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The Democratic Party’s Platform is an Assault on American Workers and Small Businesses

Posted on Friday, August 7, 2020
by Outside Contributor

democraticIn the recently released 2020 Democratic Platform, the party led by Joe Biden has made clear their intent to crack down on workforce flexibility and the small businesses that make up the backbone of the American economy. Ranging from a drastic minimum wage hike, to overturning state Right to Work laws, repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and devastating small businesses and the independent contracting industry, a Biden presidency would promise to assail nearly all worker rights as we know them.

Among the first promises made by Democrats would be instituting a $15 per hour federal minimum wage. This would have a significant impact on lower income Americans who would be put out of work. In 2016, the Heritage Foundation concluded that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 would leave 7 million Americans out of a job, and the loss would be felt most in low cost-of-living areas. Fast food companies and grocery stores have already begun replacing workers with self-serve kiosks and check-out lines to cope with higher costs in cities and states that have mandated higher wages. As business across the country are struggling to survive the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing business to lay off even more workers due to increased labor costs will prolong any economic recovery.

Beyond arbitrarily mandating a national wage standard, the Democratic Platform goes further in harming workers through the central provision of passing the “Protecting the Right to Organize” (PRO) Act in Congress. The bill would effectively invalidate state right-to-work laws, and open the door for the forced unionization of millions of American workers.

Right to Work laws have been a major driving factor for private sector employment growth in the states that have passed the laws to protect worker freedom. In 2015, National Economic Research Associates published a report showing that states with Right to Work laws had private sector employment growth of 27% compared to 15% in states without them. If the PRO Act were to be signed into law, returning overseas manufacturing jobs to the United States would be rendered far more difficult with the forced nationalization of mandatory unionization that has a proven effect on employment growth. Compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected businesses of all sizes, a Biden presidency would punish workers and employers with slower income growth and decreased manufacturing output across the country.

The Democrat Platform’s anti-worker provisions continue by violating the privacy of workers by eliminating the secret ballot in union elections. This Big Labor bailout would force employers to provide unions with contact information of their workers without the consent of these worker. These protections were put into place to avoid coerced unionization that can come as a result of harassment and intimidation by union thugs.

Ultimately, the two most damaging provisions of the PRO Act are the criminalization of independent contracting and codifying the joint employer standard. Through the PRO Act, the independent contracting industry that generates income for over 13 million Americans and comprises 8.5% of the national GDP would be dismantled. With a codified joint employer standard, 44% of private sector employees would be affected and cost more than $33 million a year for the franchise business sector.

Finally, the most egregious part of the Democratic Platform is their call to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which would ultimately increase taxes for Americans at every tax bracket. American families earning a median income of $73,000 would be hit with a $2,000 annual tax hike, while single parent households making $41,000 would see a $1,300 tax hike. For 22 million Americans families that utilize the child tax credit, their deduction would decrease from $2000 to $1000, a $1,000 annual tax hike per child on every parent.

The effects of the TCJA were not limited to individuals, with small businesses seeing massive benefits in the wake of its passage as well. Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have long tried to conceal their agenda as impacting only “big businesses, ignoring the fact that 99.7% of businesses are small business and employ nearly 50% of the American labor force. Nearly all of these businesses are impacted by the Democratic Party’s anti-growth economic agenda.

Biden explicitly lied when he claimed, “Taxes on small businesses won’t go up.” By repealing the TCJA he would eliminate the 20% small business deduction, increase the marginal income tax for all small businesses, and increase the corporate tax rate to 28%. Over 30 million entities in the United States that utilize the small-business deduction, and nearly 85% of all corporations have fewer than 20 employees.

The Republican-passed TCJA was a significant contributing factor that led to the phenomenal success of the American economy before the impact of Covid-19. That included a 50-year low unemployment rate, with record low rates for African-Americans, Latinos, and other key groups. Cost-savings provided by the TCJA allowed small businesses to better deploy capital, with direct effects on their employees. Some of those benefits included 26% of businesses increasing employee compensation and 16% hiring additional employees, according to a 2018 survey from by the National Federation of Independent Business. Many of those success stories can be found here.

