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The Tide Has Turned Against Wokeville Worldwide

Posted on Thursday, July 7, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

As a former leftist, I can tell you that the best way to gauge the woke strategy of the left is to watch what’s happening in San Francisco and London. In both cities, there is little pushback by opponents and they tend to serve as petri dishes for the left’s cancerous agenda. So when the left’s agenda begins to fail in these supposedly liberal utopias, it’s our first sign that the tide is turning against the fearmongers, censors, bullies, and wokesters.

San Franciscans sent the world a message when they recalled three progressive school board members and their far-left district attorney. However, the nefarious agenda of the left isn’t reserved just for the United States, and much like here, there are signs that the people of England have had enough of the left’s absurd social justice nonsense.

In this glorious example of how the rejection of the woke left is becoming universal, England is now stepping up with a new law mandating that new buildings housing offices must include single-sex bathrooms. For a country that has been putting up with forced-sharing of bathrooms euphemistically called “gender-neutral” facilities, the British have had enough.

The New York Post reported, “A British government source told The Telegraph: ‘It is vital that women feel safe and comfortable when using public facilities and that there is a greater emphasis on provision that is focused on dignity, privacy, tolerance, and respect for all.’ The paper reported that ministers are likely to present the new policies as a ‘common sense’ way to impede the recent trend in which gender-neutral bathrooms have become standard in newly constructed buildings.”

Common sense indeed. And an undeniable statement to the bullies on the left that the genuflecting is over.

Another UK news site, Metro, added about the new law, “The change was reportedly spurred after a number of women raised concerns about the lack of privacy in gender-neutral toilets in public buildings. Campaigners Fair Play for Women claim same-sex facilities ‘disadvantage’ women. ‘Many women and girls are unwilling to walk past the urinals to get to the cubicles in the former men’s facilities,’ they told the government.”

How bad has our situation been? Consider I’m writing a column praising a government for acknowledging and acting on the fact that men and women must have separate bathroom facilities. It’s a pathetic situation but ending this madness, and all other Marxist woke manifestations, must be a priority for Western civilization as a whole.

But England isn’t done. In what is being called the biggest PR blunder in British banking history, the social media team for the British banking brand Halifax thought it was a good idea to announce on Twitter that its employees would have their pronouns listed on their name badges. They explained this was necessary to keep people from accidentally “misgendering” their staff.

Let’s just say that their customers’ reaction on social media was swift and not complimentary, further proving that enough is enough everywhere on the wokeism front. The Daily Mail reports, “The row began this week when Halifax, which was propped up by the taxpayer to the tune of £30billion as part of a 2008 bailout, tweeted its 118,000 followers on Tuesday revealing that it would allow staff to display their pronouns on their name badges, in a post that read ‘pronouns matter’.”        

After being roasted on social media by furious customers, a tweet from Halifax appeared just 20 minutes later, smugly stating, “We strive for inclusion, equality and quite simply, doing what’s right. If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account,” signed by an AndyM.

Halifax should be taking a hint at what Netflix understands about alienating your customer base—it’s not exactly the best business practice. As fast as you can say ‘canceled!’ it became clear people were taking Andy up on his suggestion. “One customer has transferred £1,100 from his credit card to another company today, and said: ‘I’ve closed my account….sick to death of woke’. Former Doctor Who scriptwriter… a Halifax customer since 1988, told the bank: ‘I’m a homosexual man. I’m appalled by your adoption of this homophobic, woman-hating’” nonsense while another “closed his account due to the bank’s ‘antics with pronouns,’” reported the newspaper.

And it appears it’s not just a gaggle of 20-something social justice activists undermining the bank via its social media account. On their website, they actually threaten to close the accounts of people they deem ‘transphobic’ and even threaten to turn those people in to the police.

“On its website, Halifax says any customers they deem to be ‘transphobic’ could have their accounts closed. Underneath a page titled ‘what we stand for,’ they say: ‘We stand against discrimination and inappropriate behaviour in all forms, whether racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or ableist, regardless of whether this happens in our branches, offices, over the phone or online on our social media channels. Such action may include account closure or contacting the police if necessary,” reported the Daily Mail.

Wow, aren’t they the superior Thought Police ready to turn you in for Wrongspeak! It’s madness, yes, and a perfect example of the destruction the left would bring to every business it infects, no matter the country, city, or industry. It also highlights the antidote of customers and citizens speaking up, rejecting, and condemning it. Let’s hope the people, from San Francisco to London, continue to show everyone the way out of the leftist abyss.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Definition of woke…LOSERS with NO BRAINS.

Just like DICTATOR Beijing biden, NOW trying to Eliminate our Nuclear Defense including anything PRESIDENT TRUMP did to PROTECT the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

First, DICTATOR Beijing biden and LOSERS Woke Congress ATTTACK our 1st and 2nd AMENDMENT RIGHTS with ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws doing their best to DISARM US for their ‘LIBERAL (NEW) WORLD ORDER while letting ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST come into OUR COUNTRY by the MILLIONS TERRORIZING AMERICANS and OUR WAY of LIFE.
Second, DICTATOR Beijing biden is NOW trying to leave the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
WITHOUT a Nuclear Deterrence
January 20, 2021.

