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Three No-Shows Shatter the Pretenses of Biden’s Summit of the Americas

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman

Biden Americas meetingWhile most Americans likely didn’t notice, Friday concluded the 2022 “Summit of the Americas” in Los Angeles, in what was intended to be a demonstration of both the Biden administration’s commitment to dealing with the historic surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and their claim of ending the “diplomatic isolation” of the Trump years. While both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were in attendance, the Presidents of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras were not. Their excuses varied, but all seemed to reflect an understanding that the Summit’s purpose was to serve as a PR stunt for the administration rather than a forum to discuss real problems.

Notably, this was not the first sign of tension between the Biden administration and Latin American leaders. Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammatei had complained to Fox News in December of 2021 that he had never been contacted by Harris after a June 2021 summit, triggering a belated phone call in January of 2022. The lesson was clear: these “summits” are useless. Harris will show for a photo op, and never follow-up. The only way to get attention or action on the migration and border problems is to appear on Fox News or other right-leaning U.S. outlets and complain, at which point you might get a belated phone call.

That may explain why Mexico’s Andrew Manual Lopez Obrador, and Honduras’s Xiomara Castro also felt free to boycott this latest press event. Both are left-leaning leaders and pointed to the exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela from the summit, a decision the Biden administration made under pressure of a threatened boycott by Columbia. But it should be noted that such grandstanding did not prevent Obrador from forging a close cooperative relationship with the Trump administration. It is only the clear absence of any substantive discussion or proposals at the Summit which allowed Obrador and Xiomara Castro to use Biden’s public relations stunt as a platform to make a political statement of their own.

By contrast, El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, like Giammatei, is a man of the right, not the left. He recognized Juan Guaido as President of Venezuela, Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and is one of the few world leaders who is an outspoken defender of Taiwan. Yet he has come under attack from the Biden administration, which not only excluded El Salvador (along with Guatemala) from its “Summit of Democracies” in December, but in May sanctioned five of Bukele’s Ministers, and cut humanitarian aid to the government, shifting it to opposition-aligned civil society organizations, many of which provide pro bono legal defense to MS-13, the infamous paramilitary drug gang.

It would be foolish to base foreign policy toward Latin America purely on a principled commitment to behaving like Switzerland when real threats exist, ranging from uncontrolled migrant caravans, the open alignment of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela with Russia, Iran, and China, and rampant trade in illicit narcotics. At the least it would be consistent. But typical of the Biden administration, policies are applied haphazardly, in a manner guaranteed to create hypocritical double-standards. The same administration which sanctioned Bukele, the legitimacy of whose election no one, including Biden, contests, has been pushing since February for a rapprochement with Caracas which would see Venezuelan oil return to global markets. On May 17th the administration began the process of loosening sanctions, and on May 27th it approved a waiver for Chevron to operate in Venezuela, bypassing sanctions.

As for Cuba, which holds no multi-candidate elections whatsoever, the Biden administration loosened Trump-era restrictions on travel and remittances to the island in May. Even the exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela from the Summit of the Americas seems to have been a stunt which backfired rather than a principled stand in defense of democracy. The Biden administration had floated the idea that it “might” exclude the three states in April, while stressing that invitations had not yet been sent out to anyone. It seems to have been intended as an inducement: “Respond positively to our efforts to engage or we might not let you come to LA to hang out with Kamala for a week.” Ortega showed a rare human side when he flatly stated his disinterest in an extended interaction with the Vice President. “I say from here to the Yankee: forget it, we are not interested in being in that Summit, we are not interested… that summit does not exalt anyone,” Ortega told the press. This was followed by an almost farcical effort by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to accuse Ortega and Cuba of using a boycott to grandstand. A policy intended to show strength and leverage had instead revealed weakness and a lack of leverage. An effort to use the issue of invitations to grandstand by the Biden administration had ended with the administration accusing the targets of the effort of using the very same issue as propaganda against the U.S.

In short, Biden’s Latin American policy is yet another area where a mixture of arrogance, pettiness, incompetence, and lack of vision has resulted in an approach that alienates everyone. By floating the prospect of excluding Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela as leverage rather than simply excluding them at the start and turning the Summit into a meeting of allies as Trump was apt to do, the Biden administration allowed them to boycott it themselves, giving other left-wing regimes an excuse to do so. By trying to create a false equivalency between the imperfection of right-leaning governments like El Salvador and Guatemala and dictatorships such as Cuba, the Biden administration not only alienated allies on migration and other issues, but also prompted anger even from third parties, such as Brazil’s President Bolsonaro.

