For nearly two centuries, the Democrat Party and its members have been utilized as a means to support various forms of voter fraud throughout the United States. These nefarious efforts have evolved over the years, with those on the left now being able to execute the practice to near-perfection.
The first recorded democratic elections began in ancient Greece in the year 507 B.C., when the system of “demokratia,” or “rule by the people,” was introduced. Ever since then, corrupt individuals and groups have managed to exploit their nation’s electoral systems to nullify the true will of the people and effectively rig elections. In fact, election-related fraud is one of the most highly reported crimes throughout recorded history.
From the very beginning, the Democrat Party political bosses and their acolytes across the country have supported voter fraud and electoral corruption, embracing numerous heinous tactics to win elections. Founded in 1828, the Democrat Party, sadly has been engaged in manipulating election outcomes for over 190 years. Shortly after its inception, Democrats started using an election strategy referred to as “cooping.” During the process, Democrats would deploy gangs of people to forcefully lure voters into hidden rooms and basements. There, they were subsequently drugged or beaten while being instructed to vote for Democrat candidates several times in different disguises. Cooping was so common in America that prominent individuals such as Edgar Allen Poe are believed to have been killed by the heinous practice.
In 1855, thousands of Democrats illegally crossed the border from Missouri to the territory of Kansas to wrongfully vote in Kansas’s elections. Using brute force, mobs of Missouri Democrats coerced numerous Kansas towns to record their illegal votes. The issue of fraud in Kansas’s 1855 election was so abundant that some cities or towns had up to five times as many counted votes as there were residents in the area. This ultimately made the territory of Kansas fraudulently elect pro-slavery Democrats, despite the majority of Kansas voters being vehemently against the legalization of slavery.
In the late 1850s, violent gangs of Democrats clashed with members of the Know-Nothing Party as they were being utilized in the Baltimore area during a local election to compel voters to support Democrat candidates. The situation became so bad that the U.S. Marines had to get involved to clear the Baltimore streets, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 Americans. Following the Civil War, demented Democrats slaughtered hundreds of voters in the state of Louisiana for the simple reason that they were registered as Republicans. After these events, Democrats started to transition away from their voter fraud system of using pure force to a new system where the electorate has the illusion of choice. They were able to do this through the launch of sophisticated organizations called “political machines,” which were led by political bosses.
Democrats have always been obsessed with controlling urban parts of America. It is a trend that continues to this day, with nearly every major city in America being dominated by those on the left. Democrat control of the cities began to take off in the late 19th century. This period is commonly referred to as the “Gilded Age” due to rampant political corruption. Coincidentally, this time period also saw the highest rate of voter turnout in American history, although it is safe to assume that large numbers of the recorded votes were illegitimate. This is due to the implementation of political machines. In big cities across America, Democrats and their so-called “bosses” forcefully and deceptively seized political power while simultaneously stealing millions in taxpayer funds for multiple decades via “kickbacks.” The states of Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas were heavily impacted by the rise of political machines, with William “Boss” Tweed’s Tammany Hall in New York City being the most infamous political machine. Although political machines seemingly died in the mid-20th century, areas like Chicago, New Orleans, and Philadelphia still remain under Democrat-machine control to this day. New Orleans has not been led by a Republican for a whopping 150 years; Chicago has lacked a Republican mayor for over 90 years; and Philadelphia has been led by Democrats for at least 70 consecutive years.
A few decades after the fall of most political machines, Lyndon B. Johnson and his Democrat allies used a different system to commit voter fraud. It involved the simple technique of waiting until almost all of the ballots were counted, then claiming to find just enough new votes to change the result of the election. This process was successfully deployed by the left in 1948 throughout the infamous “Box 13” scandal. During the Democrat primary for one of Texas’s Senate seats in 1948, Lyndon B. Johnson undeniably stole the election from his opponent, Coke Stevenson. Days after the primary election, Stevenson was declared the official winner by approximately 150 votes. However, a small southern Texas town called Alice announced that they had miraculously found 203 new ballots in “Box 13” numerous days after the election. Of the 203 discovered votes, 202 were for Johnson, and just 1 was for Stevenson. Each of the new ballots was written in the same handwriting, signed with identical ink, and cast in alphabetical order. On top of that, investigations showed that many of the voters whose ballots were found in Box 13 claimed to have never actually voted. Jim Wells County Judge Luis Salas, the election judge responsible for certifying the 203 ballots, later admitted that the ballots were fictitious. To quote Salas, “Johnson did not win that election—it was stolen for him and I know exactly how it was done…I was just going along with my party.” Despite these facts, the new ballots gave Johnson a slight edge and empowered him to win his primary election by 87 votes, ultimately propelling him to become Senator, Vice President, and President of the United States.
