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We Are All Jews

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Set of 3 religious symbols: islamic crescent, jewish David s star, christian cross

Have you ever stopped to consider words and phrases we too often take for granted?

Civilizations are real. The culture and civilization of Asia are very, very different from the culture of Africa. And the way things work in Afghanistan is very, very different from the way they work in Australia.

And our civilization is the Judeo-Christian Civilization.

Have you ever stopped to think what that phrase actually means? We aren’t just Christians, and the West isn’t something born in Europe.

Now, I could spend thousands of words defining what Judeo-Christian Civilization stands for, and I’d enjoy it too since my undergraduate degree was, in fact, Philosophy and Theology. But I’m not sure you would enjoy it! So let me stick to just what matters in this time of war in the birthplace of Civilization, the Middle East. 

Yes, the deep roots of the West lie in Ancient Greece, with the first philosophers and their love of wisdom and human reason. But their religion was an anthropomorphic polytheism in which their multiple Olympian deities were just as capricious, jealous, and selfish as their worshipers down on Earth.

And yes, the second ancient source of our culture comes from ancient Rome, with its predictable laws and its Senate, but it too was a brutal culture, as evinced by the mass slaughter of the Games in the Colosseum and the judicial murder of mass crucifixions.

But we are nothing as a civilization without Israel’s influence, and the act of ultimate love from a Jewish carpenter nailed to one of those Roman crosses.

Why? First, because the Jews were the chosen people, and instead of believing in many gods who were just pale reflections of themselves, they believed in one god, the True God, and they actually had a relationship with him, the Covenant. Greeks and Romans had no meaningful relationship with their gods except for obeisance.

Beyond that monotheistic reality, there was the unique nature of Jewish theology.

When the Bible speaks of Man made in the image of God – imago dei – that isn’t poetic flourish; that is the actual foundation of our whole civilization.

Ask yourself a simple question: why do have rights? Because a government decided? Or because your rights are divine, derived from your being made in the image of He who made you? In fact, just ask the Founding Fathers. There’s a reason we have “unalienable rights,” and they knew it. That’s why they mention the “Creator” in our founding document and do so with a capital ‘C.’

So, to that Republican student leader from Stanford who asked me in the Q&A after I spoke to the San Matteo Republicans at their Regan dinner last week, the war in Israel matters.

Your advice that we should just pray for Israel and do nothing more because “it’s not our war” is dead wrong. And your assertion to me afterward that we aren’t a “Judeo-Christian” civilization, but just a Christian one, and that Jesus was just an “ethnic Jew” couldn’t be more wrong. Just listen to the Messiah himself who told us: “I did not come to destroy the Law or Prophets but I am the fulfillment of them,” (Mat 5:17-20), a Jew who worshiped at the temple all his life. We are one civilization, and this Saturday, it was reinforced by a Jewish American.

I was at the veterinarian clinic with my Belgian shepherd, Killian. As I waited, an elderly gentleman with his 14-year-old German shepherd recognized me from my Newsmax show. We chatted at length about what happened on October 7th and what needs to happen to the savages of Hamas. He was born in Israel to Jewish parents who escaped Hungary before the war and moved to the reborn nation of Israel in 1948.

At the end of our chat, he tapped his side and said: “I’m ready for them. If they try and kill me, I’ll take a few of those bastards with me.”

I tapped my pocket in response and told my friend, Shlomo, “I’m ready too.”

One Civilization, one Fight, one Team.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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1 year ago

Amen. I have always said we are all Jewish. I have laughed at, but something inside my gut or mind tells me this. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. This world is going the wrong way. The United States needs to pray every single day and teach our children and adult children that GOD is the creator of mankind. We are standing by the Jewish people always. Stop funding colleges or any groups that protest against ISRAEL or JEWISH ✡️ PEOPLE. WE AS A CIVILIZATION CANNOT ALLOW ANOTHER HOLOCAUST. OCTOBER 7. 2023 should never have happened and cannot be undone, but WE NEED TO STOP IT NOW. AMERICA STAND UP FOR ISRAEL NOW!

1 year ago

This article is very well written. As a roman Catholic, I always saw ( or believed ) that am Christian and not Jewish at all. However your article points out quite well that we all have Jewish roots. Thank you for this intriguing article.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We may not be of the same faith but beyond the reasonable doubt are in the same boat We need to paddle with Israel

Tom In FL
Tom In FL
1 year ago

What is wrong with this current college generation. Many , if not most, we’re not around for 9/11 and many more we’re too young to know. But, let me tell you, there were no Jews piloting those airplanes and our failure as witnesses, is the fact that we are not demanding history as the current older generation learned it. In spite of the Obamas and Bidens in this world we are still the greatest country around and no amount of marching and vandalism is going to change that. As someone who was drafted in the 60s, I despised LBJ, but did my patriotic duty and Served in Vietnam. We don’t need the draft back but, a little dose of history, served proudly by patriotic Americans along with respect for Constitution might go a long war toward protecting our way of life “FROM MANY ONE”.

