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The Great Gaslighting: How the DNC and Media Rewrite History

Posted on Friday, August 23, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

After watching the theater put on by the Democrats at the DNC in Chicago, there was one consistent strategy on display: lie and gaslight the American people, knowing that the legacy media has their back, scrutiny be damned.

It was indeed a remarkable scene at the Democratic National Convention where there was absolutely no hesitation at lying about things that are provably false. The biggest lie was the effort to completely erase the Biden/Harris administration from the history books. Why? It’s the most surefire and poisonous effort to annihilate their responsibility for the dumpster fires here at home and abroad for last three and a half years. Imagine you have an arsonist stealing a firefighters uniform and showing up at the fire she created insisting she’s the new anti-fire hero. Yeah, no.

Having such little regard for their own base, they worked very hard hoping people would walk away from the convention thinking that Donald Trump has been president since 2020 and all problems that exist are his fault. ‘Biden who? Harris who? Oh yeah, that’s the new girl!’ is their con.

The convention has been presenting a vacuous Harris as a change agent. This requires a complicit media willing to ignore the fact that as vice president, for the last four years, she was admittedly the one in the room and knew what was going on during our various and continuing catastrophes. This collusion between the Democrats and the media is not new, but it seems more blatant and gratuitous than ever before. Legacy media is dangerously abandoning any semblance of investigative curiosity or responsibility to contradict the lies being shoveled at the American people.

The Democrats’ lies are great and small, but they all flow from the same malignant narcissism as an ingrained habit to con and trick people into doing their bidding. The final night of the convention, wherein Harris would give her acceptance speech for a nomination for which no one voted, was abuzz with  “surprise guest” Beyonce. But even that was a ruse to get more people to tune in for Harris’s speech. A TMZ headline blared “Beyoncé Performing at DNC’s Final Night!!!” Yes, that’s with three exclamation points. The always reliable leftist rag “The Daily Beast” giddily blurted, “Beyoncé frenzy at Kamala Harris’s DNC Reaches fever pitch,” for the media, that is. The problem is it never happened because it wasn’t true. An “election columnist” for The Cut cooed how well that gaslighting worked, posting on X: “teasing a huge surprise guest and leaking that it’s both beyonce and taylor swift just to get people to tune in is actually kind of funny.”

On the other hand, it might be important to note that the Dems realized the only way they could get people to tune in was to promise viewers someone other than Kamala Harris. As is their nature, like lying about creating 800,000 jobs that never really existed, promising 500,000 electric vehicle stations and delivering only 8, claiming the economy is just fine, inflation is retreating, and insisting Kamala is tough on border security, lying to inflate television ratings is par for the course. There is simply nothing that they won’t lie about. And why is that? Because everything they’ve done and plan to do will harm the country and destroy lives and they don’t want to be stopped.

Of course all of this relies on a legacy media that plays along and doesn’t ask questions, illustrating just how idiotic the useful idiots can be. Behold the Media Research Center’s gobsmacking new report illustrating just how much the media is in the bag for the Democrats, noting that the “leftist media are unapologetically promoting Kamala Harris with 84% positive coverage, while trashing Donald Trump with 89% negative coverage.” Nothing to see here, folks.

Courtesy of PBS’s Judy Woodruff, we also got a glimpse of just how panicked the Democrats and their media water carriers are becoming. At a roundtable on PBS, Woodruff falsely claimed that during a phone conversation that former president Donald Trump had urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to hold off on a cease-fire deal because it would help the Harris campaign, saying: “The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed it would help the Harris campaign.”

Her accusation was horrific and completely false, she eventually issued a statement of which many called an apology, but it was far from it. Instead, she deflected saying that she was referring to Axios and Reuters reports about an alleged phone call between the two men, which has also now been proven false. But there was nothing in either report remotely implying that Trump was trying to stop any cease-fire deal, quite the opposite in fact. Yet, Woodruff says nothing about that part of her incendiary allegation. In the end, it comes down to saying whatever it takes to move the needle for ideological comrades.