The 850 recent deregulatory actions undertaken by the Trump Administration since Covid-19 struck the nation have also been key in helping the American economy stay afloat during the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical deregulation was vital in fighting the pandemic by allowing out-of-state healthcare professionals to provide service across state lines, cutting the red tape on PPE and ventilator production, and eliminating the defective CDC testing services by allowing private testing centers. The Biden campaign has not taken a position on whether he would make these important deregulatory actions permanent or repeal them if elected.

The Democratic Party Platform’s anti-worker provisions that explicitly call for raising taxes, increasing regulations, and destroying small businesses are a near guarantee that the millions of working-class Americans will continue to suffer even after the worst of the pandemic resides. The Platform of the party led by Joe Biden should concern independent contractors, freelancers, families, businesses, and entrepreneurs of all stripes.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Dems been anti labor day 1 save for Govt Unions & teachers Unions vs other Unions.
Since teachers wont teach lets Defund Teachers Unions & use monies for schools A-Z.
Defund AFL CIO??
Rebrand AFL CIO?
Only Govt Unions make out, see CA State

4 years ago

Biden and the democrats are out to destroy the American worker and this nation. We do not need unions, they only make cost go up and no American should have to belong to a union in order to work anywhere.
All Americans should vote Republican to save this great nation from destruction.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

This is just another example of the contempt that the leftist dnc has for America, particularly Middle-America.They loathe “fly-over country” citizens. Nothing on the dnc platform is a positive for “regular” Americans. Absolutely NOTHING.

4 years ago

All the more reason to be as informed as possible before voting on November 3rd. The MSM will do everything in their power to support Biden and cover up the Democratic platform. Social media is no better with their censorship of the conservative view point. Fortunately their is still AMAC and Newsmax to bring us unbiased fact. Let’s get these viewpoints out there.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Did the DIMMwits delete GOD again like they did several years ago? Deleted Him, then had a phony vote to undo the deletion.
DIMMs support lying, anarchy, theft (by “law”), abortion, etc.–all from THEIR father Lucifer.

4 years ago

“Among the first promises made by Democrats would be instituting a $15 per hour federal minimum wage. This would have a significant impact on lower income Americans who would be put out of work.”

Besides that, retirees have incomes that are more likely to be fixed, or semi-fixed. In other words most company pension plans don’t change the monthly benefit after the initial retirement. Social Security does have a cost of living adjustment, but it never seems to be sufficient to match inflation because the formula the government uses is all wrong. At this time, interest on savings is almost zero, and corporate stocks have a high P/E (price to earnings ratio). So, if the minimum wage is raised, a large portion of the retirees will see inflation of retail prices but their income will not rise to match. Faced with that what will they do? Cut back of course. Restaurants will be hit first because the easiest way to cut back is to eat out less often. But grocery stores will also see people scale down to less expensive cuts of meat, or less volume.

As the article points out, business owners & managers will find ways to avoid hiring people. After all, just how much is it worth to pay someone who lacks special training or skills just to sweep off the loading dock?

4 years ago

Here in Progressively Communist Democratic California, our Communist Governor has eliminated independent contractors which destroys a multitude of small businesses. Expect the National Party Platform to do the same as the Party continues to cater to Big Business.

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago


People are having a tough time getting by on reduced (or eliminated) incomes due to the effects of the virus bug. This reduced income, coupled with unrestrained and profligate spending (and waste), is resulting in lower revenues and a resulting cash crunch for government.

Democrat solution:

Let’s raise taxes!

That tells you all you need to know about this brain dead bunch. Trump is managing to hold the line on a national level but in radical left wing states and locales, they are already planning how to raise taxes on the stupid populace fortunate to have any income left. Clearly it is their goal to break the back of the few remaining working people making enough to pay taxes, drive them into poverty and dependence on government largesse for their every need. And idiots vote for these criminals!

Mainstream Republican solution:

We need to work with our colleagues across the aisle to show that we are statesmanlike and can govern. We need more candidates like Mit Romney (and less like Trump) so we can be popular.

No wonder we are in the mess we are in!

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 years ago

For those who aren’t paying attention, I have news for you: The Democrat Party’s platform is an assault on this nation, its values, its citizens, and its continued existence as a free nation of independent citizens. Remember that when you go into that voting booth; make the wrong decision, and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

4 years ago

Why President Trump should be re-elected to help the recovery is so well articulated in this article. How can this message be repeated every day so that most American voters hear it at least once? Make sure Sean Hannity has the script. He is the one who realizes that a simple approach and repeating over and over is the way to win.

