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The Top 5 Investigations House Republicans Plan to Launch on the Biden Administration

Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2022
by AMAC, Palmer Schoening

As a new Republican majority gets set to enter the U.S. House of Representatives next year, party leadership and incoming committee chairs are already busy at work preparing a full schedule for the next two years. Despite Republicans not having won the Senate, and with it the ability to stop the far left Biden agenda, the House GOP conference will be able to wield the committee gavel to launch a slew of investigations into the Biden White House and federal agencies. In fact, incoming Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight & Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY), said that his committee, which has nearly unlimited jurisdiction over federal agencies, plans to look into “40 or 50 different things” when Republicans take control of the House next year. So what are they? Here are the top five investigations that House Republicans plan to launch on the Biden administration.

Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family

A few days after Republicans officially won control of the House, Comer and incoming House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), held a press conference on Capitol Hill where they announced their intention to investigate Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business deals and the degree to which his dad, now President Joe Biden, was involved. “We’re not trying to prove Hunter Biden is a bad actor—he is,” said Comer. “Our investigation is of Joe Biden.” Comer and his Republican colleagues on the Oversight Committee also announced the release of an interim report that states “A review of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, as well as information from whistleblowers, reveals a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, national security risks, and political cover-ups. Biden family members used their connections with Joe Biden to enrich themselves through the expectation of access to Joe Biden and promises about what a future Biden Administration might do for them. There are numerous unanswered questions raised by these suspicious activities that warrant further investigation.”

COVID-19: Origin, Lockdowns, and Trillions of Dollars

There are several aspects surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic that Republicans will try to get to the bottom of, such as the origin of the virus, state government mandated lockdowns, and an accounting of the trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds that went out through the Paycheck Protection Program, unemployment insurance fraud and other means. In addition, the Oversight committee plans to look into the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Dr. Fauci’s role in the pandemic response. “One of the things Republicans campaigned on was holding this administration accountable. I’m doing my role,” Comer told Punchbowl News. We’re in charge of investigations: Waste, fraud and abuse. That’s our job.

 Immigration Crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border

A top priority for the House Republican conference will be to find out what the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is doing along America’s southern border. Since Joe Biden was sworn in as President, over four million people have been apprehended according to data released by the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), about 2 million per year. And that’s only the ones we’ve caught. Biden’s border crisis will be in the spotlight for the House Oversight Committee and the House Homeland Security Committee which specifically has jurisdiction. In fact, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the House GOP leader and likely next Speaker of the House, traveled to El Paso, TX after the election where he called on DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign or potentially face impeachment, a bold a telling statement of just how serious Republican leadership plans to focus the conference on this issue next year.

Politicization of the Department of Justice

It is no secret how incoming Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) feels about President Joe Biden and the far left liberal establishment. Days before the midterm election, Jordan and Judiciary Committee Republicans released a report on politicization and anti-conservative bias in the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and Department of Justice (DOJ) more broadly. This report offers important clues into a slew of alleged corruption practices that the committee will focus on next year, from raiding a former president’s home to the IRS targeting conservative charities. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,” Jordan tweeted in early November.


President Joe Biden’s hasty, foolish, and deadly decision to retreat from Afghanistan and turn the country over to the Taliban in a matter of days will be a priority focus of incoming House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX). America’s victory in Afghanistan was sealed over a decade ago, so why did Biden make the decision to withdraw despite the reported advice against it from military generals? How many billions of dollars of military equipment was given to the Taliban and what kind of weapons systems? Will sensitive American military technology fall into the wrong hands? How many Americans and others were stranded? There are so many questions that haven’t been answered, mostly because Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has refused numerous invitations to testify before Congress. Even Senate Democrats were stunned at the Biden administration’s obstruction of Congress over one of the most pivotal moments in 21st century history.

No doubt, House Republicans will have their hands full and there are so many areas where Joe Biden, his family, his administration, and his poor judgment have cost America. Americans voted in a Republican majority because we want a check on the Biden White House. When it comes to the Bidens, we have a lot more questions than answers and it’s up to House Republicans to get to the truth.

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1 year ago

The administration will both stonewall and obfuscate through every single investigation. Thus all these planned “investigations” will yield precious little in terms of either meaningful change or anyone of any real significance being held accountable and facing any true punishment for their actions.

Congress has one real power to force change from the Executive Branchor to get answers on multiple issues and that is the power of the purse. However, both McCarthy and McConnell have already signaled mutiple times this year that they will never use it. McConnell is already prepared to sign onto a new CR with the Democrats before year’s end, that will throw away any financial leverage the Republicans may have for FY 2023.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Add J6 Riot & Comm.
China trade, deals, treaties signed
Chinese US deals IE farmland

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
1 year ago

In regard to electing GOP Senate members in 2024, there should be more than one member of Congress to decide who gets the money for their campaign. McConnell held the purse strings this time and part of our loss was because HE made those decisions. Better read the left’s “wants” in 2024. Our candidates didn’t know that abortion was nearly the #1 item on their list? We should have addressed that issue and didn’t…at all even after the Dem’s lying ads that said the Reps would end ALL abortions. The GOP better stick together next time around or we are toast!!

