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Time to Puncture Fetterman’s Fake “Blue-Collar Tough Guy” Image

Posted on Monday, August 29, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


Conventional wisdom among the Washington political class and media pundits would suggest that this November’s Senate race in Pennsylvania—between Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz—is, for all intents and purposes, already over. In recent weeks, Fetterman, currently Pennsylvania’s Lieutenant Governor, has consistently led Oz in polling and has been hailed by members of the media as a relatable “everyman” with a “rugged, self-sufficient mindset”—a “blue-collar tough guy” who is running a “brilliant campaign.” Earlier this year, a New York Times essay went so far as to characterize him as the “future of the Democratic Party.”

But underneath the media frenzy surrounding Fetterman’s campaign, there is a long list of troubling facts that cast doubt over his fitness for office.

For starters, though Fetterman has been frequently branded as a “populist” whose interests are aligned with Pennsylvania’s working class, in reality there is little that distinguishes his own policy platform from that of the most radical-left wing members of Congress. In addition to supporting the Biden administration’s spending binges—including the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” which is projected to further aggravate inflation and expand the size of the Internal Revenue Service—Fetterman is an outspoken advocate of Democrats’ climate extremism. He has, for instance, repeatedly called for a complete ban on fracking in Pennsylvania, the nation’s second-largest natural gas producer, calling it a “stain” on the state. It’s estimated that such a ban would cost Pennsylvania more than 600,000 jobs and remove $261 billion from the state’s economy. That’s hardly a platform designed to help Pennsylvania workers.

Moreover, as Dr. Oz has begun to point out on the campaign trail, Fetterman is notoriously weak on crime. In the wake of summer 2020 riots that devastated cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Fetterman criticized a judge for setting the bail too high for arrested arsonists and rioters. He has also spoken out in support of sanctuary cities, decriminalizing drugs “across the board,” and in 2018 spoke in support of “safe” heroin injection sites. Additionally, Fetterman is a pro-abortion extremist—referring to the practice as a “sacred” right that should be legal “without any qualification whatsoever.” He also supports men participating in women’s sports and the teaching of far-left gender theory in K-12 classrooms.

But Fetterman’s radical policy positions are far from the only red flags surrounding his candidacy.

Despite his attempts to brand himself as a “blue-collar tough guy,” he has openly acknowledged that he was born into an “incredibly privileged and comfortable existence”—relying on his parents’ financial support as his main source of income until he was sworn in as Lieutenant Governor at 49 years old, which was only four years ago. In 2015 alone, Fetterman received a whopping $54,000 from his parents. How’s that for “rugged” and “self-sufficient”?

Furthermore, prior to his lieutenant governorship, Fetterman served as mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania for 13 years, during which he skipped at least 53 city council meetings and was lambasted as ineffective by colleagues.

Fetterman’s health has also called his fitness for office into question: he admitted that he “almost died” from a stroke this spring, a condition that has kept him largely off the campaign trail since his primary victory in May. He has also failed to commit to the five general election debates suggested by Oz, further casting doubt on his ability to carry out the duties of the office he is seeking. Even more concerningly, several videos of Fetterman have recently emerged showing him struggling to make it through short remarks, appearing lost and confused on stage.

While Fetterman’s health challenges are a personal tragedy for which we can all feel sympathy, it would be absurd to pretend they have no bearing on his ability to carry out the functions of a U.S. Senator. How can you serve in the “world’s greatest deliberative body” if you can barely make it through a speech?

Though many Washington, D.C. journalists are eager to dismiss Oz as an unserious candidate unlikely to prevail in the November election, the fact is that Oz has barely even begun to educate the public about Fetterman’s radical policy positions. And as the November midterms approach, Fetterman will likely find that he cannot simply copy Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral strategy of hiding in his basement and avoiding interactions with the media. In fact, recent polls show that Oz is already gaining ground in the matchup—a trend that seems likely to continue as the campaign intensifies and questions regarding Fetterman’s fitness for office continue to linger.

