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The Questions Everyone Wants Answers to About CNN’s Epic Collapse 

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn

CNN Over the past several weeks, we have all watched America’s oldest cable newsroom become the laughingstock of the media world. CNN has long bragged about their self-bestowed distinction as the “most trusted name in news, assuring viewers that their “commitment to objective, credible, in-depth reporting gets stronger every year.” And yet, a number of top network staff and former executives are now embroiled in embarrassing personal scandals.

Of course, most reasonable Americans knew long before CNN President Jeff Zucker’s unceremonious ousting, before revelations about Chris Cuomo’s scheming with his disgraced brother, before Jeffrey Toobin’s unfortunate Zoom incident, and before the collapse in ratings at the network that there was something rotten at CNN. Recent Rasmussen polling showed that almost 60% of people disagree with CNN’s “slogan.” But even that number is not altogether shocking to those of us who have watched the legacy media companies, CNN chief among them,become overt partisan mouthpieces for the radical left in recent years, a trend that accelerated during the Trump administration.  

As usual, however, CNN’s allies in the rest of the mainstream media have glossed over or mostly ignored the turmoil rocking the network. Here are the questions they should be asking about what unfolded at CNN in recent weeks.

Why was Jeff Zucker really pushed out?

The official CNN narrative is that Jeff Zucker, who until recently was CNN Worldwide President, was pushed out after it was revealed that he had an ongoing relationship with Allison Gollust, a former executive producer under Zucker at NBC, who he appears to have helped promote through the media ranks to become CNN’s chief marketing officer.

But does that narrative really square? Did CNN really fire their president over a consensual relationship with a colleague that he failed to report to HR? Rumors had apparently been circulating for years that the two were engaged in a relationship – did no one think it odd that Gollust and Zucker, who were both married, rented apartments right on top of one another that many at CNN referred to as a “cozy” relationship? Why did the higher-ups at CNN suddenly take an interest when they had not before?

Instead, might those aforementioned dismal ratings have more to do with why Zucker was shown the door?

Just how involved was Chris Cuomo in his brother’s scandal?

How credible is a network if one of its top on-air personalities is compromised? In the early months of the pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo became a frequent guest on the primetime CNN show hosted by his brother, Chris Cuomo. Chris presented himself as an affable personality who complemented his more serious older brother, who was supposedly busy saving New York from COVID and of course the dreaded Donald Trump.

Then, in late November, it was from text exchanges that Chris had worked closely with Andrew amid the fallout from an investigation into sexual harassment claims against the New York Governor – an effort that included Chris reaching out to journalists and trying to pass along information to his brother before it was released publicly.

But just how much did top executives at CNN – including Zucker – know about Chris Cuomo’s actions before his firing in December? Fellow CNN anchor Jake Tapper expressed his concern about the Cuomo brothers’ unethical collaboration as early as May of last year. Why did Zucker first suspend Cuomo and then fire him days later? What has the network discovered in their internal investigation that hasn’t been made public? Answers to questions like these, although likely embarrassing for CNN, might be the only way for the network to begin restoring credibility with its viewers.

Does CNN have any hiring standards?

By re-hiring the disgraced Jeffrey Toobin and putting him back on the air, CNN may have been unintentionally sending a message about their exceptionally low standards for the network’s talent. Even as Chris Cuomo himself is now under sexual assault investigations, CNN also had to fire Cuomo’s producer in December of 2021 after he was arrested due to soliciting underage girls. Around the same time, a producer for Jake Tapper resigned in disgrace after he too was revealed to be attempting to solicit minors. It’s fair to question how seriously CNN is vetting those they are hiring – and if the departure of three of the network’s most powerful figures will change that.


CNN will no doubt continue to try to write its own narrative about why things are going so poorly for the network.  But the reality is that most people already know why.  A network that has discarded even the pretext of honest journalism in favor of a strict partisan agenda should not expect to be taken seriously by any but the most impassioned far-left ideologues. CNN engaged in four years of lies and deceit during the Trump administration – is it really so surprising it sinternal affairs are equally sordid? The channel’s new owners will have a lot of work to do if they hope to rebuild the value of their investment. In the words of Thomas Paine: “Character is much easier kept than recovered.”

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky who previously worked for the Trump Administration. 

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3 years ago

I dont have any questions… I only want to see all the cnn employees in the unemployment line!

