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The Left’s Call to Arms

Posted on Friday, June 10, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce


When I was a “community organizer” for the left, there were a few times when I and others would bring up concerns about the lunatic fringe (speaking of the disturbed on our “side”). Various leadership would dismiss our concerns in a coy way. The grassroots activists were told nothing could (or should) be done about people who felt “passionately“ about the issues. Inevitably, there would be an implied wink and nod at the end of that discussion.

Now, in the midst of the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it’s apparent the left’s desire for political violence has not waned but metastasized, controlling the Democratic Party through their leftist leadership.

The rhetoric smearing Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing was so outrageous and vile that it set a tone and made the intentions of the Democratic Party clear. The attempt to utterly destroy a decent man because of politics was so egregious it was an invitation to anyone even slightly disturbed to take action against him.

Remarks from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in 2020 on the steps of the Supreme Court continued what can only be described as an incitement to violence. As he addressed an abortion rights rally, the top Senate Democrat said: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

The shocking reaction by Democratic leadership to the leaked Supreme Court draft decision in the Dobbs case also makes it clear the desire for violence has moved from a wink and a nod to outright encouragement by many on the left, including various Democratic politicians. Lori Lightfoot, the Democrat mayor of Chicago, tweeted this about the leaked draft opinion: “To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms.” That outrageous lie attempting to incite as many people as possible remains posted, and she’s not alone. A number of leading Democrats tweeted or made inflammatory statements meant to gin up as much anger and hysteria as possible and then sent out fundraising letters.

As we now know, someone did answer Lightfoot’s “call to arms,” envisioning himself as Schumer’s “whirlwind.” Nicholas Roske traveled from California to, as he told authorities, “give his life meaning” by killing Kavanaugh. The Los Angeles Times reported, “Police found a black tactical vest, a knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar, pistol light, duct tape, hiking boots and other items in his backpack and suitcase.” According to the police affidavit, Roske plotted to kill Kavanaugh because of his concern that gun laws would be loosened and Roe vs. Wade would be overturned.

The Democrats and everyone on the left know how deadly their rhetoric can be. Just 3 years earlier, Representative Steve Scalise and other House Republicans were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game when a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders opened fire, grievously injuring Scalise and two others. His motive was so clear, even CNN couldn’t soft-peddle it:

“James T. Hodgkinson… defined himself publicly by his firm support of Bernie Sanders’ progressive politics – and his hatred of conservatives and President Donald Trump,” the cable news outlet reported. “…‘Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.’ he posted on his personal Facebook page on March 22. ‘Republicans are the Taliban of the USA,’ he posted in February.”

That horrific event has been pushed so far down the memory hole that Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier, a woman who serves in Congress alongside Scalise, said this on the House floor as she called for gun reform just this week: “I believe I’m the only member of this House that is a victim of gun violence. My body is riddled with bullets.”

An aide to Rep. Leo Ryan, Speier was part of the team in 1978 that went to investigate abuse allegations at Jonestown in Guyana run by cult-leader Jim Jones. As they were at a jungle airstrip preparing to leave, Ryan and four others were shot to death during an ambush. Speier, 28 at the time, was among the wounded. It is perplexing how anyone, especially her, could forget that Scalise was also riddled with bullets just four years ago during a crime of political violence. At the very least, it highlights how that attempted mass murder has been literally forgotten.

Meanwhile, after the attempted murder of Kavanaugh, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was asked by a reporter why a bill providing security for the justices had been blocked in the House. Pelosi dismissively and smugly declared, “Nobody is in danger over the weekend because of our not having a bill…”

What are we to think? Even after an attempted murder, Pelosi and the Democrats seem not to care. Or could it be, horribly, confirmation that things are moving along exactly as the Democrats want them to?

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

FASCIST liberals have NO Principles, Decency, or Brains for that matter.
Why would DICTATOR Beijing biden say he would put his opponents in Prison if he’s not a DICTATOR? ONLY A DICTATOR WOULD MAKE A REMARK LIKE THAT.
Imagine if PRESIDENT TRUMP said that. They’d IMPEACH him for saying such a thing. So WHY isn’t SWAMP QUEEN pelosi IMPEACHING DICTATOR Beijing biden for his remark yet alone for ALL the ACTS of TREASON since January 20, 2021?