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

I’m experiencing deja vu all over again.

Yesterday an article titled “Five Urgent Priorities for New House Republican Majority” and today this article titled “The 5 Investigations House Republicans Plan to Launch on the Biden Administration”.

Instead of all of these investigations, why doesn’t the House “leadership” pick one issue (for example, immigration) to fix during the next two years so that in 2024, we have at least one accomplishment to run on ?

1 year ago

Let us see if the newly elected Republicans go after Biden and the other issues like the Dems. went after Trump or did we just put in office another bunch of P***IES!!!

1 year ago

Albeit good to investigate these five, although I could add the January 6 committee debacle of outright gaslighting the country of what, and who was responsible for the events of that day, none of these investigations will get the unbiased coverage from the MSM, who will place all the blame on the Republicans for everything. Mainstream Media is truly the enemy of our country. The new congress needs to somehow expose them and hold them accountable for their bias reporting. Because they hide behind the first amendment it is very difficult, I don’t know how too, except for promoting and sharing Newsmax, Real America’s Voice and One America News and a very few shows on Fox News.

Joseph Tomanelli
Joseph Tomanelli
1 year ago

You need to have a share link to Truth Social and Gab.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I’m all for these investigations as long as they don’t drag them out. Investigate then act. I’m tired of Congress dragging out their investigations and not doing the regular work of the people. The more it’s dragged out the interest of the people goes away. ACT.

1 year ago

I hope these investigations will be successful, and that they don’t end up in the trash bins of history.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

The FBI is and has been for several long years standing in muddy water. They are not an independent LAW organization any longer. “SS” is the predominant leaning most all of the time. Of all the Law Orgs. that exist I am most afraid of the power this group welds against us. My question is how did it get so screwed up? Hummmm,, Comey was a great start, then Wray, we lost the integrity along the way and the FBI’ers became pawns of the select few. The FBI is a spin off now of 3-4 administrations that were lawless and careless of the 3 branches of the GOV’t. I have so many questions that I am certain will never be revealed about what happened to certain people over the years. Why they turned, where they disappeared to, etc.etc.I barely trust the Secret Service or the CIA, but those are stories for another generation to unroll someday. I would love to live another 50 years just to see if anything ever is turned up on so many serious issues and events that have been buried in the halls of the FBI headquarters. Example: SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SCALIA. ????
The Hunter Biden laptop, and so many more. The FBI’ers “Strain on a gnat but they can swallow a Camel.” The stuff that truly should be a real honest ??? event to address or investigate is often the least of their cares. The TV programs that are based on FBI events and investigations paint a very different picture for the public. Actually whomever is doing the scripting and plots is very generous in implying that the FBI can and does those great things these days. Sorry TEAM FBI your black eye is and has been showing for a good long time now. Wish it wasn’t true.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

The Republicans have to do these investigations. Otherwise, the Marxist Democrats will continue to run roughshod over anyone who challenges them. These criminal activities are destroying patriotic politicians and patriotic citizens. I’m mystified that some Republicans are so stupid as to want to give Biden and his goons a pass on all of their treasonous crimes. Our country is The United States of America — not The United Democrats of America.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
1 year ago

I Have an idea for one that should be at the top of the list. How about a complete forensic investigation into the theft of the 2022 and 2022 elections. The problem with the Rs is that they sat on their hands and did nothing to investigate, cause debate on or bombarded the Ds with constant facts about election fraud.

The RNC sends me a gazillion emails to donate, but they did absolutely NOTHING in terms of election fraud and did not complain that Sen. McConnell effectively sabotaged and chance of a senate majority because some senate candidates would not support him for majority leader, and he is certainly quiet about election issues in NV and AZ which are documented.

No more contributions to the RNC.

1 year ago

Stop all the dammed investigations and get to defunding all of this administration’s foolish programs!!
Power lies in the money!!!

Steven Rofe
Steven Rofe
1 year ago

The twelve Republicans that helped the Democrats pass a bill that will hurt families, churches

1 year ago

I’m never optimistic about any so called investigation congress ever does especially with this corrupt judicial system we have. Just wasting more taxpayers money. Whether they’re Dems or Gop, no congressman or government officials ever gets held accountable for their crimes or unethical, unconstitional bills they pass. I don’t even think my vote really counts or is needed with all the the big bussines corporations, lobiests, special interest groups that support these clowns in office. Just follow the moneyand you’ll see where these congressmen interests lie. In conclusion, nothing will come about any investigations while the American people will continue to suffer and the nation will continue to be the laughing stock of the world!! You can’t save this nation, it’s too far gone but you can save yourself, put your faith and trust in the Lord!!!!