Definition of Woke…LOSERS and NO BRAINS.

2 years ago

I hope Halifax loses all their customers and is forced to close it’s doors. I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to yank all of my money out if I banked there. This type of woke-ism is utterly ignorant. The woke can say it all they want, but it doesn’t make it true, women are women and men are men, and ONLY women can give birth to a child! I’m sickened to the point of anger with this nonsense!

2 years ago

In a world gone mad, the Jester is king.
Time to stop all this nonsense before it’s absorbed into our DNA.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Halifax, publicly traded? What’s the stock symbol? Sounds like one lovely SHORT to me…
Go woke, go broke…
fjb etc etc

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
2 years ago

Happy to hear people may have had enough of the woke nonsense. It’s about time!

2 years ago

Good riddance!

2 years ago

It is so good to see that the citizens of San Francisco and London are getting back on track and putting wokeism down. The entirety of the USA and Great Britain should join in and while we are at it, let us put God back in our countries. Then we should begin to once again prosper!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Some far left radicals claim that there are at least 35 different identifiable sexes. These deniers of nature and science are totally insane. Most people do not want to waste their time learning all the different ways to address fringe individuals. For bathrooms, give 4 choices: Male, Female, Family, and Everyone. Hopefully, the title “Everyone” is acceptable to even the most fanatic, far leftie.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

glad some sanity is coming back.

I still want to understand why the people on the left every thought that a personal choice of sexual activity or medical treatment should be an social issue.

Why must we accept the gay or trans persons choice to be or do as they wish but at the same time be forced to have experimental drugs with massive side effect injected into us? these same people who pushed the vaccine to the point of kicking people out of hospitals and out of restaurants scream my body my choice about abortion when clearly a child’s body is also involved! These same people want cigarettes and vaping banned: what happened to my body my choice? they also want marijuana legalized: what happen tot he health concerns of smoking?

How do those thing make sense together in the liberals, democrats, progressives mind? I don;t care if you for or against anything including abortion, but the logic of the combined ideas confuses the hell out of me.

I can only guess that all liberals, democrats, progressives are either very low IQ or they are all mentally ill. I really can not think up a third option.

Maybe one of you liberal can explain.

2 years ago

Good news and good article. Unfortunately, much of what happens now will point to the one world government that will rule for a short period. Antichrist will head up this government and seem like a wonderful leader. In fact, people who don’t know scripture will mistake him for the real Christ. A world wide church will be in place that will include almost anything a person wants to believe. Three and a half years into his leadership, the antichrist will reveal himself by having his statue placed in the new temple in Jerusalem. He will then demand to be worshiped, and the mark of the beast will be required for people to buy and sell. He will show his true colors by breaking a peace treaty with Israel. As Billy Graham said, now is the time of decision. The ones who wait to ask Christ to be their savior during this time will suffer greatly. This is all in the bible, much of it in the book Revelation. God loves everyone, but will only save the ones who ask His Son for salvation.

2 years ago

God created man and woman. Period, zip, end of discussion. God will also judge those who’ve perverted His creation. Especially those who’ve deliberately brain washed innocent children, teens, many of whom have committed suicide…and the millions of unborn creations never allowed to see the light of day. God the Creator has been the picture of forgiveness for thousands of years to those who truly turn away from this grotesque sickness and evil…but that time is growing shorter…some day, and NO one knows the time, that patience will come to a frightening end for many, and a glorious beginning for others.

2 years ago

I’m going to be completely politically INCORRECT now. I know several black people who do NOT support BLM and several LGBTQ individuals who are absolutely fine NOT flaunting their lifestyle on anyone else. Based on current television commercials and print ads, since WHEN did our population become primarily black and LGBTQ? If you watch the commercials and/or read the ads, you’d swear the VAST majority of our country is either black or LGBTQ. This is ridiculous and just shows the stupidity of the “woke” companies, because it makes me NOT want to buy anything from them. Let’s go Brandon!

2 years ago

This wokeville idea is a leftist commie being pushed by folks that want to destroy the U.S.A.!!…LETS DESTROY THEM FIRST!

2 years ago

England has done a complete turn around since they outlawed Homosexuals in the 1930’s & 40’s. Men convicted of homosexual activity were arrested and sometimes castrated. If there was ever going to be a separation of State and “something” it should be State and Sexual preferences. None your Business as long as two consenting parties. Praying common sense comes back into fashion.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Disney still going full bore Woke, others??

Old man winter
Old man winter
2 years ago

I still call a queer a queer. My wife fussed at me in the store the other day. I fussed back at her saying she is part of the problem. If what I say hurts your poor queer or snowflake feelings TOUGH. Get over it and live your life even if you are a queer or mamas little 29 year old baby.

2 years ago

I go with the idea that if all the sane normal people stick together and refuse to play these idiotic games, they’ll have to stop. It’s just another tactic for splitting us up as a people and a country. Keep the people at each other’s throats and the people won’t notice the government stealing us blind both literally and figuratively.
I hope Halifax doesn’t have a depositor left by the end of business tomorrow.