Betsy Ross
Betsy Ross
2 years ago

This really does not address the entire message but — Spieirs do you not remember that you were on foreign soil that had NO gun laws and the only people who had guns were the cartels and the deranged lunatics. If people in the envoy had guns the outcome would have been different. Picture yourself at home with family and had no weapons for defense and a lunatic breaks in with a gun (they can get them from black market) what would you do?

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Nancy Pelosi “IS” the lunatic fringe. I realize she speaks from experience. However, she is the problem and should not be pointing fingers at others. This is a failed government at it’s finest.

2 years ago

You should add that some of us feel that these Mass shootings are supported & initiated by the lefts to impress against our 2nd Amendment! Some of us feel these shootings are being sponsored by someone who is careful to hide behind closed doors, we need this stopped!!!

2 years ago

I seriously hope that the left (pelosi, et. al.) are not stupid enough to push conservative American taxpayers to violence. LEO’s, military, (army, national guard, etc.) will do as they’re told. . .up to a point. After that, they know full well who the enemy really is and the targets shift. In Vietnam, incompetent American ‘leaders’ were shot to avoid more American casualties. Politicians had better take a long, hard look at their constituents and how loyal they really are. I would seriously not want to be a politicians right now. Laser sights are extremely accurate these days. . .and, they’d better be really careful where they go and when. Better to arrive un-announced for photo-ops and leave fast.

2 years ago

She’s been taking lessons from Biden. His entire career was based on lies–lies told publicly during campaigns and in congress. Lies that apparently the voters of Delaware did not object to, as they elected him again and again.

Sandra M Jones
Sandra M Jones
2 years ago

I’m just tried of all the yelling the left does at any republican because they cannot calmly state their case. It’s obvious they can’t defend their position so they yell like bad mannered children. I didn’t tolerate that kind of crap from my own children so I certainly have no patience for these politicians. They control all levels of government and are turning us into a third world country with a dictatorship,so they can imprison anyone who disagrees with them. They are doing now, openingly. Laws don’t apply to the leftist, only normal law abiding citizens have something to worry about. I just want them to name 1 thing the left has done to improve this country. Yep, crickets! Nothing! and they have ruined all the great things Trump did for this country.
My fear is that November maybe too far away for us to make a difference, and turn things around. We need what few republicans in the House and Senate to take action now. Biden is not fit to be President, neither is Kamala, Pelosi should be impeached, and Fauci tried for crimes against Humanity.

Eric Young
Eric Young
2 years ago

Perhaps by not making sure the bill was passed, IF anything happens to ANY of the Justices, Pelosi should be held responsible and be charged with accessory to murder.

2 years ago

Tammy Bruce summed up my sentiments quite well. She should have a broader platform to express her opinions.

2 years ago

The demorats are to busy trying to hang MR.TRUMP and disarm the American people to care about all the problems that they themselves have brought on this country in the past years and continue to do so without thought , who is killing who here and can we make it stop ,, VOTE PEOPLE PLEASE

Kevin S
Kevin S
2 years ago

There’s a tipping point approaching, don’t know what or when only that it’ll be Obvious in hindsight. The left run cities collapse, overrun suburbs (who are unarmed mostly). Then fan out into rural = OUR TURF. The left is CLUELESS what Will happen then. P.S. “Just remember to bring a generous supply of body bags” Then again, most mid+size farmers have end loaders…

2 years ago


Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

I am so tired of the words we use and not the actions we should be doing. Jan 6th people are on trial right NOW. Pres. Trump was on trial almost his whole term in office. Republicans just talk and talk somewhat like Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burnt deliberately to the ground.
Democrats tried to reset the USA with the phony pandemic. It didn’t work. Now a call to arms by Pelosi to fight about the abortion issues or take away our guns. That might work. Without guns in the hands of good people, evil will reset the World. Listen to the speeches at the Davos Meetings with Claus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros & our other climate change guru, Kerry.
We have a congress that should be taking care of our country, sending out messages of war & call to arms is TREASON.

