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The MLB Still Hasn’t Learned Its Lesson on Woke Virtue Signaling

Posted on Wednesday, June 8, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

Rob Manfred MLB

For a moment in time, it appeared as though Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Rob Manfred understood that it was not his role to pontificate on politics and that the days of MLB’s flirtation with wokeism might be coming to an end.

“We have always tried to be apolitical,” Manfred said at the 2021 World Series in response to the tidal wave of criticism following his decision to move that year’s All-Star Game out of Atlanta on account of Georgia’s election integrity law, which was cynically derided as “Jim Crow 2.0” by Democrats and progressives in the media for much of last year.

“Obviously, there was a notable exception this year,” Manfred continued. “I think our desire is to try to avoid another exception to that general rule. We have a fanbase that’s diverse, has different points of view, and we’d like to keep the focus on the field, on the game.”

Those comments were, of course, entirely appropriate—and they likely reflect the only reasonable attitude for a professional sports league to adopt when it comes to hot-button political matters. After all, baseball has long been hailed as America’s national pastime. For decades, the sport has transcended political, cultural, and social divides and stood as an abiding source of unity and common culture among Americans of all backgrounds, ideas, and political persuasions.

As Manfred acknowledged, the 2021 All-Star Game incident marked a significant aberration from this tradition. But should baseball fans take him at his word when he vows that, going forward, MLB will remain “apolitical” and “keep the focus on the field?”

More than two months into the 2022 baseball season, all signs point to no.

Over the course of the last month alone, nearly every MLB franchise has once again embraced the politics of wokeism, from gun control to gender ideology. With Manfred as commissioner, it seems the league is still fast becoming yet another cultural pulpit for the tenets of left-wing progressivism.

For instance, following the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, late last month, the New York Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays teamed up to “offer facts” about the “gun problem”—often using nebulous left-wing buzzwords like “assault weapon” while citing openly progressive sources. In one particularly perplexing tweet about racial disparities in gun-related incidents, the Yankees referred to so-called “Latinx people,” a term primarily used by white leftist ideologues and academics but overwhelmingly rejected by the Hispanic and Latino population.

In another astonishingly tone-deaf post, the Yankees tweeted that “4.5 million women in the US today report having been threatened with a gun by an intimate partner”—apparently ignoring the fact that the team’s closer, Aroldis Chapman, allegedly fired a gun “at least eight times” in a 2015 domestic dispute with his girlfriend. Nevertheless, the Yankees signed him to an $86 million five-year contract in 2017, followed by a three-year $48 million extension.

Gabe Kepler, manager of the San Francisco Giants, also weighed in on the matter: “Every time I place my hand over my heart and remove my hat, I’m participating in a self-congratulatory glorification of the ONLY country where these mass shootings take place,” he wrote on his blog. During a May 27 gaggle with the press, Kepler promised to remain off the field for the National Anthem “until I feel better about the direction of our country”—a performative pledge he broke just three days later on Memorial Day.

But the MLB’s descent into toxic progressive politics extends far beyond gun control.

After years of incrementally embracing “pride month” events, flaunting rainbow-themed uniforms and social media campaigns, and subtly nodding to the radical ideas embedded in the transgender movement, MLB now appears to be fully immersed in the dogmas of gender ideology. 29 of the 30 teams in the league (the Texas Rangers are the one exception) are now hosting “pride nights” at the ballpark, and more and more teams are wearing rainbow uniforms.

But in what is likely the most shocking display of Major League Baseball’s newfound alliance with gender ideology activists, the Detroit Tigers this year are allowing fans to “support a local Pride organization of your choice” when purchasing tickets for their annual “pride night”—several of which actively promote irreversible medical “sex change” operations for children. The Ruth Ellis Center, for example, provides “transition care for transgender youth,” including so-called “gender-affirming surgery.” The Trans Sistas of Color Project, another organization on the Tigers’ list, funds groups that perform “chest reconstruction and genital reassignment surgery” and advocate for “empowering transgender youth to make their own decisions regarding puberty blockers.”

Thankfully, pushback against these extreme measures is beginning to mount. Earlier this month, several players on the Tampa Bay Rays refused to wear uniforms with “pride” logos, citing their religious convictions. Furthermore, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed a $35 million Rays spring training facility in Odessa, Florida, following the team’s gun control virtue-signaling.

But will actions like these be enough for figures like Manfred to finally get the message? Is there any remaining hope that baseball can indeed remain America’s favorite pastime, free from left-wing radicalism and partisan divisions?