4 years ago

One response I see is “We do not need unions.” We do need unions: the Canadians will finally build their pipeline because they have 4 union contracts. We need unions to unite behind President Trump.

Larry W
Larry W
4 years ago

Obama promised to build the middle class. He did the opposite, and it’s clear that Biden isn’t going to learn from Obama’s mistakes. Remember all the millions that Obama put on food stamps? The fact that up to 7 million small business jobs could be lost they don’t care, they’ll just send everyone that’s unemployed a check and food stamps and raise taxes on everyone else that is still working. that’s their answer to everything, take more of your hard earned money and tell you to shut up. In the old days they would be called “Bandits” !

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

Now, now, now…let’s be fair. The Democrats never finished “fundamentally transforming” America. They don’t need ALL the unions – they have the Teacher’s Union on their side and they have America by the short hairs…

4 years ago

Thanks for bringing these so called “Democrats” anti American/Socialist/Marxist ideas to the front.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Some people will just not learn the lessons of the past….there is no growth in jobs for small business when governments tax the people to death. There will be total disruption in the economy when these Marxist policies are put into place. Where is the incentive to reinvest capital to grow companies, large or small? Reinvested capital grows the job base, the tax base, and wealth that raises the living standards for everyone. The only platform that the Democrats have is to squash the positive momentum we have had for 3 1/2 years to the total detriment of all Americans. Shame on them!

4 years ago

The only thing Democrats want is power and control! They want as many Americans as possible to be dependent on THEM so they can continue to acquire conformity for their power grab! Once you become dependent on government for your survival, it’s hard to vote for anyone else! The left won’t stop until EVERYONE in this country is a ward of the State, kisses the backsides of politicians for your livelihood and conforms to their ideology as their God! If you disagree with any of this, the left will one day exterminate you after you fail their re-education camps! That’s how socialism has always worked!

Carol Jean
Carol Jean
4 years ago

My 2018 taxes, after the “tax cut”:
By combining the standard deduction and the personal exemption, I was no longer able to use Itemized Deductions and the personal exemption. As a result of this “tax cut” I paid about $350 MORE in federal income tax over what it would have been on the old plan! What tax cut? I am on a fixed income.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

We just have to vote the Dems out! Let Biden go to his rest home!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The tax rates are not the problem, the real problem is the excessive tax write-offs used by wealthy corp., businesses, and people, after all the deductions are taken these entities pay in reality less than five percent of thier income in taxes, while working people do not get these tax breaks, it is time to level the playing field, we need a flat tax of ten percent across the board AND we can downsize the federal government by eliminating the HUGE expense of the IRS and save billions every year and put that money to better use. VOTE REPUBLICAN, VOTE TRUMP, MAGA, MAHA, AND KEEP AMERICA SAFE!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

The DNC’s platform only goes to confirm that the Demsheviks are all Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact OPPOSITE is usually the optimal choice or course of action that should be taken). And Biden is the titular Pied Piper leader of this “parade” (er, I mean “CHARADE”)!

4 years ago

I realize that AMAC board is strong Republican, but my opinion that Trump reach a new low yesterday when he said “Biden is against God”. This is not true & Trump is pushing Fake News that he claims to dislike. Trump broke one of the Ten Commandments with this statement.

4 years ago

Don’t be fooled into believing that the dems are not FULLY aware that raising the min wage is devastating to businesses small and large. Course, large businesses just go to the automated checkouts which I REFUSE to use. Small businesses have to let people go in order to stay in business. You can not pass all the cost on to the consumer and stay in business and the dems are very aware of this…it is a part of their plan to get everyone on the gov tit! Not only is the min wage devastating to smaller businesses, the INSURANCE you have to have to stay in business is crippling as well. ALL this is part of the dem plan to get us to be a part of the nwo! Evil isn’t a strong enough word to use to describe these “people”. One thing I never understood about people who vote democrapic…just who do these people think the politicians are talking about when they pit rich against poor? They are speaking of THEMSELVES…the same ones who use their political office to get richer and richer while WE become poorer. So WHY do people fall for this speal the politicians spew out to people? Guess it is because of the indoctrination practices used in schools and what the msm uses to sway people. START THINKING PEOPLE, pull your heads out of the sand and look around!

