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Vice President Harris – Disgraceful Behavior

Posted on Wednesday, February 1, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Vice President

How can this be said gently, without cries of racism, sexism, Harris-ism? Vice President Harris gave a speech on January 22, presumably to honor Martin Luther King but “on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.” In the speech, she disgraced America – then proudly walked off stage.

Just when you think it cannot get worse, a vice president – in an unintentional display of ignorance and audacity – decides to dishonor the text of the Declaration of Independence, America’s historic roots in faith, Dr. Martin Luther King, and the Supreme Court. 

Said the esteemed second-in-command, vice president dubbed “president” by the President: “So we are here together because we collectively believe and know America is a promise…A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Be clear. These rights were not bestowed upon us. They belong to us as Americans.”

Now, whoa, wait a moment, hold those braying horses!

First, the Declaration of Independence is not just any document, but the nation’s founding declaration of intent – to become a nation. Being accurate about its contents seems mandatory for kids, parents, teachers and preachers, those patriotic and hesitant, especially – a vice president.

The text reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Let us start from the beginning as the song says, “a very good place to start…When you read, you begin with A, B, C…” That means, you do not start “…B, C.” Why did Harris omit “Life?”

Rather obviously, because she was speaking in favor of abortion, the decision to end a “life” – the opposite of Jefferson’s sentiment, which was all about protecting “life.” Speaking the word “life” in her pro-abortion venue was what her predecessor Al Gore might call “an inconvenient truth.”

Inconvenient indeed! The word “life” was the first of Jefferson’s high values for which independence itself was declared, not even the second or third, not the B or C – but the A.

Apparently the courageous vice president felt that causing people to think for a moment about when “life” begins by merely mentioning “life” was too inconvenient – so she omitted it. That was offense “Number One” to America’s intellectual honesty, integrity, and historic accuracy.

Next, the Vice President omitted from her quote the words “…that they are endowed by their Creator…”  Was that phrase so hard to say out loud? Is the Vice President ashamed of her Creator? Our Creator? The Creator to whom Jefferson and all who signed the Declaration gave thanks? 

Is she ashamed that our Founding Fathers – and Founding Mothers – all cared so deeply about giving thanks to our Creator, crediting our rights not to a King or Government but to God, that they put Him in the Declaration?

Does she think rights are created by government, so can be taken away by government? Was this another intentional fuzzing of truth? Denial of truth, attempt to re-write the Declaration, scrub God the way Marx and Lenin, atheists and secularists want to replace Him with government?

Was this a mere accident, or was this a two-for-two, second omission in one quote, neatly corroborating intent to omit the first key word, and vice versa? Just asking, not saying.

Then we get to offense “Number Three.” As Dr. Martin Luther King’s relatives have repeatedly discussed – especially in terms of opposing abortion – the civil rights leader was a pastor, a man of the cloth, who offered sermons on the meaning of faith, life, and love.

As his relatives have noted, he would never have supported abortion, did not support it, and also did not disavow white and black children living as equals, the American Dream, or “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – words he actually used, quoted accurately from the Declaration, in his “I have a Dream Speech” on the Mall.

The dishonor is to MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech,” but also to him personally, to the day he is honored. To dishonor him by pushing the opposite of what he believed in the name of ending little lives, not defending them, is perhaps worse than a mix of ignorance and audacity. It is dishonesty.

To be clear, nothing – nothing – about MLK’s life, life mission, belief in life, sermons referencing children and how they should be honored in any way justifies using his name, words, and day to defend or promote abortion. To do so, frankly, is to disgrace his legacy of love – especially for the very young.

Finally, this former prosecutor – Vice President Harris – had the audacity to use this speech, this day, this twisted version of history to do what? To undermine respect for the Supreme Court.

Offense “Number Four” is her intentional disrespect for the US Supreme Court, for their 2022 Dobbs decision, which – if read closely – makes clear that Roe’s legal (not political) reasoning was fundamentally flawed, outcome-determinative, neither accurate nor intellectually sustainable.

So, we live in a time when a vice president can – in one fell swoop – dishonor the Nation’s founding document, identity as a People of Faith, Our Creator, Martin Luther King’s legacy of love for life, and rule of law as pronounced by the Supreme Court.

Bottom line: The bottom line is usually a “boom tick,” synthesis, meaning of the whole argument – and so, right here is where I should tell you what all this means. But you have life, liberty, and the ability to think – so I will not. I shall leave it to you. Some things just strike me as, well, disgraceful.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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2 years ago

When someone tells you who and what they are, believe them! What a perfectly horrible and un-American being she portrays!

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

This creature is a deranged Socialist. She is way out of her depth. She has no business holding the office she has stolen.
May the Good Lord reward her evil soul.

