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The GOP Needs a Sherlock Holmes to ID the Left’s Smear Machine

Posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan


In recent weeks, the Democrat establishment and its army of progressive activists have mobilized to target conservative justices serving on the U.S. Supreme Court. Amid an apparently well-organized – and well-funded – effort to undermine the legitimacy of the Court and intimidate its justices, conservatives are asking: who is directing these political attacks?

Last month, ProPublica, a non-profit with a long record of promoting left-wing causes, published a report accusing Justice Clarence Thomas of “secretly accept[ing] luxury trips from a major Republican donor,” a real estate developer named Harlan Crow. By accepting these gifts, the group claims, Thomas “appears to have violated” Supreme Court disclosure obligations by not reporting his airline travel as “gifts” from Crow.

Despite the fact that Thomas has been close friends with Crow for nearly three decades and, according to the Wall Street Journal, “the Court’s rules at the time all of this happened did not require that gifts of personal hospitality be disclosed,” leftists have nonetheless called for Thomas’s impeachment.

“Thomas must be impeached and SCOTUS needs a binding code of ethics,” tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose call for impeachment was echoed by the likes of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrat members of Congress.

Almost immediately after the left’s attacks on Thomas failed to gain momentum, they turned their attention to Justice Neil Gorsuch, essentially accusing him of lying on a financial disclosure form. Gorsuch, Politico alleged in an April 25 piece, failed to “disclose the identity of the purchaser” of a property he owned in Colorado. The purchaser was the CEO of a law firm, who Politico suggests was trying to influence Gorsuch’s legal decisions.

But as legal commentator Ed Whelan notes, the purchase of the property “was an arm’s-length transaction at market price and raises no ethical concerns.”

Despite the overwhelming lack of evidence of any corruption or wrongdoing on the part of either Thomas or Gorsuch, the Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee proceeded to stage a hearing on so-called “Supreme Court Ethics Reform,” apparently trying to delegitimize the High Court, which is now controlled by constitutionalists.

Of course, the Democrats’ war on the Supreme Court is hardly the only instance of escalating left-wing attacks on conservatives with a traditional understanding of the rule of law. The FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, the increasing flurry of state-level investigations and indictments against President Donald Trump, details surrounding Joe Biden’s stashes of classified documents, the leaking of the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, and the corporate media’s embrace of former FBI employees like Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe are all cause for grave concern.

Even though the left’s vitriol toward prominent conservative figures is far from new, the regularity and cohesion with which they are now targeting conservative leaders raises questions. How, precisely, are these attacks being coordinated? Is anyone in the executive branch, Congress, or any other government entity coordinating with left-wing activists to research, roll out hit pieces against, and ultimately persecute their ideological opponents? If so, who is behind the curtain—and what are their motives?

Such inquiries might at first sound somewhat conspiratorial in nature. However, given what we now know about collusion among the intelligence community, mainstream media, Democrat operatives, and the Clinton campaign to interfere with the 2016 election by perpetrating the “Russia hoax,” as well as revelations from the Twitter Files about the coordination between Deep State government bureaucrats and Big Tech to censor news like the Hunter Biden Laptop story, questions about the latest round of baseless attacks from the left are more important than ever.

This well-established pattern of attacks on conservative centers of power is more than enough to warrant wide-ranging inquiries and subpoenas. The prospect of a left-wing network working behind the scenes with officials of the federal government to undercut vital American institutions and the rule of law is a deeply troubling possibility—and remains far more likely than many in the Republican Party would likely care to admit. House Republicans have a moral, constitutional, and political duty to get to the bottom of the left’s attacks, and—when applicable—to hold those responsible accountable.

In other words, Republican voters need a Sherlock Holmes to identify who is behind the left’s smear machine—and the House GOP must do everything in its power to give them one.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

GOP has to be Proactive & Active or lose all
No movement= Status Quo for RNC Estd

1 year ago

And go after whoever it is with relentless persecution, if they can’t or won’t be prosecuted. Give them their own medicine in triplicate. I hate every single thing about the left. The more they do this stuff the more ……..