Following the announcement that MLB would move its 2021 All-Star game out of Atlanta last April, Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to President Donald Trump, took to Twitter to rail against the decision. “Few sights in the world are more beautiful than our flag waving over the diamond as the anthem plays. Baseball is the American Sport,” he wrote—and the “essence of the American spirit.”

As such, he continued, baseball “has a deep, even sacred, responsibility to ensure the sport remains the inheritance of all Americans—no matter their party or politics. It must be above the petty & partisan.”

But Manfred, Miller went on, has “opened the Pandora’s Box to the hyper-politicization of one of our last truly unifying civic rituals. Those who love & cherish baseball must reclaim the sport for all citizens.”

If Manfred truly wishes for baseball to retain its hallowed status as the national pastime and to “keep the focus on the field,” as he pledged last fall, he has no choice but to reverse course—and quickly.

But given MLB’s rampant escalation of woke politics just this year alone, baseball fans should not hold their breath.

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2 years ago

Nothing is going to stop this stupidity until the management involved is forced out. I played baseball, I have coached baseball and have watch major league baseball ever since I was old enough to understand the game.I hoped this year the game would return, but that seems doubtful so, I will just give it up again this year. I will not go to another baseball game. I won’t watch it on TV, which means I won’t be watching those $150,000, 30 second, commericals, or purchasing form those advertisers products. I also won’t be buying any memorabilia or player endorced products either. I will also ask my family and friends to do the same. I will boycot baseball until it returns to a sport instead of an political tool for power hungry leftist elitist and Commissioner Rob Manfred is no longer involved in the MLB!This is a sad situation, but there is one benefit, because of the lack of planning and out of control stupid running of our government for the past year and a half, the money I would have been spending on baseball and related items can helping with the out of control inflation costs for basic needs and higher gas prices.I will miss it but I am not one of those ignorant people that think anything the MLB is doing is being done to help them. Manfred is getting paid you can bet on that!

2 years ago

Baseball used to be a great way to spend the afternoon with your family. For lhe last several years, baseball has srayed so far left, I don’t know if I’m at a ball game or a left wing liberal rally. Stopped going to pro games over 3 years ago, refuse to watch it on TV, and leave restaurants who have this sorry excuse of sports on TV. Frankly it’s time for the MLB to go the way of the dodo bird. You want to see real baseball, go see the kids play at your county parks, high schools, and college. No politics there

2 years ago

It may not look like it, but God is in control. Scripture has predicted these times, and the prediction in second Timothy, chapter three, is very obvious. God is allowing things to play out and for people to choose Him, the right side, or Satan, the left side. Soon the tribulation will start, the Church will be gone, and those left will go through awful times. None of these things, what the MLB does or any person or politician matters in how God rules. He is going to clean house soon, and those who aren’t on His side will be separated from Him for eternity.

2 years ago

Whenever you sort people into collectives based upon superficial similarities, you are promoting collectivism. The same sort of collectivism that enabled Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the KKK, et al to imprison, torture, and kill millions.If they’re doing this in the name of equity, shouldn’t all of their competitions end in ties?

Rose Jones
Rose Jones
2 years ago

I am a St Louis Cardinals fan and when the Cardinals started putting BLM, Black Lives Matter on their field and supporting this evil organization that hates God and wants to remove Him from everything in this country, who push for destruction of the family, and who are hateful and destructive, I stopped watching and listening to the games, I refused to have anything to do with them. Wokeism is pure evil and it needs to be called out as thus! Those who believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior, need to stand boldly and to speak truth only against all this evil in our land, refusing to give into fear when threats are made! Jesus tells us “He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind”!! God will be with His people!!!

2 years ago

How about we support this. GO WOKE GO BROKE. So sick of this BS. They don’t even apologize when they are wrong.

2 years ago

Well, another professional sport that is NOT going to be watched in my home!!!! Manfred’s decision in 2021 showed he has no backbone and will not stand up for his own convictions. Manfred, you know what is right and wrong!!!! Man up and ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”

2 years ago

Keep your MLB, NBA , NHL, etc. I do NOT need these organizations any more than they need me.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

I’ve given up watching sports since these elites think they can rule the world! I’m a conservative and always will be!! Taking that game out of Georgia was the crowning blow!

And you know anyone in that state must show identity evidence to do a lot of other things like withdraw money from a bank account so what’s so bad about having proof of identity to vote? That legislation was intended to reduce fraud and MLB apparently condones fraud! And it’s not voting requirements are not their responsibility!