4 years ago

Tax cuts program is an interesting one, as this is increasing Federal Debt something like Trillion dollars per year ??? Both parties have to start paying down this debt someday, or what will happen to USA is unknown ….as has never happened before. Real big increases from Obama and Trump terms.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
4 years ago


Two sides to this issue. If it was not for the unions in the early 1920’s, 1930’s and a while after WW 2, then the middle class as we know it (or have known it) would not have come into being to the degree which it did.

My dad was a teamster truck driver, and he would not have been able to provide for his family, including sending kids to college, without the representation of the unions.

Now, having said that, there was criminal influence that crept into the unions in the 1040″s and 1950″s and unions demanded more and more to the point where American industry could not be competitive. So, there was a decline in union membership as employers gave the employees the benefits and wages they deserved without the union. However, if employers start taking advantage of the workers again, then there may be a resurgence of unions.

Now, the best thing we can do is engage our neighbors and friends about the Democratic Party Platform. Given the radical nature, I do not see how reasonable people can support it.

So, voter education is the key. Call into you local talk shows, write letters to the editor, etc.

4 years ago

Bottom line: The agenda of Biden, Democrat party, and ALL the members of the CABAL and deep state have been exposed, i.e., take the power and run with it to destroy America and its people as we know it and impose policies that will turn us into another Venezuela or worse, socialism turns into communism, China et al can’t wait. I just hope and pray that legal citizens of this country will have strength, wisdom, perseverance and courage to band together and decide in November that Donald Trump is the one person who can stop them and have been since he was elected. That is why they hate him so much because he is in their way, they have been trying to destroy him 24/7, 365 days for the entirety of his term. We all know what we have to do, action and not words. It is time for us to stand up and show support to President Trump and help the Republicans to take over Congress, cities, municipalities and states so that policies towards progress in economy, law and order, education, foreign and domestic agendas can be pushed forward successfully for the good of the people. I just can’t believe that this beautiful free America is looking like the country I left, a country that China with its poison has been trying to take over.

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

The Dem platform is an assault on everything American.

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

We’re all in the same boat; ‘The Titanic’! These are very unique times. We haven’t seen a Pandemic of this magnitude since 1918. Experts in the field of economics, and other experts; should be called together for consultation. To use archaic solutions applied to a ‘Pandemic Economic Collapse’; just will not work!

Geneva Runyon
Geneva Runyon
4 years ago

I cannot see our country prospering as it could as long as we are offering up thousands of unborn babies a day to the evil of abortion. If we care so little for the will of God, I believe our country cannot recover. A vote for any Democrat is a vote against God when their platform has us as taxpayers paying for abortion.

4 years ago

I downloaded the document and did a search for ‘on day one’. It seems the most important issue to the Democrats is the Paris Climate Agreement. Not anything thing else they say. Of course this is very smart on their part because they can control anything in the name of ‘climate change’.

4 years ago

Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter. She deleted it, but not before it was shared over 20,000 times:
“It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November elections because economic recovery will help Trump get re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his Presidency. #KeepUsClosed.”
See how much she cares for her constituents?! Hopefully, HER job loss will be the first.

4 years ago

Yes it’s true! The democrat party does want to rub out American workers and small businesses. Unfortunately, the rotten democrat party doesn’t want to stop there! The despicable democrat party also wants to rub out Christianity, our culture, and our history. That’s right! They want to eliminate our history! It has been said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. How can we learn from our history if the democrat party eliminates it? Let’s face it, communists don’t accept a culture of liberty. Communists don’t accept religion or God….they’re the Gods! Finally, communists (democrats) don’t want you learning from history because that would make you educated! Trump 2020!

Susan P
Susan P
4 years ago

I am now retired and far too old to look for work again. But, experience has taught me that unions are only out to line the pockets of union leadership. They do nothing to help the average worker. In 1990, I was forced into a union by an illegal trick that did not allow anyone in my job classification a chance to vote yea or nay on unionizing. The result was a lowering of my job classification and frozen wages for the next 2 decades. I had the good sense to quit that job and I became an independent contractor. Best money I ever made was when I was my own boss and contracted out my services to Fortune 1000 companies and state governments.

