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Trudeau Unrepentant as He Leaves a Nation and a Party in Ruins

Posted on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
by Walter Samuel

Justin Trudeau’s reign as leader of the Canadian Liberal Party ended Monday morning when the embattled Prime Minister yielded with ill grace to the inevitable. His party, which polls showed falling as low as 16 percent, faces electoral Armageddon in the election, which was sure to follow the return of Parliament from its winter break.

The three other parties, the Conservatives, Bloc Quebecois, and the New Democrats, who until recently were Trudeau’s partners in crime, had pledged to bring down his government, and they had the votes to do so. While no formal mechanism existed within the Liberal Party to remove a leader from office, most Liberal members of parliament had expressed their opposition to Trudeau continuing as Prime Minister.

The irony is that Trudeau will remain Prime Minister for some time. The Liberal Party’s constitution requires at least 90 days for a leadership election, and Trudeau stated his determination to remain in office until a successor is chosen. While Trudeau also recessed Parliament to allow the leadership election to take place and, conveniently, to prevent the opposition parties from forcing an election beforehand, the government will run out of money on April 1, leaving a new Liberal Prime Minister with perhaps as little as two weeks before they must face an electorate that seems done with the party.

Trudeau likewise seemed done with his party and indifferent to its fate. His resignation speech left little doubt that his departure was anything but voluntary, and there was not a whiff of self-reflection. Trudeau denounced “infighting” within the caucus – in short, criticism of his leadership – for rendering his position untenable, implying that if Liberal MPs went down to defeat, they only had themselves to blame. They could have walked on electoral air if they had only shown the proper fealty to their reviled leader.

Gratitude only went one way for Trudeau, who used his resignation speech as an opportunity to take swipes at potential successors.

Chrystia Freeland, his former deputy prime minister and finance minister, had stood beside him for eight years and was involved in every decision he made as prime minister and party leader. While he had hoped she would continue to work with him, she had chosen a different path. For the Canadian people, there was not a word of apology, not for the economy, mass migration, or international isolation. Only a suggestion that by turning on him, both the media and opposition parties had undermined the nation in the face of the “threat” of Donald Trump.

It was a petty, mean-spirited speech, full of grievances, empty of reflection, and with little effort to tout “achievements.” Perhaps because, in the year of our Lord 2025, it is difficult to think of a single area in which Justin Trudeau left his country better off than he found it. Arguably, it is hard to think of any Canadian leader or many democratically elected ones whose legacy has fallen so uniformly fallow.

Domestically, Canada is more divided than at any point in decades. Quebec separatism, which had been all but buried by 2015 when Trudeau became Prime Minister, has returned to life. In the election that swept Trudeau to office, the separatist Bloc Quebecois won 10 seats. It now holds 33, and polls show it likely to come second in this year’s elections, pushing the Liberals into third or even fourth place. Its provincial counterpart, the Parti Quebecois, which had been reduced to a mere three out of 125 seats, is set to win a majority this year as a prelude to a new referendum on leaving Canada.

Why wouldn’t they want to leave? Adjusted for purchasing power parity, the average American’s income has increased from $54,000 in 2016 to $66,000 in 2024, while that of the average Canadian has barely grown from $44,000 to $46,000.

At the same time, Canada has faced housing, law enforcement, educational, and job market crises driven by the Trudeau government’s replacement of a points-based immigration system with a policy that allowed for work visas to be issued by educational institutions that could be little more than English language courses taught out of a rented lot in a shopping mall. In 2014, the year before Trudeau entered office, there were 330,105 international students present in Canada. By 2023, that number was 807,260.

This increased permanent immigration from 240,775 a year in 2014-2015 to 493,236 in 2021-2022, remaining at nearly half a million through 2024. That is as if almost five million were granted permanent residency in the United States every year for four years. Canada’s population grew from 35 million in 2015 to 41 million in 2024.

This process placed a strain both on the housing supply and on the job market, as young native Canadians increasingly found themselves priced out of housing by foreign immigrants and underpriced out of the job market by the foreign students the Trudeau government imported. Nearly 15 percent of Canadians under the age of 30 are unable to find either jobs or university spots. Even Trudeau belatedly recognized the problem, promising to cut immigration last year. By that point, few could be forgiven for not believing a word Justin Trudeau said.

