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What We Weren’t Shown About Jan 6

Posted on Thursday, March 9, 2023
by Outside Contributor
jan. 6

Jan 6 was, according to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer explained that the riot of Jan 6 was a “violent insurrection.” And in order to preserve democracy, Schumer stated, Fox News should take Tucker Carlson off the air.

What, pray tell, did Carlson do that merited the Senate Majority Leader calling for his silencing? After House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., granted him access to some 41,000 hours of as-yet-unreleased footage from Jan 6, he aired a special in which he disclosed two particularly pertinent pieces of tape: first, tape showing Capitol Police apparently walking alongside the QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley, through the hallways; second, tape showing Officer Brian Sicknick gesturing animatedly to fellow officers after he had already been attacked by the crowd outside.

Carlson seemed to downplay the violence of the day based on the tape. He said, “A small percentage of them were hooligans. But the overwhelming majority weren’t. They were peaceful. They were orderly and meek. These were not insurrectionists — they were sightseers.”

Now, to be certain, a riot took place on Jan 6. In that riot, dozens of officers were injured; some 1,000 people were arrested. But Carlson isn’t wrong that tape appears to show some of the people in the Capitol wandering around aimlessly, not violently, or that the media’s original portrayal of Sicknick’s death — it was widely reported that he had been directly murdered by the crowd — was incorrect.

Argue with Carlson’s framing all you want; I have significant disagreements with it. But it is clear that Jan 6, as ugly as it was, was a riot and not a “danger to our democracy”; that many of those in the Capitol were in fact gawking rather than rioting; and that the Jan 6 committee went out of its way to present certain footage but avoid other footage. A decision was made by the Jan 6 committee and the media to avoid the possibility of any nuance whatsoever regarding the riots. Instead, the only acceptable narrative determined that a riot was an insurrection, that insurrection threatened the overthrow of the United States, and that the insurrection continues to percolate throughout conservative circles. Any mitigating evidence to that overblown narrative was discarded.

Supposedly, the best way to ensure that narrative was to ensure silence. But Schumer’s call to silence Carlson is precisely the reason Carlson’s report went viral in the first place. The media-Democratic complex keeps exaggerating narratives, eliding any countervailing information, and then seeking to censor those who present such information; they keep burying evidentiary landmines hoping they won’t be triggered. Then the landmines blow up, and they’re shocked at the explosion.

We couldn’t be given the footage, according to our media and political elites, lest we draw the wrong conclusions. Herein lies the problem: the best way to avoid the American people drawing the wrong conclusions is to present them with the full evidence, and then let them draw their own conclusions. And that’s precisely what the elites in our media and the Democratic Party won’t allow.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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1 year ago

If you happened to watch some of the overseas foreign press coverage in the days immediately after January 6th, a number of those news outlets showed some of the same video footage that Carlson showed. Which is of course quite different from the MSM in this country decided to air. So the vast majority of the American public only got to see what the Democrats and the MSM wanted them to see. Which of course fed the narrative they were pushing.

My only concern with McCarthy giving all this footage to Carlson was that it should have also been given to other networks like Newsmax and real reporters like John Solomon, and the team at the N.Y. Post. Having to rely on just one person to decide what gets reported and aired, especially on such an important matter, isn’t a good thing. We still have a decent number of honest reporters in this country, and they should all be given access to all the footage.

1 year ago

We really need to get the Deep State out of our govt.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The liberal left are in charge of the narrative and Fox News threw a monkey wrench into that narrative.
There was no insurrection or coup on January 6th. The left knew people would go to the capitol to demonstrate. They put the FBI among the demonstrators to rile up the crowd and urged the crowd to go inside. But once inside the people were meek and kept walking through the ropes set out for visitors. There were no groups of people that attacked anyone. No policemen were killed that day. They committed (assisted) suicide?
Why wasn’t the capitol police informed on what to do in case the capitol doors were breached. Why? To make it more dramatic. Why was teargas deployed into the crowd? To rile these people up some more. This insurrection was orchestrated from within.
Let us hope that one of these days those in power who did this will be arrested and convicted and share a cell with Mr Chansley.

El Ey
El Ey
1 year ago

I’m wondering, is there any hope for our country to be governed by elected leaders who are honest, transparent and would follow the Constitution? All these “forever politicians” have been enriched and stayed in power by lying non-stop.
God please help us.