That the media is still operating on a level of hubris allowing them to operate in such a brazen and openly hostile way with the American people is an astounding, and increasingly dangerous development. After all, how can we make informed decisions when those we trust to inform us are lying about virtually everything, either directly or by omission? Their behavior becomes the ultimate election interference.

The good news is there’s public discussion and even news coverage of the decline of trust in media. But what is happening now, like the Woodruff misinformation, is not journalism at all. What’s happening to legacy media is of their own doing.

In the meantime, expect the legacy media to continue to do the bidding of the Democratic Party while nursing their hatred for Trump and anyone else who dares to challenge the status quo. Our job is to make sure that we do not allow them to gaslight us into oblivion.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

Bottom line — nothing has changed with the tactics of the DEMOS, keep lying and deceiving while rigging the election again in their favor so they can finish their destruction of our nation. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Anybody remember Dan Rather making up “breaking news” about GW Bush’s military service? Brian Williams “taking fire” in Iraq or “bodies floating down the street” after Katrina? How about knowing about John Edwards mistress (while his wife dies of cancer) and saying nothing? The “good people on both sides? The “bloodbath if Trump loses”? “Refusing to visit veteran cemeteries because “they’re fools & idiots”? They are not press, they’re political activists who are as big of liars as the Democrats they lie for!

6 months ago

It is just amazing that Kamala, who was the albatross around Biden’s neck and was going to be replaced because her ratings were lower than Joes, now has become the darling queen of the Democrat party. Just unbelievable that she is the best that the Democrats have. Scarier is her VP pick!

6 months ago

My 2% pension increase means I have lost 2-4 full years of my recent pension income under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. And I’m promised an encore!

6 months ago

Harris/Walz both rewrite history. Their history. Two clowns and they might run the United States of America. And they will make us ununited. Harris/Walz will separate everyone, so we are too busy arguing and will not see the harm they will do. Unbelievable!!!

6 months ago

I have alway found Tammy Bruce effectual and truthful, in content and if she is expressing. her opinion it is fact based. She is a real journalist reporter on whom we can rely.

6 months ago

Appears to be a game for dems who support these even more radical socialists/marxists to rewrite history/lie.

6 months ago

100% agree with you Tammy. I have seen the manipulation at the convention also. Every day more gaslighting and acting like Kameltoe wasn’t VP the past 4 years. There was so much Trump bashing and lies told. If you had a clicker to keep track of how many times Trump’s name was mentioned that thing would be broke. They never mentioned inflatio,it became price gouging. Not the border, Afghanistan debacle, Middle East only to say Hamas are fine people. Crime and destruction in America. To hear the dems tell it it’s the garden if Eden. All peaceful and full of joy. No drug problems no unemployment and no tent encampments in our inner cities. Kumbaya my Lord Kumbaya. Only Elon showed Oprah and the View an interview they did with Trump years ago. When Oprah and Whoopie were soooo enamored with Trump. Gushing all over him. Trump talking the same talk as he is now and supporting jesse Jackson financially, as Jesse was running for president. I guess Oprah and Whoopie forgot already. Trump hasn’t changed these women have changed. They fell for the brainwashing of O because he was black. And they are doing it again because she is a woman and she is 25% black. Merit is not a qualification, gender and the color of your skin is. In other words DEI. I hope that many Americans saw what a gaslighting show the DNC put on in Chicago. They tried everything to distance Kameltoe from ole Joe and since they didn’t do anything in the past 4 years than tearing America down they had to destroy Trump and his supporters instead. Mr and Mrs O were the greatest liars by skimming over the past 4 years. They sounded like Trump was in the White House the past 4 years. Like ole Joe acted, every time something went wrong like in Afghanistan the border inflation it was always Trump’s fault. It was good Trump was there otherwise they would have to own up to their mistakes. And a dem never admits he is wrong or tells lies. Only all the time. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE IN 2024. Stop the gaslighting and vote for the truth.

6 months ago

Judy Woodruff and Dan Rather are two peas in a pod. Both went with a story that was false. Judy gave a poor semblance of an apology by saying she was only reporting what others were reporting (i.e. she did no work to confirm the story she “reported”) and Dan ignored the truth that was shoved in his face until his CBS had to do something. These pathetic “journalists” are emblematic of the news media in the 21st century. They might as well have offices at the DNC.

