
Newsline , Society

The Left’s Crusade to Criminalize Self-Defense

Posted on Monday, April 17, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus

Jurors found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty in shootings that took place in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Mr. Rittenhouse, age 18, was on trial for fatally shooting two and wounding a third during a protest on August 25, 2020.

The shocking murder conviction of Army Sgt. Daniel Perry earlier this month in the 2020 death of a protestor who allegedly aggressively approached Perry with an AK-47 and pointed it at him has once again highlighted the grotesque perversion of the law advanced by Democrat officials and liberal activists. Under the left’s vision of so-called “criminal justice reform,” not only do violent criminals walk free, law-abiding citizens face prosecution and imprisonment for engaging in legitimate self-defense.

As video of the deadly encounter shows, on the night of July 25, 2020, Perry was working as a ride-share driver in Austin, Texas, when his car was mobbed and surrounded by protestors. One of them, a man named Garret Foster, was carrying an AK-47 and approached Perry’s vehicle.

According to Perry, Foster pointed the weapon at him inside his car. Perry responded by pulling his handgun and shooting Foster, killing him.

However, instead of treating the case as a clear-cut instance of self-defense, Jose Garza, Travis County’s far-left prosecutor who received $650,000 from liberal billionaire George Soros during his most recent re-election bid, charged Perry with murder.

A jury selected from heavily liberal Austin found Perry guilty of that charge after a controversial trial which saw prosecutors use statements Perry made on social media that were critical of the Black Lives Matter organization as evidence against him. Defense lawyers for Perry also said they were denied permission to include evidence showing Foster instigating several other similar confrontations with drivers, and have filed a motion for a new trial.

If the conviction holds, Perry faces life in prison. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said that he plans to pardon Perry, but he will first have to wait for a recommendation from the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles – something which the governor has requested the board immediately expedite.

In other states without Republican governors, however, victims who exercise their right to self-defense often have little recourse.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has become a national figure following his transparently partisan indictment of former President Donald Trump, has been particularly hostile toward New Yorkers who defend themselves against brazen acts of violence.

Just days after the Trump indictment, Bragg’s office advised police to charge parking garage attendant Moussa Diarra with attempted murder after Diarra wrestled a gun away from an assailant and shot him in the chest. According to reports of the altercation, the assailant, 59-year-old Charles Rhodie, who has at least 20 prior arrests, shot Diarra twice before Diarria turned Rhodie’s gun on him.

Last July, Bragg also charged bodega worker Jose Alba with murder after Alba used a knife to fend off Austin Simon, a violent felon who attacked him in his store. Video shows Simon storming behind the counter and shoving Alba into shelves before Alba grabs a box-cutting knife, fatally stabbing Simon.

Instead of recognizing Alba as a victim, Bragg’s office charged him with second-degree murder and requested a $250,000 bond which Alba was unable to pay, leaving him stuck behind bars. Outraged New Yorkers were quick to point out that Bragg’s office is notorious for freeing actual violent criminals on no bail, yet was now holding a man at Rikers Island for defending himself against an obvious life-threatening attack.

Amid mounting public pressure, Bragg ultimately dropped charges against both men.

In other cases, however, Americans have been forced to endure lengthy and costly court trials for defending themselves and their property.

One of the most high-profile incidents in recent years involved Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a St. Louis couple who stood on their porch with firearms in June of 2020 as angry mobs of protestors marched through their neighborhood. As the mob began shouting threats at the McCloskey’s and encroaching on their property, the couple feared for their lives and trained their guns on the crowd.

Although neither fired a single shot, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner – another Soros-backed DA – filed charges against the couple, resulting in them pleading guilty to misdemeanor offenses. Missouri Governor Mike Parson pardoned the couple, but the state supreme court suspended their law licenses indefinitely and placed them on probation.

A few months after the McCloskey incident, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, amid rioting that destroyed dozens of businesses and buildings. As court documents show, one of the men chased Rittenhouse through a parking lot and grabbed the barrel of Rittenhouse’s rifle before Rittenhouse fired, fatally wounding him. Rittenhouse then fatally shot a second man who struck him with a skateboard and injured a third who pointed a handgun at him.

Kenosha DA Michael Graveley, who reportedly has close ties to BLM activists, brought 18 charges, including homicide, against Rittenhouse in a trial that captivated the country for more than three weeks. Ultimately, a jury found Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts.

The reaction to Rittenhouse’s acquittal demonstrated better than perhaps any other case in recent years just how hostile the entire liberal establishment – not just left-wing prosecutors – has become to the basic right to self-defense. President Joe Biden baselessly smeared Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist,” while the then-New York Mayor Bill de Blasio fumed that the case was a “miscarriage of justice.” Other elected Democrats called Rittenhouse a “murderer.”

In the left’s “reimagining” of the justice system, it seems, self-defense has become a high crime, while many actual crimes go unpunished. In this upside-down world, victims become criminals and criminals become victims – and the whole country suffers as a result.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
1 year ago

Along with his benefactor Soro’s, and the rest of the Clinton, Obama, Biden cabal!