The democrats are determined to destroy the USA economy so that they can reach their goal of completely changing the government of the USA to a socialist/communist government. Socialism/Communism is a FAILED ideology that can never succeed because it goes against human nature.

I fear the young, who have been indoctrinated with socialist ideology by our corrupt public school system, will be easy prey to these evil predators.

Talk to your children and grandchildren. Convince them that socialism is a dead end and will destroy their lives.

4 years ago

Anybody who tries to think about the Democrat policies and how they will affect the country needs to understand one key concept. Democrats are not about making America better. They’re policies and actions are 100% about obtaining/holding power. They don’t want to lead you, they want to control you. They will say anything and do anything to obtain power and they will say and do anything to hold that power. If you look at everyone of their platforms and policies in this light, everything they propose and all of their actions actually makes sense. For example:

  • In general, they have morals only when said morals benefit them and they follow/enforce laws and the constitution only when it benefits them.
  • They want universal gov’t run health care because it helps them control you. Its very simple, people they don’t like won’t get healthcare (or timely healthcare).
  • They want to take your guns so they don’t have to worry about you having the means of fighting back.
  • They want to redistribute wealth (everyone else’s, but theirs) not because they care about the poor, but for two reasons. First, it’s all about power. Money equals power. Therefore taking money from their opposition removes the power to oppose. How many Dems screaming for income redistribution have actually redistributed their own wealth??? Second, it’s a means of buying votes/support.
  • They want unrestricted immigration and the right for illegal immigrants to vote simply because immigrants tend to vote Democrat.
  • They want elections by mail because that process offers the most opportunities for voter fraud… which can then be used to help them stay in power.
  • They want more freebies/benefits for the poor, not to help them, but to keep them beholden to their Democrat masters.
  • They’ve already set up welfare incentives to destroy the family by providing greater financial rewards if the father isn’t part of the family.
  • They’ve already corrupted our educational system, using it now to brainwash our children into believing America is evil, as opposed to how it was in the 50s/60s when we were taught how great America is. They’ve kept people focused on wrongs committed 200+ years ago instead of looking forward to the opportunities available.
  • They’ve already weaponized the IRS and FBI against Americans who oppose them (Obama’s biggest legacy accomplishment)
  • They’ve already enacted laws or issued state mandates against prescribing specific drugs that have been shown to help Covid patients.
  • They are currently shutting down freedom of speech by making people afraid of the consequences (job loss, etc.) if they say anything other than the Democrat party line.
  • They are currently censoring view points and information that they don’t like. Google/You Tube remove anything doctors say positive about hydroxychloroquine, even if its simply posting factual data about their results. Twitter has decided to censor a sitting president if they don’t like or agree with his comments.

If you oppose them, they don’t argue the merits of their positions, they bully and destroy you personally. They threaten you and your family.
In summary; these people hate America and all it stands for.

Edward T Curtis
Edward T Curtis
4 years ago

I have to say, I have never worked for minimum wage except when I was a “Bellman” in Hawaii, 1959-1961. The sad thing is that I made so much in tips that I made twice as much as my father who was a Air Traffic Controller with 100’s of lives in his hands many times during the day.

I am torn about the minimum wage increase; I have always believed a person should be paid what they’re worth. Saying that, I do not believe most minimum wage jobs are worth $15/hr. States like California already have a problem partly because of the amount it pays to people on Welfare. If you have more money coming into your household on welfare than by working minimum wage, why work?

Some say that some states are more expensive to live in than others so the welfare rates need to be higher! NO THEY DON’T. Move to a cheaper area Why should struggling middle class wage earners be forced to support those who just don’t want to work, feel a job is beneath them, or prefer to live in an area they cannot afford.

I have never had much use for unions. In my opinion, like political parties, they start out with all good intentions, but after a while the union leadership seems to be more interested in holding onto their high paid positions than represent the workers properly. I do believe unions are part of this nations prosperity and growth through the years, but, again in my opinion, they have outlived their usefulness. I think some of what I say stems from when a union calls for a strike. The poor worker gets strike pay that is ridiculously low while the union leaders still receive their full salaries.