1 year ago

We are a Republic not a Democracy

1 year ago

I agree it should be given out to more News Agencies. News Max for sure + Christian Television Network

1 year ago

Why is it when mostly Black people burn down buildings & Police Cars, hurt, even Kill people it is called a Peaceful Demonstration by the Fake News & fake Politicans. BUT when WHITE people peacefully enter the People’s House with the help @“& guidance of the Police, it is a RIOT. Could it be Fear if Donald Trump, our Best ever President ???

The Chaplain
The Chaplain
1 year ago

Without seeing more of the actual footage, I disagree with Ben Shapiro’s claim that an actual riot occurred on January 6. If & when we see the rest of the footage, from what I have seen, there is significant evidence that government / FBI / Capital Police (eg. Ray Epps) plants & many others worked very hard to try & create a riot. I’m dubious that we will ever get to see it all so that we can arrive at opinions based on the facts. It is already very clear, that only by major editing of his actual words, President Trump could be accused of inciting what happened.

1 year ago

It wasn’t a riot compared to what liberals perpetrate; it was a protest compared to what liberals perpetrate.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

What we were not shown is truth and we all know it

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

I would get in on the “Shapiro is little more than a RINO shill of controlled opposition”, but right now I won’t.
I am on the cusp of being 70 and in doing some research since retiring away from 60+hour work weeks I have found that much of what we have been told about our “shining star on a hill”, are lies. One can go back to the 1911-1913 era to begin but lets go a bit further ahead and perhaps start in the late 1930s into 1940.
I will not try to convince anyone as it is difficult to remove cult like propaganda but I will suggest people use a decent search engine and look up, “The McCullum Memorandum”. Don’t waste your time on opinion posts… this one, but go directly to the memorandum and read it. It may throw a wrench into what we grew up believing regarding our entry into WW2.
What is really depressing is not being able to find, outside of individual behaviors, anything uplifting or “good” about this nations governance……… least since 1860 but more likely going back to the Monroe Administration.
“We” are not the good guys folks and finding that out toward the sunset of ones life is troubling.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

I’d had it with shapiro for quite a while, now. It has become more and more obvious that he is controlled opposition and an establishment shill. I’m not sure if he has been creeping toward the nonexistent center or if my eyes are just opening wider and wider, as we are steeped further and further into tyranny. My once considerable respect for ben shapiro has not only ebbed…it’s evaporated.

darius medea
darius medea
1 year ago

Jan. 6 was definitely NOT an insurrection. You could probably get by with calling it a riot, but certainly not as destructive as the BLM riots that shook up our Country about a year ago. Most of the so-called “rioters” acted more like tourists, not insurrectionists. The Jan 6 committee, made up of democrats and wanna-be democrats, had as their goal, to make the situation seem worse than it was. The police, in many cases, were co-operating with the “visitors” and having a pleasant conversation, not in fear of their lives. The members of this Jan 6 Committee should be arrested and tried for their attempt to overthrow the government.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

It was all about covering up election fraud and deceit by Fascist liberals by using Federal agencies against the American people and President Trump in a illegal and unconstitutional coup.
The Full J6 video footage shows the TRUTH and not the lies by Fake News, Swamp Queen pelosi, and rest of Fascist liberals.
There never was a riot or insurrection.
If you want definition of riot and insurrection, then see TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm who committed RIOTS, ATTACKING PEOPLE, BURNING FEDERAL BUILDINGS, BURNING POLICE STATIONS, DESTROYING PERSONAL and PRIVATE PROPERTY by the hands and supporters of FASCIST liberals in Senate and Congress including
Communist harris support who BAILED RIOTERS out of jail. Who along with LOUDMOUTH Maxine Waters promoting to attack Conservative Americans.
It’s all on record.
That’s insurrection and riots.

Mark Welch
Mark Welch
1 year ago

Did everyone forget about the attack on the Whitehouse and St John’s church burning?

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

Why isn’t anyone looking int the cops that supposedly committed suicide, was it really suicide or did they know too much and didn’t want to go along with the lie? Suicide ala Clinton style?