3 years ago

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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

CNN is communist news network

3 years ago

NOBODY with a brain believes anything broadcast on CNN.
Their attack on free speech, different viewpoints and lying , criminal hosts exposed them as the failures they are.
Glad to see them imploding, a total collapse and eradication from the marxist democrat propaganda listing cannot happen soon enough!

3 years ago

All the double standards of the liberals. What else would you expect from the Clinton News Network

3 years ago

Pretty sure Thomas Paine was talking about people who had character to begin with. One has to have character to keep it.
I also wonder if the spelling error in the article was intentionally left in or if that is a Freudian slip. …
surprising it sinternal affairs are equally…… haha. “Sinternal affairs” – perfect.

jake the snake
jake the snake
3 years ago

Can’t CNN just go away.

I am so sick of that lying network.

3 years ago

They are not honest in reporting. The so called news people only tell their story, not the news.They spent all their time bashing President Trump and giving flowers to the puppet biden. I never watch CNN and hope MSNBC is next. Terrible net work

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
3 years ago

Trump should buy it & rebrand it to TNN (Trump News Network)!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

They have completely dishonest journalism. When you take costumes and signs and hire people to dress up in them and then to hold the signs and pretend to picket, that isn’t a story! The story is when another news agency records them doing so and airs it! Hope they go into a landfill where they belong!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
3 years ago

I knew from the Clinton years on that CNN wasn’t worth watching. Myself and all my friends called it the Communist News network.

Bruce Thompson
Bruce Thompson
3 years ago

Clearly Not the News has been full of deceitful and out and out lies for 20 years just not as Blazen as the last 5.

3 years ago

I can remember watching the start of the Gulf war at 1:00 a.m. eastern standard time on CNN. Back then it was truly a News Network that really didn’t push any narratives that I recall. But when you put someone in charge who’s a left-wing kook that is allowed to dream up the narratives this is what happens. They’re on air personalities are morons and it’s total garbage 24/7. What goes around comes around. F joe biden

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

How fast can CNN reach Chap 7? & sell Hqs for legal fees

3 years ago

CNN …the Clinton News Network. A match NOT made in heaven.

3 years ago

CNN collapsed because they SUCK. Nothing but fake news said by over paid LIARS. And they don’t care who they hurt!!!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 years ago

I was raised to believe that your sins will find you out! Just sayin’…

3 years ago

That’s what they get for all their lies to America!

3 years ago

One can only wag the dog and lie to the viewers for so long. Eventually it will al catch up with you. And it did.

3 years ago

How long did CNN believe that most Americans would stand for the smug, arrogant, smirking demeanor of the so-called “news” a-holes. Failure couldnt happed to a more deserving bunch.

3 years ago

Amac readers surprised at what crooks can get away with . FLUSH!! And be done with it .

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

Communist News Network
The FAKE News Network that you can ALWAYS count on to
LIE and Protect DICTATOR Beijing biden with the rest of his COMMUNIST administration and COMMUNIST Party Members.
Otherwise, known as; THE STATE MEDIA following HITLER and STALIN tactics.

3 years ago

Your sins will find you out!

USN Retired
USN Retired
3 years ago

“C” = “Communist” “News Network.” I’ll never watch them or support any service provider that supports them.

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

CNN is not news, it’s propaganda poorly disguised as news.

3 years ago

I found Zucker to have the morals of a snake. Especially after seeing a video of him explaining his philosophy in his position. Those who reported to him reflected that. I couldn’t stand any of them.

3 years ago

There’s that old adage…the bigger they are, the harder they fall! Egotism never wins…

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

My question is–Why would CNN NOT collapse? Even Buck Fiden with ignorant self-should be able to tell us!!

Dr. Nancy
Dr. Nancy
3 years ago

This author is very naive. Leftist-run organizations intentionally hire libertines and the rights of young women (and men) to be free from sexual harassment are ignored. See the Vanity Fair article from a couple of years ago about the nightly orgies in Silicon Valley. The godless engage in ungodly behavior: Duh! Even worse, when the Loyalty Oath was no longer required in our public schools and universities, libertine Leftists poured into public education, teaching the lie that promiscuity is a key to happiness. Science shows that abstinence for singles is healthiest!

