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Majority Of American’s Are Proud Of Our Country; The Socialist Left Seeks To Undermine Their Resolve By Bad-Mouthing Our History

Posted on Saturday, November 6, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 6 — I am proud to be an American; are you?  If so, align yourself against the growing treachery of the progressive left. Align yourself with our Founding Fathers, who taught us to play fair and accept the rights empowered by the Constitution. And steer yourself clear of the lies of socialism.  It’s a doctrine that has failed everywhere it’s been tried.

We’ve had good times and bad times, but we, as a nation, have always opted for the freedoms granted to us by the Constitution.  As a result, we have prospered.  It’s been 245 years since our forefathers wrested our independence from Great Britain, the most powerful nation on earth at the time — a nation that had gained its own autonomy from Roman rule some 1,600 years ago.  It’s taken just two and a half centuries for us to turn those 13 original colonies into what we are today — a nation of powerful innovators that allows its citizens to use their freedoms to prosper.    

The result is a show of pride among our citizenry; the polls have been consistent through the years that a great majority of us are, indeed, proud to be Americans and that a very few of us are ashamed.  As the pollsters at Rasmussen put it:  “Eighty percent (80%) of Republicans and 60% of those not affiliated with either major party now say America’s history is something to be proud of.  However, only 45% of Democrats agree, while 34% of Democrats say Americans should be ashamed of their nation’s history.  Only 11% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated believe Americans should be ashamed of U.S. history.”

The world view of the U.S. is awesome when it comes to the numbers of people in all parts of the world who say they would move to America if they could.  According to Gallup, 158 millions of them say the U.S. is their destination of choice if they were able to emigrate.  In other words, there are plenty of people from around the world who would gladly trade places with the progressive leftists who seemingly hate it here, people such as the dishonored former governor of New York Andrew Cuomo, who not long ago showed his hatred for our nation when he uttered his shameful assessment that “America was never that great.”

The Wall Street Journal traced the origins of the leftist movement to the 1960s, which used slavery as a means of telling the world that America is not as kind and nurturing a domicile as one might think.  An article a few years back in the journal showed why and how the progressive movement got its start.  Shelby Steele, a Senior Fellow at Stamford University’s Hoover Institution, who wrote the article, described it as: “a formula for power: The greater the menace to the nation’s moral legitimacy, the more power redounded to the left.”  But in conclusion, Steele noted that: “For the American left today, the indulgence in hate is a death rattle.”

The Archbridge Institute describes itself as a non-partisan, independent public policy think tank.  Dr. Clay Routledge is a senior research fellow who authored a white paper last December on the subject of The Current State of American Pride based on broad survey data and commentary.  His findings were heartening.

Participants in the study involved more than 500 individuals, 27% of whom were classified as conservatives, 45% of whom were moderates, and 28% who were liberals.  The vast majority reported that they were proud to be an American — 85% of women and 90% of men.  Eighty-one percent of African Americans, 88 percent of Asian Americans, 84% of Latinos, and 90% of white respondents all agreed that they were proud of our nation.  So did “94% of Muslims 73% of Jews, 91% of Christians, 73% of atheists, and 84% of people who indicated some other religion.”

No matter their level of education, some 85% to 95% of Americans ranging from high school graduates to those with doctorate degrees agreed.  Incomes did not influence responses; 82% to 92% of folks who earned less than $20,000 a year to those making more than $100,000 were proud, as well.  

Respondents chimed in with explanations of why they feel about America with comments that were eye-opening.  Those who said they were proud Americans remarked with statements such as “because it is a privilege” and because “this country lets a person be free.  You can achieve the American dream.”  One proud American said, “I have traveled extensively and know that America is the best country to live in. We have more rights than a lot of other countries and the ability to do whatever we want in life.”  Another said, “I am proud to be an American because even though our country is far from perfect, I believe the majority of people are good and want good things for our country and we can move forward and be an even better country.”

Dr. Clay Routledge concluded his report by saying, “most Americans, regardless of race, income, or education believe they have either already achieved the American Dream or are on their way to achieving it … We propose that being proud to be American reflects both a positive and hopeful state of being and is thus likely to be associated with psychological flourishing.”