Now, illicit voting processes in modern America combined with lackluster election integrity rules allow for LBJ’s strategy to be applied much easier than ever before. In 14 states, votes are still counted if received after Election Day, sometimes up to 14 days later, making it easy to inject late votes into the system. 22 states authorize same-day registration, permitting Democrats to register voters at the last possible moment without the opportunity for states to verify voter information prior to a vote being cast. The illicit practice of ballot harvesting is legal in 25 states, enabling political operatives to collect ballots en masse and turn them in for other voters. While America has seen a variety of new states enact voter ID requirements over the last two years, there are still 16 states where voters are not required to show any form of identification to request or submit a ballot. Disturbingly, the five states of California, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, and Washington fit each of the above criteria, depriving their voters of free and fair elections.
Democrats have used fraud and deception to obtain political power for many years. However, outside of leftist-dominated areas, America has made great progress towards fortifying its electoral system. This is clearly not enough. If Americans ever wish to have legitimate election integrity, they must find a way to dismantle the corrupt election rules that have been created in Democrat-run states, allowing them to conduct unsecure elections.
Parker Bono is an 18-year-old patriot from Southern California. Before joining AMAC, Parker wrote a total of 6 books as a teenager. He wrote his first book when he was just 13 years old. Parker is also an active member of his community. He has worked on nearly a dozen different political campaigns and has helped get conservative candidates elected to an array of government positions.
Plain old ballot stuffing. Mail in or harvested. Ever since the 90s, Washington state has not had a republican governor or US senators. The pendulum just stopped swinging. The socialists have become very organized. How else does a joke like Biden, Fetterman, etc get elected?
One of the represenativies in Nevada was on television, this past week, discussing voting regulation now in the state.One of her primary reasons why mail-in voting, early voting and an expansion of voting periods, after polls closed, was the young voters. Her justification for this was young voters were not getting drivers license like they were years ago and not having a vetting by ID would restrict their vote.I guess she is not very well versed with the law or the standard ID requirement in the state or Federal regulation on air travel. In Nevada anyone can get a state ID through the Department of Motor Vehicles, DMV. It is not a drivers license it’s a vetted ID showing citizenship.This is clearly another obvious example of a lying despotic politician holding a position in the Democrate party. Everyone elected to office in Nevada, in the past decade, who is still in office is implicit in this type of voter fraud and should be run out of the state on a rail. Shortly after being tarred and feathered! Shame on the rest of us for allowing this to happen, and worse, to continue!
“Parker Bono is an 18-year-old patriot from Southern California.” — I haven’t had the time to check out this writer’s links, but taken at face value, he’s quite the “brain.” I am impressed that someone so young (and from Southern California, no less!) is so articulate and, well, just plain smart. Thanks, AMAC for publishing his piece.
Mississippi was “controlled” for a very long time because there were no term limits. I know because I deplored some of the ones who were in control (and I am 91 yrs of age, so know first hand some of the corruption there). Praise God, Mississippi is no longer controlled by those same ones. (I don’t live there anymore, tho’ I still call it my “home” and am concerned about anything and everything that happens there).
And yet with all this knowledge of false elections they are still going on today.
The million dollar question is, who is really going to do anything to change this cheating
Parker is spot on in his analysis of the Leftist vote fraud, but he barely scratches the surface of the deceit and deception of the real Democrat Party. Eric D. Robertson has written a scathing insider’s expose` of what we now call the “Deep State.” I believe ALL Americans should own and read his book. “.plottokillamerica.com.”