The true Trudeau is arguably the Trudeau on display during his resignation speech. The Trudeau who cannot fail but only can be failed by others—the Trudeau who is owed loyalty, but is obligated to display none in return. A Prime Minister who pledged to make his cabinet 50 percent female and defined himself as a feminist, yet was willing to throw his Freeland and closest confident overboard with sneering contempt when she dared to use the word no. A Prime Minister who appointed the first Indigenous female Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould, then drove her out of the Liberal Party and politics when she refused to commit criminal acts on his behalf.

Chrystia Freeland and Jody Wilson-Raybould discovered that no one gets to say no to Justin Trudeau. Not parents, not members of his cabinet, and especially not the truckers who were called terrorists and had their bank accounts frozen after they dared to challenge Trudeau publicly in front of the world.

This unchecked narcissism did more than any other factor to destroy Canada’s global standing. Justin Trudeau entered office with delusions of both following in the footsteps of his father, who never found an anti-American cause he could not champion, while also posing as the leader in exile of Western wokeism against the Donald Trumps, Boris Johnsons, and Vladimir Putins of the world.

Trudeau likely would have struggled to succeed at either, but by pursuing both, he alienated the entire world. His efforts to pivot to the global south ran aground on his narcissism; he was no more willing to tolerate defiance from India or China than from female members of his cabinet.

Trudeau broke relations with India over New Delhi’s assassination of an exiled terrorist who was plotting attacks from Canadian soil. He could not explain why the murderer of the 11-year-old brother and father of Bangladesh’s Prime Minister was living at taxpayer expense in Toronto despite decades of court orders for his extradition but made clear that he viewed the raising of the issue as a personal affront. His arrest of a senior Huawei executive angered the Chinese Communist Party, while his grandstanding as an anti-Trump resistance “hero” destroyed whatever credit that might have earned him in Washington.

Trudeau leaves a Canada divided internally, facing a migrant crisis, bankrupt, and isolated internationally to his successor. That successor will be chosen by a Liberal Party that itself has been crippled, first by Trudeau’s ruthless purging of dissent, second by his own unpopularity, and third by the narcissism which led him to choose to remain Prime Minister while that successor is chosen.

The most likely candidates are Freeland, former Bank of England head Mark Carney, former British Columbian Premier Christy Clark, and Transport Minister Anita Anand. Trudeau made clear his antipathy to Freeland in his resignation speech, reminding the Canadian electorate she had stood loyally by his side for eight years before he fired her over Zoom. She also suffers from being associated closely with the poor state of the Canadian economy.

Mark Carney, by contrast, is famous for ruining a different economy, helping to ensure that Canada enjoyed the slowest growth and highest inflation within the G7 during his tenure at the Bank of Canada. Carney, who had never held political office, was Trudeau’s intended replacement for Freeland before he showed a good sense of rejection of the role. His election would present the public with technocrats at a time when they had lost faith in the experts.

Christy Clark is interesting, having led a center-right government in British Columbia, but she lost her last election in 2017 and has not held any public office since. Anand’s primary recommendation for the role appears to be that she is not one of the above names and would be Canada’s first non-white prime minister. That seems to be sufficient to endear her to a bitter Trudeau.

The odds are that these names will end up as historical footnotes. Polls show the Liberal Party as much as 30 percent behind the Conservatives, who, under Pierre Poilievre, have adopted the slogan “bring it home,” and have promised to end the Trudeau era.

If elected, Poilievre would be Canada’s most conservative prime minister in history, and that would apply in the American, not just Canadian, sense. It may well be that Justin Trudeau’s lasting legacy will be to drive Canada in a conservative direction through his failed flirtation with cosmetic, hypocritical, woke politics.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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2 months ago


2 months ago

Canada, prosecute him!!!

2 months ago

Do I see a trend here? Once a liberal resigns or leaves office, they never say they are sorry for the mess they “helped” create? Other than the Democrats who change their party to Republican, when was the last time ANY government official apologized to the people for making bad choices or decisions? I’m 66 and I cannot recall that ever happening.

2 months ago

Trudeau and Biden must be related because they do the same thing to their countries. And he doesn’t have to be repentant now but I’d hate to be both of them on Judgment Day when they have to stand in front of the Lord and explain what they’ve done!