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Thank you John Grimaldi…It gives those of us patriotic Americans reason for hope, for there are far more of us than the let’s go Brandon’s of the world…Those are the facts, therefor JRB, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer & company would be wise to remember this… Y’all are NOT our rulers, Y’all work for us, therefor, take your build back better Bill & shove it where the sun don’t shine…JRB & company, you have broken every Constitutional norm our beloved Founding Fathers so eloquently wrote into the US Constitution as you have trampled upon it with reckless abandum…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Eddie Mack
Eddie Mack
2 years ago

Watch AOC when she stirs up her leftist rabble, shaking her fist in the air. Now picture her in army fatigues. Does she look like something from the Communist revolution in Cuba, or what? The difference is that people actually voted for her. What kind of people? Mostly products of public school indoctrination. The enemy took over our schools first. Now they have voters.

charles miley
charles miley
2 years ago

Stand in Holy places .make your home a spiritual place.ask God to free this nation from the hate that the left has let loose in America .

2 years ago

Over the past couple of years, I did a lot of driving around 4 states, looking at towns I might like to move to. The farther from the cities I went, the more American (and Trump) flags I saw flying outside people’s homes and businesses. “Great”, I thought, “this is a possibility”. So I recently moved to one of those towns in northern North Carolina.

A small flag claims a permanent position on my truck, near the Trump bumper sticker. It isn’t a coincidence that vehicles with Obama, Biden, and Coexist stickers, however, never displayed an American flag alongside those representing their liberal “gods”. I’ve been looking for this unlikely pairing, but never saw one in all my travels. Never! That speaks volumes!

With Veteran’s Day coming up, I thought buying a large flag for the hardware already installed on the porch would be a great way to honor those who fought for our country and its freedoms. The homeowners’ association in the city where I used to live actually discouraged large flags of any sort. Now it’s my mission to do just that because I am proud of this country, and more as I age. Sure, there were some episodes that we now regret, but, on the whole, our future is bright for each of us because of the freedoms spelled out in the Constitution—our Constitution.

2 years ago

We are patriotic Americans shivering in our boots.

2 years ago

Thanks for an optimistic article! If we can wrestle the education system from the left, then maybe these statistics will be even better. We have to STOP teaching our young people that America is evil when it’s NOT! Most Americans I know want to be free and have good hearts and treat others with respect regardless of what they look like! This is the melting pot that is America!

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
2 years ago

The Rasmussen pole states that 34% of democrats think Americans should be ashamed of the nations history. Well there is a simple explanation for that: most of the shamefull things done in Americas history were done by DEMOCRATS, and they continue to do them today. Simply look up their voting records on issues such as slavery, civil rights, abortion, etc. etc. etc……They don’t have much to be proud of and they think that everyone else should be garbage pail with them.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
2 years ago

NASCAR and Brandon

It seems like so many National Associations of Anything start out with tough, visionary leaders, but as they age they have to find successors who are the products of radical left unbalanced universities that have disdain for capitalism, auto racing, faith, and common sense. Where do you find new, UnWoke managers and other executives today? They almost all have been brainwashed, devoid of a sense of humor and imbued with a false sense of propriety.

The core problem is university education. Somewhere along the way faculties have become totally lopsided toward the left and communism while basking in the flow of cash coming from a prosperous country that negates that mentality. In my opinion it is time to start suing universities for malfeasance and demanding a return of tuition fees expenses and a healthy restitution for lost opportunity and income.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Shut down the schools alone IE K-12 & HS can deter “Indoc”,
Ignore, joke, ridicule the Left whenever U can
Unite & Fight

2 years ago

I love my country, my Democratic-Republican country. What I don’t like are the people who are currently trying to change my country from what it is today to a country I won’t recognize and we must not condone this! These elitist Socialists need be shut down ASAP and based on the recent local elections we are on our way to their demise. All we have to do is vote very carefully in 2022 and then in 2024 and we could stop this insanity!

2 years ago

Those evil people are trying to start a Race war with CRT. They are trying to divide and conquer. I hope everyone eventually realizes what they are trying to do. The problem I see them having starting a race war is that a lot of the younger people are not really racist. Even in our small town you can see that.

2 years ago

What’s the problem? . . . If “leftists” are unhappy living here then there’s nothing stopping them from moving to China, Russia, Cuba or Venezuela! . . . I, for one, would gladly “help” send them to their “dream” home!!!

