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What Has Happened to the America We Love?

Posted on Saturday, January 12, 2019
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What has happened to this America we love?  Why are we so disunited?  So insecure?  Why so hostile and untrusting of one another?  Have we outgrown confidence in ourselves? In those seminal ideals – individual liberty, equality of opportunity and limited government? 

Have we lost compass and confidence in our own ability to solve problems, lift ourselves and each other, without government direction?  Do we not remember how we got to this blessed moment?  Don’t free speech and religion, independent and responsible press, fair trials and accountable institutions matter? 

And why do so many national leaders puff, preen and point, defining themselves by hatred for those with whom they disagree, failing to see that victory is never secured in America by infinite, emotional, mutual recrimination?  Historically, even in recent history, this is not who we are, we Americans.

I was speaking today with a Republican who came to Washington from Maine in 1974, with a onetime young Republican Congressman, named David Emery.  Emery had won an upset election at age 26.  When he got to Washington, a seasoned Democratic Senator Ed Muskie, also from Maine, took both men under his wing.  Muskie, the archetypical Democrat, spent hours explaining congressional processes, rules and traditions to these young Republicans.  Muskie was down to earth, not self-impressed.  That kindness cost Muskie nothing; it was remembered forever by my friend.

In the late 1990s, when I worked as a staff director and counsel under the US House Oversight Committee, we examined issues tied to drug abuse, national security, public health and safety.  My job was working for Republican congressmen, eventually running a task force for then-Speaker Gingrich and bipartisan working group on the period’s drug crisis.

A shock:  While differences existed, members of both parties talked often and respectfully with each other in and out of hearings and briefings.  Current Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), spoke regularly on shared concerns with Republican committee members, such as Bob Ehrlich (R-MD), Mark Souder (R-IN), John Mica (R-FL), and Dennis Hastert (R-IL).  Respect was real and two-way. 

As a staffer, I managed the US House bipartisan drug policy caucus (1995-1999).  It was amicably and earnestly co-chaired by Republican Bill Zeliff (R-NH) and Democrat (D-NY) Charles Rangel.  They cared deeply about kids, public safety and ending that period’s drug crisis.  Those two, and a dozen others, including later DEA-head Asa Hutchinson (R-AK) and future Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), as well as countless senior Democrats, talked privately and publicly to get to solutions.  They got there, too.

Representatives from Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) to Karen Thurman (D-FL) would assemble regularly with common purpose – listening privately to FBI Director Louis Freeh, DEA Administrator Tom Constantine, US Coast Guard Commandants Robert Kramek and James Loy, Cabinet Drug Czar and General Barry McCaffery (a Clinton appointee).  No one interrupted, refused to come for effect, leaked things to the press, betrayed a confidence, or put personal ambition above solving America’s drug crisis. 

Similarly, running Speaker Gingrich’s Task Force on Counter-Narcotics, speakers came from both parties to share ideas, Clinton appointees like General McCaffery and Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Rand Beers, non-profit leaders of groups like Partnership for a Drug-Free America, DARE America, and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America.  The Conference of Mayors and National Governors Association worked with us.  Party was secondary.

So, I ask again – what has happened?  Agreement was regularly reached with relative ease between leaders at every level in both parties – over hundreds of billions of dollars, in an effort to save the country from that period’s drug crisis.  Members of both parties cared more about kids, public safety and public health than the next day’s news.  They really did, I saw it up close.    

Today, we face even more serious issues.  The present drug crisis, rather than taking 14,000 lives annually, takes 72,000 young lives annually.  Borders are being tested and need securing, along with better drug prevention, treatment, and support for law enforcement. 

Public health and safety are not a game.  They are deadly serious.  American individuals, families, towns and cities, states and regions, and nationally – want real answers.  We need to start talking again – and once again become that “One Nation, Under God” to which we pledge allegiance.

You heard it:  Conservative Republican President Ronald Reagan and liberal Democrat House Speaker Tip O’Neil met monthly for dinner, with common purpose, no press, no posturing for public consumption, just two Americans talking about getting things done for America.  The story is true; I worked in Reagan’s White House.  But I ask you – where are those leaders today?

 “We, the People” have to make clear – with urgency – what we expect.   A return to being proud, cooperative Americans would be a nice start.  Average Americans want “real answers” on things like exponentially painful drug crisis, better border security, stronger treatment, prevention, and law enforcement.  