The United States needs a clear vision of what it wants in its own hemisphere. Donald Trump had one: It involved determining core American interests – preventing uncontrolled migration, isolating authoritarian regimes aligned with our enemies, and supporting our friends – and then partnering with leaders and governments committed to those values. Democracy and respect for the rule of law were important to Trump because they helped produce the sort of stability which kept a lid on mass illegal migration. But there was a clear hierarchy of importance. Trump recognized that requiring the Guatemalan gendarme to allow journalists full access to their anti-drug raids was less important than whether they cooperated to advance core American interests. Perfect book-keeping by local law enforcement agencies was an aspiration when it came to U.S. aid, not a prerequisite without which all aid would be cut off. The Biden administration is willing to tell Latin American leaders what it does not want them to do, but not what it wants.

It is fitting then that the Summit of Americas was an empty event, news-worthy for its failures more than any achievements. It was a fitting representation of the entire Latin American policy of the current administration.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.

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2 years ago

When will we get those squatters out of our WH. I LOVED the fact that foreign leaders see bi**hy Biden for what he and his political of a wife are, a circus act!

2 years ago

Has Biden ever been correct in any foreign policy decision?

2 years ago

Very good article with just the facts- like Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet. I look forward to reading your articles to get the real deal and the correct information because I do not rely on the lame stream media for information.

R. Chapel
R. Chapel
2 years ago

According to the Babylon Bee to jackasses are refusing to be the symbol of the DUMBOCRAP party.

2 years ago

Well Biden agreed to take in substantially more migrants from central and south America (no approval from Congress required), so I’m sure his handlers thought the summit was a huge success. I’m sure he enjoyed a nice ice cream cone afterwards to celebrate before his nap.

Here’s an idea when writing stories about our so-called President in the future. Focus less on who attended or didn’t attend and more on what bad decisions were made by our so-called POTUS, that will negatively impact the citizens of the United States.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…Exterminate the leftie loonies in America!!!…its time for a new civil war against the commies and socialists in the U.S.A.!!!!

Donnie Parr
Donnie Parr
2 years ago

The Biden Administration is a trainwreck. They’ve blown up the southern border intentionally and ignore their self-made catastrophe and/or lie about it to our faces. He should be impeached as quickly as possible after the Republican takeover in November.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

You mean “four no-shows” don’t you? Biden is there but… is he REALLY? He reminds me of the automatron Abraham Lincoln at Disneyland. Only Biden the Robot is unplugged and powerless!

2 years ago

The whole World knows Biden is a clown and an embarrassment to the citizens of the USA. I firmly and sincerely believe the Ruskies would not have savaged the Ukraine under any other POTUS. Lump it or like it …. Biden has done great damage to this Nation’s welfare and prestige that will burden future POTUS’s to keep the Nation safe and healthy. I can only hope US citizens wise up and insist on Constitutional Amendments to have term limits on Congresspersons and major Exec Branch heads (IRS, FBI, CIA, etc.) AND insist on cleaning up the election laws and system to eliminate rigging voting results with significant penalties including incarceration for cheaters and abettors.

2 years ago

As usual, nothing accomplished of significance. Dog and pony show. Wonder how many ignorant people fell for this obvious diversion of reality?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

More of the same with this group in the WH…They stole the big ring to gain power back again…The amount of damage done by this administration is simply off the charts. Our medical communities are reeling because of the ongoing plandemic hoax in so many ways…
Now is NOT a good time to get sick requiring the services of the medical industry…
I have found out first hand what it feels like to attempt to make a doctors appointment only to learn they stopped excepting new patients & to be put on a waiting list, in other words, I’ll never hear from them…I’m talking about major medical services ( Dartmouth Community ) in the Lebanon, Hanover, WRJ areas of northern New England…
I’ll once again end up at my small healthcare clinic, they will run the tests, provide me with a intern or a nurse only to never see them again after the visit, it is a revolving door health clinic with a constant stream of new faces on those rare times I even go in for a check up…
I have discovered that under the current so-called health crisis, i.e. Covid-19, I am unable to find a doctor with whom I can establish a doctor/patient relationship…These are the times I find myself living under today…
Bill… :~(

2 years ago

If you read between the lines, the News Media as usual has subtly caught again laying off the intensity of its reporting on the events related to Biden’s finagling (AMAC et. al. not included). It’s getting to be an eerie feeling to read majority news reporting about Biden’s activities. We should be gratified that AMAC, Fox News, Conservative Radio, etc. keep us informed about Biden’s ineptitude and also make it obvious that the mainstream media with a few exceptions have become propaganda outlets for the Communist leaning Democrat Party. But it is still imperative that two Constitutional amendments be forthcoming in due time: Term Limits for Congresspersons and high-ranking Executive Branch heads (e.g., IRS, FBI, CIA, etc.). And a balanced budget amendment that puts some type of penalty on the elected officials when they fail to follow balancing the budget. Like the old Pirate Jean Lafitte (sp ?) in circa 1812 when asked about the new system of American Constitutional governance …. (It should work well until the politicians figure out how to bribe the people with their own money!) The aforementioned amendments will throw a monkey wrench into the misgivings of our elected officials favoring their partisan goals in favor to the best governance goals) might add, the voting system needs to be cleaned up big time … it’s more than embarrassing to realize that our elections are really rigged …especially by one Party.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..arrest the whole biden administration and send them to GITMO for punishment!!!…its time for a new civil war against the leftie loonies!!