The LBJ form of voter fraud is definitely alive and well in Virginia. For years, Northern Virginia has been the last section of the state to turn in their vote numbers, and they have often “found” additional boxes of votes at the last minute that always fall in favor of the Democrats. I believe the only reason Youngkin won the last Governor’s race is because of the uproar among even Democrats in Northern Virginia over CRT in the schools. Apparently, the outraged parents overwhelmed the northern counties with actual votes.
Don’t forget New Mexico when you talk about Democrates power grabing voter fraud. They have controled this state for more then 60 years and are not likely to give it up without a lot of concervities willing to fight to expose their curruption.
I have been voting since the early ’70s and used to have confidence in our election process. After the results of the 1982 Illinois governor’s race, that confidence was shattered.
Personally, I think the Chicago Democratic machine has been cloned across he United States. That would explain the election of a literally unknown community organizer to political office, then the presidency in such a short time. It just looks too suspicious to think he was not groomed for the presidency and supported by the Chicago machine.
Well done Parker….but you need to recheck your history. The Gilded Age referred to the new wealth created after the Civil War, not political corruption. Google “Australian ballot” to read about the method used to clean up Democrat corruption.
I wish you would proof that with facts and actions.
Guess. you didn’t READ who wrote it. Just posted a stupid comment without reading, so was it written by an ignorant Democrat??? See how that works.
Are you hurt that you have been identified as a fraudster?
The historical presentation, unfortunately, is true. That’s what our unchecked emotions lead us to do.
Found many times over: the illegal and invalid votes cast and counted for Joe Biden and I might add for the two corrupt Dem Senator candidates to force a run off and also illegally take control of the Senate—-Fact: federal law makes Election Day (deadline and winner declared) for that election November 3, and Joe’s “winning” votes were counted after November 3 ended in most states not just Georgia. AND another fact, AOC isn’t eligible to be president at this time. “If you refuse to see what’s right in front of your face, you are an ignorant bonehead.”, your statement: strike three you’re out.
Good to see such a young person has a solid understanding of American history and the Democrats methods of voter fraud going back through the years. Obviously, he managed to avoid the public school indoctrination process.
There are ways to mitigate voter fraud by using the system credit card issuers have in place. Immediately know when, where and how many in real time. This could be incorporated into real id’s such as drivers licenses, social security, welfare, Medicare or unemployment. The dems argument that this affects poor people without identifying credentials is pure bs. What’s more you can vote by phone, online or in person, and once you’ve casted your vote no further attempts are allowed and there is a record if that card is used again for the same election.
Democrats control the narrative and have become experts at deception. Besides, who’s for honest elections anyway?
Thank you for telling the TRUE History on how corrupt and criminals they are that the democrat party really is.
Just look who is in the White House right now
STOLE SENSITIVE HIGHLY CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS WITHOUT NATIONAL SECURITY CLEARANCE or AUTHORITY and let his son and everybody have access to them by HIDING them in various locations including his home.
If any of us did that we would be in prison and never hear the end of it by the FAKE news.
One sided Justice.
Yet, according to the democrats, they can do no wrong since they are so self righteous and weaponize the DOJ, Government, CDC, FDA, EPA, FBI, and IRS against Conservative Americans and anybody else they don’t like.
And the democrats never prosecute their own or their children because they believe they are above the law and the law only applies when it benefits them only.
Why do you think they emptied prisons during the China Virus Pandemic. It increased crime so they can pass more illegal laws taking away our Rights but protecting criminals such as themselves.
Their goal is to DESTROY the United States. Look at past 2 years alone and then go back and look at history as this article very well explains.
If you are not cheating you are not trying to win. This is the democratic way, and they are not ashamed of it. And they have done it so long how will it ever change?
they love power so they have to cheat because their ideas wreck the country and the people dont want it
We are near the point of being a Banana Republic. Sad truth is, Democrats cheat, the media ignores it and the public is fooled. Meanwhile conservatives are so tired of it, they stay home on election day thinking their vote does not matter. We are on a downhill slide, worse than it has ever been I think.