How about leaders modeling adult behavior, and appealing in that way to our “better angels”?  There will always be rabble rousers, crazy socialists wildly out of sync with America and promising everything for nothing, as well as those who would use centralized government for other intolerance.  That is not us. 

America is one nation, and we should – at family, community, state, and national levels – start acting like one.  This notion that no one can talk to anyone who disagrees with them is hogwash, and frankly – about as un-American as anything on the airwaves now or ever.  Americans are just tired of it.

Big problems are not solved by finger-wagging, loud shouting, or an unwillingness to talk and compromise.  They are solved by responsible leaders stepping up, being accountable for the solution as if the whole mission depended on you.  That is a principle of moral leadership.  Now, enough of words.  How about leaders sitting down and leading – to outcomes for which they were elected.   That is the America we love.  Let’s get to it, shall we?

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6 years ago

Today, so many “we the people” have become lazy thinkers, educated in liberal schools and college systems by the “hippies and flower children” of the 60’s who were ‘anti’ everything, have not been taught the basics and fundamentals of our country, patriotism, nor ‘reading, writing and arithmetic’ and are lacking the foundations that were important that built our country; like God, manners, patience, tolerance (not the way it’s defined today, but the true meaning of tolerance) , mercy, fairness, forgiveness, debate, discussion, positive confrontation and positive criticism. They have huge chips on their shoulders, react with emotions rather than logic and reason, cannot accept that they might be wrong, don’t want correction or direction, would like just about everything handed to them, etc…I could go on and on. That’s what ‘s wrong with our country today.

“Our beliefs determine our values; Our values determine our decisions, actions and behavior” Author unknown

1 year ago

Even sadder now. Our government has us divided in so many ways. anti this anti that. Censorship, trying to force medical remedies that don’t work. Forcing things on us that are wrong. My truth, your truth. The truth stands alone. period. The truth has become a casualty. You cannot trust the media either. Jesus said to tell the truth in love. Jimmy Hendrix said “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” What a day that will be!

6 years ago

As long as we don’t define America by the rights and privileges we have in common, and instead see America as the bottomless trough from which citizens and non-citizens can take and take and take, there will always be a Grand Chasm dividing this country.
Border security in the form of a physical barrier, supported by technological and human interaction, should be the obvious route for protecting our citizens. That alone would solve a large portion of the drug problem, and a huge part of the criminal activity that flows over the border as predictably as coastal tides. Why 100% of us can’t agree on that baffles me, especially because prominent Democrats voted for it in the past. (I know; they hate President Trump.) And building a barrier along parts of the border that need it would cost us taxpayers a very small amount compared to the enormous costs generated by the illegals. This should have been a no-brainer.

As long as schools dole out socialist dogma and refuse to teach “real” history…
as long as our young voters take sound bites from Utopian cookie jars…
as long as almost all of the news media spout venom and misinformation against conservative viewpoints…
as long as people in power remain addicted to the adulation of the mobs….
as long as citizens of all ages and political persuasions refuse to do the research and engage in intelligent debate, I fear what this great nation will look like just a few years from now.

Keith Clark
Keith Clark
6 years ago

Any time I disagree with a Democrat I’m called a Racist, a Nazi, A White Supremacist.
This tactic is used all day every day to kill any communications.
It seems to me the Left is looking for a fight, a Civil War as their actions and demands get more Anti-American with every passing day.
They should beware of what they ask for.

6 years ago

There is no patriotism any more. The demo-rats and liberal socialist communist have made it so that anyone who shows any support for this GREAT country is labeled as a subversive, BUT IT IS THE DEMORATS AND GREEDY POLITICAL ELITES CAUSING THE DESTRUCTION IN THIS COUNTRY. I say “if you do not like our country then LEAVE and MOVE to some country that will have you!

6 years ago

I agree – its become extremely scary. A small but prime example can be found where I live. The state I live in is considered one of the major swing states. The county I live in has close to the same number of Republicans and Democrats. In the last election there were two main candidates for County Sheriff:
One was a Republican with over twenty years experience in law enforcement, including being the current chief of a major city. The other was a Democrat who literally had a criminal history going back many years which included several felonies. Needless to say this fellow had never even been to the police academy, let alone worn a badge.
The results of the election shocked me to my core. The convicted felon came within five percentage points of winning the election!!! This can be verified through Google. Since when did the good of the political party become more important than the good of the community and the nation???
A house divided cannot stand. Things must change if this nation is to survive.