1 year ago

Just don’t visit any of these leftist sh!tholes. I won’t ever spend money in any of these states or cities. MAGA

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

It appears the common tie to corrupt prosecutors is Soros, but the connection somehow eludes federal, state and local oversight. Releasing repeat criminals but their incarceration of the real victims is becoming too predictable.

1 year ago

How can they keep convicting Innocent people “standing their ground” against the extreme violence these protesters think they have a right to do?

1 year ago

Bragg and Garza are the Stooges of Soros!!!

1 year ago

God gave me a Brain and Common Sense to know right from wrong and with the knowledge he gives me from the Bible and Constitution I will continue to live my life in that manner. The Left and the Rhinos can and will continue to do what they please but the old saying goes that it’s one thing to create a BS law but it’s an entirely different thing trying to enforce something that’s Illegal. It’s also easier creating a BS gun control law than it will be to collect. The Left and the Rhinos can pretty much go to Hell.

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
1 year ago

Go to the movie Nefarious. It is frightening but also explains why all these crazy things are happening in the world and our beloved country.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Pray for the d3eath of George Sorros. He is past time to go. No stamnd your ground in NYC, then move. Kyle L.

1 year ago

The liberal left is turning our world upside down, it is time to stop this insanity. They control our media, our federal government and most large cities. Hopefully this can be done at the poles but I fear it may take another civil war. There will be no clear battle lines, rural vs urban, liberal vs conservatives. Sad how we have managed to destroy the best country in world history.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

If he comes toward you with a knife or gun, then shoot. Better a year or two in jail than dead. Kyle L.

Dr. Zorro
Dr. Zorro
1 year ago

The left is ravening wolves wearing sheep skins pretending to be “progressive’ which in reality is repressive and oppressive. It’s time to remove these snakes from the world, they fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah: who must have had these vile creatures in mind. Isaiah 5:20 KJV – Woe unto them that call evil good, and – Bible Gateway20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Read the full chapter. Isaiah 5:20 in all English translations. Isaiah 4. Isaiah 6

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

The only way to stop this is to attack the prosecutors and judges that do this and since they don’t want anyone else to defend themselves you are fine. If they defend themselves make a citizen’s arrest. Ever since the beginning of time everyone understands a good beating!

Dr. Zorro
Dr. Zorro
1 year ago

Why are my comments awaiting approval? Is AMAC now into censorship?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
The Socialist Communist democrats are the first to cry for Self Defense when they are attacked.
But only when they don’t can’t hide behind barbwire, Secret Service, Capital Police, FBI, DOJ, and the military with ASSAULT RIFLES or surrounded by entire Police Force protecting only them and their neighborhoods.
While everybody else is left defenseless against criminals, TERRORIST antifa, TERRORIST blm, TERRORIST U.S. Government, and ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

If perversion can be perverted this is it

1 year ago

The left wants to install a communist state with the left permanently in power. They want total control over everyone (except themselves of course).

  • They want everyone dependent on the government (remember years back how the Dems presented “Julia”, I think it was, that was a cartoon showing how Julia was going to depend on the government for everything through her entire life?)
  • They want to control your healthcare and if/when lifesaving surgeries or drugs are made available to you based on your societal net worth (death panels sound familiar?).
  • The want to control where you live. Washington wants total control over all property zoning from DC so they can install “projects” in rich neighborhoods so that project residents have equal access to things.
  • They want to control how much you make. Make too much money or have too many assets, they want to take it away from you and redistribute it to those who won’t get off their asses to work. Except of course their assets
  • They want to take away your guns. After all, an unarmed society can’t fight back.
  • They want to control what your children “learn” (think CRT and indoctrination).
  • They want to divide us by race, religion, sex and anything else they can think of.
  • They don’t want freedom of speech and they absolutely want full control of the press and the information disseminated. Remember that board of truth (or whatever it was called) that Biden attempted to create?
  • They have weaponized just about every branch of government against those that don’t want the left. IRS agents are now harassing congressional witnesses testifying against the left. The FBI has and still is colluding with the Dem party to take down a duly elected president, Trump, knowingly presenting false evidence to courts and congress to do so (which are felonies).
  • The Attorney General office has locked up political prisoners for 2 years with no charges (Jan 6th). They are going after parents who attend school board meetings to protest CRT. They are aggressively going after conservatives for things like trespassing while ignoring felonies committed by the left.
  • They are purposefully opening our boarders to invite illegal immigration and drug trafficking. Biden and Myorkis(sp?) are actively participating in human trafficking when they transport illegals all over the country in the middle of the night, using unidentified flights and out of the way airports where nobody will see them landing.
  • And they will cancel and destroy anyone who challenges them.