Jon Pattersoin
Jon Pattersoin
6 months ago

DEMONcrats at their finest hour LIES, LIES and More LIES. God Help America if they steal another one. The Main Street Media Mob is just as bad,

6 months ago

This is a well-written article that must have been a challenge to write, given the sheer depth of the dishonesty that Ms. Bruce represented to us.
As stated, an enormous number of blatant lies are being told by these “Democrat” candidates. The blatant ones, though infuriating, are all at least subject to near-term discovery… even by the “democrats”.
The lies that often bother me more are the contextual lies that are broader in scope and have a higher impact… but don’t lend themselves as much to discovery, because the people who vote for this party are too intellectually lazy to investigate them or their context.
Of course, that’s most of what makes them “Democrats”! “Oh, to see life as a child…”

6 months ago

Too bad for the Democrats they could not just bomb some random terrorist group, or third world country to make the American people forget about their lies, and scandals like they did whenver one of Bill Clinton’s lack of zipper control bimbo eruptions came to light. We all better watch out with their lack of outlets for their hyper aggressive tendencies they are liable to take it out on all of us in one form, or another. If not in all out oppression, they might resort to more taxation, and inflation to inflict more pain. There is nothing more anti-social than socialism.

John Lemley
John Lemley
6 months ago

It is bizarre. But, I am surrounded by people in my neighborhood wearing pro-Harris T-shirts and caps, signs in yards. One yard sign says “Veterans for Harris.” I feel like I am living in enemy territory. This article has presented the problem well. But, what can I do to reverse damage done by the Dems? What can I say, or what evidence can I show, that will convince my deceived neighbors that they are believing destructive lies? Right now they are blissfully unaware that they are being used as useful idiots. How can I rescue them?

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
6 months ago

The super-gaslighting from the Harris & Walz acceptance speeches demonstrated The Goebbels Rule: “Tell the Big Lie often enough and loud enough until everyone believes it.” 

6 months ago

The media was given freedom of the press to ensure that government had a watchdog. Unfortunately, the ones that hate America have taken over and are using their bully pulpit to destroy the very country that gives them the freedoms they enjoy.

6 months ago

I hope Donald will get Fox News to promote a debate on Sept. 4, with Kamala and an empty podium if she does not show and turn it into a town hall exposing her cowardice to expose her inability to tell the country how she plans to reverse what she and Joe did to totally destroy the USA.

6 months ago

Tammy is spot on regarding the Democrat/communist party and the Pravda media gas lighting on everything.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

idiots, yes. Useful? not so much. The only people on whom the gaslighting and the rewriting of history being done by the dnc and media will work are the ones with really short memories.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
6 months ago

If the mainstream media would actually report the news instead of bowing to the radical progressives, there wouldn’t be millions of people out there who only vote with their emotions and totally disregard what a destructive 3+ years of Biden/Harris caused to our country. Harris and Walz are even more radical than what the regime has been so far. The fake media is the biggest enemy of our survival as a free nation.

David Nelson
David Nelson
6 months ago

Good work, Tammy!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Been doing that since Biden took offrice

Mike S
Mike S
6 months ago

“The convention has been presenting a vacuous Harris AS A CHANGE AGENT.”
Does anyone remember before Obama was first elected he ran on a slogan of hope and change? I told anyone who would listen that “change” is a nebulous term since it could be change for the BETTER or change for the WORSE. Everyone assumes it will be for the better and ignores the other possibility. How did his “change” turn out for the nation’s well-being?
Harris is taking pages from both Obama’s (change) and Biden’s (hide him in the basement so he can’t explain his positions) playbooks. If she’s able to implement her desired “changes” it will make Obama’s look like the good old days.

6 months ago

Hollering Hillary also baited attendance at her rallies with musical “talent,” and thankfully Trump still won in 2016. “Tay-Tay” and be-yawn-ce and their liberal views are repulsive. I was happy to have intentionally “missed” watching the DNC (Deceiving Nutso Cheaters) clown show.