2 years ago

How are we going to continue caring for 2 million illegals. Health care, schools, housing, food to mention the necessary requirements of life. Jobs at $10.00 an hour will take jobs from Americans who demand more. This is a disaster in the making

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

This senile jerk POTUS is a humiliation to the US and a pathetic joke to the rest of the world.
Please support the ” Convention of States ” to save our Constitution,.
Pray for America on Flag Day 6-14 and fly our colors !

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Can this be the model for future events?? No shows

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

The fraud puppet traitor, and coven of commie traitor administration’s commitment to dealing with the historic surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border:

Keep border open…
Continue inviting illegals, with emphasis on all the free stuff they’ll get…✔
Continue to not verify health or criminal records of illegals; no jabs no masks…✔
Transport voting-age illegals to red cities to facilitate turning them blue…✔
Transport fighting age illegals to training camps for (Demoncrap traitors) future army …✔
Make sure there’s plenty of formula at the border for illegal babies…✔
Put in motion every new fresh hell for Americans dreamed up, no matter how absurd…✔

Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

What a farce! Do Dumbocrats believe that people will believe their lies and propaganda?

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

If American Tax payers stopped paying taxes ALL the Freebee giveaways by the Biden Administration would END !!!!! Maybe that’s what we need to do to show we are FED-UP with OUR money being given away to Non-American Citizens…..Our Veterans are homeless living on the streets while Biden puts Illegals up in Hotels ! REALLY !!!!!! Come on Man………….

2 years ago

Anybody notice any “diplomatic isolation” during President Trump’s administration? Me either. Biden just making stuff up as he goes along.

2 years ago

Have you ever watched a fish, just landed, flop about on the pier, hook in mouth, line trailing?
If so, you get the picture of the Biden administration and it’s continued inability to govern, to function as a genuine form of American democratic practice and any semblance of a real operational government that knows what to do when, and how. EVERYONE sees this. (except this administration). And the sad part is that it appears NO ONE has any capacity to change what is happening across the board; not moderate dems, named repubs, independent actors or any agency within the Federal realm. At some point, people will react and that will be the time when our enemies step in and take charge of this nation as rebellion overcomes reason. It’s like being stuck in a nightmare, with no way out.

2 years ago

To think that with President Trump we were energy independent and now Biden is selling his soul for Oil! For oil that is far less cleaner than what is right under his nose! And now Venezuela and Iran have teamed up! Biden is a disaster and ruining all the great Foreign Relations we had under President Trump. I fear how much more damage Biden can do in the next 2 years. So much damage already in his First 2 years with his bumbling idiotic advisers!

2 years ago

Americans are not the only people that know joeblow is a damaged feckless dolt.

2 years ago

It’s like the 12 year old kid who was so obnoxious, his mother would invite 30 kids in his class to his birthday party in order to get possibly 2 to actually attend. And then she would have to give presents to those 2 kids.

2 years ago

The years of Trump’s ‘Diplomatic Isolation’…..He just Cannot stop LYING.

2 years ago

While in complete agreement with the content of the article, I would beg the author to check the spelling of the names of the Latin American presidents, and the countries he is referencing. When one sees these errors the facts seem to loose credibility.
Great job AMAC on calling a spade a spade.

2 years ago

Biden is a total failure from start to finish. I hope the country can survive the rest of this bozo’s term.

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

Reminds me of the scene in 1963’s hilarious move, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World“, where the Mickey Rooney and Buddy Hacket characters are desperately trying to keep an airplane in the air while its pilot, a drunk and knocked-out Jim Backus, is rolling around in the back of the plane. Buddy has “his little hands” on the controls, white knuckles and all, while Mickey is trying to contact someone on the ground by radio begging for help. The tower asks, “Who’s flying the plane?!”. After a pause and yet another uncontrolled barrel roll, a deeply terrified Mickey Rooney glares over at his friend, Buddy Hacket, who is horribly failing at keeping the plane steady and level, and states emphatically to all who are listening,


Absolutely hilarious movie. Sounds a lot like present day America. Unfortunately, the unprecedented level of SUCK oozing out of this so called “administration”, is putting a major damper on present-day reality.