2 years ago

Camel Harvest is a disgrace to Blacks, women, and the human race!

2 years ago

Excellent article, RBC. Her “word salads” are an embarrassment, as is she! Too bad the main-stream media is so biased.

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

She’s just not very bright.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Biden’s whole administration is disgraceful. Two years plus Obama’s eight has turned this nation into an embarrassment to the American people and a laughing stock to the world.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Harris has no qualms in modifying our history and the facts to fit into a Godless and brutal society which treats unborn children as if they are lifeless vegetables.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Really expect to hear an accurate, coherent and truthful message from this imbecile? Really? It’s hard to figure out who is the dumbest and most useless member of this “administration.” There are dozens to pick from and not a working brain among them.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Well, we have a President who calls those of us who do not agree with him a bunch of facists. And what do we stand for that is so controversial: a secure border, fiscal responsibility, energy independence, abortion laws that factor in the unborn, a justice system that is non-partisan? How did these common sense things become controversial?

2 years ago

Judge Joe Brown was correct on how Harris made it to where she is today, her smarts didn’t do it and it shows. Every time she opens her mouth, out spews ignorance. Very good article and I agree with every word.

2 years ago

Forgive me Lord, but if Harris were to get run over by a bus or simply drop dead, I would raise a glass in celebration..

2 years ago

Evil speaks evil and cannot tell the truth.

Rick Peck
Rick Peck
2 years ago

What a moron. There is no “we” about it for her. She even admits that they have control and a monopoly to what rights are allowed. Typical of DC. In fact a great solution would be to secede from the fed and make it complete this time. This legal crap, obvious unconstitutional acts, and other things just ain’t working.?? If the answer is nothing, well Ask yourself, what do they do well or have to offer

2 years ago

Harris earned her place politically, not because she knew history but because she made friends with the right people who could boost her “career?”. I wonder what her husband thinks of this path she trod. Oh well. Harris has limited knowledge of Americans. May have been born here but raised in Canada. Her knowledge of the “common” folk again is limited since she comes from money. She truly thinks her phony smile and sick laugh will sway people to believe as she does. Therefore she thinks no one notices when she changes wording or slams folks who are revered here. She’s wrong. Folks notice and berate her. Not only folks but all people. She’s a mess. The only good thing I can say about the Biden/Harris team is I didn’t vote for the ungodly duo.

Geoprge Massey
Geoprge Massey
2 years ago

As we Americans “vote” for our leaders, why do we still allow the Vice-President to be selected by either respective “Political Party”, A President serving that was NOT elected by the people? I would appreciate AMAC’s opinion concerning the Presidential Primaries serving as the determining factor for President and Vice-President.

2 years ago

The other half of the atrocity that was forced upon us in the 2022 steal. As illegitimate as the Sock-Puppet in Chief!
Don’t expect an Athiest to acknowledge God or Life, for that matter.
They have yet to do ONE THING POSITIVE for America! Their task is destruction.
(The Revolution should have begun in November, 2022)

2 years ago

Now she is going to the funeral in Memphis. Would love to hear her justification of how she selects one black over another black to support.

2 years ago

Harris is truly a disgrace to all Americans. However, she doesn’t care. It’s obvious she will say anything without concern for how it sounds since she believes it doesn’t matter. Who’s going to do anything about it? I would assume she will never read this article and if she does she doesn’t care. She is completely controlled by Satan. Therefore, she has no concern about God, honesty, the Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence. She believes that soon we will all be controlled by the Globalists under the one-world government.

John Bass
John Bass
2 years ago

I haven’t put too much into what the cackling wh@#$ has said from day one. Why? Because I find her to be illegitimate and ignorant.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Harris cannot rewrite America especially when there are careful listeners with standards.
Unless the Uni-party is now fully in charge, she will not have a future in politics.

John Bass
John Bass
2 years ago

I promised myself I’d try and stay away from this type of behavior, but…Michael, get a life!

2 years ago

Harris the hooker is a worthless POS and should be removed along with all the satanic cabal demoncraps and rinos, still not convinced harris is a woman after all he looks exactly like Kamal Aroush, search on Brave a safe alternative to g00gle the spies

2 years ago

She is the most in-ept fool the country has ever had as a VP

2 years ago

Thanks, RBC, for another commentary that tells it like it is! When I taught American History eons ago, I required my students to memorize both the opening paragraph to the Declaration and the preamble to the Constitution, as well as Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, among others. Then we discussed the meaning of these. Don’t think this is done much in public school today.

2 years ago

This is a great article!

Lee M
Lee M
2 years ago

What do you expect from a woman with a School Bus FETISH?