6 years ago

I never understood how the civil war happened until the last two years. All because the left hates this President so much. I blame the opioid crisis on Hollywood and the media. They show how to do drugs, and how to get them. I even saw a major news network order drugs online from China. Just to show how easy it was. What’s wrong with this picture?

General Patton
General Patton
6 years ago

I believe the media constantly distorts matters, and wants constant friction between both parties. Second, we have never ever had such true Marxists scumbags like Pelosi, Ellison, and Schumer , truly vile people. They hate America!

6 years ago

One root of the problems we have today is the media. Groups of radicals feed the main-stream media with false information and rumor. It is unfortunate what they (media) have become with their hatred and willingness to misinform the general public. They are not journalists and they cause everyone to mistrust whatever is reported.

6 years ago

What Happened? There is a non-shooting Civil War happening. In order for any government to operate reasonably well, there has to be agreement to support the elected leaders. Without universal support, there is no respect. Without respect, there can be no compromise. Without compromise there is only hostility. Today we have unbridled hostility. We are just short of a “shooting Civil War.” The left was so angry about losing the 2016 election that they have since refused to accept the elected President. Today they prefer to destroy America rather than work with the elected official. It is childish, yes I know. That’s why we nicknamed them “snowflakes” because they melted with their disappointment. These are not adult Citizens, they are immature children. The Left-leaning leaders took on the mantle of non-cooperation until impeachment. This is Civil War — until everyone accepts the duly elected leader, we are going only in circles. This is even true within the Administrations own party. There are Republicans who refuse to respect and accept Donald Trump as the properly elected official. Today, despite the lowest unemployment in 46 years, despite the .the demonstration of a non-biased leader accepting and promoting black, other minorities, and women in all government assignments, the left creates lies and claims otherwise. The President has America totally revitalized. Taxes are way down yet total revenues are at the highest levels. Progress is being made nearly everywhere. But rather than acknowledge those facts, many persons are more intent on refusing to cooperate instead of doing what is right for the country.
How to change this? All Leaders must turn from hostility and begin to cooperate. Their present stature is doing great harm to their own party, and harm to the country at large. I don’t favor Republicans over Democrats or vice-versa. As a Citizen, I am insisting everyone drop their childish behavior and begin to work together for the greater good of America. We’ll know it when we see it. Shame of those who refuse.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
6 years ago

Sadly, divide and conquer has become the mantra of progressives, in politics, media & many in the public.

6 years ago

What I am reading below is more hate and blame – we all have to stop both. As a solution to the present crisis would it not be possible to offer 2.6 billion for the wall and 2.6 billion for other border security solutions as a compromise on both sides.

Donna W
Donna W
6 years ago

You hit the nail on the head, exactly! Wonderful article. All Democrats and Republicans must read this and take to heart!

Tom Reiva
Tom Reiva
6 years ago

The left is still so upset that Hillary did not win. They are the ones who picked her to run. But Trump clearly outcampaigned her and he won. It’s beyond my comprehension why they’re still upset and trying every trick to discredit Trump instead of working together, debating, etc. in the interest of we Americans. Congress has a great opportunity to fix many things needed to help the country, but Trump has done so many things on his own to make our life better. It’s confusing!

6 years ago

I rarely see negative behavior from the Republicans.

6 years ago

We stopped paying attention to what was happening. We sat down and watched the 6 O’clock news and looked no further for the truth. We became afraid to say the truth. Don’t be afraid to support or not dismiss someone if the truth hurts!

6 years ago

Really? Rangel, Cummings are good people? Learned from Muskie? This author seems to be part of the go-along, get-along country club Republicans that are nearly as much to blame as liberal dimocrats for getting us into the mess we’re in! Every “compromise” they’ve had with dimocrats has given them everything they wanted and Republicans walk away with nothing most of the time! Instead of getting along, Republicans need to fight for their principles! The downfall of the country can be traced back to progressive dimocrats- any way you want to look at it! Their allies in the media are hammering President Trump every day and gutless Republicans won’t help!

Kim Heisler
Kim Heisler
6 years ago

One of today’s issues, is the apparent hatred at the top. These leaders raise Hugh amounts of campaign funds and make the less known and newer members feel beholding and thus follow their leads. It doesn’t appear Representatives and Senators reach across the aisle anymore .

