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The Real-World Consequences of Soft-on-Crime Prosecutors, Brought to You by George Soros

Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A first-of-its-kind documentary for The Heritage Foundation is the culmination of years of work, scholarship, live events, and debates, highlighting the radical nature of the George Soros-inspired rogue prosecutors movement—and the dire consequences to the safety and security of the residents and businesses in the communities overseen by so-called progressive prosecutors. 

Told through the eyes of real prosecutors, real victims, and the radicals themselves who support this pro-criminal, anti-victim movement, “Rogue Prosecutors: The Full Story” paints a vivid portrait of how and why crime has risen in cities presided over by rogue prosecutors—and what you can do about it.

We coined the term “rogue prosecutors” in 2020 when we first exposed this toxic and dangerous social experiment.  We started with a Daily Signal blog series on individual rogue prosecutors, among them  George Gascon in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Chicago and others. 

We published research papers on how they sabotage the rule of law, implement policies that lead to rising crime rates, and ignore victims.  We exposed the fact that there is a blue city murder problem.  We published our book, “Rogue Prosecutors: How Radical Soros Lawyers Are Destroying America’s Communities,” and created an audio version of it on Audible. A critic of George Soros shares his opinion of the left-wing activist billionaire in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 22, 2020. (John Rudoff/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

We debunked the notion that the United States incarcerates “too many” people in our paper “The Myth of Mass Incarceration” by pointing out that most criminals, especially violent criminals, never get caught, much less spend any time in jail or prison. 

Over the years, we hosted numerous events, including an event featuring U.S. attorneys who served in cities with rogue prosecutors; an event in Los Angeles featuring women whose children were slain and how Los Angeles D.A. Gascon’s policies helped the criminals and not them; an event at the University of California at Berkeley Law School with former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, where we debated and exposed radicals who advocated for abolishing all prisons and defunding the police; and created a video series in San Francisco and Oakland, California, called “Societal Rot,” where we showed the consequences of rampant drug use and the soft-on-crime policies of Boudin—who was voted out of office because of it—and Oakland District Attorney Pamela Price.

We produced a mini-movie called “An Avoidable Tragedy,” featuring the murder of Wicomico County Deputy Sheriff Glenn Hilliard by a career criminal who then-Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby refused to hold accountable for his repeated parole violations after his armed robbery conviction. 

The new documentary stitches together the full story of the rogue prosecutor movement and features crime policy experts Heather MacDonald and Rafael Mangual, elected district attorneys, and victims of crime. 

There are approximately 2,300 elected district attorneys across this great country. Who your district attorney is directly affects public safety, which is the bedrock of a civil society.

We hope this documentary opens the public’s eyes to what’s at stake and the real-life consequences of the rogue prosecutor movement.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Cully Stimson | Zack Smith.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 days ago

Soro’s main star is Communist harris who protected criminals when she was AG in California (see her record) and she is still protecting criminals today such as biden, herself, Hunter biden, antifa, blm, and her Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion. Then add Jack Smith and most of the democrat AG’s and prosecutors who let criminals run free but only go after political opponents instead. The democrats policy is prosecute anyone that’s not democrat with their double standard. Look at how many democrat judges and prosecutors play politics instead of following the U.S. Constitution and law.
Remember, the democrats policy on law is that it applies to thee and not me.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
2 days ago

George Soros is a guest in this country. He should be deported to his homeland immediately.

2 days ago

Soros is pond scum and his son is a chip off the ol’ block. Very frustrating to watch these expose’ documentaries, knowing that many are willing to put law-abiding Americans at risk in exchange for blood money.

2 days ago

In 2020 I was very aware of Soros money being spent on buying DA’s and judges. One night when I had my daughter and her husband over for dinner I happened to mention Soros and his buying DAs etc. My son in law told me he never heard of Soros I was talking conspiracy theories and he grabbed his coat and left. Has never been back in the house since. He is a dem. He is not dumb just brainwashed. A Missouri native. But there are so many of these like my son in law. MSM didn’t show it, didn’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist. Last week I was talking with a dem. also had never heard of Soros. No coup was done with Biden by the powerful dems like P and S and O. No he resigned, I was told. And then added was it on tv? I said yes it was but apparently not on your tv. Watching ABC, CBS, NBC they don’t tell you nothing. They are the Trump vilification stations. Without Trump they wouldn’t exist. I haven’t watched any local or National MSM stations since 2008. I get my news by researching articles and knowledgeable people on the internet all over the world, and then make up my mind what is true, conjecture or out and out lies. Having experienced WW II and Naziism and Hitler first hand I can say that the Biden Harris administration is fashioned after pages out of Hitlers playbook. But instead of a war fought with bullets and cannons this one is fought in our psyche. The pandemic was the center to get the people so scared that everyone followed whatever mandate Biden could come up with. Or I should say Fauci came up with. The masks, double and triple, distancing, banning Ivermectin, to scare the people that there were no medicines to treat COVID. Then the vaccine came. MSM was screaming, see Rachel Maddow, take the vaccine you will be protected for always. The vaccine was the gas used in the showers in the concentration camps. It is still killing people to this day. But I am getting off the subject. Please read up on this disgusting Nazi, Soros, who hates America and Biden loves so much. This man with other elites like Bill Gates, Bezos, Pritzker and many more who are supporting ole Joe and the DNC. Buying judges and courts and DA’s, Attorney Generals and the open borders, AND the war in the Ukraine, especially the military industrial complex, love that war Cheney et al comes to mind. VOTE TRUMP VANCE to get the globalists out, and America first back and safety in our communities

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 days ago

If there is an “enemy within” it’s George and son, Alex, Soros financing them.

