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The Left’s Dangerous Indifference to Antisemitism

Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

America in 2023 is looking more and more like Germany just before Adolf Hitler took power in 1933. With antisemitism growing rapidly, too many in our political leadership, culture, and society ignore or minimize the danger of this toxic hatred with indifference, excuses, and denials.

We must not allow the cancer of antisemitism to spread in America as it did in Europe 90 years ago. This requires holding antisemites responsible for their words and deeds, including expelling high school and college students, firing employees, and filing hate crime charges when possible, against people who engage in Jew-hatred. History shows us Antisemitism is like a spark in dry grass—unanswered it becomes a conflagration.

The Nazis in 1930s and 40s Germany proudly boasted of their hatred of Jews. But the 21st century antisemites — many of them young people on the left — deny they are what they are. Instead, to avoid what the reality of their bigotry really means, they cloak their Jew-hatred as political opposition to the state of Israel.

Absurdly, many antisemites even claim that Hamas terrorists who murdered about 1,200 people and took about 240 hostages in Israel on Oct. 7 — and have fired thousands of rockets into the Jewish state since then — don’t hate Jews and are really virtuous freedom fighters.  

Even if you believe this nonsense, how do you explain antisemitism crossing the Atlantic to infect America?

After all, Jews in the U.S. aren’t responsible for actions by the Israeli government any more than Muslim Americans were responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Many protests since Oct. 7 labeled as being “pro-Palestinian” have in fact been displays of vicious anti-Jewish hatred. And alarmingly, police, government and school officials have often played down the seriousness of these actions.

For example, about 400 students at a New York City high school where about 30 percent of students are Muslim “rampaged through the halls … for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom,” the New York Post reported Tuesday. The teacher, not coincidentally, is Jewish.

While New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks said it was “completely unacceptable” that students had targeted the teacher for supporting Israel and “expressing her Jewish identity,” he called for understanding for the students who terrified her because they “feel a kindred spirit with the folks of the Palestinian community.”


Imagine if 400 white students had rampaged through the same high school threating a Black teacher who had attended a “racial justice” rally following the horrific 2020 murder of George Floyd (a Black man) by a white police officer in Minneapolis. Does anyone think the school’s chancellor would have called for understanding of the white students because they felt a kindred spirit with the folks of the police community?

Most of us believe racism against people of color is terrible and should be condemned. But the same should be true of antisemitism and other forms of hatred. Condemning one but not the others is not just hypocritical, it exposes the left’s crusade for recognition and punishment of hate crimes as nothing more than a political ploy to be implemented only when it suits the left’s preferred narratives.

There are many other recent incidents of antisemitism masquerading as opposition to Israeli policies. In fact, the Anti-Defamation League reported a nearly 400 percent increase in antisemitic incidents of assault, harassment and vandalism in the U.S. between Oct. 7 and 23 compared with the same period last year. There are likely more anti-Jewish incidents than the 312 reported.

In a deadly incident, a 69-year-old pro-Israel demonstrator near Los Angeles was assaulted by a pro-Palestinian protester at a November 5th demonstration. Paul Kessler died after hitting his head when he fell backwards onto the pavement during the assault. Police arrested Loay Amaji, a 50-year-old computer science professor at a community college, and the district attorney charged him with involuntary manslaughter and battery.

In another antisemitic incident, 11 Jewish students at Cooper Union College in New York City had to be locked in the school library on Oct. 25 to protect them from dozens pro-Palestinian protesters pounding on the building’s doors and windows as they chanted “Free Palestine.” Terrifying students at a college in New York City is not going to “free Palestine,” but it will frighten Jews. And that’s the point.

Outside, as the mob brayed at the Jewish students through windows, a librarian suggested they move to a safer location in the building. Many considered that a suggestion to hide. In the end, no one was arrested, and in a classic display of indifference and minimizing, the NYPD Chief of Patrol stated, “There was no direct threats, there was no damage, and there was no danger to any students in that school,” reported Forward. In other words, nothing to see here!

And in yet another example of antisemitism, a Cornell University student was arrested in October and charged with making violent threats after allegedly urging people online to kill Jews and saying he would “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig Jews.”

In a bizarre display of denial and literally blaming the victims, Hamas supporters speaking at an Oakland, California City Council meeting Monday night actually claimed that the atrocities of Oct. 7 in Israel were carried out by the Israel Defense Forces — not Hamas. The council then rejected a condemnation of Hamas for the attack by a 6-2 vote.   

Like the Nazis under Hitler, modern antisemites hate Jews simply because they are Jews, with envy playing a significant role. Ultimately, antisemites have always used contrivances to justify their hatred since biblical times, falsely blaming Jews for conduct that sparked their persecution.