6 months ago

The GREATNESS of AMERICA is faltering from within. GOD gave us the gifts of Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, petition and freedom of the press. Look what has happened! the government ts chipping away speech, religion, and by limiting assembly and petition by the two tiered justice government we are like slaves, and then comes the PRESS which is the ENEMY WITHIN as an arm of the very government our founding forefathers worked for years with GOD to present it to us worth pure gold, however evil took over between then and now.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

In the thirties journalists went to Soviet Union to see the fruit of the glorious revolution and came back gushing over it Everything was beautiful. When Andre Gide reported on what he witnessed they’ve ripped him to pieces mercilessly. There is journalism and there is deliberate misleading and lying. These guys covering the DNC gathering all deserve Walter Muggeridge award.

Jimmy Alan Sanders
Jimmy Alan Sanders
6 months ago

I thought I viewed into a liar’s convention. Rich people talking about not trusting rich people. Here’s my favorite lie was mama said not to take more than you need and charge 85,000.00 to give a speech. I’d rather hear a dog bark than some of this nonsense.

Jeff Gunderson
Jeff Gunderson
6 months ago

What I’d like to know is if anything can be done regarding the lies and gaslighting if / when the Republicans take the congress, the senate and the white house. They media must not be allowed to continue this with impunity.
if there is a way to show, like Tammy has, that each station or broadcaster on a station has consistently chosen to present the left wing narrative and or actual lies to harm another candidate or party there must be some form of action our government can take.
This hasn’t just happened to the republican party, it’s been applied to anyone who stands against the democrat party of the left. Look at what they have done to both Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr.
My suggestion woulf be, for reporters take away their press credentials or for over the air media stations, have the FCC require a formal notice be posted before any of their news broadcasts indicating “This broadcast cannot be considered news, but should be treated as a left wing narrative for the democrat party”

6 months ago

The gaslighting done by Dems and disbursed by their media cohorts highlights one thing – they know their voting base is comprised of lowlife scum and outright idiots. In a just world, they would get everything they vote for while the rest of us live freely.

6 months ago

Is there really only 8 charging stations in the whole USA at this time? And a couple of weeks ago Trump said that two did not work & that the 8 cost $8 billion. Where are these 8 stations and are they free or do you have to pay to use?

6 months ago

Pray and fast for our country. Unless we cry out to God, this country is sadly doomed. The demons have been unleashed, and we need to humble ourselves and pray like our forefathers and foremothers did when fighting the American Revolution.

6 months ago

It was so sad to hear the roar of applause by those convention attendances that reflects certain group of American public are so prone to be gaslighted and so easy to believe what they hear is all true. The Trump team needs to realize there are a fair amount of those people in those swing states that can be decisive on the result of election.

6 months ago

Maybe instead of calling it the DNC, they should have called it the greatest show on earth. It certainly was a circus.

6 months ago

The party of hate has the greatest liars. The masters of deception. What more can we say?

Dave Mohn
Dave Mohn
6 months ago

Stick to facts and the truth will set you free.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
6 months ago

People aren’t ever going to wake up because I live in state the people walk around with blinders on.I live in New Mexico and they took a poll the other day and 49% of New Mexicansdon’t approve of what the Democratic Party has done to our state, And that includes our Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Martin Heinrich , Ben Ray Lujan, Melanie Stansberry, and Gabe Chavez. we have one of the worst crime rates, worst economies, worst drug problem, and worst problem with illegal alien problems coming across our southern border etc….41% of the population approves of Democratic leaders, and they won’t change. Our Governor had a special session of our State Senators Called by our Governor to do something about the crime problem in the state, The republicans wanted to work with the Governor to fix the problems, and all of the Democratic Senators refused to work with the Governor and the special session lasted two days.and I’ve lived here of 46 yrs. and that’s the way things are done around here. And I don’t know if New Mexicans are afraid of change or they don’t want change.And the Middle Class,Senior Citizens,Veterans, and Homeless,all suffer because of the poor leadership, the economy, the crime, the alcohol and drug addiction, mental illness, and Homelessness, and the Southern Border issues are never dealt with because of poor LEADERSHIP !!!