As Republicans amp up their fight to win back a majority in Congress this fall, few states will retain their place in the spotlight as much as Pennsylvania—and for good reason. In recent election cycles, the state has become critical for control of Congress and the White House—and this fall’s election will play a significant role in determining the future of the American economy, energy independence, public safety, K-12 education, and a host other of issues.

Ultimately, the Pennsylvania Senate race could very well determine which party controls the upper chamber of Congress come January 2023. If Dr. Oz plays his cards right, Democrats’ reliance on Fetterman’s “blue-collar tough guy” charade could backfire in a big way as the phony nature of their candidate becomes increasingly clear.

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Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The author loses me when he says, “In 2015 alone, Fetterman received a whopping $54,000 from his parents.”

This is trying to sensationalize the handout and makes the whole article suspect. $54,000 is definitely a large amount but does not even come close to being called a “whopping” amount. This type of nonsense should not be included as it weakens the overall message.

2 years ago

Fetterman’s entire ad campaign is Oz doesn’t live in Pa. Not a word about his own
leftism, Oz has not run many ads and when he does, that will help.
And let there be one debate and it should be all over for Fetterman as long as Pa. allows us to have a clean, honest and open election.
This latter point is not a given.
Pa. is so corrupt that one of our leading legal officials broke the law in the 2020 election and for that he is honored by being the candidate for governor for the Democrats.

2 years ago

My honest opinion after watching and listening is that he is not all there and certainly has an unattractive countenance.

2 years ago

$54,000 is probably just the tip of the iceberg. My understanding is his sister sold a house to him for $1. Wouldn’t some of these situations be a taxable event too?

2 years ago

Dr. Oz will do more for Pennsylvania than Fetterman who apparently never had a job outside of being a failed mayor and a not so great lieutenant governor. And J.D. Vance in Ohio is winning in the polls against Tim Ryan in Ohio because he also will do more for Ohio. Blake Masters in AZ will crush Mark Kelly who voted for 86,000 IRS agents in the IRA bill and then voted against an amendment to the IRA not to audit anyone making less than $400,000.00. The IRS will be going after middle class and Conservatives as they did under Lois Lerner.


2 years ago


Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Fetterman is as fake as they come. He also brags about being soft on criminals, which means he is apathetic about protecting the law-abiding citizens. It should be pretty easy for the Republicans to expose Fetterman for the fraud that he is, even though the mainstream media keeps on protecting the left wing Marxist Democrats.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He is a blue collar guy as Biden is a truck driver they all just love working guy and want to help him

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

He looks like a throwback to 1,000,000, B.C.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

PA coal miners and factory workers probably went to work when they were 18 (maybe a little later). Fetterman has been ON AN ALLOWANCE until he was FORTY! Just like Bernie–no real job until middle age. And like Joe, always on the government teat.

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
2 years ago

Who the hell is VOTING FOR THIS IDIOT!! I had a stroke too, but I’m NOT stupid!! This guy sucks!!! #AmericaFirst

Sarah S.
Sarah S.
2 years ago

Does anyone know if Dr Oz is a RINO or a true conservative? I haven’t heard any reports on that so far.

Balzar Freezenov
Balzar Freezenov
2 years ago

If Pennsylvania sends Marijuana Slingblade to the Senate then I am moving out of here.

2 years ago

Remarkable how the mainstream media is portraying Oz as a “weak candidate” while praising Fetterman who as this article states is way far left of the average Pennsylvanian yet disingeniously portrays himself as a “man of the people.” Meanwhile, Oz became a doctor while Fetterman lived with his Mom until he was 40 — who is the weak candidate?? I wish everyone in PA would read this article — very well done!

2 years ago

It scares me that this guy is not campaigning… What happened the last time we had an election and the Dem candidate had not campaigned???

2 years ago

“While Fetterman’s health challenges are a personal tragedy for which we can all feel sympathy”

No. I want him to have a stroke and die right in the middle of a campaign event while on primetime TV.