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
3 years ago

CNN has been the Public Relations arm of the Democrat Party for decades. They exhibit the morals of Baboons yet try to sugarcoat and justify the lack of morals of the radical left. Their blatant Partisan allegiance to the Democrat Party defies reality. Just look at the disaster we have with the Biden/Obama policies. Despite four years of economic boom, energy independence, border security, peace in the Middle East, supporting our military and once again becoming a world leader with a strong foreign policy, they totally ignore all we’ve lost in just two years under Biden. CNN, formerly the Clinton News Network and now Chicken Noodle News has rightfully being exposed for the frauds that they are.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
3 years ago

What seems to be a trend is that MeToo scandals have been used to get rid of the governor and several at CNN because these “reasons” work — while in reality all those now pushed out were probably fired for other reasons that were not quite as fashionable but there were powers in position to get rid of them and those powers used what would not bring unwinnable lawsuits.

3 years ago

Trump said it best”FAKE NEWS”. CNN is not just immoral in journalism, they are immoral in their personal and professionalism.

3 years ago

Sorry this does not concern cnn.Did you receive your “free “Covid tests?Thankfully they were “free” .Here is the bixch,made in china,5 month expire date,box states Not determine if you have,likely to give false negative results.What good are they except to muddy the whole Covid scare further..PS—thought virus came from china???Mabey a new strain???

3 years ago

The left , politicians or others, know what ever they do there is no REAL actions will come their way… The left is the real old boys network!

3 years ago

No surprise

3 years ago

CNN is an example of top down ethics. If they were the “best” then what does that say about all of the other media outlets under them????? Regardless of the medias views, left/right, whatever it is ALWAYS question and challenge????

Janice Nodine
Janice Nodine
3 years ago

If they would tell the facts instead of putting their own opinion about things we might watch. But as it is we can’t trust any news on the TV.
I don’t even trust Fox for the news anymore. I research on the internet. After awhile you can put things together cause we are living in this hell.
I don’t even turn the TV on anymore. Nothing to watch.

Tom P
Tom P
3 years ago

I cannot believe the most trusted name in news when it was actually news has been destroyed and is now like the National Enquirer or Weekly World News. It’s a perfect example of how to ruin a business. Other than to laugh at it like a joke, I don’t know why anyone would watch.

Stephen E Rugg
Stephen E Rugg
3 years ago

CNN has a lot more going for it than FOX’s snail brain, lying dingbat Tucker Carlson. I will give them that.

3 years ago

CNN- Communist News Network got what it deserved. So glad that I do not have to watch it in airports and on cruise ships as the only news source. Bye, Bye CNN.

3 years ago

If your only reply to the disaster at cnn is ,well look at fox news and tucker then your priorities are screwed up, tucker reveals upfront that he is opinion, cnn on the other hand leads you to believe they are news journalists, when they are not factual at all with the news, just look at what they don’t cover ,that says it all, good bye cnn and good riddance!!!

Virgil Victor Snoddy
Virgil Victor Snoddy
3 years ago

Well I really do not care if or why CNN OR it’s correspondence survive because I do not watch or support them period they are Not journalists, they are for hire to the highest bidder to tell their lies and deciet .
Enough Said …
3 years ago

Both CNN and Fox are engaged in a political war. There is no news from either. There is only
politically directed opinion. Where do you go to find out:

  1. what’s going on in the war in Syria
  2. why has the stock market gone to hell
  3. why are microchips and other materials suddenly unavailable. The “supply chain” story

Unless CNN and Fox can place a political wrapper around stories like these, you will hear nothing.
Remain ignorant, America.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Couldn’t give a da=n why. Just glad it happened. Very, very ignorant people.

John Samples
John Samples
3 years ago

CNN is the Titanic going down.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
3 years ago

Excellent article. IF If if only true News entities like Newsmax, OAN, Epoch, Black Community News and American Thinker could be MAINSTREAM MEDIA GO2’s.

Robert Mceachern
Robert Mceachern
3 years ago

CNN has been marching to the beat of liberals from day one. Their nonstop coverage of the turmoil in Europe and Africa helped get us involved in Bosnia and Somalia – places we had no business. CNN convicted on air the congressman from California in the disappearance of his secretary, which was proved a couple of years later was a false accusation. I forget his name, but he was shown every half hour coming down the steps with his jacket over his arm, getting into his car. That beat him on his reelection that year, also. My point is CNN decides and we are supposed to believe. I don’t watch it any now except to get a different perspective of a topic like the Russian invasion. First time I turned to CNN this year. They’ve lost so many viewers with their one sided slant.

Amber Hollenbeck
Amber Hollenbeck
2 years ago

Unless CNN changes their ways and starts telling the truth their numbers are going to keep dropping. Nobody is going to watch them or believe what their are telling the public.

3 years ago

I dont have any questions… I only want to see all the cnn employees in the unemployment line!

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