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The States That Are Taking Action Against Critical Race Theory

Posted on Wednesday, June 16, 2021
by AMAC, Parker Bono
critical race theory

Conservatives are finally fighting back as leftists across the U.S. attempt to further indoctrinate and radicalize America’s children with the dangerous concept of critical race theory. Critical race theory claims that one’s race alone defines them and is their most important characteristic. Furthermore, critical race theory seeks to divide children by race and attempts to make them feel responsible and guilty of atrocities that they did not commit. So far, seven states have taken action to ban the teaching of critical race theory: Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

On June 10, the Florida Board of Education approved a proposed rule that outlines how American history will be taught and outlaws critical race theory from being taught in Florida public schools. The rule states that “Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence.” The decision to adopt this rule was supported by Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who recently referred to the teaching of critical race theory as “outrageous.”

In Idaho, Republican Governor Brad Little signed H.B. 377 into law on April 28. The bill prohibits the teaching of critical race theory in all Idaho public schools and universities. Specifically, the bill bans Idaho public schools and universities from teaching “that any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin is inherently superior or inferior.” Any Idaho public school that refuses to comply with the bill will have state funding stripped from them.

In Iowa, Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed H.F. 802 into law on June 8. The bill forbids the teaching of critical race theory in all Iowa public schools and state agencies. Precisely, the bill bars Iowa public schools and state agencies from teaching “that one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex.”

Montana has taken a unique approach to banning the teaching of critical race theory in their state. According to a recent Attorney General’s Opinion from Republican Attorney General Austin Knudsen, critical race theory is “discriminatory” and therefore violates existing state and federal laws if it is taught in public schools. This single decision means that public schools cannot teach critical race theory in Montana, or they will be at risk of losing state funding. This decision also creates a precedent to swiftly ban critical race theory that attorney generals in other states will likely follow.

In Oklahoma, Republican Governor Kevin Stitt signed H.B. 1775 into law on May 7. The bill forbids public school teachers from teaching critical race theory. The bill also prohibits Oklahoma public colleges and universities from requiring students to take sexual or gender diversity training. The bill officially goes into effect on July 1.

In Tennessee, Republican Governor Bill Lee signed H.B. 580 into law on May 24. The bill bans Tennessee public and charter schools from teaching that “an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or sex, is inherently privileged, racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously,” effectively banning the teaching of critical race theory. Furthermore, the bill allows the state education commissioner to withhold 100% of state funding from schools that violate the new law. The bill officially goes into effect on July 1.

The Texas State Legislature took action against critical race theory by passing H.B. 3979 back in May. Similar to legislation passed in other states, the bill bans public school teachers from teaching that “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex.” The bill also prohibits public school teachers from teaching that “an individual, by virtue of the individuals’ race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex.” Finally, the bill forbids the teaching of the debunked New York Times’ “1619 Project” in Texas public schools, which wrongfully claims that America was not founded in 1776. Instead, the “1619 Project” states that America was created when the first slaves were brought to the colonies in 1619 and that America has been systemically racist ever since.

Under the rules outlined in H.B. 3979, the discredited “1619 Project” and the abhorrent concept of critical race theory would not be allowed to be taught in any Texas public schools. The bill currently sits on Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s desk and is expected to be signed into law imminently.

Critical race theory is dangerous, divisive, Marxist, and seeks to promote the very concepts it claims to combat. With many states finally taking rightful action against critical race theory, it is time for every other state to follow suit.

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Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
3 years ago

These actions by states are long overdue. I applaud those boards of education that are supporting these bans and bills in the legislatures. It is now time for the boards in every other state to get on board with these actions. If they do not, the AG’s are needed to change things and then the people must replace those members on the boards who fought the changes.

3 years ago

Aka Hitler. Where do the liberals get there so called brilliant ideas?

3 years ago

I’m From Arizona and I’m wondering why we are not on that list. Please condemn this teaching , and stop the funding to schools that teach it Mr. Ducey

Clyde Hurst
Clyde Hurst
3 years ago

As far as I am concerned the Democratic party is almost corrupted beyond repair

3 years ago

Hopefully Missouri will be the next state to do such a thing

Tommy Spanski
Tommy Spanski
3 years ago

Michigan better get on Board!????

3 years ago

This should be banned in all 50 states. However you see who is in Washington. The idiots who create this racist shameful pile of Obama poo.