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Notice that the cameras were carefully situated? Where is Steven Spielberg when you need him? Maybe, some smoke and mirrors? This did not look like a spontaneous happening. It looked incredibly contrived. Under ‘normal’ circumstances; not even a skateboard would be allowed up the steps of the capital. Maybe, strange balloons however; would be allowed to fly over? It is a very curious situation. Its beginning to look a lot like a ‘stand-down’ for a television miniseries. God Bless This Lovely Country!

John Steinberger
John Steinberger
1 year ago

The Capital Police and DC Metro Police killed people, beat people and peppered the crowd peacefully assembling at the Capital Mall with concussion grenades, riot gas and rubber bullets. Epoch Times documented it all. I also want more reporting on FBI informants and Antifa involved in the Capitol riot.

1 year ago
  • The videos were also , and just as importantly , censored from the attorneys who were defending the tourist/protestors . That precedent should not be allowed to stand ! Whoever withheld those videos from the various defense attorneys belongs in jail. They’re the real actual traitors .
Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
1 year ago

If it was an insurrection, where were the guns? When was the last time you saw an insurrection by people who own guns without using them? Does the media think we are that stupid? The answer is apparently yes.

1 year ago

I believe the democrats wanted to harm President Trump at any cost. How much money did the Jan 6 communist committee receive to carry out the democrat party scam? I think these tapes show what it was, people went on “the people’s property” and got unruly. No big deal like what both the democrats and Jan 6 committee portrays. I think every person sent to jail should be released immediately and made whole. I think the Jan6 communist party should go to jail for lying to the people and stealing their money. Films do not lie, and these should have been aired a long time ago.

1 year ago

The article spells out EXACTLY what the problem is, the marxist democrat party lied, tells have truths, and only presents the narrative they want.
That’s NOT honest,NOT a representative government, it’s propaganda and deceit.
Throw the anti American marxist democrats out!

1 year ago

Are we a republic with a constitution, or a former shade of our selves as the elites drive their sheep (us) deeper and deeper into communist dogma?

1 year ago

what we weren’t shown by the J6 UNcommittee, was the TRUTH/THE FACTS… THE ONLY WAY TO FIX THIS PROBLEM APPEARS TO BE A REVISIT TO 1863!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Reveal More & all OK Must
Make into DVD set later

1 year ago

Truth and transparency, not from the J6 committee, not from most of our government agencies, politicians and definitely not msm. IMO

1 year ago

Here’s an email I sent to Tom Tillis earlier today. He’s one of the R (NC) senators objecting to Tucker Carlson’s presentation.

“Dear Senator Tillis:

I am very disappointed with your reaction to Tucker Carlson’s airings of the 1/6/2021 videos. If I were Jacob Chansley’s lawyer, I’d ask for a retrial due to new evidence being put forward, and YOU should argue for this as well. To have these previously unaired videos withheld from the plaintiff’s lawyer in the court of law is contrary to anyone’s right to a fair trial. All the evidence was NOT presented in court, and the prosecutors knew it. Meanwhile a person is sitting in a prison cell for 4 years perhaps due to a miscarriage of justice. The video shows Chansley being calmly escorted by at least 2 police officers down the hallways of the Capitol building and not exhibiting any violence whatsoever.

Why weren’t more security officers present knowing that President Trump’s speech surely would bring huge numbers of people to the Capitol? Where was speaker Pelosi, and why didn’t she prepare or ask for any help? Why aren’t outside agitators who had already gathered BEFORE the end of Trump’s speech being investigated? Why did many of the police officers there facilitate protesters walking through the building?

If the video revealed that Chansley HAD broken down doors, crashed through windows, or attacked officers or anyone else, I’d say, ‘Sure, let him stay in jail.’ But this Navy veteran did none of those things. Of the 6 counts against him, Chansley pleaded guilty to only one of them–obstruction of an official proceeding. Now, if you consider the obstruction (gate-crashing) at the southern border with its concurrent death, destruction, and despair, with the offenders enjoying posh hotels, 3 meals a day, and all sorts of goodies courtesy of me and other angry taxpaying Americans, I’d say, in comparison, Chansley’s case is a complete miscarriage of justice. Millions and millions of illegal invaders get away with THEIR heinous crimes, and yet our representatives and eagles of justice mete out a punishment on these people who got caught up in the fervor of what many Republicans believed to be a flawed election. President Trump DID call for a peaceful march; he did not order an insurrection. This whole story is filled with lies, misrepresentation, and false assumptions on the part of both the media and our government. If there is real justice in this country, you and other legislators should demand another fair and thorough investigation using ALL sources of information. Others are committing far worse crimes in this country, and yet there’s no punishment for them.

