likely—the American people have the right to know the kinds of jurists the Biden administration is seeking to appoint.” The bottom line is if people were truly concerned about the quality of judicial appointments to the Supreme Court in this instance, they could have looked up all of this information on-line months ago and relayed their concerns to the Senators to hopefully inform them of the public’s view. Numerous articles, containing this exact same information, have already been written concerning this individual’s judicial background over that time frame. By the way, all the concerns noted in the article are accurate.

So not sure what the purpose of this particular article is other than simply stating that with a judicial record like this, she should NOT be approved. Which is neither here nor there at this point, as it seems all the Senate Democrats and enough Republican Senators will vote to approve this nominee to the Court anyway.

3 years ago

Where is the Republican outrage by conservatives ? Cowards all !

Pray for God to help us .. the politicians won’t.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Anyone who let’s off Sexual predator’s of children is just plain evil. It’s one thing to put them in programs to try to get people rehabilitated, but another to just let them off. Predators just keep going after children. It’s just like people defend people coming up here, sending their kids with cartel members. It’s okay for their kids to be raped and sodomized! Really? If we, as parents, do that in America, we would be convicted and jailed! That’s how it should be! That is abuse of children! As a nurse in the hospital and in the school system, I have taken care of women and children of sexual abuse. We have to report to Children’s Protective Services and local police departments. It’s a very tragic and horrifying situation. Women, girls, and men, boys wear these scars for the rest of their lives. Without psychiatric help, many transfer this kind of thing onto their own children or other children. It causes many victims and horrors.

3 years ago

She is soft on child porn violators and pedophiles and supports racist causes; she is a perfect pick to help the deep state players get away with anything.

3 years ago

Fully expect McConnell, Romney, and the rest of the Senate RINOs to fall in line, vote with the
Democrats and confirm this evil woman. Perhaps if enough of us write/call the RINOs, we can get a few of them to show some conservative principles and stand up to Biden

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

The balance is not really 6 to 3, it’s 5 to 3 with one fence sitter in the chief’s chair.
I think the GOP members have done enough research to expose her as a typical radical favorite of the Biden regime.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 years ago

Any judge who is a champion of critical race theory has no business being on the Supreme Court. Supporters of critical race theory are racists who divide people and make decisions based on the color of one’s skin. It saddens me that we have so many Americans who are still practicing open racism by picking winners and losers based on skin pigmentation. One should be judged on merit and character, not on the genetics of one’s ancestors. It’s all very sad. In fact, supporters of critical race theory are doing serious harm to our Constitutional Republic. We, the people, are Americans and human beings first. Skin color is just by chance.

3 years ago

Yet again, a case of having an important post getting slipped in, during a crisis that has stolen the show. Ukraine has dominated every news broadcast these past several weeks and there seems to be no end in sight for the constant coverage and the non-attention to important issues like this nomination.
Facts tell us this judge will be a bad choice overall based on her past actions….and if there is coverage, you will find the republicans being less than aggressive in countering her nomination….they are weak and will fail to stop her confirmation, ….and the years to come with her on the bench will be more liberal agenda pushing. Hide and watch.

3 years ago

Just two words are enough. “Biden nominee”. This tells me she is a Godless, Satanic, evil, Marxist, globalist like the rest of the demo/globalists already in office. Once again, Loopy Joe just doing what he is ordered by his handlers, like Soros and some other billionaires.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

how could this nomination be described grotesque,absurd perverse insane there is no word to describe it

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

She is an Anti- free speech, Anti-gun, Big Government Socialist that will read what she wants into the Constitution, not what the Constitution says. America will be lost if people like her ever get control of the court, counting Chief Justice John Roberts they still have 4 Like Senator Cruz said, they are only one vote away.
Let’s see how many RINO Republicans vote for her, if a Republican from your State votes for her replace them in November!
God Save America!!!!!!!!!

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