2 years ago


Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

As for that jerk coming from Los Angeles CA, that is all we hear from Maxine Waters always yelling about violence. And the DA there has no criminal charges for anyone who commits a crime of left justice, do-whatever-makes-you-feel-good, it is OK.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Democrats have gone from the party of corruption to the party of assassins’ or assassin Wanna-Be’s. . Democrats should not be allowed to have a fire arm or have a bodyguard with one.

2 years ago

The democrats have been following the Marxist playbook for the last 50 years. They have taken over education, the media and the dept of justice. They are the deep state and play by their own set of rules. The FBI has become their Gestapo, their KGB. The prime time 1/6/22 hearings are a one sided production, nothing more than spectacular propaganda presented by the MSM who they control. A well timed diversion to distract attention from the problems of inflation, open borders and increased crime, much like the games of ancient Rome. If they are not stopped we face the same fate as the Roman empire.

Charles Palumbo
Charles Palumbo
2 years ago

Si vis pacem para bellum

2 years ago

Democrats are the disease, you know what is the cure.

2 years ago

Plain and simple, violence from either “side” is not to be tolerated. Jan 6 was a travesty, the peaceful transfer of power is of critical importance to the existence of our way of life. Likewise, the rioting, looting and burning that was allowed to occur in Kenosha, Portland and others makes one wonder if there is anywhere remaining in this country that can be considered to be a safe place to live and work. Now Pelosi and company turn a blind eye toward the threats and harassment of our churches, our Supreme Court justices and other law-abiding citizens. Those who condone and encourage this misbehavior should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

2 years ago

The prime time about January 6 is a joke
Why? Because they are saying that the poor police were attacked with out mercy —-it is Pelozi’s for having deny to put all the police and nacional guard to protect the capital .
People did not breach the Capitol—-people were led in the Capital by the capital police.
This was plan by the democrats.
What they are saying that republicans were trying to overthrow the government is a lie.
Democrats overthrow an election.
At the time the republicans were going to the right process that the constitution give us to contest a peaceful election in that very moment that the process was going through the people were allowed in the Capital by the capital police.
All the prime time January 6 is a show to cover their crime the same way they were covering their crime by saying that President TRUM colluded with Russia when it was Hillary Clinton making up a dizzier to acuses President Trump of colluding when it was them making a lie.

2 years ago

Hey America, look at this latest shiny object (the completely one-sided Jan 6th farcical Committee) as the dim-witted Dems continue to destroy the country and take away American freedoms one liberty at a time. The Dems will continue to try to ruin their great nemesis, Donald J. Trump, the president whose policies worked for EVERY American. They cannot have that if they want to rule by iron fist. They need to destroy him and his America first messaging to insure he never raises his liberty loving, patriotic voice again. The Marxist Dems cannot allow him to awaken the foolish masses of generally stupid voters who apparently know nothing about tyranny’s global history. The Dems will keep the utter comedic grand January 6th show going as they relentlessly target Christianity, unborn black children, your right to protect yourself, your right to speak freely, your kids’ curriculum, your property rights, your finances, etc….etc….etc…..Anytime the Dems, or their “lame-stream” media cohorts open their pie holes, you can bet they are lying to you, either by omission or flat out falsehoods. .

2 years ago

The Left has been at war with conservatives and anyone who disagrees with them for a long time. When they deploy their hate-filled words, they have become accustomed to getting by with it because authorities don’t treat their rhetoric the same as rhetoric from the Center and Right. Two different Justice systems existing in this nation for a long time has led us to the point where we are now: SCOTUS Justices being threatened in their own homes. At some point, the GOP in DC must take a fully hard stand against them (I.e. no negotiations on new gun control like the RINOS are doing now, plus many, many other examples) and stay United against their efforts to infringe on our constitutional rights. The GOP shouldn’t even allow any business to be done in Congress until the Commies back down. Instead, time and time again, RiNOS make concessions and try to make things collegial, implying that the Communists are only ideological ‘opponents’ , all while the Left considers them and us as pure ENEMIES.