3 years ago

Georgia better do the same before we have adisaster in the governors race

John Schuttak
John Schuttak
3 years ago

We are living in the most corrupt times in the history of the United States of America and the democrats with their corrupt media networks accomplices are the reason for all of the violent criminal behaviors and actions caused by their ignorant followers who are being paid off with stolen money from free thinking hard working Americans of every ethnic, gender, financial and social status.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

All ( 50 ) states need to get onboard here & fast! That I see only ( 7 ) states currently is troubling. Some states outlawed this Marxist ideology back in April with others just last month in May. June is here & it will soon be July, more states need to stand up against this EVIL indoctrination of our children & the 1619 Project should be a key part of this CRT ideology that needs to be permanently REMOVED from our society…This is America, anything less is unacceptable…
Every parent in all ( 50 ) states needs to ask their local schoolboards where they stand on this CRT issue…I fear that many teachers unions, i.e. the NEA are pro CRT because they along with the states receive Federal dollars which flows into the schools via the state.
This is how the Federal gov’t has operated for decades to get individual states to toe the line, if they don’t, Federal assistance gets cut. This is a fundamentally flawed system & it is beginning to rear it’s ugly head in the current climate we find ourselves in…
This is where the genius of Trump really shines: ” The money should follow the child. ”
If your local school system refuses to NOT comply with the parents demands on CRT not to be taught, get the child out of that school ASAP & enroll he or she in a private charter or Christian school ASAP. The money should follow the child & you may have to pay the difference, a small price to pay for the well being of your children’s minds & most importantly, talk to your children…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Ranchers and Ag. States hart lands of America.

3 years ago

Has anyone asked why they are pushing critical race “Theory” and not Critical Race “Facts”.?? It is Always easy to look Back and make up your own story instead of using Factual Events. We are not a Perfect Country, but We Are Not the Racists that the left is trying to make us out to be. And a Child in kindergarten should NEVER BE TAUGHT THAT THEY ARE RACIST. Something needs to be done to Stop this Madness before it’s too late for all of us. I am willing to help in any way I can to stop this. Unfortunately we do not have a president who is capable of making a sane decision on anything. I wonder if he could ever tell us one thing about the executive orders he has signed!! I Think Not. God Help Us!

3 years ago

Our country is being hijacked by a corrupt totalitarian regime these frauds in our white house are all anti American destroying us from within everything has been pre planned down to the very last detail Obama Holder and Soros have been very busy these past four years things are happening way to fast at warp speed they were ready they knew biden would get in they rigged the election they are stealing our country from us!

Marlaen J Fisher
Marlaen J Fisher
3 years ago

The Superintendent and school committee in Belmont, Mass. unanimously voted to teach critical race theory to elementary school children. The summer book list includes books where the story tells the children that the police are racists and target persons of color. Other book stories talk about that there is white privilege, that white people feel they are better then people of color. These stories are presented as facts!
Since I do not live in Belmont I do not know how the parents are reacting to this. Hopefully they are protesting but since Ma is an ultra liberal state I am not sure that they will.
I am concerned about my grandchildren but am glad they live in towns that lean more toward conservative thinking. Both my children have said that if critical race theory is taught they will protest against it and if this does not work they will pull their kids out of the school.

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
3 years ago

<So far, seven states have taken action to ban the teaching of critical race theory: Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.> What the hell is wrong with the OTHER 43 states? The very fact that there is this Socialist/ Communist bullcrap called “Critical Race Theory” exists at all is a testament to how far our country has slid down into the toilet…

3 years ago

The school board in my county in GA banned CRT from the school curriculum so if state governments aren’t doing it, a lot of local school boards are! I have read of many places where parents are livid with this BS! If you have kids or grandkids, it’s imperative that they understand that this CRT needs to be stamped out! Good to hear of these states stopping this, push your school board and your State reps to stop this false teaching to our kids!

3 years ago

Critical Race Theory should be outlawed in every state..the Nazis used something similar..and the so-called sex education being taught to 5 year old is disgusting too.

3 years ago

Hey Democrats……guess what…….there is NO racism in the country. Stop making trouble and work on doing the right thing for a change……..and yes, Trump is not there anymore….solgive up blaming everything on him because it’s you that is causing all the problems.

3 years ago

Love it. it’s about time and I hope it goes viral throughout the nation. Lies and propaganda are NOT part of education!

3 years ago

Why do the demonrats always try to do things to keep racial tensions going? When obummer got in office he set race relations back 50 years and then Trumps 4 years was on verge of setting things right and now the demonrats are at it again with their CRT and other crap.