Tyler Hoa
Tyler Hoa
2 years ago

wow! $54k !! how much did Don Jr and Eric get that year ?>

ExGOP Texas
ExGOP Texas
2 years ago

We can clearly see that the GOP and dr oz (or is it dr no??) have no ideas of their own, they have to try to accuse others of not being “blue collar” or something. We should be glad that John Fetterman took a lower paying job in State government and his family was able to enable him to take that pay cut. Unlike dr oz who has made millions selling phony cures. So John Fetterman missed 53 meetings in 13 years – let’s hope that they didn’t have only 5 meetings per year!

The choice is between a guy who has tried to work for Pennsylvania (John Fetterman) and a guy who has turned his back on his medical training to grab all of the money that he can. At least we know that John Fetterman actually lives in Pennsylvania.

2 years ago

Does this joker own a coat and tie?

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

we common sense people can see thru this guy! he looks like a scary character that the make up dept does in hollywood! his thoughts about running pa are scary – he cannot win!

Jon J. Fields
Jon J. Fields
2 years ago


2 years ago

He’s as Blue Collar as Joe Biden and half as Smart.

charles D hoffman
charles D hoffman
2 years ago

he’s from Pennsylvania
not like the Turk from Joisy

Michael Eval
Michael Eval
2 years ago

Fetterman Fetterman lived in a basement.
It was his parent’s house so he didn’t have to pay rent.
He was worthless and lazy and getting kinda fat.
So his friends all suggested he become a Democrat.

Your welcome Dr. Oz.

2 years ago

How can anyone vote for this person who would let criminals out of prison to pray on the public ?

2 years ago

Fetterman looks pretty great compared to that fellow who truly believes Trump lost the last election through fraud, someone who rallied his group at the Capitol to reverse the decision of American voters.

2 years ago

Fetterman can’t speak coherently since his stroke. He was just in my area and his speech was about abortion. There were no media interviews. He claims to be like me, but he’s not. The Harvard grad speaks down to us “commoners”.

2 years ago

This story cracks me up. Just like Democrats to dwell on the superficial. They actually want to make it a national story that they have a candidate who wears carhart clothes on stage.

But we all know. Especially truly blue collar people know. That if there was a GOP candidate that looked like Fetterman, the exact same people would be reversing the story. It would be all about how the GOP has been taken over by rednecks.

Blue collar people. Latinos and other minorities. Are all seeing through this game.

2 years ago

Fetterman is the white, college educated liberal’s beard.

Joe P
Joe P
2 years ago

Fetterman looks like he crawled out of his parents septic tank.

2 years ago

Fetterman is a total mess. If I lived in Pennsylvania I wouldn’t have given his campaign any serious consideration.

2 years ago

Sounds like presidential material.LOL

2 years ago

I want to know why there isn’t a campane to write in the best one, as Oz is a RINO POS and it’s obvious the Dem is demented

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Great article Seamus

Henry J Parks Jr
Henry J Parks Jr
2 years ago

Fetterman couldn’t even run Pennsylvania’s State Senate. He lost control several times and actually had to be censured one time.How can he represent Pennsylvania in Washington when he couldn’t even run Pennslyvania’s Senate.

Big Dave
Big Dave
2 years ago

This guy sounds about as mental and physical as Biden. A sure draw for crooked Dem. votes!

Gloria H
Gloria H
2 years ago

Even though I was disappointed when Trump endorsed Oz instead of Kathy Barrett (and I still like her very much – and think she would have held her own very well), but it seems like he has finally figured out how he needs to be assertive and call forth the shortcomings of Fetterman, who is really compromised in all his far-left ideals.

Tony Commesso
Tony Commesso
2 years ago

Great article I hope oz gets more vocal

2 years ago

Unbelievable. I read a bio of the author of this article. Mr. Brennan actually thinks the Dobbs decision will HELP Republicans. My response is you have a future in Science Fiction. FOLL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

Fetterman’s extreme Socialist leaning should be enough to prevent rational Pennsylvanians from voting for him. Fetterman will vote for increased taxation at every level, barely benefitting poor citizens while greatly damaging others.

2 years ago

John Fetterman will destroy Pennsylvania.Wake up people more crime open border high inflation 87,000 its agents armed.Is that what you want that’s what John Fetterman is about wake up!!!!

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