6 years ago

Our big problems in the USA will only get worse because of the Democrats and Republicans.I have learned this from the 50s.People returned from World War 2 and went to work to raise a family.People knew their neighbors and mothers stayed home to take care of their children.We go to War and after we start to rebuild their country and start the cheap trade with them.Mothers had to go to work and someone else had to take care of their children.This and our future is in a book.It is all based on Greed.I was told at a young age that people are numb to the fact we are in decline and the Majority do not care.This will not be repaired because money is in the way.

Julia T.
Julia T.
6 years ago

Stop hating Trump and love America! This is the best article I have ever read and it is so very true! The Liberals and the media are so intent on hating Trump that they will not try working with him!

Bob Ireland
Bob Ireland
6 years ago

Bob: I believe we the responsible public. probably in 2020 will have to vote in, like we did with President Trump, responsible people, and probably not lawyers, to get this country back on its feet. President Trump is crude to say the least, but I believe he has done so much more for this country than has been done for a long time. He is a business man, not a politician and understands, I believe the business of these United States. Just my thought. I agree with what all the responses say, and I think none of it is new news. We must take a stand as members of the Great Nation.

6 years ago

What happened was ” diversity”. This is what you get when there are so many different types of people living in one country. 25 years ago I told friends of mine that diversity would be the ultimate downfall of this country. It is impossible to have so many different kinds of people who think so differently than the normal that nothing but conflict will be the end results. Funny, my friends said I was crazy. Wonder if they still feel that way now. Hey, no problem with different people entering the country, as in the past, but when we push 2 for Spanish, that should tell you enough.

6 years ago

Great article and 100% on target.
So how does this happen? How do we get back to cooperation and bi-partisanship. Individuals can only vote, yet we
Continue to elect those who only want what THEY want and to hell with anyone who disagrees

Silas Longshot
Silas Longshot
6 years ago

The US population was somewhat contentious for all of my voting years (52 years of that) but seemed to get along pretty well for the most part. However, when 0bama was elected, from the first day, he sought to drive wedges between every possible cooperative situation, in driving wedges between race, sex, religion, political stand, rich or poor, age, ANY ISSUE that could be thought of, while at the same time encouraged ‘confrontation’ with those he thought his followers should oppose. After 8 years of this BS causing festering anger and resentment (as carefully crafted by 0bama’s minions) naturally inflames BOTH sides of every divisive issue. And should ANY hostile group (ANTIFA for instance) imagine even for one minute that the political result of their actions worked in their favor, it will truly explode across the country. The gain in democrat positions (thru voter fraud in no ID states) may have encouraged this kind of thing for the 2020 elections to be the most insane and openly hostile ever in American history

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
6 years ago

I think two words could define what happened—Barack Obama!

6 years ago

It is not an accident that we are in the midst of the ‘early’ stages of our 2nd Civil War. Many of us didn’t regard the prior 8-year administration anymore kindly than the Left regards the Trump administration with overwhelming resentment and pure hatred. Obama’s legacy was his unbridled indoctrination of every fabric of our culture, society and government. Make no mistake that he effectively manipulated and contrived every fabric of the deep state bureaucracy into devisive, weaponized vehicles (IRS, NSA, DOJ, FBI,etc.) with the aid of the US (left wing Pravda) media of the democrat party. We all fumed while we watched the disease of this pariah spread and were helpless, in part by the ineptness of the self-indulged, Republican milk-toasts that didn’t hardly raise a protest to the unchecked executive orders and blatant stomping of the confines of our country’s constitution. And of course, there was ALL of that manipulation going on behind the scenes under the cover of darkness within the deep state bureaucracy by all-to-willing bureaucrats provided the promise that they indeed were protected by the iron curtain of the Obama inner sanctum. So, don’t be diluted that there is not a very real civil war going on, and it wasn’t started nor perpetrated by the Conservative, Constitutional toting patriots of this country. Keep reading up on current works on the subject of the current civil war.

Ernest E. cline
Ernest E. cline
6 years ago

Need term limits badly. They have been in office too long. Democrats (P & S) have to have things their way. We have a good leader and people should work together. I would take a miracle for the Democrats to do this as long as Trump is in office and I will vote for him again

6 years ago

What we have now is the culmination of ninety years of steady progress on the part of the communist movement. Yes, communist. They relabeled it as progressive. If any of you have time, the classic book ‘Witness’ by Chambers is worth a read. The introduction alone is quite valuable. Another is ‘The Quest for Cosmic Justice’ by Sowell. In it, the author explains that the left assumes the role of God in reimagining the existing order of things. The long and short of it is that these people are more committed to their vision than most of us are to ours. They are patient and determined. While we played golf they indoctrinated our kids. They thought they would win it all in 2016. The rage we see every day is their real selves, not a temporary derangement. Im sorry to disagree with the learned author, but compromise with the modern incarnation of this movement Always results in them advancing their agenda. What to do? Talk to the young people in your lives, but first make sure you understand the real nature of the battle.

