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What Kind of America Will You Choose?

Posted on Friday, October 2, 2020
by Outside Contributor

Much of the media would have you believe that the upcoming elections are really just about personalities. Who’s more empathetic? Who’s more dignified? Who’s more likable?

The truth is, Americans won’t just be voting for a particular candidate Nov. 3, they will be choosing what kind of country they want to live in, work in, and raise their families in. They’ll be deciding what kind of America they believe in.

As you go to the polls, ask yourself these questions:

Which America do you want to live in? One that upholds your right to freedom of speech and religious beliefs? Or an America that says only certain views are acceptable in the public square, and shames, bullies, and cancels those who disagree?

What kind of America do you want to work in? One like we had before the pandemic hit, when more Americans than ever said they were better off financially than they were just a year ago? Or one that insists we return to more taxes, regulations, and mandates on both individuals and businesses.

What kind of America will you feel safest in? One that honors and respects our law enforcement officers for putting their lives on the line to keep our streets safe? Or an America that calls for defunding the police and permits lawlessness and chaos in our neighborhoods?

Do you want an America where parents are free to choose where their children are educated or one where ZIP codes determine a child’s only option and perhaps their future? Do you want an education system that empowers families and rewards schools that succeed or one that props up the status quo and continues to fund those that fail?

The same could be asked about health care—do you want more choices at better prices or do you prefer the government making more and more decisions about what coverage you can have, what doctor you can see, and what your plan will cost?

How about the role of the judiciary?

When you vote for president, you are also voting for what types of judges will sit on the Supreme Court and in courtrooms across the nation. Do you want jurists that will interpret the laws as written or ones that make laws from the bench? There is a big difference.

From the interpretation of the Second Amendment and whether one has a right to own a gun to defend themselves and their property to the meaning of the right to life, judges matter.

Do you want to live in an America where we control our own borders and where those seeking to come here obey our laws? Or do you prefer open borders where we have little say about who comes and who goes, rewarding those who jump the line, and also providing easy entry for those seeking to do us harm?

What about America’s economic and energy independence? When it comes to consumer goods, medical supplies, and critical resources such as oil and natural gas, do you want to live in a country that can and is producing those for itself or one beholden to regimes like China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia?

Do you prefer a country that upholds America’s values on the world stage or one that sells them out to garner approval from international elites at the United Nations or the World Health Organization?

Finally, do you want to live in an America where we honor our founding and our history while learning from our past, or one where monuments are defaced and destroyed and history books are rewritten?

These are the choices you face when you enter the voting booth in November. Don’t think for a moment that your vote doesn’t matter. Or that you can sit this one out. Or that this election is just a personality contest.

You will be deciding which America you want to live in, work in, and raise your family in. Which American you believe in. The question is, which America will you choose?

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Presidents America plan
& link with others on FYI
Expand market AMAC

Kathleen Keegan
Kathleen Keegan
4 years ago

I am voting RED all the way. I don’t want a Socialist/Communistic government. I want an America that follows the Constitution.

4 years ago

Good thought provoking subjects that definitely need to be thought through before casting the vote. Any sensible American would definitely be voting the red ticket and not the blue!

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

This IS the last free election in AmeriKa as the 50 years + of pushing the liberal-communist indoctrination plan is almost complete. The water in the pot is starting to boil..

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

I want the America I have grown up with all my life. The America our Founding Fathers envisioned and wrote a Constitution to guide us. An America where the People decide and not career politicians. The America that has been envied all over the world.

Joe Barwinczik Jr
Joe Barwinczik Jr
4 years ago

I do not want to live in a communist country,, Mr. Biden wants that why doesn’t he and his supporters move to Cuba or Venezuela. Where they won’t face opposition and and they can have the violence down there and leave the rest of us alone. If any body has a complaint about climate change move to China and fight for it there, I am so fed up with Democrats!

Curtis Smith
Curtis Smith
4 years ago

voting straight republican ticket

Donald G Nichols
Donald G Nichols
4 years ago

Our USA has been in decline since I hsve been around 70 years.With our debt it will get worse.There is a book that tells us what the future holds and I have not read it all but the saying is,IN THE END THE LIVING WILL ENVY THE DEAD.What I have seen and heard the last 70 years is not comforting.There is good and envil and i see who is running us human beings.It is controled by money.Hang on we are in a time that will only get worse.I see China as the future leader of our World and unless we are working producers we are dead.

Debra McLean
Debra McLean
4 years ago

Vote RED i wont be one of your walking dead.
Dont tell me WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW to do it.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

It’s better to be thought of as a fool than to put a Biden sign in your yard and remove all doubt. ?

4 years ago

I am retired and voting RED because the TRUMPSTER actually cares about AMERICA and Biden is a complete moron//The one thing I hope is that every red blooded American woman will vote for TRUMP when it will effect her family more than any other group of people and her children/s future.

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

After i saw what nobamba and cult(democrats)agenda was and still is,i switched from an independant voter to a Republican.I vowed to never again vote for a democrat.There are some Republicans i would not vote for also.Nobamba divided this country along with other hate AMERICA things so bad that he should be tried for treason

4 years ago

I do not trust the democrat communists! Democrats want to pack the supreme court, eliminate the electoral college, add additional states etc. Everything they want will insure future victories for them! In the realm of ideas, democrats don’t want to compete! In the realm of ideas, democrats lose! Trump 2020!

