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The Middle East Moves On Without America

Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Saudi Arabia is normalizing relations with Iran with China’s help. Palestinian terror group Hamas sending is a delegation to Riyadh. And there’s a burgeoning civil war in Sudan. The Middle East’s major players are no longer waiting on America to return to a constructive role. Under Joe Biden, they’re rapidly moving on, and taking the region’s future into their own hands.

Meanwhile, the response from the Biden administration can usually be encapsulated by quotes from officials expressing “concern”–the geopolitical equivalent of something like a shrug.

A pattern has emerged—the three stages of the Biden administration’s approach to events in the Middle East. The first is denial, the dismissal of any possibility that certain events could happen. The second is angry, impotent posturing. The third, a form of acceptance, involves smiling U.S. officials suggesting that whatever events “blindsided” them were ones they had not only always supported, but had played a key role in bringing about.

The three recent major developments fit into this pattern perfectly. Saudi Arabia’s decision to normalize ties with Iran reportedly blindsided Bill Burns, the CIA Director, when he visited Riyadh a month ago. The National Security Council echoed that the U.S. was “informed” but “not involved” in the process.

By last week, the tone had shifted. U.S. officials briefed the press that there was no need to worry about China’s mediation in the region and it could even be a good thing. When Jake Sullivan called Saudi Crown Prince Muhamad Bin Salman on April 11, he “welcomed Saudi Arabia’s extraordinary efforts to pursue a more comprehensive roadmap for ending the war [in Yemen] and offered full U.S. support for those efforts.”

This new approach has an advantage over the impotent rage and ineffective saber rattling which followed the Biden administration’s failed efforts to bully Saudi Arabia into increasing oil production before last year’s midterm elections. It recognizes that the U.S. lacks the ability to do much to Saudi Arabia, and most actions the United States could take would make the situation worse.

Nonetheless, the administration’s approach is merely putting the best face on the collapse of what has been America’s policy in the region for the last decade.

That became clear with two other Saudi initiatives, neither of which it seems the U.S. was “informed” of or “involved” with.

The day after Sullivan spoke with the Saudi Crown Prince, Saudi Arabia invited Syria’s Foreign Minister to an Arab League Summit in Riyadh to discuss re-admitting the Assad government. When the Crown Prince met with Biden’s Middle Eastern and Energy envoys the following day, both were noticeably silent, not mentioning the initiative, or a Saudi invitation for Hamas to attend meetings in Jeddah.

Neither policy is likely to be welcomed by the United States, and particularly not by Barack Obama’s former vice president. Saudi Arabia’s outreach to Assad represents a decision to dispense with the last remnants of Barack Obama’s policy of embracing the Arab Spring as a means to bring down authoritarian regimes in the hope that whatever succeeded them would be better.

The result of that policy was the collapse of Syria, Libya, and Iraq into sectarian conflict, with regional powers such as the Saudis, Turks, and Iran holding the bag for funding proxy conflicts, while at the same time creating a climate of insecurity among the Gulf States.

There is an emerging contrast between China’s efforts to create “win-win” agreements with regional actors and America’s increasingly ideological lecturing. Take, for example, the U.S. policy toward Syria, which has managed to harm the interests of absolutely everyone in the region for abstract principles the U.S. has failed to uphold in any case.

Syria is not a democracy. Assad has not been removed for the use of chemical weapons. Iranian influence is not curtailed. Everyone – Syrians, Assad, the Saudis, Turks, Israel, even arguably Iran – have all lost. China, by offering to end the war, is the party offering to help everyone cut their losses. The U.S. no longer has pretensions of overthrowing Assad, but seems to want the war to continue, at the expense of Saudi and Turkish lives and money, out of principle.

What seems to have escaped U.S. policymakers is the meaning of the term “constructive.” A constructive role is a policy that is aimed at accomplishing an end that is attractive or beneficial to the parties involved. Neither the U.S. policy toward Syria, which can best be described as “No War, No Peace,” nor its role in the region can credibly be considered constructive by regional powers. It makes them less secure either in pursuit of goals which have been abandoned – deterring the use of chemical weapons – or abstractions that are not taken seriously, such as the western elite’s conception of universal democracy and values.

More worryingly, the same seems to be occurring when it comes to America’s policies on both Israel and Iran. The constructive aspect of the Abraham Accords for Gulf States was that it allowed Israel and the Arab states to pool their influence in Washington and around the world to contain Iran. It prevented something both Riyadh and Jerusalem feared under Obama – a U.S. rapprochement with Iran – and provided both Israel and the Arab nations with greater leverage in Washington.