Army Vet
Army Vet
6 years ago

The America we love was attacked – not just by the perpetrators of 9/11, but by the ‘offended’ eco-, sex-, and communist big government terrorists that want to dictate every nook and and cranny of our lives; from what we are allowed to say and think, to what light bulbs to use, whether we are allowed to exercise our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, to defend ourselves and our families, how much of our income we ‘should be allowed’ to keep, how much we should pay to make illegal alien invaders feel welcome and to attract new ones, what doctor we are allowed to see, if we can use plastic straws, how much salt or sugary drinks we are allowed, all the way to what ‘should’ be going on in our bedrooms, or whether, or not they are allowed to indoctrinate our children in islam against our will. The Brits got kicked off the continent by our founding fathers and fought against with tooth and nails for a lot less. The ‘offended’ left are the worst offenders in all of America’s history.

Don Warmus
Don Warmus
6 years ago

Comparing the situation in place during Newt Gingrich’s days as House Majority Leader and today’s is ludicrous. Gingrich saw to it that the only way liberal elements in the House and the Executive Branch could get anything through was by compromising with the conservatives. In those days there were numerous “Blue Dog” Dems who were interested in the betterment of the American Way of life and the best interests of the USA. Good luck finding ANY of those in today’s House. On the contrary they have become even more radical leftists if that is even possible.

Rev. R.S. Helms
Rev. R.S. Helms
6 years ago

When we, as a nation, a Christian nation – decided to take God out of our nation we started removing respect for others, that led to lose of self respect, to lose of moral values, godly principles, to lose of integrity, and the more that we fought against it the more divided we became, and the more that Liberal-Socialism used ridicule against those who were of “antiquity” (old fashioned)… it is when the Government started to control the people. That delusional evil is now called progressivism and globalism, … now to the point that liberal Christianity is teaching that God has to keep up with the advancement of His Creation. Socialism, has never worked in any nation in the history of the world, and socialism operates (in most part) without God. This is a Christian Nation which has taken Christ out of everything we do except on days at the church-house. and as long as our citizens continue in the disrespect of God, the worse and viler and diabolical it will become.

6 years ago

Wonderful piece and so simple. But so hard. The left has worked so hard or so many years to indoctrinate. Let’s get our schools back to teaching the three Rs….and no more b.s. Let’s teach and stick to the Constitution. Can the kids of today even spell Constitution?

Diane Jone
Diane Jone
6 years ago

Oh to have this type of behavior once again would be ideal. With college professors spouting liberalism, with people running for government like the young girl from NYC that profess they are Communist, With all the hatred of everyone esp. after the Re Distribution of Wealth spouted so often during the Last president’s terms, you drum it into people over and over and they start to believe it. We are in a new kind of Civil War now. You just don’t really know who is who. How many in Congress have broken laws??? How many have become #MeToo candidates over the years.??? They aren’t any better than the common person. We need term limits, we need to corral contributions esp. by Big Businesses, We need to corral PAC $, no lobbying after terms, no pension. You come in with what you have, you keep it during your terms and you leave and go back to where you came from and live by the laws you pass. What an original idea!!!!! Then the Congressional pension fund is migrated into Social Security fund. Same laws followed.

I think you’d see quite a change. Congress was never set up to be a lifetime job. They get a pension that is almost the exact amount of their pay even for one term. How many Americans get anything like this???? They are so out of touch with the real world that this has to change.

6 years ago

I agree 100 % Since President Trump was elected the Democrats have and are still on a witch hunt to try to find something wrong. Fortunately President Trump has not let it get to him, he has moved forward and has accomplished a great deal for our country.There are a few extremely arrogant democrats that are acting like spoiled rotten children, speaker Pellosi is number one and has been for a long time, several of her erronius statements have become famous.” Like we needed to pass Obamacare so we could see whats in it”. I received a Letter From Sen. Thom Tillis telling me all the bipartisan bills that were passed why does the News Media not share these things with the public as well as the things The President has accomplished. It is my opinion that they do more harm than good.