Now Jews (not just Israelis) are being blamed for the thousands of deaths in the Gaza Strip in the Israel-Hamas war. But the real blame falls on the terrorist group Hamas, which commits shocking atrocities, war crimes, kidnaps innocent civilians, and uses their own civilians as human shields, and also refuses to give up the commitment in its charter to wiping Israel off the map and killing Jews. They are so pathological and blood-thirsty, that less than 3 weeks after the massacre, a Hamas official stated on television that they will attack Israel again and again in a repeat of their atrocities of October 7th.

What these knuckle-dragging savages rely upon is the indifference of normally decent people. In a prescient warning, Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor who wrote about the worst period of antisemitism in history, told us in 1999 why we cannot ignore antisemitism whenever and wherever it arises: “Indifference elicits no response,” Wiesel said at a White House ceremony. “Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor — never his victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten.”

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1 year ago

Hamas are plain and simple terrorist and have no standing in society. These kids have been brainwashed inside the school system. Would they accept the slaughter of their families as normal political discourse?

1 year ago

Excellent article, Tammy. Roaches run from sunlight, so we must keep on shining a light on the evil of this world to expose their evil intentions.

1 year ago

George Floyd was not murdered. Watch “The Fall of Minneapolis”.

1 year ago

Once again Tammy has summarized the current state of antisemitism perfectly. What we see today in our high schools and colleges are the consequences of not teaching history accurately and the lessons we learned. When General Eisenhower saw his first liberated concentration camp in Germany he had the news reporters and photographers document everything they witnessed. He also had every German living outside the camp marched through so that they could see for themselves what had occurred. After marching through the camp the local Mayor and his wife went home and committed suicide as they were sickened by what they saw. General Eisenhower told the reporters to document everything and make sure that everyone knows what happened at these camps because if we don’t someone will say years from now that it never happened. The left has made a mockery of protesting. We see it in our cities everyday that victims and not the criminals are being blamed for crime. If these “students” cannot see right from wrong and lack any kind of common sense were doomed as a society.

1 year ago

The NYPD should arrest the little teenage wannabe high school terrorists. Their names should be on a list of young thugs who should not be given any kind of college scholarship or public loan or grant (ie Pell). Hopefully, some are actually 18 years old so an arrest may remain on their rap sheets to negatively influence employment and future schooling. . Why should their educations be financed by taxpayers and others who work so these evil brats can destroy what productive persons built? Actions have consequences. Jews are the canaries in the coal mine. Who’s next?

St Paul Resident
St Paul Resident
1 year ago

George Floyd was not murdered. As another suggested check out “The Fall of Minneapolis.” I’m ashamed for our state of Minnesota and that whole farce of a trial.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Two people the left are free to stereotype and discriminate against are white people and Jews. Oh they talk a good game about “diversity, equity, and inclusion” but we already know these are racial dog whistles. They’ve managed to expand their pogrom against whites and Christians to include those of Jewish faith. But then anti-Semitites vote, right, Democrats? And every vote counts!

1 year ago

Send all these college kids to Hamas they like them so much

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Thess “protestors” are the same ones who were burning and looting in 2020. They are Marxists or anarchists who HATE America. It is interesting to see people (like Deshowitz) who supported the phony George Floyd narrative suddenly object to the Hamas sympathizers; the groups are one and the same for the most part!

1 year ago

Silence by the masses is indifference. We decent people should be more voice full. But we keep quiet. Just like in 1930. Not many people alive to remember those times. And that is what ole Joe and those demonstrators rely on. We are branded as those extreme right wingers except under Trump there was no war anywhere. How is that possible. Till the dems were installed war and surrender everywhere. Remember Afghanistan? Ole Joe gave that away. You think the Taliban are treating those Afghanistanis, that supported America, as their brother. Just think what ole Joe is doing to the people that flew or drove to DC on Jan 6. To this day they are being followed. They know all their movements. Even if it was your misfortune to fly or drive there that day to visit family or a sick relative or had a business meeting. You are a domestic terrorists and have to be observed for as long as ole Joe is president. But Hamas are nice people they kill and put their own people in harms way so they can blame Israel for the many Palestinian deaths, but ole Joe apologizes to Hamas. The border is secure. I wonder how many are here of Hamas to start an attack from within America. If these anti semitic demonstrations get any bigger we will see these attacks. All because we stayed silent and possible bring out the German excuse, I didn’t know. Ich hat est nicht gewust.

1 year ago

Indifference? They are proudly haters of the Jewish people.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No other state in the region gives Palestinian :”refugee” citizenship only Israel Their own fellow Moslems do not grant that So much for brotherly love

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Leftists favor Antisemitism day 1

1 year ago

turn gaza into a parking lot

1 year ago

I do NOT agree with racism of any kind, against any one.
But i do Not agree with a teacher that teaches her/his political point of view or her/his religion.
Students should not know what religion their teacher is or which political party they support.

