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The Left’s Anti-Fun Crusade

Posted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

the left Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

The modern left is seemingly determined to suck all the joy out of American life – and they’re not sorry about it.

For decades, one of the left’s favorite tactics in cultural battles has been to portray conservatives as rigid, stuffy, and out of touch. This strategy has proven especially effective when it comes to young people, who are often enamored by suave figures in Hollywood and the media who espouse promises of a new liberal utopia.

But as liberal ideology makes ever-more demands of its adherents, and the list of things that are no longer acceptable according to the modern left continues to grow, that dynamic seems to be shifting.

Even something as simple as sitting down to a meal – typically an enjoyable experience – has now become a reason for the left to scold people about how what they’re eating might be destroying the planet.

Some foods (which are invariably the tastiest) are particularly bad for the environment, we are told. The biggest villain is, of course, beef, which supposedly raises global temperatures through “cow burps.”

Even the iconic New York slice isn’t safe. New city regulations in the Big Apple are threatening dozens of pizzerias that use wood- and coal-fired ovens.

Instead of burgers and pizza, left-wing organizations like the World Economic Forum are now recommending “insect protein” as a substitute. “Consider five reasons why insects are an excellent alternative source of protein and significantly reduce our carbon footprint,” our liberal overlords at Davos tell us, even as they dine on exquisite meals prepared by five-star chefs that are noticeably bug-free.

If you want to make your own food at home, you’d better hope that you don’t have a gas oven. Those are also a contributor to climate change according to the left, which has led New York State to ban all natural gas-powered appliances in new buildings. The Biden administration is reportedly considering trying to do the same thing at the federal level.

If you step outside your kitchen into your backyard, you’ll see another thing the left has a problem with. A perfectly-manicured patch of grass is now another threat to the climate, or so we are told by adherents to the so-called “anti-lawn” movement. Instead, liberals encourage homeowners to grow “climate victory gardens.”

Even if you don’t buy into the push to allow weeds to take over your property, maintaining a traditional lawn is going to become a lot harder soon in places like California. A new law which will take effect in the Golden State next year bans the sale of new gas-powered mowers and leaf blowers. Other blue cities and localities are following suit.

Aside from all the simple pleasures which the left would prefer you didn’t enjoy, there is also the fact that living according to liberal ideology has become an endless maze of fretting about “systemic racism,” “microaggressions,” and a host of other woke vocabulary words.

For evidence of this, look no further Stanford’s infamous “Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative,” which the university unveiled last year. Everyday words and phrases like “master bedroom,” “blind study,” “gangbusters,” and even “American” are now “problematic” according to the liberal language police. Slip any into casual conversation, and you’ll have to issue a public apology promising to “do the work” to become a “better ally” for “marginalized communities.”

Even professional sports have become just another venue for the left to lecture Americans about how racist and bigoted they are. Unsurprisingly, the NBA’s ratings tanked following the league’s complete descent into wokeness, and other leagues have seen a similar decline in viewership.

Some self-reflective leftists have recognized that their side is no fun anymore, and have pointed out how damaging that could be for the Democratic Party’s brand. HBO’s Bill Maher has been a particularly sharp critic of his fellow liberals for “sucking the fun out of everything.”

Even former President Barack Obama has warned Democrats about being a “buzzkill.”

“Sometimes, people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells,” Obama said on a podcast last year. “And they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us at any given moment can say things the wrong way, make mistakes.”

Meanwhile, the left’s glaring inability to have any fun has opened up new opportunities for conservatives. After decades in which the left dominated the comedy scene, liberals are now worried that conservative humor is setting a new standard and forcing the left to “cede ideological territory in the culture wars.”

Liberals can preach all they want about a looming environmental genocide or the need for a “racial reckoning.” But unless they learn to have fun again, conservatives will continue to gain the upper hand.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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1 year ago

One of these days, you should all try to ask a few of the senior people at most of the hard left environmental and globalist groups what they believe is the ideal global population for the planet. The answer they will give you will explain why all these new policies are being pushed so hard around the world. I had an opportunity a few years back to speak with a few of these type folks at what was billed as a future of the world type events.

Literally all the speakers spoke of humanity being some sort of virus or parasite infesting “mother earth” and that to correct the problem, the infestation had to be drastically scaled back to much more “manageable levels”. The ideal global population many of the speakers at this event kept repeating was approximately 2 billion people worldwide. (We had over 7 billion people on earth at the time.) Now to some of you, you may think that’s OK until you realize that today we have 8 billion people on the planet. So to meet that goal of these environmental and globalist groups, that means you have to eliminate 3 out of 4 people currently on the planet by one means or another.

Now look at the all the proposed changes being advocated in the above article and realize that this is but the opening salvo in how to achieve those goals. Reduce the accessibility to cheap and reliable heating / cooling, transportation, shelter and scale back on the food supply and you have the opening salvo on how to reduce what the left refers to as the infestation of humanity on this planet. Of course, none of the members of the WEF or any of the senior membership of the various environmental groups will have to adhere to these changes. They’re “special” and exempt from the rules they desire to impose on the rest of us, because they are the ones who will running everything in their minds. Just understand where all these ideas from the left are coming from and what their ultimate goal in all of this really is. Then it all makes sense why these type proposals would be put forth.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Important article Shane , Well Done for writing it ! A respectful , uplifting sense of humor , that uses clean language, is something very important. Here is a bit of humor , a fun story, that the Left will not be able to interfere with.– A woman is looking out of her window and sees a man riding by on a bicycle, and a dog is chasing after him , barking loudly. She recognizes the dog as a dog that belongs to a neighbor. So, she calls the neighbor and says — ” I just saw your dog chasing after someone on a bicycle and thought that you should know about it . ” The neighbor, the owner of the dog replies ” Oh, you must be mistaken , that couldn’t have been my dog , my dog doesn’t have a bicycle. “

1 year ago

“He who laughs last, laughs best!”

1 year ago

Liberalism is a mental disease and will be the demise of the country. Evil is in power and they are winning. They can do this through deception on their part and complacency on every one else’s.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been anti fun since Day 1

1 year ago

Dear Federation of Angry Globalist:
Mind your own buisniness. I have a question for you snobs. If you believe in the stuff you prattle endlessly about why do a vast number of you hypocrites own homes on the beach..or massive mansions..or private jets? Practice what you preach….or ask Archie Bunker always says “Stifle Yourself”

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

I once discussed the topic with the same kind of people PaulE did. See my reply to him for the questions I put to them.

1 year ago

As far S I’m concerned, a leftist is best served as compost.

1 year ago

What? The globalist Marxist Rats just want to enslave us. What’s the big deal?

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

C.S. Lewis said it well when he pointed out that Satan is the great cosmic killjoy and that Christ has come to give us life to the full, including great joy. The Democrats follow in the footsteps of their father, the devil, who sucks the life from everyone.

White Sandra
White Sandra
1 year ago

I’m about tired of the liberal bs. And the most ridiculous part is their denial of it happening (while drinking God awful green juice, and munching on a rice cake) If I see one more “plant based” commercial today, I may lose my composure. The only bright spot is most of them got the vax.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
1 year ago

Leftists need to look in the mirror and see what the rest of us have been laughing at all these years.

1 year ago

Which is more fun, eating a crappy burger or smoking weed and going down on your sorority sister?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I must be getting old: when Obama was President, I bought guns and ammunition. When Biden was elected, I bought a charcoal BBQ grill. Now if only I could afford the meat to grill on it…. Bidenomics!

1 year ago

If we get rid of Joe Biden, then we are stuck with Kamala and Nancy! Heaven help us!

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