Deborah Rosser
Deborah Rosser
6 years ago

Like all major social change, this situation didn’t happen overnight. In my lifetime (born 1955) I have witnessed a relatively stable and civilized society decline steadily starting with the declaration that saying the Lord’s Prayer in public school was unconstitutional. Until then, we started each school day with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, establishing an attitude of reverence for learning and patriotism for our country. Public education was heavily influenced by leftists who wanted to teach our youth that morality is relative, family and church don’t matter and our institutions of family, church and government need to be dismantled to give people more freedom to live any way they want. Leadership was discouraged and we wonder why we have a severe lack of leadership. Respect for authority was discouraged, and we wonder why our law enforcement is not respected. Rising divorce rates and unstable families have been a terrible result of the decline in society we allowed to happen, and we wonder why manners, common sense and civility are rare?

6 years ago

Great article. BOTH sides need to read it then get on their kness and ask God to gorgive them thencome bak to Washington DC and do what is right for America and all of her citizens.

Esther Roark
Esther Roark
6 years ago

a big thank you


Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 years ago

The author, Robert B. Charles, writer of this article asked the question: ” What happened to the America we loved?” Well Charles please allow me to enlighten you a bit.

You touched on it briefly and then continued to beat around the bush looking for the truth to pop out. Robert, you wrote “There will always be rabble rousers, crazy socialists, …” Pssst! The “crazy socialist” are not really crazy even though they try to bring about a false political theory that always fails in practice. Socialism appeals to those who envy the rich. They want a piece of the pie but they won’t work with the same zeal, determination or risk all that they have to succeed financially. Instead, they want the government to provide everything for them.

This is the thing, our country has been split by the those who promise something for nothing. “Vote for me and I will work to reduce your financial burden with government assistance.” The people who find that promise appealing are the same ones who prefer to take the easy way out of every responsibility that a healthy competent adult citizen is expected to shoulder.

It’s not the government’s job to “assist” individuals. Worse, the government doesn’t “help” anyone, because it doesn’t have any money of its own. ALL government support to individuals comes from the wage earners who pay taxes. Thomas Jefferson said it about as well as any of the Founding Fathers:
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work, and give to those who would not.” We are not talking about those who are disadvantaged in mind or body, we are citing the laggards who could work to earn their own way, but prefer to be human parasites.

So Mr. Charles, the next political candidate who promises to “help” individuals is the very one who is causing our political split, a divide that pits the taxpayers against the taxsuckers.

Mike B
Mike B
6 years ago

Amen. If we don’t start talking to solve our problems, I can only see an end to this great experiment a Democratic Republic called The United States of America.

6 years ago

I long for the real America to come back

6 years ago

Thank You

Rebecca Drummond
Rebecca Drummond
6 years ago

What happened? Well, in the mid-1960s we discovered drugs, or some of us did. From there we graduated to rebellion, lack of respect for authority, and, having been told by (guess what!) the media that we were the smartest generation America has ever had and that the adults should listen to our wise advice. Yes, it’s true!

I was their age and was absolutely stunned that adults could capitulate to the know-it-all 60s Generation. Forward to the 20 teens, we now have the children and grand-children of the 60s Generation telling us how great Socialism is, pot is harmless and good for you, free sex and abortion is still where it’s at, etc., etc. etc.

We have been through a strange array of presidents during that time, the last one of which we were so proud of ourselves because we finally elected a black (half) man for the office. However, once in office, he arrogantly announced that he planned to “fundamentally change” America, and he set forth to do that and almost totally succeeded. He seemed to be, to quote his future vice-president Mr. Biden, “A clean black man . . . . ” because he had a cool and sophisticated demeanor. Why, his manner of speaking (although he read every word of his speeches off a teleprompter) was almost declared better than JFK! We all pretty much know what he did to the United States in his eight years in office. The evidence is all around; however, his efforts have taken a beating by another different President, Donald J. Trump. Despite the efforts of the deep- state democrats and some never-Trumpers, President Trump has succeeded in reversing many of Mr. Obama’s unconstitutional power grabs.

It’s time for the Republicans in Congress to put on their big-boy pants and help President Donald J. Trump Make America Great Again.

6 years ago

I find it difficult to understand that if they did such a good bi-partisan job, why do these problems still exist. They didn’t get them solved obviously.