So now, since the can’t quite seem to outlaw all guns (yet), they’re now trying to make it a crime to protect yourself.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Brandon’s administration is committing genocide on the victims of crime.
Why are criminals let go out of prisons. Why did VP Kamala clap when blacks killed whites in Minnesota and got them set free without bail. The criminals are the dems army to kill whites.
The criminals know they won’t be charged. They rob businesses blind and nothing happens. It starts in one city and soon it is everywhere. Killing in America is as normal as having lunch.
Anarchy is rampant in our country with mutilating our children. Parents losing their parental rights.
There are no more morals. What was normal is now criminal and what was criminal is now normal. All in the name of destroying America. Remember the Christmas parade killing, the dems with their MSM said the car did it.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

leftist / democrats want to watch big guys beating grandma and grandpa to death. they think it is just good fun. all part of newsom, inslee, and bidens leftist utopia.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

This is right out of the Marxist handbook. Create fear, havoc and complete hopelessness, then pick up the pieces and take control. The Communist Democrats know exactly what their doing. In the mean time the Republicans are still playing by the rules, and the American public suffers.

1 year ago

being able to defend yourself is a god given right and I will defend myself and my family to the death.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Never in a million years did I even dream of living in a country where innocent victims of violent attacks are being arrested, even thrown in prison, because they dared to defend themselves from serious physical harm and even death. This total lack of respect for good people who follow the law is disgusting and evil. It’s as if the criminals are the heroes and the people defending themselves are the criminals. The district attorneys who follow such practices should be thrown out of their positions and left to rot in jail. They are totally destroying our civil liberties, and encouraging needless suffering and senseless. cold-blooded murder. District attorneys who protect the violent killers, and prosecute the people who are protecting themselves from horrible physical assaults, are hardcore gangsters. They are among the lowest of low.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

I asked both Obama and Biden to lead by example and disarm their secret service details. Obviously neither took the request seriously. That shows their disdain for the lives of us commoner smucks! Vote the elitist out of office. Nuff said.

1 year ago

Think of what dilbert said and act on it if possible if in an infested area. Self defense in a blue city is classic lose-lose. You lose if you’re injured or killed. You lose if your defense is successful with jail a strong possibility. Bankruptcy is another.

1 year ago

“(wannabe) Dictators since the dawn of time have been sensitive to arms in the hands of the people.” More Americans must wake up to what the ultimate end will be unless there is a concentrated mass effort to stop this growing by the day, gun grab. The left is bleeding from the eyes to rule and control this nation…it is literally the last hold out, save Israel and maybe one other nation, to have it’s independence. An armed society is a threat to the so-called ‘new world order’ spoken of so “lovingly” by George Bush Sr. during his presidential acceptance speech. I watched that speech.
This is NOT and never has been about “safety of the people”. It is about ruling the people and in order to do so, as dictator nations have done for centuries, the people must have NO means of protecting themselves and families against regimes.
Is it not growing more ominous the almost daily mass murders of citizens? Has it not been so obvious that maybe so many deny it, the attacks on our Second Amendment RIGHT since this leftist regime took the White House? Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are an anathema to their blood lust to control this nation.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

NO sorry No way
Magnum time
Like 44 Model 29

1 year ago


1 year ago


Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Never telegraph your punches.
1 year ago

It’s time to go to all war against Soros & all the leftists.
It’s definitely time for a civil war against this evil in America or all will be lost in the coming months

1 year ago

I am disgusted by the Left and their use of the Law for their stupid political agendas. These DAs who misuse the law should face charges. Until that happens they will keep violating the spirit of the law and will bend the law for their corrupt political agendas. I grieve for the USA and how the Left is trying to destroy her moral foundation and values.

1 year ago

The left have become the extremist , looking to make anyone that isn’t part of their ideology is attacked, better start pushing back or there will be nothing left of this country as they will force everyone into their ideology or be prosecuted.

James H
James H
1 year ago

The greatest weapon we have is prayer!! The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and affective! “It is not by power, it is not by might, but it is by the Spirit of the Lord.” We must not drop down to their level. They are trying to pick a fight so they can declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. They would be able to seize complete power and law abiding, American citizens will become “criminals”. Let’s ask God to bring Heaven’s armies against these Satan strongholds! God says if we wait patiently for him he will shatter their strength, break their bows and cause their swords to pierce their own hearts! Be encouraged. God is still on His throne and he says he will destroy the wicked!

1 year ago

I have 5 shotguns all loaded and a pit bull who never sleeps. We’re waiting..

1 year ago

The gun Patricia McCloskey waved at protesters was inoperable when it arrived at the St. Louis police crime lab, but a member of Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s staff ordered crime lab experts to disassemble and reassemble it and wrote that it was “readily capable of lethal use” in charging documents. In Missouri, police and prosecutors must prove that a weapon is “readily” capable of lethal use when it is used in the type of crime with which the McCloskeys have been charged. Patricia McCloskey and her husband, Mark McCloskey, have said the handgun Patricia McCloskey waved at protesters was inoperable because they had used it as a prop during a lawsuit they once filed against a gun manufacturer. In order to bring it into a courtroom, they made it inoperable.

1 year ago

that would make it “open season” on everyone including themselves

1 year ago

We should pass a law, that any prosecutor who charges a victim with any felony when acting in self defense according to the Bill of Rights to be charges with Civil Rights violation and the revocation of any Government Indemnity from litigation.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

not only has the liberal establishment become hostile to the natural, fundamental right of self-defense, but they are doing their darndest to MAKE IT ILLEGAL.

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