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The Meaning of Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit Changes the World 

Posted on Saturday, June 4, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By The Gallic

pentecostIn 33 AD, a group of men and women sat in a room, afraid. They had witnessed something so mind-boggling, so unbelievable as to redefine the world and our relationship with it: the central reality of Christianity, that God came, died, and rose for our salvation. They had seen Him, had spoken with Him, and ten days earlier they had watched Him be taken up to the heavens. After getting over the shock of His resurrection, the apostles must have figured they had the world in the palm of their hands. After all, how do you compete with God, who cannot stay dead? And then he was gone.

In all the world and all of history, this must have been the most ‘O snap!’ moment. Can you imagine the looks on their faces? What were they to do? This time it seemed like he was not coming back, at least not that often. The table had turned, the world completely went upside down, and they were stuck. So, they slunk back to the upper room, the place where it all started, and they hid. For ten days, they waited for the authorities to take them away. They jumped at every sound, asked, begged, and pleaded to the God they just watched leave them, after saying he would be with them to the end of the world.

And then, something totally unexpected occurred. When hope was lost and disaster was threatening, the Holy Spirit came. Outside of speaking in many different tongues, nothing happened, but everything changed. Where there once was fear, now there was courage. Where there once was confusion, now there was clarity. The eucatastrophic moment, the victory that started the Christian Church, the Pentecost, was a change in mindset. You do not have to believe in God, in Jesus Christ, or in the Holy Spirit to recognize that the men and women in that room were filled with a fire that still burns brightly in this world.

What does the Christian Pentecost show us in America today? We find ourselves in a challenging spot, do we not? Trust is at an all-time low, scandals abound, and children in our schools are being killed. Yet at the same time, the nation is filled with people who care, who spend their days helping. My 81-year-old mother the other day needed help getting some potting soil into her car, so she asked two strapping young men who were walking by for help. With a quick, “Sure thing ma’am” they picked up the bag, popped it in the car, and as they left my mother promised to pray for them. That is America. America is not a land defined by hatred and rancor, it is a land defined by men and women living according to the virtues that Christ calls us to live by, whether they actively practice the Christian faith or not.

Pentecost showed us that a small group of men and women filled with the Holy Spirit could change the world. So can we. This Pentecost, let us take back our nation, show love to our neighbor, help a new friend, go to church, and worship God. Our nation needs us, and our schools need us. If we want to set things right, let’s start by loving each other.

The Gallic is the pen name of an educator with over 30 years of experience, who spends his time helping schools get better at teaching their students and parents happier at sending them to those schools.

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Janet Smith
Janet Smith
2 years ago


Heidi meadows
Heidi meadows
2 years ago

I HAVE been involved in community work for youth and I have a program that I feel would help the mental health crisis… and ultimately maybe the issue with gun attacks. I would love to talk to someone about this. I have not just had experience, I led the program for 8 years. I KNOW it can be a piece of the pie in Prevention! Thank you.

David Block
David Block
2 years ago

Well written and uplifting.

Ed Olssen
Ed Olssen
2 years ago

Excellent article. A constant reminder for all of us to strive to be more like Jesus.Although we all fall short of the glory of God,we certainly can humble ourselves, be kind, bless everyone, and attempt to emulate Jesus in as many ways that we can. ????.

Phyllis Taylor
Phyllis Taylor
2 years ago

Very informative

Mary Lou Rilee
Mary Lou Rilee
2 years ago

This article is so well written and filled with hope. I have shared it with my pastor and several friends and family. Thank you for publishing it.

Anthony Dellisola
Anthony Dellisola
2 years ago

We’ll said and needed in our countries present state!

2 years ago

Nice read. Very encouraging.

Jim Atchison
Jim Atchison
2 years ago

Instead of having leaders crying out for national gun control, wouldn’t it be nice to have leaders promoting and supporting national repentance?

2 years ago

I really enjoyed reading this article, my only question is why write under a “ghost name”? The Lord Jesus Christ never hid his name or identity, nor did He brag about Who He is, so why use a name not your own???

2 years ago

This was a wonderful article .,.it is time for us as believers to let our light shine in our dark world…we must not give up when things look difficult ….We as believers need to put our Armor on as the Bible mentions and be ready for what we are facing. With God on our side all things are possible, but we must to our part

Joyce Harvey
Joyce Harvey
2 years ago

Just finished reading. Good article. Wish I had read it before. I am teaching Sunday and you phrased things very well.

2 years ago

Believe, it has worked for me ! If you have been troubled and need help , talk to god through prayer . Connected to our lord and savior is the only option. Pray and believe and you will begin to find peace . With out peace that only he can give you, your life will experience turmoil ! Seek Jesus, the one and only path to peace !

Larry Nuckels
Larry Nuckels
2 years ago

Well said… very timely!

2 years ago

Hope was not lost they prayed for 9 days in anticipation of Our Lord’s promise

2 years ago

Thank you so much for the article. Wow- don’t see this outside church very often. So needed.

Terry Rickman
Terry Rickman
2 years ago

Very encouraging. Thank you for this article.

2 years ago

Great reminder. Thank you, Gallic for sharing your gift of encouragement and exhorting us to love

2 years ago

There is only ONE REALITY. REALITY had better be your only religion. Too much? Cryptic?
All religions are man-made except for ONE. Make sense? We must all read for ourselves.
Most churches are fake. HIS Word tells us this “5 of the 7 churches” were doomed.
Stay in HIS WORD.

2 years ago

God’s perfect plan continued. He’s still working it out. The next step is Jesus return.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

Actually, Acts 1 records that for the ten days after Christ’s Ascension, the disciples prayed with the women, especially Mary, mother of Jesus. That’s what we all ought to be doing.

2 years ago

Great reminder! Keep praying…..He will answer one way or another. Sure He will go with the ones who are good in His eyes

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Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
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