Media, the White House spokesperson, and the government–including people of our own party–have accused the rioters of killing 5 police officers (said Attorney General Garland), even though NOT ONE OF THEM was killed on that day! Why would you let this stand, Senator Tillis? One officer died the next day of a stroke, one died later of an accident, and the other 3 committed suicide after the event. The only person killed that day was an unarmed woman who also had served her country, Ms. Babbit, who was shot in the neck by a policeman as she entered the building.

This event is a lesson in the will of the American people. If we feel we are not adequately represented by the people we elected to Congress, we WILL let you know. If we think the sequence of events on election night, 2020, when Donald Trump had been leading until 3:00 in the morning, and then polling station windows were covered and suddenly ALL votes went to Biden, we WILL question the results. When we know Americans are not afforded due process, we WILL let you know, and we WILL expect another investigation into the matter. Please be the one leading the charge on this.”

1 year ago

… the fundamental purpose of systemic legislative J6 disinformation was, sanctifying a rigged election. And now, everyone knows it —

1 year ago

The democrats lied and set these people up. Disgusting politicians. A setup………

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

The most probable reason for the lack of effective action by those charged with doing so was their following of Rahm’s exhortation, ” Never let a good crisis go to waste.” It was opportunity time and they made good use of it. Some of them need to be given the same treatment as those being held in solitary confinement all this time with no trial dates set. Justice will be truly served when some of the top leaders are tried and jailed.

David Craig
David Craig
1 year ago

The elite do not believe we are bright enough to find the truth. But of course the American people are. We are now mad because over and over we have been lied to by this corrupt government. Both sides are lying and afraid of the truth. The truth will set us free and you can’t hide the truth forever.

1 year ago

Just look at all of the sensorship as the result of the Covid crisis. We are hearing now that these other knowledgable doctors were blacklisted because they (the CDC) wanted to present a certain narrative. That sounds a lot like censorship and propaganda to me.This is totally typical of the left and their news outlets.

1 year ago

Obviously Schumer loves censorship and is not a fan of the 1st amendment. All Democrats are not to blame when it comes to muzzling the truth. McConnell is another roach who wants to paint the insurrection as one sided and stop the whole story of what really happened that day. Yes, the insurrection was bad, but to compare it with the Civil War, 12/7/41, & 911. . . I don’t think so. We/ Americans are sick of the lies spewed by these politicians. I think we can handle the truth. It would be nice to see some justice done with these wrong doers. Will that ever happen ?

1 year ago

Ben Shapiro – another of my favorites!

His writings and his public speaking recordings at leftist colleges are treasures to watch. Probably too dangerous to undertake nowadays.

1 year ago

Just to let you all know our Local channel 17 NC said this morning that SIX people were killed that day. What a lie and that is the problem.

Louise Richardson
Louise Richardson
1 year ago

This statement is unnecessary and misleading: “Now, to be certain, a riot took place on Jan 6. In that riot, dozens of officers were injured; some 1,000 people were arrested.” “Dozens of officers were injured?” To call the entirety of what happened in the capital “a riot” is a stretch. Compared to the magnitude of the crowd in general, the rioters seemed to be a couple of hundred people, maybe, out of what, fifty-thousand, one-hundred-thousand? Compare this to the real riots in the cities just experienced that summer, which the media described as “mostly peaceful” protests. Why isn’t January 6 a “mostly peaceful protest” too, rather than a riot? The fact that the FBI arrested a 1000 people is indicative of nothing except the magnitude of the January 6 partisan witch hunt by our compromised politicized Justice Dept. These arrests are ongoing, and Justice is proud to say so. Arresting people and charging them is a tactic used to make the incident seem much more extensive and criminally serious than it was. The FBI arrested hundreds of people who did not enter the capital and were not aggressive in anyway–they were simply nearby, or they were swept up in the movement of people who went in and they couldn’t turn around and go back. Using FBI arrest statistics to justify making continuous hay out of Jan 6 would make Stalin proud. It’s what he used to do too.