2 years ago

There’s a reason the so-called Democratic Party has a JACK*SS as it’s mascot! . . . Is there a bigger JACK*SS than KAMALA?
. . . Oh yeah, is name is JOE BIDEN!

2 years ago

We all know how Heels-Up Harris rose to the top of the heap.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Now we’re all starting to get it! These are the promotors of the livelihood we are existing in and what our country stands for are those that don’t give a crap about it. A sadness but what have we done about it? We must make changes within ourselves by God and become the voices of what we believe. In china they are dying literally to fight for their freedom. Look within and we, you and I must find ways within our states to fight this evil brought upon our land and protect its value that has always made us a superpower because we the people know it is by Gods grace and love.

2 years ago

In my opinion, her ignorance about this country’s historical documents, as well as her desire to divide our citizens while welcoming non-citizens by the thousands, are reasons enough for me to disqualify her as our vice-president. It’s hard to believe she got through law school. I was really impressed with your article’s honesty, Mr. Charles.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
2 years ago

I guess this was implied in the article, but you didn’t explicitly remark that Harris claimed our rights are not “bestowed.” Certainly, they are not bestowed by government, but they are bestowed by God.
Incidentally, I am sorry that some of our brothers and sisters on the Right cannot comment without calling names (see several of the notes below).

2 years ago


2 years ago

It is too bad that Kamel Hair’s horns were not fully grown. If her horns were longer, Harris’ mother may very well have had an abortion! Too bad for America that she was NOT aborted!

May she have a milestone around her neck and dropped in the ocean!

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago

When I became a citizen of this country I was asked to recite the Declaration of Independence. And I proudly recited all the points and have not forgotten it to this day. For the VP of America to omit the word life, she should be ashamed of her self. It showed more of what she is all about.
A puppet of the Deep State.

2 years ago

Never did understand the attraction of Democrats to either Joe or Kamala! Was Kamala a last resort, what exactly was she bringing to the table – her cackle, her nonsensical speeches and sentences?

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Hear, hear Mr. Charles!!!
“Some things just strike me as, well, disgraceful.” — Completely concur. In fact it strikes me as evil as well. The left are proving to be far more malevolent than just bad people, and she was deemed the most leftist member of the Senate. ‘Nuff said.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

To be clear, Harris is nothing more than an ignorant human being. Period! As I have said numerous times before, Democrats politicians are ignorant, stupid, arrogant and most certainly have lying as part of their DNA. They certainly don’t believe in God, or they wouldn’t be pushing abortion (baby killing) as a way of destroying a human life. God, have mercy on us all, if we don’t change this abominable policy soon!

2 years ago

Harris and her leftist cohorts have no respect for our constitution, our founders, or Godly patriotic Americans. They wish to remove God and patriotism from all aspects of American life. We need to stand tall, pray on our knees and salute the flag, all with respect.

2 years ago

Well, lets see who is the president of the United States and vice president ‘ Dumb and Dumber ‘

2 years ago

What more did you expect from an air-head?? Why did you think no-brains Joey selected his vice president? He couldn’t have anyone smarter than him. Period. No joking.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Had she behaved with dignity and spoke like an intelligent being it would shock me What she delivered was standard Kamala Harris

2 years ago

It’s a fact that she made her millions as a California Escort so in reality her whole life has been a disgrace. In reality the democrat’s put a Prostitute in as Vice-President to further disgrace the white house and our country. Now there is talk of a democrats 2024 ticket of Harris and Elizabeth Warren. God Help Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
2 years ago

And she is STILL an Idiot.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

She is a mental midget who slept her way to the top. God help us!

2 years ago

She is a horrible vise President! She only speaks for herself. If not then she does not know the history of the United States.

robert sikes
robert sikes
2 years ago

A very sage and cogent essay on the dishonesty and absolute filth which has wrested the sacred leadership of our once great nation. Democrats and Republicans are jointly at fault for where we find ourselves. Pray God send men and women of deep conviction and courage to sweep this vermin from our once blessed shores!

2 years ago

This woman was a disgrace from the start, is a disgrace now and will continue to be a disgrace to this country as is the whole biteme administration. Anyone who voted for this should be ashamed of themselves.

2 years ago

She’s such a moron I’m surprised ANYONE bothers to listen to her any longer. She’s ignorant, mean, and seriously…unserious when it comes to her responsibilities as a leader of free people. I doubt she could quote the Declaration, MLK or anything else accurately. Nor does she appear to have a foundational understanding of this country or it’s people. She’s terminally unprepared for the honor she’s been given and if she had even half a brain, she’d apologize and leave office.

2 years ago

Harris is a disgrace as a so-called Vice President!!!!

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