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The White House Christmas Video – An Issue of Dignity

Posted on Monday, December 18, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff attend the 100th National Christmas Tree Lighting Wednesday, November 30, 2022, on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

If I described a place where cocaine was found, an animal-costumed mascot was twerking during an event with kids present, and trans activists stripped semi-naked, you might think I was talking about a grungy club in New York. But you’d be wrong! All of that happened at the Biden White House. Yes, our White House in Washington, DC.

All of this (and more!) brought to us by President Joe Biden whose 2020 campaign for the presidency emphasized, ironically, ‘restoring dignity’ and bringing ‘normalcy’ and ‘decency’ to the White House. Yikes!

The latest from the Normal, Dignified, and Decent team at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the traditional White House Christmas video. Really, Americans wonder, how can you screw that up? What could go wrong, we ask? Plenty, apparently. Plenty.

Last week First Lady Jill Biden unveiled this year’s Christmas video on X, and posted, “A bit of magic, wonder, and joy brought to you by the talented tappers of Dorrance Dance, performing their playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite. Enjoy!”

Strangely, while there is plenty of tap dancing, the video doesn’t mention Christmas or the birth of Jesus. Do the people running the White House know that we know what Christmas is, or perhaps they’re pretending that Christmas is now a generic “Winter Festival” just like how they pretend the border is closed, the economy is fine, and Joe had nothing to do with Hunter’s “business” dealings.

When I’ve infrequently had the flu in my life, and when COVID struck me back in 2021, I had what can only be described as fever dream of cartoons in technicolor—like “Roger Rabbit” or a delirium-fueled “Wizard of Oz.” While sometimes I’ve thought we were living in a nightmare, never did I think the Bidens would go so far as to remind me of their disturbing delirious nonsense during Christmas. But then again, perhaps the stunningly awful Christmas video is the best representation of the Biden administration to date.

But there’s more! The Dorrance Dance troupe in Jill Biden’s ‘Winter Tap Festival’ video aren’t just tappers, they’re also social justice warriors! The Daily Caller reports, “The New York City-based troupe, Dorrance Dance, notes on its website that ‘at its core, tap dance is a subversive form.’ The company supports Black Lives Matter and features ‘anti-racism’ resources on its website, including ways to educate oneself about ‘white privilege, systemic racism, white fragility, and anti-racism.’”

Oh really, and how clever. Are we using tax-payer funds to pay ostensibly for the traditional Christmas video and have it go right into the hands of political activists? The publicity alone has likely driven enough cash to their coffers to make even Hunter Biden blush.

One of the groups endorsed by Dorrance Dance is called Incite, a virulently anti-Israel organization of “radical feminists of color” that embraces the slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” on its website. The slogan is a call for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian state.

The First Lady posted the video, which runs a little over two minutes, and has been viewed millions of times. Unsurprisingly, the video says nothing about the 92 radical causes that Dorrance Dance encourages visitors to its website to support.

Truly, how did whoever is running the White House stop themselves from the addition of someone portraying Karl Marx dressed as Santa Claus, transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as Mrs. Claus (chugging a Bud Light while dancing), and members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus as Santa’s elves?

Christmas is supposed to be about peace on Earth and goodwill toward all. It’s supposed to be a time of unity, where politics are set aside. The Biden Christmas video conveys the opposite message: an embrace of the hard left and a rejection of the holiday spirit. First lady Melania Trump’s 2020 White House Christmas video set the gold standard. Like Mrs. Trump, the video exuded classic elegance. The former first lady appeared briefly but the focus of the video was on the beautiful trees and Christmas decorations. No dancers of any political persuasion spoiled the holiday cheer.

Reports are saying the new Normal, Decent, and Dignified White House has some competition—there’s been a sex escapade in a Senate hearing room! According to Daily Caller, and other widely circulated and unconfirmed reports, an aide to Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) allegedly had sex with another male in the Senate Judiciary Committee room, filmed it, and shared it in a “private group for gay men in politics.”  Politico reports, “Portions of the tape were published by the Daily Caller on Friday showing two men having sex in the cavernous Hart Senate Office Building hearing room that has played host to Supreme Court nominees, 9/11 Commission meetings and former FBI Director James Comey’s blockbuster 2017 testimony on Donald Trump. The American Spectator previously reported that a Cardin staffer was involved.” 

Senator Cardin’s office tells reporters that the man reported to have been involved is “no longer employed by the Senate.”

I have no idea what the new Normal and Dignified in Washington, DC will cough up next, but I do know all Americans deserve better.