1 year ago

We were all created by the same God; no matter which name we choose to use…Jesus is the Son of God and we are here because of him.Sadly the Devil is at work to destroy the World.

1 year ago

If you are a Muslim, their belief is to kill non-Muslims. So, once they are finished with Jewish people, they will go after the rest who are non-Muslims. It is in their Hadith to kill non-Muslims.

1 year ago

Excellent article, excellent!!

1 year ago

I personally get enraged watching “young” Americans riot more than just protest in support of Muslim Hamas Terrorists! We are a Christian Nation AND therefore have More in Common with the Jewish Faith and Nothing in Common with the Muslim Faith! Our public school system is riddled with teachers who obviously HATE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS and AMERICA NEEDS TO CLEANSE THESE COMMUNIST, YES COMMUNIST WANNABES, IF WE ARE TO REMAIN A CHRISTIAN NATION!

1 year ago

Good explanation, Dr. Gorka. I believe the problems arose when the government took religion out of schools, as well as history. I remember as a kid getting an hour a week of release time for religious instruction, but that was 70 years ago.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Anyone who supports ppl who put babies in ovens should put their arse where their mouth is and move to Gaza. Bring your rainbow flags and western attitudes with you…

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

We are ALL the same. We breathe, eat, bleed (same color of blood), laugh, cry, work, raise families, believe in GOD, help each other, have neighbors and friends while trying to live our lives the best we can.
But we have Racist like obama who is half White and a White Supremest and his White Supremest Dictator Beijing biden who wages Race Riots using Terrorist antifa and Terrorist blm to destroy American cities with Illegal and Unconstitutional Executive Orders against White people by committing DISCRIMINATION against Americans.
Then there are those around the world using same tactics as obama and Dictator Beijing biden for POWER and CONTROL saying we are the problem when they are the ones that created the problem.
The problem is NOT with people but the governments that run/ruin everything and create problems that don’t exist. See democrats for problems they created and how the non-thinking believes their lies.
We are ALL the same. We are one race. We are Human Beings.

1 year ago

As Christians we worship the same God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We worship the One, Eternal God. Jesus Christ was from the House of David. Our Jewish root is deep and real. I stand with the Jewish people.

1 year ago

Thank you Dr. Gorka.
Students are so in lack of knowledge and understanding, thanks to John Dewey the American Marxist who hated God as much as Marx did. Dewey developed our education system in the 1920’s to EXCLUDE the great classics, and to ignore morals in stories. We see now it was progressive Marxism, little tiny steps by little until we have reached this point now in our institutions. A small number of atheists managed to take away prayer, and also the respect of each individual, and the list goes on and on. Even fairy tales were scorned beginning in the 60’s! Why? Because in fairy tales the GOOD always wins. And of course Bible stories are the best to teach the goodness of things.
For those in this country who scorn the Judaic/Christian tradition let them live in the world as it was before our grand western civilization came into being. Much of what has been invented, the contributions in most fields, the sciences, math, the medical field, and many others simply would not exist, without the peoples of the one God of the Old and New Testaments. Especially awesome are the freedoms we have. People are not cognizant of their own heritage which is so extremely rich it is amazing. If only they could realize and understand what they have.

1 year ago

Who the hell do the marxist democrat party in Michigan think they are, these traitors, whitmer, benson and nessel are forcing their destruction on not only Legal Citizens but also attempting to keep President Trump from being on the ballot in 2024!!
THROW THESE Anti American, self serving LOSERS out if office!
They are who should be barred from office because of their unconstitutional tactics,racism and hateful attacks on LEGAL American Citizens!
They all follow in lockstep with the marxist democrat party politics of GREED and IMMORALITY!
They promote division, baby killing and minors having gender changing surgery WITHOUY parents being involved.
WHAT is wrong with the people who support these anti American LOSERS??????
useless,failure,whitmer actually thinks she could move up and be a presidential candidate ( a JOKE ) how about we BAN HER from being on ANY ballot for public office???
SHE is a political hack. And only cares about her own GREED and power.

Galynn Ferris
Galynn Ferris
1 year ago

Do you believe there is a creator? I didn’t ask do you believe in God. I asked do you believe there is a creator of some sort or is everything we see simply the random interaction of protons and electrons? If there is no creator, there are no inalienable rights. If there are no inalienable rights, there is no Constitution.
There is no common ground with those who do not acknowledge a Creator. I invite them to go someplace where others believe as they. Like Gaza perhaps.