2 months ago

I think they made a movie of of him, called it “The Jerk”

2 months ago

I don’t think he stepped down on his own, his choices were, probably, step down and we’ll let you spend the rest of your criminal life, alive, at GITMO vs if we have to force you to step down, execution for Treason awaits you. Doing so this way, in his warped, twisted mind, he can go with dignity, and nobody will know he’s there. Those at GITMO don’t mess around.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Now he finally will have time to get his gender assigned! Wonder which one of the 51 he’ll choose?

2 months ago

The Dictator Trudeau is filled with Evil and Demonic Forces within!

Peter E. Kennedy
Peter E. Kennedy
2 months ago

He is leaving office.
The problem for political figures like Trudeau, Biden and others
who tramp on the rights of citizens there is never any accountability.

2 months ago

President Trump never liked Truedeu.
Trump knew he was a loser!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Trump has dethroned the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton dynasties. Could it be the end of the Trudeaus as well? Trudeau, like Joe and Kackler, harassed Canadians over “Covid vaccines.” He, too, has abridged free speech. Hope he has sunk, never to return!

Calgary Alberta
Calgary Alberta
2 months ago

Glad this Frog Marxist is going, he has cost Canada several hundred billion dollars with his sheer stupidity

2 months ago

Wow. Sounds like another leader we know who failed his country. This ought to be very interesting. Rise up now Canda!

2 months ago

just another liberal who needs a good country boy a$$ whoopin to get his sissy mind right.

2 months ago

Well, he is faithful to his beliefs… not a total loss. He can alwys be cited as a bad example.

2 months ago

He is not repentant because he did exactly what he set out to do. The little globalist did what Lefties do- a Canadian explained that his departure from office does not take place until March. In the meantime, the Canadian Parliament can do nothing. So, what is all of that about? Tricks, deceit and hidden agendas.

2 months ago

Trudeau is Klaus Schwab’s protege in the New World Order. He was hand picked to run Canada just like Obama was back in 2008 to run America. And Tony Blair to run England, and Macron to run France. Only all of them destroyed their countries with the WEF mandates of a New World Order. With their motto you will own nothing but you will be happy. All these countries including the US are all broke either via the inflation and economic decline or through war in the Ukraine. Trudeau like Biden only listened to Schwab. And till today they still don’t understand why they lost. The dems here are oblivious they didn’t lose, Trump won. Trudeau doesn’t understand why Freeland said no to his policies. Biden had 77 million plus voters tell him no, we are not taking your policies anymore. And even after the landslide loss he still is destroying this country at every turn. Pardoning criminals, obstructing the incoming president. Not realizing he is destroying the country not the man with his action. Trudeau displayed the same stance in his resignation speech. I feel sorry for Canada they can’t get rid of Trudeau for months. Biden should have been impeached right after the Afghanistan debacle. And he would have if the COVID had not gaslighted the country. The same with the Trucker strike in Canada, Trudeau should have been fired then. But there were still too many Canadians supporting Trudeau. Then Trump was voted back in and the Canadian people saw we can change our leadership. Trump raised the tariffs, Trudeau in a panic flew to meet with Trump at Mar A Largo. Only Trump wiped the floor with him and told him. We will make Canada our 51st state. And you PM can become the governor. The Canadians saw Trudeau was done on the world stage. Just like Biden is done. He was cussing yesterday as to how he was not being honored for knowing so many world leaders. He could call any of them anytime. I was wandering if he was talking about the late president of France, Mitterrand or chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany. Both have been dead for years. Him and Trudeau should have adjoining cells for what they have done to their respective countries.

2 months ago

Stalin never apologized for trusting hitler who then invaded and killed twenty million soviets and Hitler never apologized for starting a war that leveled Germany. Obama hasn’t apologized for lying about the ACA. Totalitarians are egotists of the first magnitude who, even as their countries crumble around them , blame others. Btw, Trudeau will be feted as a hero by his international co-travelors for the rest of his life.

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
2 months ago

Progressives never admit mistakes, never apologize to their constituents and always savage opponents. They always seek revenge against everyone who voted against them. Examples: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

2 months ago

Good leadership is obvious, whereas on the other side, poor leadership requires you to constantly tell everyone you are a good leader. IMO

2 months ago, a website worth reading, about all things Cuban from an anti Castro perspective, has always insisted that Trudeau is one of Castro’s love children.Look at pictures. It is very convincing.
Castro planted many love children all over when he was in power. Evil man!

2 months ago

Thats what Liberals do!