2 years ago

The DEMOCRATS are way out of control and they need to be stopped! America would be very wise to DISBAND THEIR PARTY AND CONDEMN THE PARTY AS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Huuummmm! Could it be the left’s plan for gun control, when the Left comes to exterminate all of use on the Right, we will be unable to defend ourselves because we caved to the Gun Control Zealots, I don’t think I will give up my guns quite yet!
It may not be the focus of the article, but that thought occurred while reading the article, just one more reason why gun control works for the powerful.
Have at least one gun and a spare and lots of ammo for both, the little buggers will malfunction!

2 years ago

We must stand up to the Oppression of the Democratic Socialist and Communist Party! The fake news networks only tell what they want you to hear. The Communist

2 years ago

Nancy is just being Nancy. A delusional, brain-addled has been who needs to retire to the old folks home. You can tell she has lost touch with reality when she waves her arms around and does the hand gestures. She and Pauley P. have made a ton of money with insider trading, so now she wants to make it against the law for other members of Congress. What a oxygen waster!

2 years ago

They literally want a conservative judge to die so they can appoint a liberal to the court before the midterms when they might not keep a majority in the house or senate!

2 years ago

The best thing the Demoncrats could do would be to abandon the party name and ideals and call themselves the No Nothing party.

2 years ago

The Democrats seriously want to ignite another summer of violence across this country, as a diversion from all the other problems they have created in the last 18 months. Nothing gets the public’s atention like images of burning main streets and bloody bodies and riots night after night on the news. The MSM will do their part to play it all up, so nothing else gets covered.

No one will be focused on the open southern border, rising inflation or any of the myriad of other probems the Democrats have created in the last 18 months. The more violent and bloodier the better, as far as the Democrats are concerned. Remember, their motto is “Whatever it takes”. They can then justify the need for a repeat of all the same election procedures used in 2020 and ensure they retain at least one of the chambers of Congress in November. Democrats always have a method to their madness and a plan designed to get what they want.

2 years ago

It has long been known that liberals are not liberal. I find most liberals are not. They are closed minded, my way or the highway in their thinking, you’re either for me or against me and often they are very violent about their beliefs. They want facts but don’t believe them. They want you to think like them or they don’t want you around… Beware of these people…. they demand you be like them, or they will attempt to destroy and discredit you. These are not the nice open-minded people you think they are…. for the most part they only have their personal agenda in mind and really don’t care about you or the people like you. 

James J
James J
2 years ago

Does anyone in this country believe some Mid-Term Election is going to Magically restore the Constitution and the United States????????????????????????????????????????????????
This Slaughter and Destruction by the Communist Demoncrats has been going on since November 9, 2016.. 2:34a.m. EDT
AND WE DO NOTHING !!!!! It has been 5 YEARS 212 DAYS and WE HAVE DONE NOTHING !!!!

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

As far as I’m concerned, Nasty Nancy Pelosi is the center point of the Lunatic Left. She needs to be tried for treason. She tried twice to impeach the lawful president of this great nation. She tried to skew the results of the recent election to favor Biden.

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


2 years ago

I wonder how old brain addled piglosi and the other lefties in Congress would be reacting had it been Sotomayor or Kagan instead of Kavanaugh. I think we know how the hypocrites would react!!

2 years ago

The left, much more of late, speaks of the right destroying democracy but NEVER have any examples. It’s pure projection as the left slides farther and farther to the extreme where leftist policies and ideologies are far from democracy. It seems that few call them out for it.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

I don’t care what other people think but I believe this _itch is the worst thing to happen to American politics since RMN!!

Ysleta Guy
Ysleta Guy
2 years ago

Repeal all state statutes that prohibit certified and vetted holders of a License-to-Carry (LTC) a concealed handgun from carrying their firearm on a K-12 school campus. Texas already did this legislatively for university campuses and churches, and it worked perfectly. In Texas, mass murders and violent armed attacks on college campuses and at churches stopped completely. It is time to do the same thing for K-12 schools, so teachers and administrators, among others, can be secretly armed and ready to defend every classroom. It will harden soft target K-12 schools in mis-named “Gun Free” zones. It would be immediately effective and free. Education authorities avoid it entirely because it means no budget growth ($).

