Democrats are upset about President Donald Trump renaming the former Gulf of Mexico but want to replace the word “mother” with “inseminated person.” You can’t make this up.
The Left’s war on language has reached a new level of insanity, and this time, they’ve set their sights on one of the most sacred and fundamental institutions in human existence: motherhood.
In Wisconsin, Democrat Gov. Tony Evers and his administration are pushing to erase the word “mother” from official documents, replacing it with the sterile and dehumanizing term “inseminated person.”
If that sounds absurd to you, that’s because it is.
This isn’t just some minor bureaucratic change—it’s a deliberate and calculated attack on the very concept of family, gender, and biological reality. The Left has been waging this war for years, but now they’re saying the quiet part out loud.
They don’t just want what they call “inclusivity” or “progress.” They want to dismantle and redefine the very essence of what it means to be a mother.
It’s not enough for the radical Left to control the media, academia, and corporate America. They now want to control language itself.
Their goal is simple: if they can redefine the words we use, they can reshape our culture, our values, and our understanding of truth.
By replacing “mother” with “inseminated person,” they are stripping away the love, sacrifice, and irreplaceable role that mothers have played in society since the beginning of time. They want to reduce the most profound human experience—the bond between a mother and her child—to a cold, clinical process.
Think about the message that sends to young women and mothers across the country. The miracle of childbirth, the nurturing instinct that has defined human civilization, is being reduced to nothing more than an “insemination.”
It’s offensive, it’s degrading, and it’s deeply anti-woman.
For decades, feminists fought for women’s rights and the recognition of women’s unique contributions to society. Now, in an ironic twist, today’s so-called progressives are actively erasing womanhood itself.
They tell us that men can become women, that gender is a social construct, and that motherhood is just a biological function that can be described in purely mechanical terms.
How did we get here? How did we reach a point where the same people who once championed women’s rights are now telling us that a woman is nothing more than an “inseminated person”?
This isn’t progress. It’s regression.
If we accept this insanity, where does it stop? If “mother” is offensive, what’s next? “Father” becoming “sperm provider”? “Family” being replaced with “cohabiting legal units”? The Left’s obsession with dismantling traditional values is a dangerous path that leads to a society completely detached from reality.
The bottom line is this: Language matters. Words shape our culture, our beliefs, and our identity. The radical Left knows this, which is why they are so hell-bent on controlling it. But conservatives—and all other Americans who still believe in truth—must stand firm.
Mothers are not “inseminated persons.” They are the heart of the family, the cornerstone of civilization, and the very people who bring life into this world. No amount of leftist linguistic gymnastics will ever change that fact.
Evers and his allies can try to rewrite the dictionary, but they can’t erase the truth. And the truth is this: Motherhood is irreplaceable, and we will not stand by while the radical Left tries to erase it.
C.J. Pearson is a national co-chairman of the Republican National Committee Youth Advisory Council.
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal – By C.J. Pearson
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Did these morons forget where they came from???
A mother…who nursed them and changed their crappy diapers?
Maybe they were inseminated by the evil evil devil.
Or were hatched under a rock by the sun.
Evers in Wisconsin is the worst.
Democrats (the left) just keep digging deeper and deeper. They think 2024 elections were a butt whipping! Just wait and see! The people aren’t putting up with this nonsense.
In a Marxist Utopia, no male would ever fight for the honor of their mother, or sister, or wife, or an woman/girl in need of protection/assistance. If no male would fight, you can easily control/dominate/subjugate the WHOLE of society. If you can label everyone, and cause divisions between them, you won’t be resisted. It’s ALL part of their bigger picture. EVERYTHING they are doing is part of their WAR on We the People. To win in their plan for the New World Order, they must take down America and traditions across the globe.
What if we decided to get rid of the word Democrat??? Would that be acceptable to Democrats?? I am insulted and offended by their even having the thought of removing ‘mother’ from existence!!
Was Gov. Tom Evers born to a man or an alien?? That’s the only way he doesn’t have a Mother! And was she thrilled by your ignorant idea, Tom – if I were your mom I would be disowning you immediately!
Are you going to propose removing all of the dad references as well or is this strictly against women??? They seem to be against women when discussing this subject of transgenders in women’s sports – every single Democrat Senator voted against the bill keeping transgenders out of women’s sports – WHY?? Because they feel like they are voting against Trump but they are hurting all women in sports and they obviously don’t care about women only about Trump!! They are destroying their own base by these “far-from-progressive” attitudes due to their TDS!!!
How about we change evers to aborted moron and perhaps it (aborted moron) will get the hint.
Thank you for this article.
Actually Evers is behind the times.
All the so called name changes happened last 2 yrs.
Get with it son of inseminated person.
Women should be insulted by this term, inseminated person. Motherhood is a beautiful thing. Inseminated person is an idea right out of the mind of satan.
Buy Evers a one way ticket to outer space. Can’t fix stupid!
Yes, they want to strip away love for mothers. Without love which comes from God, you have a void filled in by Satan. Love grows and they don’t need love when they want to take over like the Nazi Nation in Germany did. It is also easier to control less people than have society having babies. A person insemination sounds horrible so who knows what affects this may have.i doubt that it would be a positive affect. Less love, more coldness and cruelty in society. Unfortunately, we can’t even hug any more since someone may claim serial harassment. What a disgrace for humanity.
In those democrats run state, they brain wash our children so they get what they want, which a new world order!
I wish they all could be retroactively aborted.
Well, look on the bright side.
Democrat Governor Tony Evers actually proved reincarnation.
(Nobody could get that looney in one lifetime)
“Inseminated Person” is a temporary state, just like “6th grader”. So maybe we should call all far left mothers “6th Graders”, because they were at one time, and that seems to be their level of education, but that would probably be an insult to actual 6th graders.
These democrats are morons!
A loud AMEN to this article! Motherhood is a gift and is the pinnacle of what a female can do. Shame on those who would strip us of that gift! I wonder how they got here?!
Destruction of the American family started with LBJ and welfare. They made it more profitable to be a single parent with multiple children with no income, no insurance and explicitly no husband. Now they are trying to do away with the word Mother.
Last night I would have given anything if President Trump would have asked the Demo crowd if they had any ideas about how to stop the waste, fraud and corruption in the Federal Government. “Do you have any idea or plan how to improve the United States, physically, financially or patriotically “?
If a mother is an inseminated person, what does that make a fegeleh who has been sodomized?
Seems all this ‘stuff’ has come up since SCOTUS decided marriage is between two consenting adults rather than between a man and woman. SO, to me, it’s the LGBTQ+ activists who are pushing all these attempts to reshape what is a family.
The truth is for two gay men to have children, they still must adopt ones that have STILL been born from a WOMAN’s body. Is Evers gay?
At the core of the issue is this fact: the left and the dem party have been in rebellion against the created order of things for decades. They wish to author a new creation based on perverse ‘truths’. They work nonstop to lure the young into their orbit but now weve got a platform from which to fight. Thank you President Trump. Lets make the most of it.
Oh, they’re all about “women” so long as they don’t mind taking a trans vollyball spike into the face or being raped and murdered by an illegal they “welcome” in!
How did we get here? Open your Bible to 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. The events of today were foretold thousands of years ago.
Excellent article although I can understand that if you are a joyless, Godless, amoral, self-victimizing, party line towing democrat and motherhood does not bring misery to others, then it is a ho-hum event.