I spend my time now doing more productive less sedentary activities!! Lots more healthy!!u

2 years ago


Ron Christensen
Ron Christensen
2 years ago

As a result of their championing of far left, woke, pro BLM etc activity my family does not support or watch any MLB, NFL, NBA games.

2 years ago

Manfred is the worst commissioner ever. His stand against “woke” policies is as firm as a wet noodle. Couple that with the fact that his ideas on improving baseball are ridiculous. Let’s be rid of him.

Scott L
Scott L
2 years ago

The more “woke” these organizations get, the more I’m convinced they don’t want my business.

Well, in these days of increasing costs for everything, that makes it easy to decide what I can live without.

Joe Edwards
Joe Edwards
2 years ago

Haven’t watched an NFL game, including Super Bowls, since the first knee dropped I now feel I am in no need to watch MLB!
Manfred should go back to Rome, NY to relearn the values he was brought up in!????

Dennis Osborne
Dennis Osborne
2 years ago

Sadly pro sports are dying in this country,thanks to the hell bent attempt to shove social and political issues down owr proverbial throats. As the saying goes what goes around comes around and these organizations and companies who are laughing now and reaping in huge profits will regret this.Oh yea and MLB,it’s on life support and just doesn’t know it sure it’s got TV revenues but when enough people quit watching,quit buying from those sponsors not so much

ronald stewart
ronald stewart
2 years ago

get rid of this idiot as commissioner of baseball . he is too stupid to hold such an office . and i would suggest in his place you voter in condelezza rice . she always said being commisioner of baseball is her dream job

2 years ago

I have not tuned in to the MLB since they took a knee and that wont change now ,, i was watching ABC this morning went they broke in with SPECIAL REPORT to push the demorats efforts to push gun control and take all the other issues off the minds of people who are not able to afford gas to go get the food they cant afford if its on the shelves at all , Damn i cant wait until NOVEMBER ,, i think for now im going to tune out ABC for awhile ,, AGAIN GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE OTHER PEOPLE DO,, they can take guns away form the people who use them properly ,, but they will never stop the criminals from having them ,,, so where will that leave you ,,, THE PROBLEM WITH THIS COUNTRY NOW IS LETS LET THEM RUN THE STREETS AND DO WHATEVER THEY WANT ,,, ALL STARTED BY THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE ,,, GO VOTE PEOPLE

2 years ago

The MLB organization should Remain non-political as it was intended to be so that Americans can enjoy watching this sport without any unwanted political, hot-button issues.

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

The professional sports business is over-paid, and these players consider themselves as experts on everything. (Too bad it doesn’t reflect in their true profession). Regardless….they have no business whatsoever meddling where they know nothing or very little. When the Commissioners of leagues start meddling, it is time to kick them to the curb. Do your job, keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. This rabble-rousing has to end. YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY PROFESSIONALS. Act like it!!!!!

2 years ago

I will never again attend a MLB game.

2 years ago

All they have to do and say is “We are not a political organization and do not adhere to any political decisions to side with”, “We are here to play baseball and not be the thought police when it comes to politics”. Or, something like that. Then, whoever wants to watch, listen or come to a game may do so without prejudice.

2 years ago

All I can say is ????.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

For years, I would enjoy watching different MLB teams play against each other. Presently, I watch a few highlights, and even this makes me feel somewhat bad that I waste any time on a corrupt organization. Sadly, I feel as if I’m less and less myself.

David L
David L
2 years ago

I no longer watch MLB games. The focus on professional sports should be on the game and not on politics. My goal is to unwind after a work week with a sporting event that is relaxing. This is no longer possible so I decided to no longer watch MLB.

2 years ago


Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Thes creeps do these stupid things to get money from leftists. If all the normal people boycotted just a couple of games, the “leaders” might figure out where their real money comes from!

Gretchen Smith
Gretchen Smith
2 years ago

Just like the nfl, nascar, mlb I don’t need to have those sick woke leftist demorats telling me what to say or watch. Whatever they do in their homes is of no interest to me. They are anti-american and anti-christian and will meet the real judge one day.

2 years ago

I got sick reading the begining of this article i couldnt finish it. I wonder what percentage of the lbgqt+ community really watches baseball or really cares about the sport. We conservatives can get cancelled so easy but when it’s time to push back and do the canceling its all talk anno action. Alot of cowards out there would rather satisfy themselves by continue watching than sacrifice something they like for the good of society. You don’t accomplish anything worthy unless you make a sacrifice. NFL fans check out the new Carolina Panthers cheerleader…it’s only the begining

Steve Bate
Steve Bate
2 years ago

If the teams are so into equity and diversity, why are there no women playing on major league teams?