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Without fear and chaos, hatred and division, socialists can never get a foothold. The communists in DC…and around the world…are fully aware of that. That’s why everything that they do is centered on fostering those conditions. I’m fairly optimistic that most Americans have awoken to the leftists’ scheme. To h3ll with this regimes’ communists and to h3ll with the rest of the u.n. led, globalist totalitarians.


2 years ago

I am a veteran and two of my children retired from the military. I love our country but I’m totally disgusted with with our government. I’m also tired of all the tough talk about we need to get rid of them. Enough talk!!! Let’s finally do something about it!!! Whatever needs to be done let’s get it done!!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

It would be nice to have a test of those on the left that speak of America as a terrible country, the test would be to strip the America haters of their citizenship and we will pay them the cost of leaving, and going to another country of their choice, of where they won’t to go, up to $10,000 and if they go and won’t to come back, they have to apply for and take a citizenship test, pay back,$100,000 and can’t vote for 5 years if they return, it would be worth it to not have to lesson to their whining and trashing America every day.
It’s the greatest country on earth, love it or leave it, and here’s the old middle member to wave goodbye.

2 years ago


R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

I want to thank the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia for standing up and dumping the disaster from the democrat party. I believe Virginia opened the window and allowed fresh air into the country. People are waking up, finally, and putting the socialists on the trash pile where they belong.

2 years ago

If America wanted socialism they would have elected Bernie.

Linda E
Linda E
2 years ago

Wonderful article. What I have to say to those (Americans & non-Americans) that don’t like our country/freedoms/Constitution – MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY – WE DON’T NEED YOU HERE!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It is as fashionable to be antI american now as it was to be pro bolshevik in the thirties many in Hollywood and intelectuals were exitedly discussing it while sipping champagne it is the same scenario now.

2 years ago

I have an ideal I call trade your citizenship I’m sure there are people say in Canada that would love to move to the U.S. and enjoy our Constitutional Republic. These people and I’m sure there are others who live in Socialist countries would being willing to trade their home, job and citizenship with someone here. ONE catch once you leave the U.S. you can never come back.

2 years ago

Can we please take part of the trillions the Dems want to take away from the tax payers, and put it toward one way tickets for the LEFT to go to another country and stay there. They HATE it here, so they should leave and go there.

2 years ago

Looking at the numbers, does it surprise anyone to see that fewer democrats look upon this nation with pride and respect? They are the party that is the breeding ground for the likes of the socialist movement….with no consideration for the Constitution as a core aspect of this nation’s place in the world over time. If they are outnumbered, how do they succeed? That’s the question to ponder.

2 years ago

Democrats we’re the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, the “great” society (government dependency and now modern socialism and CRT. Of course they should be ashamed of themselves.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

I have always been proud of being an American, and always WILL be. I thank God every day that He allowed me to be born here. Those who are NOT proud, who are ungrateful, truly need to move to another country where they think they will be happier. They will not be missed.

2 years ago

Wow, Biden really comes unglued at press when asked tough questions — such as giving reparation money to kids separated at Border & does not have a clue why price of gasoline is so high at pump. He has a short fuse to press sort of like Trump had at times.

2 years ago

45% of Leftist loons disagree that America is good. Let’s start trading them out of here with those who want in and come legally.
Deport all their leeches with them.

2 years ago

I am proud of Ameria & our history.This country has been good to people of manyl different personalities. Why divide and conquer what we have.

2 years ago

I’ve been in this country for a LONG time. I love it and will fight for it! I refuse to accept anything or anybody who is against this wonderful country. They can all go to hell. And, I believe they probably will. Goodbye commie Dems.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

I was born and raised here in America and I think this is the best country on this planet or it used to be until it got invaded by Communists. I am 70 and have seen all the changes since my childhood. It is frightening. I wish we could go back in time to prevent this!!!!! This is not the country I used to know. 🙁

Dagney Galt
Dagney Galt
2 years ago

Those that hate America need to leave. TODAY isn’t too soon. Go to the Socialist nightmare of your personal choice. We will NOT allow our America to be made in your ugly image(s). We can clean house nice, or not so nice. You choose. Bye!

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