Not a demonRAT alive that I don’t hate! Including those in my family!✝️????????????
… 21st century’s Tammany Hall, Bejing-Biden is America’s most corrupt politician, since Boss Tweed –
Kudos to Parker Bono, while many in his generation have bought lock, stock, and barrel into the public schools’ Marxist-Climate Alarmist Religion’s indoctrination, spread to bring about the global fascism known as the not so “Great Reset”, he has done his homework to recognize that the Democrat party has a long history of spreading racism, division, fear, and hatred based on their grip on power achieved by any means of voter fraud they deem necessary. Our elections need to be secured, an “aw’ chucks better luck next time” will no longer do as strategy, the violators need to be exposed as do their methods, and draconian punishments will have to be implemented because when billions of dollars as their corrupt rewards seem to beckon the Democrats the proverbial slaps on the wrist will no longer do! Maybe we should consider loss of their U.S. citizenship and passport, and immediate deportation to North Korea by high altitude parachute air drop, so they can be all the communists they want to be.
Excellent article, but there are a few additional items the author could have added. First, the verified history of the 1960 Presidential election informs us that it was won by Richard Nixon but stolen at the last moment when old man Kennedy literally bought thousands of votes in Chicago, allowing JFK to take Illinois and the election. Nixon was well aware and could prove what happened, but decided not to challenge the election for fear of damaging the public’s belief in the integrity of our election system. Big mistake. The author should also have mentioned, especially for the benefit of those who think the Democrat Party will ever care about any minorities, that when the Democrat Party was created, it was created for the purpose of advancing but a single agenda item: the perpetuation of slavery. The Republicans had begun a campaign of working toward abolishing slavery, so the Democrat Party was formed to fight that effort. And one final thing to keep in mind: the Democrat Party has not had nationwide majority support from the voters since the 1960s, so every national election “won” by the Democrats since then is highly suspect – at the least.
The sheeples and so called woke people need to read this.
Maybe then the lustre will
leave the Democratic Party and will show the crooks they are.
They are just doing what they have always done. Commit fraud in every election by using coercion and threats to get what they want.
Refreshing to see a conservative story from an 18 year old. Keep up the good work, you have a bright future. BTW, I grew up in Texas and we all knew about Box 13, turns out several of those votes were from dead people. Much like today, the media at the time chose to ignore the facts.
Johnsons ruthless nature led to the senate, vice presidency, the presidency and then vietnam and the great society, two of the worst catastrophes in american history.
Richard Daley sr. of Chicago: “Vote early and vote often.” He was also good at bringing out the cemetery vote!
Kenne4dy was elected by fraud. Chicago said their machines or whatever wasn’t working right. Anyhow the vote didnt coke in till the next morning. YES Mayor (the crook )Dailey made sutre the votenwnt for Kennedy. Kyle L.
There is no way to enjoy an article which explains how America is being undermined by determined thieves. But it is observable and accurate. Citizens need to know.
So we know this has been going on for decades, yet we still allow it to happen…shame on us!
It seems to me the answer to the problem is a simple one. #1, require everyone to have a government issued ID. #2, dissolve the dim party and imprison all known dims that are known to have committed voter fraud or any crime against the United States…I know, we’d fill up all the prisons fast.
We either implement the above or we do as the dims have surly thought of about us. Which is, well I’m sure I can’t speak of it because AMAC would censor it immediately. I’m sure you can all guess, or come up with your on ideas on how to solve the problem anyway.
Well done Parker
The Daley machine in Chicago is a prototypical.example of how today’s Democrat party has been, and is a very successful way of “winning” elections. Democrats have been refining this all these years and extending it throughout our nation. Recently, Barak Obama was selected this way, first against Hillary on the National level. We.now have President Biden as a result.
Do you think that as of the 2020 and 2022 elections, the Democrat party has finally jumped the shark, so the electorate is catching on? We have to do everything we can to reestablish integrity to our elections at every level!
It won’t be quick, it won’t be easy.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez would make an outstanding president.