I have been preaching since the first election I could vote in (1964) that a business man should be president. Think about it, running a country is like running a business. CEO – President, Board of directors- congress and various Secretaries in high office, Military leaders and the rank and file members, and all the citizens not working for the government pay for it all in never ending higher taxes.

Trump is the best thing that has happened in this country during my lifetime. Look at all he has done and how much more he could have accomplished if the Democrats had not fought him on everything (and some of his own party too.)

Sorry, I do get a little verbose when something irritates me – I say no on $15/hr minimum wage.

4 years ago

If Biden and the Democrats win this election, it’s good bye, America, as we know it! And, these fools who are helping them, well, I just don’t think they are going to be happy with what they have wrought…

4 years ago

Most of the people who are for them don’t want to work, Patriot Will. They want everything we, the working class have fought for all our lives, and they want it delivered to them on a silver platter! They just don’t realize that once they put this “Democratic Utopia” in place, they will then be required to work for a very meager living, and would have been better off, had they just gotten a job and worked for what they need. Socialism NEVER WORKS out for the little guys, and they all think they will be the Big Shots! Well, there can only be ONE Boss…

william flowers
william flowers
4 years ago

Please send out the Democrat Platform in a way we can share it on Facebook.

4 years ago

Go Trump Go 2020

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

Every dense oc RAT seems to hate the things that made AMERICA great.You socialists better rethink your agenda.We conservatives are not boasting like you leftist idiots,but,WE ARE MANY,so deal with it.

4 years ago

You forgot the reparations tax: $3,000 a year for 10 years.

4 years ago

Does Trump realize that every time he bashes someone in public, he loses a vote plus that family of voters. For example, this last week , all of the living Presidents except Trump attended services for John Lewis or sent condolences. Then this same week, Trump in briefing said he talked to Kim Kardashian and some people got out of prison & that he liked Kanye. If I was a betting man, I would say Trump lost a lot of black votes. A good Christian knows that they have to forgive.

AJ from Minnesota
AJ from Minnesota
4 years ago

Don’t forget. They also need to keep the lockdown going to keep the economy in the ICU.

Casey Math
Casey Math
4 years ago

Most importantly is that the Democrat platform is a full on assault on American ideals, the rule of law and fundamentally attacks the Constitution. The Democrat Party is not concerned about anything other than expanding governmental control over almost every aspect of American life. Many in the Democrat Party have been calling for taxes on UNEARNED income……think of that. And as they want to confiscate the peoples firearms they use for self protection or sporting purposes at the same time they want to slash budgets for police departments and even eliminate police officers all together leaving we the people with no way to protect ourselves or even anyone other than perhaps some social worker to call if danger comes kicking in your door. Such actions have already begun in some Democrat controlled districts in this country and now the DNC wants those local insane regulations put into federal law.
God help us all if the Democrats make headway in the November elections. Just remember the left can control the media they have in their back pocket but nobody but you and God are going to be in the voting booth this November.

4 years ago

So much Pure Evil is within the Democratic Party. It’s arrogance, & disrespect for our Country is astounding. This is one Party that has worn out it’s welcome within the United States, time for them to GO..

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The unwritten purpose of the Small Business Association was to have the Government do all hiring and firing for small businesses!  In Communism, all jobs are “granted” by the Government!!  Take-back OUR Government and OUR Freedoms!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats and “The Swamp”!!  Take back OUR Country!!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionist!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Each Sports League IS RESPONSIBILITY to control the actions of the “Rich Crybabies” who work for them!!  If any Sports League ALLOWS their “Rich Crybabies” to kneel or in any way disrespect Our Flag or Our Country, TRUE AMERICANS in good conscience CANNOT watch or attend their games!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The NBA, MLB, and the NFL have all joined with the Marxist/Communist forces destroying OUR REPUBLIC!!  Stand-Up for America?!!  Stop watching rich Crybabies!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Karl Marx wrote the “Communist Manifesto”.  Ever Marxist is a Communist!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat (Communist – includes RINO’s)!!!!!

4 years ago

MAGA – Re-Elect Pres Trump. Several Repub friends tell me that they will vote for all Repubs except Trump but won’t vote for him. I tell them that is casting a vote for Sleepy Joe, but it just doesn’t seem to register with them- much the sorrow!

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china and us flag
trump and women around as he sign executive order for no men in womens' sports
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