1 year ago

It takes a lot of self delusional mental gymnastics to sugar coat terrorists acts who delight in slaughtering babies and the elderly, the ultimate act of a coward, but that’s what liberals do. If you want to know the mind of Islam, go to www. Islam has been at war with the west for 1400 years. Christians are next. The Quran has a scorched earth policy for any non Muslim. In fact they can’t even get along with other Muslims. (The one thing we must guard against is hate crime legislation. It is thought control. It is a two edge sword. In some California towns the Bible is considered a hate book. There are plenty of laws already in place that should combat these acts of violence without making what we think a crime..)

1 year ago

on this the only people that should be allowed in are people that can assimilate with Americans Look at all the other countries that are deporting The Muslim brotherhood I think if they can’t denounce Hamas we should deport them This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values! why are they even here?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

The real AMERICANS need to step up and take our country back from the”bottom feeding slugs”that have an agenda to turn AMERICA into a marxist country.My solution would be to let the”leeches”have their part of the country,most of of washington,oregon,new york,northeast illinois and any other entities that hate AMERICA,THAT DOES INCLUDE POLITICIONS.

1 year ago

Our president needs to speak out against this hatred of Jews and our colleges that allow this should be closed down. There is no room in this world for hatred!

1 year ago

This wisdom comes from a person who never fears stating the calm, clear truth. I am thankful for her.

1 year ago

The indifference of the left is because hate is what they want. They, themselves spout hatred every chance they get. They are encouraging it everywhere they can in order to destroy our country. Antisemitism is just one of their tools of destruction. Sick, sick and more sick is what they like.

1 year ago

This is not new. Look back in history to before WW2 and during WW2. The world leaders held a conference to determine want to do about the problem with Hitler’s Jewish program. What did they do: They talked a bit and formed a committee to investigate and then went home. No one was willing to accept the refugees. When it came to light during WW2, and FDR and his party knew what was going on in the death camps in Poland, they basically did nothing. Said they could not spare the planes to bomb the death camps and put them out of operation.

Jerry York
Jerry York
1 year ago

I do not support any type of antisemitism, but we do have freedom of speech in this country and that includes speech with which we do not agree.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Now, imagine a huge crowd of white people marching and shouting and waving signs that read: “Put them all back in Chains;” “We need more Lynchings;” or “The only good black is a Dead Black.” What do you think the response by the police, FBI, DOJ, and media would be? Oh, yeah.

Michael Weisz
Michael Weisz
1 year ago

Very poor analogy. There is NO equivalence between hamas and the Minneapolis police.

1 year ago


1 year ago

AMAC needs to change its name to AJZC: Association for jew zionist Communists.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Being opposed to the actions of a nations government regardless of the religious beliefs of that government is NOT anti whatever that religious theory may be. “Semite” refers to both the jewish and muslim members of Palestine by the way so a lot of idiots are throwing around the term without having a clue what the hell they are talking about.
I disagree with any nation that retaliates to a crime perpetrated by an activist group by slaughtering by the thousands children that live in areas where the activist group operates. Not a single dead under 10 child in Gaza can be held liable for the horrid actions of HAMAS no more than all Democrat and Republican Congressmen should be butchered for being responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi children in a conflict America invented a cause for.
These are slaughtered children for those of you that now believe that killing the elderly and perhaps women in general is now ok. Surely you must draw the line where children are concerned. Perhaps in todays clown world, kids are ripe for slaughter. I hope not. Sure seems to be the case where the Likud Party in Israel is concerned. The Jewish beliefs regarding hell is somewhat different than is the Christian belief but is still not something they,meaning the self described “Gods Chosen”, would wish for themselves. Unfortunately for them, Hell awaits.
I guess that makes me an anti Semite somehow. So be it and damned proud.

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

I believe the Israelis have “screwed the pooch” where their practice of genocide against the residents of Gaza is concerned. No longer can they rely on the “power of pity” they have suckled the teet of for 80 some odd years. They have begun a holocaust of their own making against the residents of Gaza. So far they haven’t matched the Nazis in body count but they sure seem to be working on it.
Yep the “victim of the 3rd Reich” card has been removed from the Jewish deck and now they will have to play the roll of the wicked. I would not be at all surprised if Netanyahu were to proudly proclaim his leadership of an Israeli 4th Reich.
But hey, Israel. Where ya gonna get your sympathy money from now? Gonna rely on the tourists that will most certainly be decreasing in numbers? Takes a lot of church group patronage numbers to buy all those fighter jets you are using to murder the juvenile majority population of Gaza. Good luck with that..

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