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1 year ago

There is no dignity/integrity with Bidens.

kitty hogan
kitty hogan
1 year ago

this is a low class family. zero couth or dignity. they embarrass the usa on the world stage with their low morals and tacky behavior. 2024 cannot come soon enough

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
1 year ago

Moral decay buried deep in the soul and heart of those responsible.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
1 year ago

First and foremost when a regime is trying to take down a country is to destroy all of its social structure to create chaos, they must get rid of all religion, destroy the economy, create separate groups of people by race and creed, and erase any semblance of a proud and purposeful past. So they ignore our Constitution, throw us into recession (soon to be a depression), ignore all crime unless it is committed by your opponent and try to make the only law enforcement the federal government…oh, and patiently start indoctrinating our kids in public school for many years. They lie about everything and think that if they lie enough, others will believe them. They tell the school kids not to tell their parents what is going on in the classroom. I could go on and on but this immoral, disgusting “entertainment” is suppose to offend us it. It is their way to show they can literally do anything they want..they are in charge. If the GOP does not stop their cheating, we are in for four years more of this crap…possibly forever. Our country will be a thing of the past. Just like Rome.

Bea Byrd
Bea Byrd
1 year ago

I watched the video and was appalled at it. Tap dancer’s interpretation of a beloved Christmas ballet? It looked like a romp through the White House. Yet another indignity thrust at the American people by this sham administration.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

Every time I think the grifters currently despoiling The White House with their illegitimate presence there could not possibly sink any lower or bring more embarrassment to our nation, they prove me wrong.

1 year ago

The puppet-masters running the Biden Administration are tone deaf. They have just figured out that Bidenomics is not selling well. People maxing out credit cards just to pay the rent and grocery bills know that Bidenomics is having great impact on their lives and they know that the impact is not positive. People without college degrees were shocked to hear that Biden wants them to pick up bills for other people’s college education. That’s positive? An uncontrolled border is positive? Crime on steroids is positive? The Afghanistan pull out was positive? No wonder the Christmas video from the White House featured a left wing hate group posing as entertainers. It could have been anticipated. Can’t wait for Jill to show Joe how to exit the White House for good.

1 year ago

Everything about this administration has been 180 degrees from the truth. Dignity is on the ballot. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah once. Modern day D.C. makes them look like a scout camp.

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
1 year ago

Tammy… you nailed it, but unless people actually see it they will not know just how sickening it really was. That being said – I would advise people NOT to watch it and ruin the their Christmas joy. Merry Christmas.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

So what’s next, a Tijuana pony show live from the White House? Diaper Joe restoring dignity and bringing back normalcy and decency…what a joke!

Trump 2024.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I wonder what Lady Jill thinks of children sold and used for sex What she might think of Epstein enterprise and all the quiet surrounding it The rot this administration became is the old Rome at its most decadent times and they smile and proudly hold the heads up

1 year ago

Absolutely disgusting. The world is laughing at the United States because of the low class Bidens.

1 year ago
  • Well when you install a man in the White House who has never had an original thought in his head. Is lower than low in his hair sniffing of women and little girls to this day. Lies as easily as swallowing water. Has an evil sense of eliminating anyone and anything that is not on board with his regime. Did you expect anything else? We have had dignified First Ladies but Dr Jill is not one of them. They were white trash before and they still are. No title can ever change that.
  • The Christmas display is a disgrace to the people of America and the World.
William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

The Obidens continue their example of class. All Third!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

All I thought of seeing these morons prancing around was “Which one is the transgender? Oh. There HE is!” Hey, at least they managed to keep their clothes on this time but then maybe Cardins staffer wasn’t invited.

1 year ago

The trash in the White house today is an embarrassment to every decent American in this country. We really need to ‘take out the trash’ in next years election.

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
1 year ago


1 year ago

This family disgusts me! My late husband was a Lt. Colonel and was a West Point graduate. Needless to say, he had high morals and standards! He was from the Exeter/Scranton, PA area. He knew the Bidens from the Scranton, PA area, and told me the entire family was corrupt! And, also untouchable! Everything the Biden’s have done confirms what my husband stated. Evil, pure Evil! How are the American people so enamorous of this creepy, corrupt family??? God, help us!

1 year ago

pure white corrupt trash resides at the white house and it’s so sad.

1 year ago

When we are led by those who do not have a God centered life, we are not being led by anyone with a moral or ethical code to guide them. I believe this has been amply demonstrated over the last three years.

1 year ago

This latest fiasco, should be disgusting to every American. Joe Bidum is upset and wondering why he has such low ratings, and has asked his staff to find out why, duh! You absolutely cannot make this stuff up! The only question: is this dementia or total and utter stupidity? Both!

Donald K Dalton
Donald K Dalton
1 year ago

My God! Is our great nation going to survive this trailer trash administration?