1 year ago

It’s time the world recognized the sanctity of life, Our God given Rights and allowing Faith ,Family and Freedom to flourish!
Those ideals are what makes America , truly America!
God bless us All.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Islam wants to DESTROY THE WEST since BC era

Hope McCloud
Hope McCloud
1 year ago

One correction – the tense in the following sentence is incorrect. Should be present instead of past:
First, because the Jews were the chosen people”
They still are. God in His great mercy has allowed the Gentiles (all non Jews) to be grafted in until it is time. Romans 11:25

1 year ago

Sadly Israel does not afford their own citizens the right that Dr Gorka and his elderly friend enjoy. The folk who were so savagely slaughtered had no tools to defend themselves. Heartbreaking.

1 year ago

Think about it..this is correct.

1 year ago

Sorry, Mr. Gurkha, but I dont agree with your headline statement : "We are ALL Jews"...In actuality there NO pure descendants of Jew Abraham/Jacob living today. That was conclusion by a genealogy professor from Israels leading university. Over 90% of “Israelites/Jews” in Israel are not of Abrahams descent, but genetically trace their ancestry to Asiatic Kazars, and other ethnicity of Asia. So over 2000 years genetically pure Hebrew have disappeared, by mixing with other peoples. And this is not my saying, but Israel`s top genetics scientist..

1 year ago

We are all Jewish. We are all assended from Noah and his three sons. Shem the father of the Jewish Nation, Japeth the Father of the European Nations, and Ham the Father of the African and Asian Nations. And we have only one Messiah. Follow Him.

Allen A
Allen A
1 year ago

All Muslims are told in the Koran that they have the obligation to wage jihad against the infidel. Whether they do it through politics or through war, they are told that they have to make the world into an Islamic world. Other religions can only exist if their believers are subjugated by the Islamic State. Christians can only exist if they are the slaves of the Muslims. The Persians in Iran recognize this and chant “Death to Israel, Death to America” every day. All of the Islamic terrorists look at Americans as targets the same as they do the people of Israel. To say that this is not our fight is to ignore the fact that members of Hamas and Hezbollah are already here in America and they are perfectly happy to murder Americans here, just as their fellows are murdering Israelis over there.

Michael Wayne Olson
Michael Wayne Olson
1 year ago

Our founders stated we abide by Judeo-Christian law and now our country is denying that fact. STAY FROSTY, SEB.

Dr. Russell Lieberman
Dr. Russell Lieberman
1 year ago

Dr. Gorka,
As a Jewish-American I watch your show on Newsmax and read your article. Yes, I agree in principle with the premise. If the One True G-d of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob is not the G-d of Israel then I submit He is the G-d of no one.
Man created all the nations with one exception…Israel. This tiny piece of real estate roughly the size of N.J. was created by G-d. He made His Eternal Covenant with Abraham and through the descendants of Isaac NOT Ishmael.
As a veteran Naval Aviation Officer my military training and education has allowed me to ‘see’ the geopolitical realm realistically. My outlook is simple…Israel is fighting for her existence and when you fight an enemy whose charter calls for your destruction then as far as ‘the rules of war’ goes…they don’t follow them and in my humble opinion, “…Kill em all and let G-d sort em out!”.
Shalom.chaver sheli (Peace My Friend),
Dr. Russell Lieberman (ret.)

1 year ago

And now the socialists are going all nazi on us again wanting to exterminate the Jewish people and ancestral Israel. The Palestinian flag looks a lot like the “pride” flag but I’m sure the islamic terrorists would exterminate the homosexuals also. Black lives matter also claims to support islamic terrorists and homosexuals. The socialist mindset is insane!

Su Rowles
Su Rowles
1 year ago

Your articale is much appreciated. We need more people like you who tell the truth and believe in our country’s founding principals. Many Thanks for all you do and May God Bless YOU and keep YOU Safely in His Care.

1 year ago

If you are or considered yourself christian remember the man (son of God ) was a Jew.

Rick B.
Rick B.
1 year ago

If anyone doubts that the Jews are truly God’s very own Chosen People, consider two points:
(1) NONE of us would have probably chosen them, for one thing. A small, poor, nomadic tribe wandering the desert. But God, who is able to see INSIDE a person, did exactly that. He turned a promise to Abraham one clear evening into a nation that could not be numbered just as extensive as the millions of stars that night. All of us are sinners and have justly earned our death. Yet to every single person he has offered eternal life. Even so, some of us are still more precious to Him than others. Again, it’s that “insider knowledge” thing.
(2) They have survived for about 4000 years in a world that has continuously tried to exterminate them. Think of all the other ancient civilizations that have come and gone.
Just sayin’…

1 year ago

Great article. Israel is fighting for their very lives. What they don’t need is more political opposition. Our very best ally in the middle east. God said in his word: I will bless those who bless Israel….and in you all the families in the world will be blessed. That in itself should tell us what we need to know. The other alternative is death and destruction and no human rights from the likes of HAMAS. Pretty simple choice if you ask me.