6 months ago

As Kamala steams along propped up by an incredible dose of sketchy facts I have come full around in my support of Trump. You see, the likes of Kamala, Michele Obama, Opra, the Squad, have all marched along to do exactly what they deem all voters have been guilty of, that being discrimination. You and they have milked that overblown claim to the hilt. What for? Power of course. I ashamed of the very sex I was born to be. I am not a member of a nation of discrimination nor are at least a good half of the American population. We are not deplorables. Nor are we bigots. We are fighters too. We are those with an ax to grind for history we had nothing to do with. We are likely not rich, likely not college educated. We are the daughters sons of hard working middle to lower class communities. We were brought up with the golden rule being important and it began as soon as were were able to comprehend it. It was taught in school. I am 82 born and raised in Buffalo, NY. My community was barely middle class until it was hit by with what was referred to as block busting. Blockbusting had a knife sharp edge. People who pooled money quickly over-crowded the mostly two story homes on the blocks of our neighborhood. The nature of our very peaceful neighborhood quickly changed. And the first to leave were those who happened to be black. Good, good people who were determined they were forced out by pole climbing persons who stole rather than paid for tv service. Forced by crowding problem to finding parking, Nights filled with street human noise, blaring music and often violence. Few had the means to escape and never thought they would ever have to. Now here is the simple truth. If, in fact, all of the people Kamala Harris refers to as well as her followers had actually been so primed by parental influence to decency, kindness, and a drive to do their best as citizens they certainly could not have parented the majority of those who took over our neighborhood. Whites, yes whites and blacks alike were frankly stuck. But, indeed they were not safe. My father a big man of 6′ 2″ was mugged by a group of black female teenagers with tire irons. My mother was, mugged on the way out of the bank by a neighborhood boy from our very own block. He slid like a snake out from under charges by his black college teacher of police studies swearing that he was in class at the time. Oddly, neither my brother nor I grew up biased in any way. Perhaps, had we been rich we may have but I sincerely doubt it. What I want to say here and now that Miss Kamala should do some research. Which races commit the most crime? Why? Which races destroy property? Why? Miss Harris and her wealthy followers are painting with a damn wide brush. Oh, and when my mother was forced from the property by my father’s death for her own safety she kept a promise my dad made to our black neighbor to sell him our place so he could expand his car repair business. That neighbor was a fine black man with a lovely wife and at least six children. He spent a great deal of time and effort protecting people of the block from the bad. Later from Mom’s place in subsidized living, the 90 year old woman who lived next to her was raped by, a very large black teen, visiting his own grandmother. Get real Kamala. No race is the bane of life’s existence. Those with no hearts are not of one race, nor do they have the edge on destruction. You are short-changing the whole country by race-bating and denigrating your opponent. For the sake of restoring equal footing for both men and women, let’s get rid of both sex and race bating.

6 months ago

I just can’t wrap my head around the corporate media….WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? are they backing such a destructive party so set on destroying everything that made America a great country?? It makes no sense to me.

6 months ago

Unfortunately, those who need to see or hear these truths will not, as they are already aligned with the masses who blindly follow the socialist tunes being played along with a man’s “anyone except …” (fill in the blank with any candidate except the infallible democratic messiah).

Andy Burleigh
Andy Burleigh
6 months ago

A great (joyful) feast of lies, propping up Walz on his misrepresentation of his entire life and Harris with her do nothing work and lying about her career of supporting nothing but advancing herself.

6 months ago

American politburo

Calling today’s press the “Legacy media” is far too flattering.

I would suggest we use the “American politburo.”

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
6 months ago

MY solution to the media problem, if I were empowered to do so, would be to yank all the FCC broadcast licenses from the major networks consistently lying & gaslighting the public for partisan reasons. Those would Not be restored until there were wholesale staff changes at those networks along with signed, legal contracts pledging to restore unbiased, fair reporting.
I know, such sensible & impactful moves are just never gonna happen.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Hitler and his State Media tried to rewrite history and look what happened to them.

6 months ago

Thanks for putting this fiasco into perspective..

6 months ago

MSM is garbage along with he dems!
Then, there are the rinos!
We are in dire straights in this country. Trump would be a temporary fix, but what about our future?

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