3 years ago

I thank God for great Govenors like DeSantis

3 years ago

If they really want to reverse the damage that has been done to this nation they should bring the Bible and prayer back to the schools

3 years ago

Amen to that.

3 years ago

Folks we need to give the boot to these crazy school boards and elect people with some sense and truly care about this country.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

It’s all part of tearing down this country,so the New World Order can come to power.

3 years ago

Democrats doing everything in their power to destroy America. They don’t even have enough brains to realize that they will be going down with the ship(DOPES)!!!

3 years ago

Critical race theory is just that. A theory, and a bad one at that. Marxist, and something that we CANNOT accept as Americans that believe in freedom from our Constitution. If you believe in the Bible, we ALL are from ONE race anyway. The “racial” problems stem from a man’s heart not his or her view of right and wrong.

3 years ago

Remember when schools actually taught kids stuff worth knowing? I do. Now a days its just garbage that kids are being fed, and it’s a pity.

John T Martin
John T Martin
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory is just that- a theory with no proven Truth associated with it. It is also against all the God is and has been teaching us about being created in His image with no respect to color or ethnic characteristics. In His eyes, we are one just like there are no church denominations nor races in heaven. This is just another effort to try and divide our country and instill hatred between the people of this country. Sorry, but there is no Truth to this and I pray that this country will wake up and strive to seek Truth and not lies. I pray we will also be able to hold those accountable for the divisiveness that we are being subject to in our schools and in our media.

3 years ago

I liked it a lot better when CRT referred to a 13 inch computer monitor that weighed about 50 pounds.

3 years ago

I have recently sent emails to 2 different officials in my state of Ohio about being opposed to critical race theory and yet to hear any response back from them. I requested a response also.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 years ago

I thank god every day for the fact that (a) I do not have kids going to public school nowadays and (b) I am not a kid going to the public schools nowadays. The public schools should be teaching the kids things that will help them in the real world such as reading, writing, and math. CRT should be banned in all fifty states because it is divisive, abusive indoctrination that has no place in the schools (or anywhere else for that matter). If I were a kid in the public schools, I would be begging my parents to pull me out of school. If I were a parent who had kids in the schools that are teaching this garbage, I would pull them out immediately.

3 years ago

Don’t label Native American Indigenous as people of color. blacks use that and want to throw us into the mix. Sure we’re discriminated against. What race isn’t? It’s history and been going on since the beginning of time. blacks want CRT taught BUT they’re racist against their own people with dark shades of black. Why are blacks using chemical to lighten their skin, hair straighteners to straighten their hair, and hair dye to dye their hair blond. All this to look like a WHITE person.

3 years ago

I live in California. It used to be a wonderful place to live. My grandchildren who go to public schools, are not learning “cursive, (handwriting) anymore. If I send them a handwritten message they have to ask their parents to read it to them. BUT, there is plenty of classroom time to teach gender related things every day, and I’m sure CRT will be added this fall. Many children who graduate high school are not able to fill out a job application legibly. These children are being cheated out of an education!!!!! I pray that 2022, and 2024 elections will have a Republican outcome!!????

3 years ago

Probably any state that’s Republican.

3 years ago

In spite of all the nonsense with public education we must remain resolute for the sake of our youth. I believe the CRT curriculum is a citizen crisis as well … and we must expose and challenge the brainwashing scheme with accurate information. The current follow and obey mandate by numerous school districts throughout the country must be abolished from our taxpayer funded schools. Whether you realize it or not we all have skin in the game so let’s get off the sidelines and take our public schools back.

3 years ago

Congress not passing legislation is not necessarily bad, and state legislatures passing more is not necessarily good. Remember Congress tends to pass huge omnibus bills which cgovrtover way more than they should, often with many unrelated amendments attached. Many state legislatures, like Massachusetts, stay in session just to collect retirement points and pass laws must so they look like they’re doing something. The goal is to pass good legislation, staying within reasonable limits.

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
3 years ago

I learned this from my earliest memories as a child in church.

We sang this song:

Jesus loves the little children.
All the children of the world.
Red or yellow, black or white.
We are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

All the children of the world!

I have believed this, and lived by this, all of my 7 decades of life.

It would go a long way if they taught this simple song and The Golden Rule* in school instead of the evil, devisive crap of CRT. It would take less than 5 minutes a day (including a Pledge of Allegiance to our flag) and would leave plenty of time for actual reading, writing and arithmetic.

(*The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.)

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