2 days ago

Our CIA back a number of administrations would have had Soros taken out. We have become a wimp of a nation, and we have to change to protect the USA.

2 days ago

Soros is a instigator who needs to stay out of Americas business

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
2 days ago

This article is appreciated — anything that helps to maintain law ,and helps to keep order in this Nation should be respected . The truth needs to be upheld in the battle against crime . Praise for the police who contribute to the defense of this United States of America . The documentaries presented here are a good idea.

3 days ago

2000+ overdose deaths 40 years ago. 100,000+ today

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 days ago

Vote them OUT if U can

Philp Simon
Philp Simon
2 days ago

In two weeks now, American and especialy the Jews, vote for the Republican from TrumpVance and for Congress and Senate, soros is out of Buisnesss.

2 days ago

Seeing first hand what crime can do to a city, I was a part of the mid 1990’s cleaning up of NYC. We took a crime filled, drug fueled, violent city and made it awesome again. People that left NYC, moved back. Businesses came back and the jobs and money flowed in. All while people were genuinely happy. Once Bill De Blasio (AKA Warren Wilhelm Jr, a known socialist) became mayor, the city went back to what it was like in the crime filled 1980’s. That’s what it is today and it’s thanks to Soros money and a “soft on crime” outlook. Businesses have left, jobs have left and people have once again fled the city to the suburbs and other states entirely. NYC today is a shell of itself. The police are handcuffed and the “broken window theory” is now fully in effect. The window is not just broken, it has been removed entirely. You can build another Taj Mahal BUT if people don’t feel safe, they won’t come. It’s a proven fact and we are seeing it happening across America today. Soon, we will see more and more Americans make the reverse mass immigration, back to certain nations in Europe and other locations around the world.

Marilyn Simunich
Marilyn Simunich
2 days ago

Dear God, Show us how to get these people out of office!

2 days ago

So, the Soros family survived Hitler’s Nazi Germany (where the government told people what they could and couldn’t do), left Hungary to be educated in London, then come to the US..where at some point he apparently became a citizen. Then he reapplied to keep his Hungarian citizenship (a violation of his oath here to uphold US Constitution and laws and forsake any allegiance to another country)? You MUST renounce citizenship elsewhere to become a US citizen. So, since he still has Hungarian citizenship, let’s send him back and take his citizenship away. His son was probably born here so, unfortunately, he gets to stay I guess. At what point can the US government (with Trump in charge) start prosecuting people like this for NOT upholding the laws of the USA?

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 day ago

We need reform to prevent this hijack of our legal system. Evil fixers like Soros should not be able to buy DA positions for his social experiment. He should not be able to buy the FED. In fact no group should be able to buy politicians. Individuals are supposed to be the main focus of our government at all levels.

1 day ago

God I just don’t understand how people could even consider 4 more years of this cease and conquer bull crap that we are paying for!!!

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 day ago

The time has come for each and every citizen of these United States to step up and ask, no demand, that every prosecutor swear an oath to protect and uphold the laws of these United States and their constituency, to prosecute each and every individual brought before them with honesty and vigor and to insure that they, if convicted, serve the appropriate sentence for their crime. If they chose o ignore their oath they must be immediately dismissed from service and are disbarred never to be allowed to practice in this country or it’s territories again. As far as George Soros is concerned, all his assets should be frozen as well as those of each and every group that he has funded.Anyone who chooses to support such actions should immediately be arrested on charges of treason and be treated accordingly. This should include those in government who support these miscarriages of justice.

James DeBona
James DeBona
1 day ago

It is the very same people who are trying to dismantle our criminal justice system and refusing to prosecute and incarcerate violent criminals that live fully protected in gated communities with armed security! What makes you think that they give a poop about any of this?!

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 day ago

How has the SOB george soros been allowed to remain in our Country? Why hasn’t he been arrested as an enemy of the Country? This guy has interfered in our elections. He has given money to bring illegals into our Country. He has given money in support of sanctuary cities. He has done vile things here and in other countries around the world. Why is he still here???

1 day ago

dispicable, disgrace, maybe when your family gets assaulted by tugss then maybe you will understand te devastation of this soft on crime crap!!! when Trump wins people like you will be out of here on your a s s

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 day ago

It doesn’t take a genius to see what the leftist/marxists are doing,wake up AMERICANS and look into your inner mind and see how great we could be without to leftist’s marxism.The lifetime politicians are concerned about their wealth and power,if I was one of the many,I would be concerned too.Their time is limited,vote them out.Be sure and vote,and use your common sense,and your loyalty to AMERICA and purge the anti AMERICANS.

1 day ago

My utopia would be to direct all the assault, robbery, rape and murder into the homes and families of all the bleeding hearts who support these criminals.

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