4 years ago

Vote Red (Remove-Every-Democrat). Keep President Trump and Melania in your prayers I read that they both tested positive for coronavirus.

4 years ago

The election will basically come down to whether there are still more intelligent, rational voters left in this country or whether the Democrat system of so-called public education, otherwise known as the socialist indoctrination process, has finally created enough useful idiots to seize control of the country. If it is the former, Trump will win as he is offering the only sane path forward for this country. If it is the latter, then this will be the last free election this country ever has, as the country will have chosen socialism and all it entails.

The Democrats have plainly spelled out exactly how they intend to accomplish this by packing the Supreme Court, creating new two states out of Puerto rico and Washington, D.C., so they can have 4 additional Democrat Senators and additional House seats. They will then eliminate the Electoral College, which is the main mechanism for insuring all states, not just the most heavily populated ones, have a say in the election of the President. Once the Electoral College is gone, then California and New York, both permanent Democrat strongholds, will control who becomes President.

Then the fun really starts. With a packed Supreme Court and a permanent lock on Congress, the Democrats will be free to change or eliminate whatever parts of the Constitution they wish. Which will be most, if not all, of it. The packed Supreme Court will rule it is all perfectly constitutional. In short, any future elections will be as much of a joke as those in either Russia and China. Simple rubber stamps of authoritarian regimes, as the vote tallies will be manipulated to show the Democrats winning no matter how you actually vote in the future. The people of this country will be reduced to the serfs that Hayek wrote of and warned us about. Whose only function is to serve their masters, much as it is today in the countries that the democrats so admire.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Behind every socialist is a totalitarian!

4 years ago

RED! RED! RED! No communists dictators for me!

4 years ago

We will be voting Trump!

4 years ago

I’ll vote to preserve the Great America we have.
The ONLY choice is President Trump!
Anyone who votes for the others are low information,anti-American and believe in bias,riots and lawlessness

Mary J Oddo
Mary J Oddo
4 years ago

so well said. thank you

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

What we have may not be perfect all of the time. However it sure beats anything else available in the world. When we vote for Trump and retain the Senate,we can repulse the Socialist/Communists on the other side. If we are not successful,we shall have a modern form of the dark ages descend upon us. We must win. It is only the first step to maintaining our freedoms as we know them. MAGA/KAG/KAF 2020 TRUMP/PENCE.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Well said! The choice is clear!

Pamela L Shearhart
Pamela L Shearhart
4 years ago

Trumplican, I am!!!

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

What an excellent article and description of what is at stake! Every American should read this and realize how America can slip through our fingers. I don’t want to live in a Communist country. I treasure my 73 years here, I pray that Trump wins. It is the only way to save America for our children and grand children.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

Read the following for the writer is correct. It is up to you to choose if the idea that is America will continue or will it go the way of past “democracies”.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith,

From spiritual faith to great courage,

From courage to liberty,

From liberty to abundance,

From abundance to selfishness,

From selfishness to complacency,

From complacency to apathy,

From apathy to dependency,

From dependency back again to bondage.”

Which party will protect the rights given us in our Constitution and not allow us to slip onto the trash heap of history?

Linda Hutson
Linda Hutson
4 years ago

I choose Trumps America ??❤️

4 years ago

A good, simple presentation of the choices before us, just a month away, and one that anyone can understand! I’ll send the link to a few people I know…

When it comes to the freedom to decide these issues for myself or to hand over that responsibility to strangers, there’s no contest. I will always vote for Republicans, as long as they uphold those freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. Yes, I want to live my life the way I want to live it. The democrats/socialists are eager to come to power so they can take your power away from you. DON’T LET THEM!

Speedy recovery to President Trump and the First Lady, and to Ronna McDaniel.

Trump/Pence 2020.

4 years ago

The Democraps party is a party of hate. They have corrupted our justice system where they are in power. They are liars, cheaters and immorally void.
The dishonest media ( owned by socialists ) are the propaganda dropping fake news bombs almost daily. Giving the Democraps praise and do not tell the truth about the wonderful great things our honest, truthful, smart President does for us Americans.
The Democraps attempt to Take down our President and it continues daily it is ongoing. President Trump has been under attack by the Democraps party for over 4 years. It started during his campaign for President in 2016. Our President Donald Trump has been exonerated of every phony attack by the Democraps. And the impeachment hoax proved to be just the Democraps showing their anger because Americans voted Donald Trump to be our President.
A vote for Biden is a vote for antifa, defunding our police force, rioting in our streets as is going on in all the Democraps cities and states. A vote for Biden is a vote for socialism.
A vote for Biden and his card carrying socialist VP will the biggest political scandal in America history.
A vote for President Trump is a vote for Freedom, the second Amendment rights
( which will be taken away with biden ) President Trump will strengthen our police Force along with new training procedures to protect everyone even our police, a comeback of our economy as it was before the China virus. Record unemployment as is was before the pandemic of a 3.4%. Which was the lowest since 1969.
A vote for our President means a vote for safety for Americans from antifa and other terrorist organizations.
With Biden terrorist will be going wild as they are in all the Democraps cities and states.
President Trump offered assistance to these Democraps Governors. The Governor that excepted help the violence stopped with in hours.
God Bless our President and our First Lady while they fight their illness of the China virus.
Hopefully our President will be well so he can do the debates scheduled. So he can tell the American people his promises when he is elected for 4 more years as our President.
God Bless America.