2 months ago

Liberalism is a mental defect in thinking clearly and with common sense. It will destroy societies. Who here wants to visit San Francisco? St. Louis? Baltimore? Chicago? L.A.?NYC? etc

2 months ago

He is a textbook Democrat!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

He is a son of his father who was enamored with Castro and anything socialist ,who fanned the flames of separatism in Quebec which was fine until De Gaulle told them they are oppressed, who tore around Montreal on his motorcycle with swastika on the sleeve at time. Who introduced ruinous policies for Alberta which is the source of oil, who introduced welfare to able bodied young men without dependents Son is only finishing what daddy started.Lets not forget their immigration policies. Such rich country deliberately ruined. It would seem people finally woke up and understand they need good conservative government. We are in the same boat. Biden is trying to finish what Obama started. Thank God for Trump, God’s speed to him.

2 months ago

little commie c s er

2 months ago

PERFECT TIMING! Trump’s idea of Canada becoming our fifty-first state is right on the mark. Canada abounds with natural resources; be it oil or lumber. Greenland can become number fifty-two. This could be a win-win for everyone.

2 months ago

This is what liberals do…..they go in with their ridiculous, obnoxious policies and agendas destroying everything, then they leave – leaving their mess for someone else to clean up!!

2 months ago

Your Wrote: “The three other parties, the Conservatives, Bloc Quebecois, and the New Democrats, who until recently were Trudeau’s partners in crime, had pledged to bring down his government, and they had the votes to do so. While no formal mechanism existed within the Liberal Party to remove a leader from office, most Liberal members of parliament had expressed their opposition to Trudeau continuing as Prime Minister”.
This is incorrect. The Conservatives have been trying to get a no confidence vote through for months but could not because the NDP Leader Singh joined Trudeau as a confidence support in ongoing fashion so that in MArch 2025 he is legally able to declare a gov pension…goes well with his 133k Masorati. Also, the Libs voted as a caucus long ago to not be able to displace their Leader by overriding a legal catch that would allow them to do so. This set Trudy up for his Narcissistic Canonization in holding the party and Canada hostage. You missed many of the greatly capable and accomplished females he treaded on including his sidelined press secretary Celina Caesar-Chavannes..a wonderful capable legally immigrated lady from Barbados. Check out her interview in YouTube with Dr Jordan Peterson. You’ll see how disgusting trudy really as characterologically.

2 months ago

Justin Trudeau believes heart and soul to be God’s gift to humanity.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Him & his party seeded this years ago

2 months ago

He’s not done yet and he’s not just walking away.

Mike L
Mike L
2 months ago

Wow, Justin Trudeau sounds a lot like Gavin Newsom.

2 months ago

Hi from France
It seems since so longtime that Poilievre will be the welcome next manager of the Canada and in thinking to Macron who will finish his presidency in two years, who will be as talentuous as Poilievre?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 months ago

Thank you DJT…
In all seriousness, Pierre Poilievre appears to be a very good choice for he is a conservative, he is humble & quite likable to the average person imo…
Vermont here,
Bill… :~)

2 months ago

He kind of reminds me of Nero, fiddling while Rome burned.

2 months ago

Justin Trudeau is a fool who ruled for 10 years. But the people voted him in; why? Just another entitled person. A do nothing, who made Canada a weak nation.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
2 months ago

Now he can devote himself full-time to perfecting his blackface persona.

William Collins
William Collins
2 months ago

In over 100 years of the existence of the marxist left they have never admitted any wrong doing. These people are very arrogant having self appointed themselves as the pinnacle of intelligence above all others, thus they can do no wrong, or commit any crimes in their zeal to transplant their will for the will of the vast number of humans whose lives they have destroyed. There is a reason why Trudeau is a yes boy to CCP leader and premier of China Xi Jinping – they both believe in the same marxist goals for their subjects.

2 months ago

vigilante justice before he flees to china

2 months ago

His real last name is Castro, not Trudeau

genius ideas
genius ideas
2 months ago

walter samuel or whoever you are, use your real name and stand behind your words

genius ideas
genius ideas
2 months ago

walter samuel or whoever you are, it is disingenuous to suggest that trudeau did nothing right, he had a mixed record

genius ideas
genius ideas
2 months ago

walter samuel, both extremes have problems whether trudeau or trump, getting politicians in the center is good for all

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White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt on illegal alien entry
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