Linda Drury
Linda Drury
1 year ago

Well thought out and clearly stated, and I could not agree more. Thank you for this excellent article.

M McLaughlin
M McLaughlin
1 year ago

A secular Zionist state E European in nature that Stalin created is the ancient pious Jews recognized by religious practice? Join sanctions yet? Still harboring fbi-wanted oligarchs? When does Israel issue a warrant for Putin’s arrest? AMAC better concern itself with approaching Red Scare.

1 year ago

Trace back your roots to Noah. Before the the great Flood roots could be traced back to Adam and Eve. Hmmm, God’s chosen people, the Children of Israel later became the Jews and Gentiles were then called to be God’s people. We are all brothers and sisters no matter how you look at it or trace the lineage. All believers in Jesus Christ are the brothers and sisters of Christ.

Michael Miraglia
Michael Miraglia
1 year ago

My experience with Jewish kids, 7th and 8th grade grammar school that told me why they all wore brown leather jackets and that was to distinguish themselves from the gentiles and they were the only ones who could afford buying leather jackets in 1952/3. So they wanted to be shown that they were not gentiles by all of them wearing leather jackets. Right there shows a separation of themselves from the rest of us who could not afford leather jackets. There’s an old saying “if you got it flaunt it.”

1 year ago


Domingo E Mojica
Domingo E Mojica
1 year ago

Count me in. I started wearing my since September 18th all the time. That was the day the whole state of Illinois went to no bail. We need to be ready and willing to defend against assault, to use and our love ones, from criminals or terrorists.

1 year ago

I like the guy!

T Mad
T Mad
1 year ago

Ready or not, here they come! The choice is yours. Be ready with JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH, and be ready to Follow Him and die for Him.

Traditionalist Patriot
Traditionalist Patriot
1 year ago

The Jewish people are God’s chosen people. We must love and protect them always.

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
1 year ago

As a matter of fact, Pope Pius XI wrote in “Mit Brennender Sorge” that spiritually all Christians are Semites. The ghost writer to this letter was Eugenio Pacelli, later known as Pius XII, whom Communists later falsely accused of having condoned the the Holocaust.

1 year ago

Technically Christianity and Islam are both Jewish Sects….

Leon Lionheart
Leon Lionheart
1 year ago

No, we are not all Jewish. According to the World Population Review, there are about 15.2 million Jews in the world today. Calculated on a world population of 7 billion, Jews make up about .02 percent. Do some research.

1 year ago

The Christian God called the Patriarch Abraham out of the Ur of the Chaldees. Father Abraham was a Gentile. It wasn’t until later, 19th Century BCE, when God named Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, Israel {Hebrew). Islam didn’t arrive on the historic scene until some 2,500 years later, in 7th Century AD. Christians should remember that, after the Messiah Jesus Christ’s ascension, the Church at it’s very start on Pentecost (baptism of the Holy Spirit) in Jerusalem, was composed of 100% Jews (Hebrew believers). After Pentecost Gentile believers were grafted in by Paul’s conversion and missionary travels preaching the Gospel to the gentile nations.

Roger Football
Roger Football
1 year ago

Please rank the religions so each knows where they stand. So far some you have ranked these.

#1 Christianity
#2 Judiasm
Bottom Islam

Who is #3 and #4? Where do Hindus and atheists and other religions rank?

1 year ago

I am not a Jew. This is an open air concentration camp and the Palestinians have been prisoners there for 75 years. They have limited access to food, water and electricity. They have no freedom of movement. They have 60% unemployment. Of the 2.1 million Palestinians nearly 1/2 are children. 35% are Christian. In terms of DNA, they are genetically related to Jesus Christ. In Italian “Palestina” means “Judea”. The Palestinians are Judeans.
You cannot call yourselves Christians and support what is happening to the Palestinians. It’s a genocide.
Therefore, I am NOT a Jew.

Barb wilkins
Barb wilkins
1 year ago

That is baloney. We are not what you say we are. All that is your opinion. Besides, who is doing all the genociding of innocent people? I hope I’m not related. Disgusting.

1 year ago

This is disgusting. Most of you are obsessed with promoting radical zionisism in support of the invented jew state of modern israel, a rogue, murderous, genocidal state that should and hopefully someday will be neutralized. I am not a jew. I am a proud White Christian.

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
Flag of Arlington County in Virginia, USA. Flag of Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA
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