1 year ago

I think we have good representatives uncovering corruption. The next problem is that democrats must decide they don’t want to be known for this kind of dirty politics.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Many left wing people have been questioned, we have proof of their wrong doing but no Republican asks for their impeachment. The left wants to get rid of the Supreme Court that way they have absolute power.
Where are the people of the US in all this? Why are we not standing up and calling for the left wing impeachment. Because the people are scared we will be branded as insurrectionists, be arrested never to be heard from again. We are living under a total dictatorship and we stay quiet.
Like Germany in the 1930’s first they came for mentally ill and infirmed. Then for those that did not agree with them. The gypsies and Jews were next. By the time they came for me nobody spoke up for me because everyone had been brainwashed and too scared to speak up. We are in that phase right now. Will it take 50 million killed in een another war to overthrow those in power? Or are we going to stand up and throw them out now!!!!!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

You just secured your fate if you think this.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Those living in glass houses casting the stones left right and center Not so vocal on the flights to certain island where under age girls were waiting

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

The common denominator in this story is the abuse of the 1st Amendment’s freedom of speech. As I’ve stated countless times in forums such as this, the freedom enshrined in the 1st Amendment is not a freedom to lie! Just like anything written in the Constitution, it can be abused. Why are journalists, publishers, and news agencies not forced to adhere to the truth? They’re not required to be licensed. Simply put, the government should require that these individuals be licensed to only speak the truth. These so-called professionals depend upon the absence of any rules or consequences to spew their garbage. Now, if they could be disbarred, as is the case for attorneys who don’t follow the rules, or doctors, who can lose their license to practice medicine, journalists should be licensed as well. The law I’m proposing should also have sharp teeth. Failure to uphold a journalistic oath I’m proposing, and you should forever lose your “license” to practice your craft. Publishers or new agencies that violate journalist ethics should be fined heavily. The fines I’m proposing would give even George Soros pause. That’s what I mean by teeth.

1 year ago


Old Papa
Old Papa
1 year ago

Pretty obvious to me anyway. Majority of the smears have come from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and their little minions.IMHO.

1 year ago

The bottom line is that anyone leaking information or aiding these leftist morons, needs to be held accountable. The person that leaked the SCOTUS decision needs to face criminal charges. The only way to stop these attacks is to make examples of these criminals. The left would find a way to file criminal charges, yet the right seems to always hide behind taking the high road. This makes them weak and emboldens the left. BTW, what does it say about the people that vote for AOC and her evil associates?

Mila Flores
Mila Flores
1 year ago

There are powerful Democrat organization like Move ON that collects millions of dollars and signatures to try to influence events.

1 year ago

Maybe it’s time the gop grow a spine and go after the left/dems. IMO

1 year ago

Liberals and their offspring democrats have a history of this behavior going back several hundred years. There have always been liars and cheaters, and in this age they have technology to spread their falsehoods. They had better wake up, as God, who is all powerful, doesn’t like lying. In fact He says people who lie are children of the father of lies, satan. God will forgive anyone’s sin if they sincerely ask Christ Jesus to save them, and confess they are a sinner. Once you leave this earth, it’s too late. God’s love is amazing. He saves by grace which cannot be and is not earned. You can’t be good enough. You have to ask Him, as He knocks but you must open the door. If you don’t want Him, He won’t bother you.

1 year ago

History for many years tells us politics is getting us no where. The left controls DC with the bureaucrats who probably have more pull than congress. Justice is not applied equally as can be seen going back a hundred years, and probably won’t start now.

1 year ago

If we could spray the City of Washington with cockroach remover, it would be interesting to see what comes out of the woodwork.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Well-funded with soros money.

1 year ago

Why attack members of the Court (or ANY prominent Republican officeholder) over ridiculous claims of illegalities in the completion of their duties? It’s simple. It’s done in order to provide the MSM and leftist press with distractions (read “lies”) to draw the public’s attention from the ACTUAL criminal behavior of President, his corrupt family members, and his incompetent administrators. Most Americans are well aware of this orchestrated scam and pay no attention to the latest “tempest in a teapot” finger-pointing by the insane leftists currently in charge of the country.

1 year ago

Omar,Cortez and the other anti American marxist democrats are the ones who must be removed from office.
Their actions against Our Country it’s Citizens,Constitution and anti American rhetoric, violates everything they took an oath to protect!
Throw ALL the Anti-America ,maxist democrats and rinos out!
These people are merely public servants who serve at the pleasure of We the People!
They work for Us, they have NO authority over Our Freedom,Constitution or God Given Rights!

1 year ago


Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Navigate to “It is time to restore 1st Amendment rights to real people!” and watch adjacent 24 minute clip: How the Elite Stole Our 1st Rights.

1 year ago

It’s the very best thing democrats do! If you think DeSantis would fair any better in the W.H. than Donald Trump you better think again. The socialist democrats are all about character assassination. Maybe their new motto should be: Destroying America, one person at a time.

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