2 years ago

MLB backwards BLM

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
2 years ago

Any sport, company, organization or Hollywood weirdos that are WOKE will not see a dime from me! Get WOKE, Go BROKE!

2 years ago

I’ve never cared for any sport except football and then I preferred college over the pros. However, I haven’t watched a pro game in 8 years. Since the first kneel when the National Anthem was played I stopped. I turned off my TV and haven’t watched a pro game since. It’s just gotten worse. I simply have no use for the pro players who make fortunes, despite their low IQ’s, and continue to slap America in the face. After the first couple of games, I didn’t miss them. Now if I see a pro game on TV, I can’t wait to turn it off or change channels.

2 years ago

I don’t need any of these overpaid people telling me how I should think or act. I’ll spend my money elsewhere!

2 years ago

I used to go to several major league games a year and watched every Diamondbacks game on t.v.. That was until they went woke. I no longer bring the grandkids to games. I never watch MLB anything anymore. I’ve taken up biking, hiking, camping, fishing and reading books. Don’t miss it and will never go back to major league sports.

2 years ago

More pro sports fools caving to the “hot button” issues of the day that are being pushed by the most obnoxious people of the day. Hey, how about you stick to the business of baseball and let the fans enjoy the game without incorporating all the social depravity into the mix for the sole purpose of virtue signaling and making yourself feel good about yourself.

2 years ago

Will there also be a heterosexual night at the ball parks?

2 years ago

It’s also national accordion month. Why aren’t teams playing with accordions strapped to their uniforms?
MLB is sucking up to the far left and this is why I’ve completely STOPPED watching anything MLB.

2 years ago

The boobs who must sell their souls to watch any ball game think that pro sports are losing the woke ideologies that offend. They don’t want to recognize it, so strong is their addiction. If they don’t acknowledge it, it doesn’t exist.

2 years ago

And the sports industry keeps giving me more and more reasons not to watch. I gave up on sports a couple of years ago because they seemed more focused on politics than on competition and entertainment. I didn’t take long for me to realize that I just don’t miss filling sports anymore. And I’m not alone.

2 years ago

Thanks MLB, NBA, NHL, other woke sports. My wife and I are swimming in excess cash not wasted on your events! Our retirement funds are overflowing now! I knew God answers pray, I just wasn’t thinking He would fill our coffers in this manner……………….. (SMILES GALORE)

2 years ago

Are they playing and participating in professional sports or running for political office? I, for one, refuse to watch hours of their informercials or attend their rallies disguised as games by either buying an overpriced ticket or turning my television to the channel airing them. Like the ice box, the time for professional sports may be at an end.

R Bart
R Bart
2 years ago

Do we forget that the professional athletes we pay lots of money to see, ARE the rich elites that are driving a lot of this woke agenda with which we disagree.

2 years ago

Some folks need a 2×4 upside the head on an hourly basis around the clock. Some figure it out others just wither away and die. Whatever…

2 years ago

Remember to not buy products from any of the companies that support them with advertising also!

2 years ago


2 years ago

MLB is done. byebye.canceled all my tickets.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

I attend several Tampa Bay Rays games a year. I love baseball and get enjoyment out of watching these athletes play the game at its highest level. Each time I go I spend $5 purchasing a 50/50 ticket that gives me a long shot chance of winning a few bucks. Half the pot goes to the winner and the other half to the Rays Foundation that supports local charities. Now that I found out that some of these charities are progressive nonprofits there is no way I will buy another ticket.

2 years ago

I get more enjoyment out of watching little league and Hs baseball, as well as college baseball, than I do MLB (which I stopped watching last year after the GA election law BS, although I did cheer on the Braves in the WS (for the sheer irony of their win). Locally, we have an Appalachian League team comprised of college athletes playing during the summer. We go to those games but so far there have been no. WOKE jackassery antics, just baseball ( and some really great baseball I might add). Further, the local team players spend a great deal of time before games meeting the fans, singing autographs and taking pictures with kids who attend. These baseball players really interact with everyone who is there and do their utmost to interact with the kids, whose smiles and facial expressions are simply beaming during these instances. I’ve thanked those players on more than one occasion and told them that they are promoting what baseball is supposed to be. As long as any pro sports league continues the WOKE BS, I won’t watch them play or give one red cent to them.

2 years ago


Mark Thoeny
Mark Thoeny
2 years ago

Another reason I quit watching all sports. It use to be a way to escape the daily crap of life for a few hours but no more. I don’t like being lectured by spoiled rich kids. Play the game and keep you mouth shut

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