Thomas H
Thomas H
6 years ago

The answer to what happened is America, like the great empires of old, is in its inevitable period of descent. Not very long ago, the Greatest Generation voluntarily underwent deprivation and borderline starvation so that our nation would remain free and prosperous for those who followed. Then came the hippies who tried to change our nation through protests and public defiance, but, being stopped at Kent State, then changed course – promising to become our “teachers, judges, and politicians” to force us to do things their way. In this, they succeeded greatly. Not only did they take over those three professions, but they took control of the all-important fourth estate… the media. During that period (1970 to today), the right became complacent. Except for the eight years of Reagan, the four Tea Party years, and the few months following Trump’s election, the right basically gave the left very little opposition. Although we are now in our 11th hour, we can still try to save our country, but it will take great sacrifice. First, we have to truly humble ourselves before God to say that we are sorry for what we have (and have not) done, and then, follow it up with concrete action. Above all, the media monopoly has to be broken – winning in all other areas but failing to do that will ultimately end in failure. Then the hard work of balancing our budget, securing our borders, opposing all enemies, fixing our schools and churches, electing the right people, writing the new laws, etc. will begin – but with the left now fiercely opposing us at each and every step. Since doing this will cause many of us to be jailed or worse, it is far easier to seek the temporary comfort which acquiescence gives, but the cost of doing so lead to the same end, only quicker. Many of us seniors will not be able to accomplish this, so to whom would this task fall?

David Campbell
David Campbell
6 years ago


6 years ago

I hate to admit it, but I used to be a democrat. I foolishly trusted the government to do the right thing. I soon found out that I can’t trust the government. And as far as i’t concerned you can’t trust the lib and the democrats. And maybe some oil the Republicans who are called Rhinos I probably would have voted for obama ’til I heard him say when he was campaigning that he wanted to fundamentally transform America. I didn’t know what he meant and switched parties. I am so glad that I did. Now it the libs and democrats that are ruining our country. Pelosi and Schumer as far as I am concerned don’t care about America or even Americans for the way they act.
They are just about money and power.

Victoria Postelmans
Victoria Postelmans
6 years ago

We’ve only to read God’s word to know what has happened to our world. Liberal means freedom from rules, laws, morals and religion if you ask me. I blame the politicians also for using the people in order to get their job and then keeping their job by getting people to vote for them by promising them everything!

Roger Davis
Roger Davis
6 years ago

Since this nation was started by many who believed the Bible to be the word of God and tried to live by it’s guidelines that is why God has blessed this country. But even though many did not follow those guidelines most U.S. citizens did believe in the God of the Bible and went to churches that proclaimed His truth. But gradually things changed until around 1960 more people started to rebel against God and His ways until now it seems that the Democrat party is completely opposed to what God intended, some violently.
It has gotten to the point where abortion is seen as a sacrament to the Greek goddess Artemis as mentioned by a liberal author, Ginette Paris. If you want a picture of where things stand now, get a copy of a book by Jonathan Cahn, “The Paradigm”, where he compares happenings in ancient Israel to this country. In fact, it’s uncanny how things then are similar to what has happened here.
He gives some facts that even most Democrats are probably not aware of. And speaking of Democrats, it seems that they hate President Trump so much that they would rather focus on what they can do to destroy him than to protect our citizens from many evils that have happened due to illegal immigration.

Kathleen Valianti
Kathleen Valianti
6 years ago

A great article. I agree with you completely. This could be a great nation again. I believe that is why Donald Trump won the election. Americans are looking for some semblance of peace, at least in America!!! We are waiting for our leaders to start acting like they give a darn. President Trump can’t do it alone. If the democrats would grow up and start acting like they care about America instead of behaving like a bunch of sour grapes and started working as a team, maybe we COULD make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! God please bless America and our President!!!

6 years ago

Should get to know the actors in the play then , you brought up one good point . America needs leaders first . Two you have billionaires serving themselves , case in point Soros who was kicked out of Greece funding all the hate . Some other clown billionaire going to colleges and polluting our young minds and funding impreach the President . These people are swaying people how to act . They want to destroy America and the Free Press is at their service 24/7 365 days . This is not politics , this is for Real !

Empty polling station with white voting booths and American flag. Elections in the United States. Empty polling station with row of white voting booths decorated with American flag at vote center. Presidential American elections in the United States. Democracy and election day concept.
Press conference of Donald Trump, President of United States of America, during NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization SUMMIT 2018
george soros funding; USAID

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