Failing to grasp this makes it impossible for the Biden team to understand why U.S. hostility to Israel and overtures to Iran, rather than driving Saudi Arabia and Israel closer together, are doing the inverse. If the United States is not going to stand up to Iran in any event, Saudi Arabia has no choice but to make its own deals with Tehran. At the same time, if closer relations with Israel are going to worsen relations with Washington, not improve them, and cause the U.S. to move closer to Iran, not further away, why should Saudi Arabia accept those political costs? By abandoning support for the Jewish State, the Biden team has turned relations with Israel into a liability rather than an asset for many of the countries that signed the Abraham Accords.

Saudi Arabia’s outreach to Hamas reflects a lack of constructive signaling from the United States toward Israel, not a preference for the fundamentalist group. Revelations that the United States was aware of efforts by the Mossad, Israel’s own intelligence service, to oust Netanyahu, combined with U.S. efforts to topple the Israeli leader, mean that Saudi Arabia must take the prospect of an Israeli civil war, previously unthinkable, seriously.

In this context it would almost seem like an afterthought to mention the apparent civil war which has already broken out in Khartoum between two wings of Sudan’s military government, not least because it probably is an afterthought for the Biden team, despite peace being a passion project for the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations. The country has been slipping into chaos since Biden took office. With hundreds dead, all Secretary of State Tony Blinken could manage at the G7 summit were vague references to “a shared deep concern about… the violence that is going on in Sudan, the threat that that poses to civilians, that it poses to the Sudanese nation and potentially poses even to the region.”

Joe Biden was able to muster $6 billion for a bribe which managed to offend all parties in Northern Ireland, but no suggestion has been made of using Sudan’s total dependence on international financing to force the parties to the table. Their conflict is treated as some sort of force of nature, like the weather.

That is why there have been so many articles about China replacing the United States as a mediator around the world, and why there will be many more to come. Whether in Syria, Israel, or Sudan, the United States seems increasingly to view violence and conflict as a kind of weather. It seems not to occur to them that those who live next door to violence would prefer to see it ended, even without considering how LGBTQ+ inclusive or DEI-compliant such settlements may be. If the U.S. has given up on playing a constructive role, then it is no surprise others will give up on the U.S. role altogether.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.

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1 year ago

This is on you, Joe AND Democrats!! You have been so busy trying to ruin our country, which you are succeeding at wonderfully, and your weakness has ruined our position on the world stage!! I am so disappointed in and embarrassed by your leadership or lack thereof!!!

1 year ago

More such actions like this will follow over the next 2 years, as more and more countries view the United States as an unreliable ally and a complete joke. China, Russia and Iran are having a field day around the world under the intentionally bad leadership of Team Biden and the Democrats running our administrative state. It may not take China until 2027 to surpass the United States economically. If things continue at this pace, they may achieve that goal by 2025.

1 year ago

“Under Joe Biden, they’re rapidly moving on, and taking the region’s future into their own hands.” This is the way it should have been all along. We have no business meddling in other countries business.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Absolute proof that the left is destructive.

1 year ago

The Biden administration is a disgrace turn your back on Israel is turning your back on our great savior ..
we had peace under Trump
One women wrote we have no business meddling in other countries affairs .. so you thinks there should be wars all over .. an eventually come to America ..
Mmmmm  That’s scary

1 year ago

Failing to grasp… that pretty much sums up the current administration and current leadership of nearly EVERY federal agency right now!EXCELLENT ARTICLE … however scary the thoughts. It amazes me still the depth and breadth of GOD’S excellent sovereignty!

1 year ago

Under the pathetic leadership of the Democrats and Joe Biden, the rest of the world is moving on without us. It’s going to take a really strong new leader to get any more traction in this world. The Democrat Party and Joe Biden is successfully destroyed the country in 2 years in the eyes of the rest of the world and they still got two more years to finish the job.

1 year ago

“without America” ? Please get it right. Without the USA is what you mean. Why do we persist
in calling the United States of America America ?? America means Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba another other rouge nations.
The middle east will suck up to the USA ( United States of America) whenever it gets in trouble.
I guess they’re PO’d because we decided to stop giving trillions and our youth to save Afganistan
which is made up of semi-men who will are afraid to fight.
This group of lawless sand dunes is going nowhere unfortunately.

1 year ago

biden will let them wait forever.

trump state of the union address
tax cuts and jobs act
Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
joe rogan and president trump

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