1 year ago

Speaking as a film producer, I was not only appalled at the garish, nightmare feel of the video, but I was also scornful of the sloppy performances. The dance moves weren’t coordinated. They didn’t move together, but were disjointed. The choreography had no “wow” factor to it and the execution was just bad. I’ve seen better dancing at high school dance recitals. And don’t get me started on the harsh, no-resemblance-to-Tchaikovsky music! Their souls came through the video, and I prayed for them. May the Lord Jesus’s light pierce their darkness, because that’s what Christmas is really about.

1 year ago

No, it is an issue of lack of dignity!

1 year ago

I have never been so embarrassed, offended, insulted and distraught by the actions of this administration!!! The promises to return dignity and integrity were lost as soon as those words came out of Joe’s mouth!!! The transparency that was promise never materialized and the crimes that the Biden crime family has allowed to happen within the walls of the White House have been astonishing and show the moral decay within the Democrat Party!!! They only believe in the law for others, not for themselves!! And we have at least another year of this sh*t show!!!

1 year ago

Total depravity

1 year ago

Drugs, Sex, and Obscene, Video Tapes, this is the first Person to occupy the White House that not one member of this family has any class whatsoever, I am just an old Farm Boy, but I am head and shoulders over any member of this bunch of low lives.
OH! I forgot to mention they lie too!
Notice: I did not call him president, never have never will, he is just keeping the lights on for President Trumps return.

1 year ago

This puts me in mind of the prelude to the fall of the Roman Empire. A circus atmosphere with drunken, licentious bacchanal. If we fall, I hope there are enough of us to rise from the ashes and reinvent our country, although times are not as simple as they were then.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

More MTV VH1 then anything

1 year ago

How many of you watched First lady Melania Trump’s 2020 White House Christmas video with a smile on your face? With joy in your heart?
And then watched the First lady Jill Biden’s 2020 White House Christmas video with a look of (just don’t know the word) confusion? shock? disgust? Really, I half expected to see sprinkles cocaine like snow and WH staff with straws.

1 year ago

And yet, once again, nothing happens to this immoral president and his Satan worshiping band of malfesents!

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

Will next November EVER GET HERE?!!!!!!

David P. Nelson
David P. Nelson
1 year ago

I, totally, agree with you Tammy. In my opinion EVERYTHING that Biden has a hand in is an embarrassing disaster! It would seem that the Democrats are trying to mess-up time and time again. This has got to stop!!!

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

What else can Biden ruin?

1 year ago

Tap dancing’s origins are from the British Isles (Scots, Irish, English jigs, line dances etal), fused with African drums. Wearing taps on one’s shoes most certainly did not originate in bare-foot, pre-colonial Africa.The Dorrance Dance Group most certainly are guilty of cultural appropriation, if not historical ignorance.

1 year ago

Very Low Class, but what did you expect a real Christmas message.

1 year ago

The embarrassment they cause for our country is beyond my ability to describe.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

How low can you go! I doubt we have seen the bottom yet from this bunch. I think I am going to be sick!

1 year ago

This lack of dignity reminds me of the Clinton years.

1 year ago

CHRIST removed.

Steven A Ruzek
Steven A Ruzek
1 year ago

Agree. The world already knows the Bidens are trash. There is no need for them to keep prooving it over and over again.

1 year ago

More and more moral rot on display. It appears to be the primary objective for the demon crat party. How low will they go is the question.

1 year ago

Looking back at Biden’s life, dignity and integrity have never played any part in it. He’s been lost forever…and his children are following in his footsteps! Apparently his daughter is up to her eyeballs in unpaid income tax too. Taking lessons from father, brother and uncles!

Silby Silbers
Silby Silbers
1 year ago

The people in power now, especially in DC, could care less about dignity at Christmas or any other occasion. Remember half naked transgenders frolicking with Easter Bunny last spring on the WH lawn? It could have been far worse! I’m surprised herr Doktor Mrs.OBiden didn’t call upon the renounced, sorry I meant to type renowned Dylan Mulvaney to perform Ava Maria with a group of transgender ballerinas dancing in the balls, sorry… the halls, I meant halls.

1 year ago

This is so disgusting He is in my File 13.

Kathleen L Rinck
Kathleen L Rinck
1 year ago

This reminds me of the Clinton Christmases where they decorated the White House tree (or trees) with condoms. That was the start of our moral decline and under the Biden regime it’s on steroids.

Wild Wyoming
Wild Wyoming
1 year ago

Our present government is a pathetic joke laughed at or ashamed to be associated with by the rest of the world, brought on us by the democrats and their associates.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Reminds me of the party goers in the final scenes of “Masque Of The Red Death.” 1964 with Vincent Price. Watching that movie I thought people don’t act like that. Thanks Jill for proving me wrong.

1 year ago

Biden and his family suck. This dance troupe is sad. Makes people sad and we the taxpayers paid for it. It’s really SAD!!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

One day we will look back on this time in Americas life and tell each other, “we didn’t always live under overpasses”.

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