2 years ago

Wisdom for the 2024 Election: “NEVER FOLLOW A LEADER WHO IS MORE IN LOVE WITH POWER THAN PEOPLE ” ….Native Proverb

2 years ago

Wow. I wish I had an account there that I could close.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

If we start using Hey You, it, that, them, they, us, and we this pronoun crap may end. It is extra nuts when the androgynous is thrown in. These generic terms are about as gender non-specific as one can use.

2 years ago

Nice article; brief yet to the point.
But his statement,
“and even threaten to turn those people in to the police “ Sounds like AndyM. needs a red flag law throw his way.

2 years ago

Could someone please break it to Joe that the party is over and we are all going home now. Maybe he could celebrate by opening some pipe lines, canceling all of his Executive Orders, letting all the Jan. 6 people being held in the D.C. jail without bail and no trial date out. Maybe close the gate on the southern border, get politics out of the F.B.I. Obama said never under estimate how bad Joe Biden could f things up. Probably the smartest thing he ever said. In the last 20 years none of these fads last long, all this woke B.S will pass, but who knows what we will move on to next.

2 years ago

Gotta have some fun with this. lol Next time ya run into one of these wokesters, join in and have fun with it. The look on their face- Priceless. I identify as Transcistrumpian. My pronouns are I love Trump/Trump won/Trump the man. They have no choice but to follow their own rules and use the pronouns you say. If they don’t have more fun with it. LMAO!!!!

Larry W
Larry W
2 years ago

The woke called for inclusion and there was no inclusion for other people. The woke called for tolerance and they had no tolerance for others. The woke called for safety and yet they allowed the destruction of others property and the smearing of thousands of dedicated police officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect the public. The woke called for equality and yet they want only their opinions and voices to be heard. The woke called for respect but they have only hatred. for those who disagree with them. Folks are seeing the bullying and the hypocrisy of the woke crowd. It’s about time.

2 years ago

Hope Halifax goes bankrupt!!

2 years ago

Homosexuals were once a group of people who “begged” for acceptance and tolerance. But today, thanks to the depraved Democrat Party and mainstream media, they are getting away with wielding “inclusiveness” as their way to tyrannically dominate our society. It’s bad enough they want to homosexualize our very young children, they also want to pollute our vernacular with their ludicrous and moronic pronouns. Who the heck do they think they are? They are FRINGE! Why are we even allowing them to pervade our lives with their audacious shameless perversions? I am sick of this.

Marilyn Atkins
Marilyn Atkins
2 years ago


Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

Simply stop doing business with these abusive woke companies.

2 years ago

Tammy, brilliant as always. God bless you!

2 years ago

not convinced. potty rules are one issue but not the biggest. we’ll see.

2 years ago

Thank goodness that they are finally waking up

2 years ago

I don’t think so. Hope I am wrong.
Too be so woke is a religion. Scary…

2 years ago

Come in my can and you will go out on your can!

2 years ago

Anyone who is woke hates GOD. GOD is not going to spend eternity with anyone who hates HIM.

2 years ago

I agree with Ziggy’s comments!
I was raised in the Deep South where family values were taught and respected along with morals for society. Queers were looked upon as outcast and criminals were punished for their crimes!
Why were queers outcast you may ask, because people believed in the holy bible and the book of Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 tells us what God thinks of the sin of homosexuality! Man may change, but God is the same today as he was yesterday! God intended for a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman!

2 years ago

I so admire Tammy Bruce for taking a common sense approach to these principles, especially in view of her personal lifestyle preferences. I hope your perspective helps convince others to adopt your wisdom.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I was booted off Twitter in 2016 for posting a NY Times article about how the Clinton Foundation got millions from Russians after signing off on Uranium One. I was booted off You Tube in 2020 for posting about Hunters computer. Now I live in the Real World instead of online arguing with a leftist cesspool. And I still VOTE…

2 years ago

If “Wokism” is going away, we have yet to see any sign of it in WA state.

Jeanne McMahon
Jeanne McMahon
2 years ago

This is great news! When I am in a store and go to use the bathroom and I come upon two bathrooms that have become “gender neutral “ I make sure I don’t go into the one that has a urinal in it. I’d rather wait in line for the one that used to be women only!

2 years ago

I agree with Tammy Bruce. I can feel a shift to sanity. Thank President Trump and a handful of his loyal supporters in the Congress, Senate and legitimate media for having the courage to rip the blinders off and awaken people to the truth about the Democrat/Marxist agenda.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

the pushback against this woke clap trap is long overdue. One can only hope the woke corporations get the memo that if they turn off enough customers and drive them away, they will eventually go out of business. In other words, go woke go broke.

2 years ago

The socialists will never be happy and it will never be enough even when everyone is equally miserable and whack as they are.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

At least Netflix has communicated to their employees that if they don’t like what Netflix is promoting perhaps that is not the company you want to work for. Bravo Netflix!!!!! If only these other companies would follow suit!!!!! GO WOKE, GO BROKE!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Isn’t it refreshing when people finally SEE the truth for what it is. Humanity is waking up from “wokeism” and doesn’t like forced mandates. Freedom WILL prevail when we see it as priority.

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