Republicans are the cheaters.
This man is the product of good parents.! I’m hopeful that there’s more like him out there. We need to have leadership like this, in the news media (print and electronic), our major industries, education (K through higher), and all levels of government (yes even GS workers).
Thank you Sir
At this point after three elections were stolen by the Democrats in Arizona I am very concerned. Our new Democrat governor was Secretay of State in the last three elections (primary and general) and that person is the one responsible for running our state elections. Even after she was asked to recuse herself from that duty this last November because she was in that position and running for governer, she refused. On election day, before 8 am, multiple voting polls reported in mostly Republican districts had problems with the voting machines. It got worse as the day wore on. The race was extremely close and Hobbs won by a “hair”. She is doing her best to turn our formerly RED state and deep, dark, menacing shade of blue. But on the national level, the Democrats control many big corporations, our national sports, our entertainment businesses and since the Dems have totally corrupted our IRS, DOJ and FBI…not to mention the level of brain-washing they have wrought on our kids in public schools. And then they also have Soros and other huge donors flooding their candidates with billions along with China and Russia. DC is now filled with Democrat/Facsist corruption to the likes we have not seen in my 78 years. It appears to me, unless we can do something NOW to change things, we will soon be a partner with China in a totally Communist/Facsist take-over of the world. Our current president and his family have and still are taking money from China and Ukraine and yet no one seems to mind except for a few Republicans and a few unbiased media outlets who are trying to warn everyone. As long as the Democrats ARE ABOVE THE LAW, nothing will change.
We call ourselves a democracy but we are no better than other countries. Unless we have a fair and equitable voting system we will never be true
Watch the movie 2000 Mules
Who ever they install after Biden the dems know they will win the next two elections simply because the cheat has been perfected. Soon after the 2028 election we will be governed by the NWO.
Nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 more than the consequences of the policies which have been allowed or implemented since January 20, 2021. It is difficult to imagine that the current mess is what the American people, actually, want. It would be interesting to know how much manipulation of votes there was.
Great article by Parker, and so refreshing to see such a young citizen so passionate about true and fair politics. Third World Micky-Mouse regimes seem more ethical than ours. The Nation has is now better educated and informed of the evil deception. Yet the swamp in both parties continues to hold authority over change and improvement to electoral system. They continue to be terrified still of President Trump and why they will stop at nothing to undermine and derail him. Stay true Patriots, put aside personality characteristics that annoy you . This is the man that with continued Faith in our Almighty Father, can deliver us from this awful and horrible situation that blights our wonderful Nation.
Where to start…
First, I totally agree free and fair elections have been taken over by the Left and we are truly at risk of loosing the chance to ever regain these.
I see commentaries like this and my blood boils. Yes there is actual fraud, but there are many more other ways to change election outcomes. Fake news from a very biased media – both in false stories and cover-ups of the true stories. Continued false narratives and legal attacks against your opponent (Trump and collusion). Last minute changes in election laws. Big Social Media companies controlling access to facts and free speech. Organizations like the Teacher and School Board unions funded by Taxpayer dollars (directly or indirectly by teacher dues) which in turn are some of the biggest Democratic donors. And worst of all… our own government weaponized against these elections: FDA, NIH, FBI, DOJ…
Congress ignores all of this and just rubber-stamped election results without any investigations.
A recent court case went to the Supreme Court (Brunson v Adams) based on the fact these officials violated their oath to our Constitution by refusing to even investigate any claims of fraud… the Court refused to take the case.
So where do we now turn to save our nation?
Our ship has been commandeered by pirates. You don’t negotiate with pirates. Time to face the unpleasant truth.
Surely, you jest…
Excellent article! Surprised it was written by an 18 year old!
Absolutely amazing and it continues to succeed for them. I saw a photo of a civil war headstone about 6 foot tall and the democrat party was trashed in headstone, the occupier of that grave had definitely had his fill of them in his lifetime. I thought maybe I had it wrong about remembering that headstone correctly, but after reading this article I know that DEMOCRATS are definitely just plain EVIL……