1 year ago

Also repeal the student loan forgiveness and the anti inflation bill!

1 year ago

What a shame. Now the republicans will be spinning their wheels on known governments deadly actions against our freedoms. Bad boy Biden and his crime family need to be throughly exposed and their crimes against America brought to immediate justice. Frankly I hope they get active. I believe they will spend more time jockeying for power than curing the evils within.

1 year ago

Time to just close the border and start deportations!! Illegals go….Documented legal stay and get to work!! Should be millions leaving and cut off money too!! Time for Hunter and Crazy Joe to be tried and convicted of treason to say the least!! Once the investigations start Benidict Biden won’t last long!!

1 year ago

If after these investigations all that will be done is a slap on the wrist, I say forget about it. There are many, many other things that need to be done and approved for a Nation than a showboat investigation. If ALL these investigation are just for show, then the Republicans will appear to be acting like the democrats. So if there is an investigation, do it and charge the Biden’s and whoever else whose doing this country wrong.

1 year ago

One thing the Republicans can do is replenish the money that was borrowed from Social Security that was used to support other cash eating programs, like giving money to other countries who don’t support us. Need to take care of the home front first. Due believe it was in the millions of dollars.

1 year ago

And like always, nothing will come of it why voters keep electing these rinos, like McConnell and Romney are beyond me. The only reason I can come up with is they are as corrupt as the Marxist regime we have now.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

I want to see what happens if it is just alot of Washington BS again I want to see what happens if they do what they say then it is about time, I want to see how they fix the border send back all the illegals and stop the ones coming in without a secure border we can control nothing that includes drugs coming in, it is time to stop all the lies once and for all build that wall and hire more border agents with more arrest power. want to see what they do to get the inflation under control if possible right now at least start and try to fix stop spending taxpayers will have years to pay back all this wild spending to many give a ways according to Biden everything is free like he is footing the bill more lies. Will see what happens next year.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


1 year ago

This will make for interesting and controversial tv but not much else. Hearings never result
in any true penalty. Just admonishment. They will be a transfusion to the anemic programming of
Fox and CNN who will attempt to make major news of the proceedings but if we think these
hearings will yield actual results, forget it. Call me when someone goes to jail.

1 year ago

RSB is correct. Wake me up when they cut the budget or balance the budget or cut the deficit.
Except for increased spending, Washington is designed to accomplish little and they do it well

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

This all sounds good, but nothing will become of it as usual. We had Trump in the White House for four years and Hillary Clinton is still not in prison despite the blatantly obvious crimes she committed. There will be a lot of money spent but absolutely nobody will be held accountable, except for some expendables that will fall on their swords. The fix is in and has been in for a long time.

1 year ago

I agree with you, Paul E. Thank you for putting things in a way I can understand. What I am reading in all of these opinions from all of you commenting here – is that we all are pretty frustrated with Republicans failure to follow thru – reminds me of the investigation into Bill Clinton’s lying about his affair and Newt Gingrich and fellow Republicans doing nothing about it (mainly because Newt was also having an affair). Despite all that, I’m praying that this Republican Congress will put on their big boy pants( pun intended) and actually follow through!!!!!

1 year ago

Let’s Go Brandon and every Democrate who has supported this corrupted 2020 U.S. government!

Don R
Don R
1 year ago

These new committees should be as the Dems did. Should be mostly republicans plus two Dino’s (if they can find them ! )

1 year ago

How about investigating how today’s Democratic Party Leadership is Communist? . . . It’s like the entire Republican Party is afraid to ever call them that!

1 year ago

The last time I looked our Constitution said that Congress was the “LEGISLATIVE” branch of the government NOT the “INVESTIGATIVE” branch. The LEGISLATURE is where we have our personal individual REPRESENTATION. Bring back REAL REPRESENTATION not endless INVESTIGATIONS! We The People Are The Government, Sovereign and Free.

1 year ago

Yup. With that huge/giant red tsunami the GOP has now. Uh huh. LOOK out! The GOP is in charge now. Yup. Large and in charge.

1 year ago

Talking is done, now get this country back together. I’m sure I won’t see it in my lifetime. Just more lies, and money spent, no action

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Gee, whatever happened to “lock her up” and the Durham Commission? I’m not holding my breath…

1 year ago

Why would you tell the democrats what you’re going to investigate? Why give them time to hide & destroy evidence linking the Big Guy to China

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

My prediction for these investigations is this. Republicans will piss away a sh*t ton of taxpayer dollars and the end result is that no one will be prosecuted, no one will go to prison and no one will be held accountable. Same old song, same old dance same old dog and pony show.

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