4 years ago

Vote Red Republican all the way!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Just like in 2016, this election is all about: A. supporting the corrupt Washington establishment which the insider Biden typifies just as Clinton did or B. supporting the outsider, Trump, fighting that establishment and trying to drain he swamp. That “establishment” includes almost all Democratic politicians of course but also includes many federal government bureaucrats, some GOP politicians, and most of the Washington based media. They all feed at the same government pig trough. Compare Trump’s real accomplishments in just four years to Biden’s lack of same in 45 years. No contest. Trump gets my vote.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
4 years ago

Exactly! The election is about choosing candidates who want to uphold our U.S. Constitution, keep our capitalism and individualism ??????

4 years ago

Great video! I want a Constitutional government where the Feds follow the Constitution and NOT this living Constitution that changes every time some socialist wants it to! I want an America where ADULTS lead instead of all the children we now have acting like 5 year old when they don’t get their way. I want an America where government respects the people instead of patronizing us and thinks themselves gods!

4 years ago

I’ve been saying the same stuff for years now BUT I can’t get through to people who only see the other side of the argument. Trouble is, quite a few of them are veterans!

Dave S
Dave S
4 years ago

Powerful, concise presentation.

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
4 years ago

I was born in the West and grew up in the Rockies. Loved the mountains, outdoors, where great conservation of our natural resources (Great forest management) gave us clean water, good air, and freedom to enjoy it. Then came the ‘tree-huggers’ and really dumb regulations that undercut proper resource management, and brought bad water and air quality, then global warming and the cooked science that put panic in the hearts of the people, and still is an issue as they blame everything and anything on Climate change and still with the cooked science. All of what has been happening has a big ‘red’ line connecting the issue dots. I don’t even accept the use of the noun Democrat Party, but instead Luciferian Socialist Party USA. So now in my twilight years, I will still show up at the polls to vote in person, and vote Conservative … Real Republican Red!.

4 years ago

I want the America of the 1950-60’s: The President that led America after WWII did all the right things when our troops came home– GI loans, GI bill, and Marshall Plan put Europe back together & put Japan back together. FDR realized that by rest of world being healthy/self sufficient makes the whole world better . Today, too many countries look at as “What’s in it for me”. Even Abraham Lincoln had a lot to say about building others up to help all.

4 years ago

We have two parties & one is going to get elected. We do not need one party controlling Senate & House, or any party badmouthing judicial system when they do not agree with rulings. We have three separate branches: Executive, Legislative, & Judicial and they should remain independent. Lastly, people that want Socialism need to read more about what it is & what it has done historically, and then decide if they want to give up the freedoms that Americans have today . There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

I choose the America that President Trump will give us.

Albert G Witte
Albert G Witte
4 years ago

I would like an America with no lying, cheating dumocraps!

4 years ago

We all know better. I for one choose freedom. It is time to do something about these socialists, communists, Marxists, etc. They will not just fade away. They’ll be back! Steps must be taken to stop these people. Who will do that? If nothing is done ….. they keep gaining ground as the years go by.

4 years ago

I’m voting for Trump/Pence with no hesitation. I do not want socialism/communism. One leads to the other. They do what our media is doing now… Try to destroy anyone who doesn’t go along with all their lies and hateful arrogant behavior. The government owns everything. Can’t own your own home. can’t own land, can’t defend yourself and your family…can’t raise your own children and on and on. Anyone who votes Democratic is out of their mind and has no idea what they now stand for. I hope and pray we have enough smart and awake real Americans.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

I just hope that ALL Americans realize that to choose Biden would be to have a war and a one party political system in the United States. The only safe vote is for President Trump. In my 80 years, he is the only president that has done what he said he would do. That speaks pretty loudly to me.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

First Remove every DemocRat (RED), then we can eliminate all RINO’s and “old line” Republicans.  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

If we all get out and VOTE, YES we, the true AMERICAN Citizens CAN win back the House and hold the Senate!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Get our Children our of Public Schools and turn-off Mainstream Media!  Become a Free American!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Most Europeans came to America to get away from the “Swamp in their Country”.  Thanks to the DemocRats, now we have our own Swamp which is even more controlling and dictatorial!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Constitutional Christian Conservative = less taxes + more freedom.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

( D ) stands for communism and that is THAT ! ! !

Man places bullets on the counter in gun store. Weapon shop interior, ammo and ammunition assortment, firearms choice, shooting hobby and lifestyle, self protection
Close up shot of a judge gavel over USA flag
Virginia Republican candidate for lieutenant governor Winsome Sears takes the stage with her family during an election night rally at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles on November 02, 2021 in Chantilly, Virginia.

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