1 year ago

They were all patriots that day and I have no issue with the way the footage was framed. The framing came from the government and the Jan 6th committee.
They and the judges denying these individuals their civil rights, should be charged with treason.
Continue to shine the truth light Tucker!

1 year ago

Free all political prisoners!

Douglas Williams
Douglas Williams
1 year ago

My first reaction to the Democrats is, now that we have a majority, to treat the Dems the same way. But that’s not the way to do it. Can you remember 20-30 years ago. Democrats and Republicans had differing ideas, ways, but both parties had the best interests of America at heart. It was sometime around the time of Hillary (not even Bill), Billl Clinton wasn’t that bad. Individual Dems are out for themselves, not America. If we keep trying to get the best of each other, America is going down the way of third world countries or worse. I realize people don’t like to hear the bible quoted, but if we don’t turn back to Godly ways, this country is in real trouble.

1 year ago

Censer censer censer say the ones who are caught in the lies they stole the election proof of it is being held for future trials they are scared and should be. Bookem Dan oh.

Chris Barnes
Chris Barnes
1 year ago

I hope the truth finally comes out, how can chucky shumer say that tucker carlson was lying or that it was misinformation. The video doesnt lie, the left and mainstream media are the bigger threat to our democracy because it undermines our first amendment for some but not others! That is a bigger threat to our democracy and censors one group, calling it misinformation because it goes against their narrative!

Ed Baldwin
Ed Baldwin
1 year ago

These bastards arw So damn full of crap. I can hardly stand it

1 year ago

Yet they justify surveying Facebook to find people that were there so they can prosecute them. ASHLI BABBIT’S murderer was hailed as a hero after gunning her down. She was unarmed and not posing a threat to anyone. In short, no one is backing down and many innocent people are being persecuted. We want the truth.

1 year ago

They are running scared now that we know the truth.

1 year ago


1 year ago

With 41,000 hours of unedited tapes is it possible the murder of Ashli Babbitt will be included?

1 year ago

Any intelligent human being knows that January 6 was a protest. It was not under any definition of the word an “insurrection”. Because the Democrats wanted a lie to manipulate the American people with, it was reframed. I remember clearly the reporting on January 7 which showed a few pieces of trash on the floor and one congressman picking up a cup. The reporter announced $23,000 of damage was done. Since then every possible cost has been added up to make it $1,500,000 – gross exaggeration. Chuck Schumer is a liar. The Democrats are liars. Tucker Carlson is a doing the work of journalism and not sensationalizing anything. But the Left is now desperate because they know the truth is being revealed and their corruption is clear.

Even the author of this article is still brainwashed and slants toward the Leftist narrative. How stupid is that!? It amazes me that people are so easily manipulated. There is evidence that the FBI incited violence through Ray Epes and others. The only fatality was one white woman, a veteran, who was tragically shot by a criminal cop. WAKE UP and stop buying the lies of the Left. They are desperate and now caught in their lies. I want their heads to “roll” and I want to see them do prison time for their attempt to hide the truth and make up egregious lies. The January 6 Committee was kangaroo court. Bernie Thompson should be punished, under the law, for his disgusting leadership of the real January 6 mob, that Committee. May God help reveal the Truth and Damn the Liars. God Bless America.

1 year ago

I’m so bored with these get Trump schemes. The dems don’t need these schemes to turn the US into a communist nation. China has almost already done it.
If this is the first time in our 247 year history that our capitol was “attacked” we’ve been too quiet.

Richard Tatum
Richard Tatum
1 year ago

Really would like to know the timeline of Ashley Babbitt shooting and evidence being presented to pips on the floor of Congress. I absolutely believe they would have been done simultaneously.

1 year ago

Cannot believe that Murdoch & FOX allowed Tucker to take Jan 6 tapes & piece segments together to make it look like the Capitol invaders were sightseers & not doing any harm. Tucker Carlson should be ashamed of himself for taking this stance against all of the Capitol police & Congress members that feared for their safety on Jan 6th. Tucker did not lie , he just slanted the news to support the riot group of that infamous day in USA history. Tueker: Do you support criminals or our law enforcement officials?

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