2 years ago

This cavalcade of clowns finally wormed their way to the center ring and unfortunately haven’t realized they have no magic act. The audience knows, but they don’t. And as one meme so truthfully stated, “For the First time in world history you can utter the phrase HE’S AN IDIOT, and the whole world knows immediately who you’re talking about.”

2 years ago

We are living a bizarre mix of two dystopian movies, “1984” and “Idiocracy”. All we know for sure is that the Biden administration is globally for sale, and goes by one of the mantras from “Idiocracy”: “I like money!”

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

It is NOT the Biden Administration, it IS a treasonous Dictatorship. They are acting like Dictators, not leading in any fashion. Simply bullying everyone they disagree with or disagrees with them. They are devious but not intelligent as I see it. There are a number of people in this country with the brain capacity of a sloth, (not to insult sloths), but they are very slow to get the slightest sense of our current reality. The majority of us are not as stupid as these traitors believe. The longer Americans wait to act against this Dictatorship, the more they’ll hold our freedoms hostage. Burden is a joke, and we need to deliver the PUNCHLINE! If I were younger I’d be doing what I could as quietly as possible to wake people up….mainly with our new illegal visiters, I speak enough Spanish to be able to communicate to them what this government is really doing. I would also appeal to those who came here legally to help explain to the new entries. Just something I believe needs to be done.
This breaking of our immigration laws needs to backfire on them bigtime! Many of these people are not dumb, just poor and oppressed. Everyone wants free stuff, but they need to know who is really footing the bill and that it is doing to them what their own countries leaders were doing to them. I pray someone does something soon, and who knows, maybe they are…remember, I said I would do it quietly.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

All togather now. Nobody loves me,everybody hates me, guess I will go eat wormes, Kuyle L.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

“In short, Biden’s Latin American policy is yet another area where a mixture of arrogance, pettiness, incompetence, and lack of vision has resulted in an approach that alienates everyone.”

I could not have said it better.

2 years ago

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

2 years ago

No country, left o tight has respect for Biden or trusts him.Therefor America is not respected. We have fallen from the top of the world to the dustbin of humanity, never to return. Why do I feel so hopeless and helpless? Because we are.. Thanks China Joe.

2 years ago

Other world leaders don’t respect Biden any more than US citizens do. Why would they waste time meeting with a simple minded tool of the socialists trying to destroy America? They benefit from a strong America. Under Jo(k)e Biden we are not strong.

2 years ago

Nobody on the planet has respect for this bumblef**k in chief! For some he is just not Donald Trump and that’s all they care about. While he stumbles around his administration is ruining the country! Please, can we have the mean tweets back? It was a small price to pay to have things run way better!

2 years ago

For what it’s worth, “Columbia” is a poetic name for the United States of America while “Colombia” is a nation in South America.

Spelling maters: if authors demonstrate a carelessness about spelling, readers may understandably question their commitment to getting other “details” in the article right.

Mike B.
Mike B.
2 years ago

How can this administration get everything wrong ? All their policies are failing, yet they carry on like it’s all working out . What have they done right ? Can someone answer me this question? They’re so arrogant about it too . Harris : I’ll go for a photo opt, but get nothing accomplished. Our Vice President is just as bad as our President! How can these countries respect the USA , when our own citizens don’t? Every day they ~~~~ something up.

2 years ago

Biden destroyed all the good policies of the previous Administration. He has no good policies for America. Mr. Biden is disgusting and the worse president the US of American has every known!!!

James J
James J
2 years ago

it was all planned.. put a complete Moron puppet hair plug 50 year of a do Nothing Idiot Freak democrat into the Peoples House.. biden you are a wasted rotting skin bag of monkey pox flesh.. keep tripping up the stairs fool .. TRAITOR !!! You should be tried for TREASON and Sentenced

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

Whenever the terms “summit” and “Democrat” appear anywhere near each other you can bet that it is a debacle in the making.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

That is pathetic and hilarious at the same time that they didn’t show up. How embarrassing for America that he is such a loser. Also, some women’s forum that Kamala was supposed to speak at was postponed until the Fall because they couldn’t sell enough tickets. When are they going to get a clue that Americans and other countries just don’t like them???? They are clueless and a bunch of losers!!!!!!! Can’t wait for November!!!!!

2 years ago

What will all of these people who are leaving their countries do to the economy there? I would think that it could have a negative effect.

2 years ago

Summits are as useless as mammary glands on a male hog! Their purpose is to feign that the participants are engaged in worthwhile governance. Political showboating is a more descriptive term for “Summits.”

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