2 years ago

I’ve always known that the Democrat Party is a party of EVIL. The only difference now is that they don’t even attempt to hide it anymore.

Walter Debruin
Walter Debruin
2 years ago

I believe that the DEMOCRATE party now promotes violence and lawlessness to gain power and sway public opinion to them/ they stand by and dont promote the laws we have on the books be enforced

2 years ago

They talk out of both sides of their mouth AT THE SAME TIME! It’s basically, “Rules for everyone EXCEPT THEM. It’s okay if they incite violence, but let their opposition do the exact same thing, and suddenly…. they invoke mayhem on every level…. And “THAT” is the Marxist way! Marxism cannot survive without chaos.

2 years ago

The demorat party is the party of American freedoms hatred. They want to turn America intorm another Cuba, Venezuela, Korea, China etc. That and that alone is at the core of their treason against this nation. They are vicious, liars and will do and say anything to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Bottom line? One party rule, get rid of our 2nd. Amendment and replace our police with the “amerikan” version of the gestapo…think not? Think again.
P.S. Look up the “Genocide Chart” online. Published in ’95 by Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership. 9 nations disarmed in much the same way the traitors are attempting now….and the resulting over 60 million citizen genocide. Abortion is just another form of genocide. Cuomo putting covid positive people in nursing homes resulting in the deaths of about 15 THOUSAND older folks.
Demorat states make it almost impossible for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to get firearms…as they turn loose repeat violent offenders. California during covid: released CONVICTED MURDERERS TO “HOUSE ARREST”???…mean while citizens could pound sand if they wanted to get a firearm….along with being held prisoner in their own homes.
This is not random nor is it about politics, it’s about national suicide and take over. Think I’m out there? Pay attention.

2 years ago

early on in his march to power, lenin was asked by one of his people why they didn’t take up arms. His response was something to the effect that they weren’t powerful enough yet to take on the “establishment” with violence. He indicated he would bid his time until the BOLSHEVIKS did have the military advantage; LOOK WHAT HAPPENED IN OCTOBER 1917 PEOPLE!!!!!! 6 months later when the russian people realized they had been LIED TO about the “virtues” of communism, trotsky sent the red army out to annihilate all those who opposed them.

Michael L Arnold
Michael L Arnold
2 years ago

Every bad situation that has happened to the American people is exactly in the Democrat’s plan. Just wait, there is more to come before November.

Will Henry
Will Henry
2 years ago

Only our votes will stop the liberals. Get everyone you can to go Vote for republicans.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Pelosi the poster child for hate. This awful women has caused so much harm to many, but never has to answer to anything. Just another protected government political person. Unbelievable!!!

2 years ago

Hey all the marxist democrat politicians out there listen up.
The accused attempted murderer of Justice Kavanagh came from the ultra liberal state of California, the state with the most restrictive gun laws in the nation!!
So how will more restrictions on Our second amendment rights solve the problem????
I’ll answer for you, they won’t, it’s another marxist democrat party lie!!

2 years ago

It’s Obama folks! There is a large powerful group behind the misfit ill bread former occupant of the White House whose sole purpose is to destroy our country. He has the strings to all the Democrat Puppets.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Typical progressive leftist socialist democrats, what fits the narrative is then spewed across out propagandist leftist media. If a victim is killed or wounded and it’s a piece of the puzzle for there sole purpose of destroying our freedoms and the constitution as written, that’s great. If it’s Antifa or BLM causing destruction and death that’s fine also. These are trying times and our country is definitely fractured, if the leftist administration and our totally divisive president cannot see that there horrible policies in everything they do has and is destroying our very foundation then it’s obvious this is all a planned strategy by these MARXIST HATERS of our country and all the people.

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young men wearing trump shirts
Jasmine Crockett one of the democrats swearing

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