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‘THE BRAND’: Hunter’s Business Partner Contradicts President’s Claim of No Business Involvement

Posted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Joe Biden hunter business deals

Then-Vice President Joe Biden communicated more than 20 times, either in person or on speakerphone, with Hunter Biden’s business associates, Devon Archer told a House committee on Monday.

Archer was the business partner of the son of the current president and testified to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee behind closed doors. 

Archer said the then-vice president brought the most value to “the brand,” particularly in a deal with Ukranian energy firm Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a board member, according to the committee, which released a series of tweets after the testimony. 

Archer’s testimony was a clear contradiction of the president’s repeated claims that he never communicated with his son about international business deals. 

“Devon Archer’s testimony today confirms Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved,” House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said in a public statement. “Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family.”

In December 2015, slightly more than a year before Joe Biden left office as vice president, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi pressured Hunter Biden to get help from the U.S. government regarding Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, Archer reportedly said. 

“When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times,” Comer added. “When Burisma’s owner was facing pressure from the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company for corruption, Archer testified that Burisma executives asked Hunter to ‘call D.C.’ after a Burisma board meeting in Dubai.”

According to the committee, Archer testified, “Burisma would have gone out of business if ‘the brand’ had not been attached to it.” 

The Biden family’s involvement caused people to be intimidated about messing with Burisma legally, according to the House committee. 

Ian Sams, senior adviser to the White House counsel’s office, tweeted that Archer did not directly tie Joe Biden’s actions to Hunter Biden’s business ventures.

As vice president, Biden also dialed into a dinner in Paris with his son and executives of a French energy company. 

In 2014, the then-vice president attended a business dinner with Hunter Biden and his associates at Café Milano in Washington, D.C. Elena Baturina, a Russian businesswoman who is the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, was an attendee. 

The Oversight Committee tweeted, “Notably, the Biden administration’s public sanctions do not contain Baturina.”


“Why did Joe Biden lie to the American people about his family’s business dealings and his involvement? It begs the question, what else he is hiding from the American people?” Comer said. “The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will continue to follow the Bidens’ money trail and interview witnesses to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised and corrupt, and our national security is threatened.”

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Fred Lucas.

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1 year ago

It’s a shame the the GOP does not have the same where with all as the socialist liberal left Democrats. They were unabashed impeaching Trump twice for frivolous charges, and yet conservative leaders are mamby pamby about impeaching officials on valid charges. Low T, GOP!!! It’s embarrassing and bad for our country. If only they would fight as fiercely for Truth, Justice and the American Way, as the progressives fight for anarchy and chaos.

1 year ago

Guilt of high crimes… impeach and imprison now.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Of course Biden lies frequently and with no shame. He is the same treasonous, fake president who repeatedly insists that the MAGA patriots are enemies of the state, and adamantly claims that the US is a systemically racist country. There is no excuse for Biden to be so divisive and evil, no matter how much he suffers from dementia. Biden is supposed to be the main proponent of American exceptionalism. His own public persona proves that he is totally unfit for office.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

The 2024 Presidential election can’t get here soon enough. There’s no question, the BIG GUY is the most corrupt President in American’s history. The only good that’s come from all of this, is that the Democratic Party has finally come out of the closet. We now know their true color. COMMUNIST RED! There’s no getting around it now, they can pretend to be Red, White and Blue all they want, but we all know the truth.
God save the USA.

1 year ago

Do we have a Republican that has enough BA##S to put forth articles of impeachment?????

1 year ago

Maybe he wouldn’t have turned on them if they hadn’t have left him out to dry! I guess he found out how much he could count on Jack*ss Joe Biden for protection! A BIG ZILCH! Some “friends” they turned out to be!

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

The question becomes- When does Joe NOT lie? by accident? When he is bragging about the power he commands? It can’t be when he is just bragging about years ago events that didn’t happen.. or about his college successes- (didn’t happen)-or his hairy legs? ok- probably did happen … So- long long history of lying about anything and everything- and then he brags about getting the Ukraine Prosecutor fired- ON VIDEO- so maybe that is the ONE time Old Lyi’n Joe accidentally told the truth?

1 year ago

Why is anyone surprised? joe biden is a proven liar, shameless plagiarist and out and out criminal. This is just par for the course for this man.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

SHOCKED, I say, that a politician is lying to us! HA! If their lips move they are most likely lying!

1 year ago

Nothing will come of all this.because we know that Democrats do no wrong. The reason Biden should be forced to resigh is the fact that HE CAUSED THE INFLATION we are all paying for.

1 year ago

Our Grifter-in-Chief is maintained in office by his Ministry of Truth [aka MSM]. Both Hunter and Uncle Joe are assets of foreign powers.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

There are to many RINOs within the Republican party. There’s more than enough evidence against Biden, Harris and Mayorkas to bring articles of impeachment just for not securing our Southern Border. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg there are countless other thing to bring articles of impeachment.
Even though we know The fix is in on the Senate side. Some border state Senators my vote to impeach to save their political careers. The Democrats were relentless about going after President Trump over non-impeachable offenses. The RINO’S gladly joined in. It’s time for payback.

Dean Howerton
Dean Howerton
1 year ago


1 year ago

But…but… Dan Goldman (D-NY) said that Joe Biden was linked to the call to discuss things like “the weather” with Hunter’s cronies. Just like Al Capone called in his lieutenants to chat about gardening. Right.

1 year ago

Once a liar always a liar. Why is JB protected by the FBI & Judicial system when they know he lied? They have had the evidence for some time. This cover up seems to me to be our real government insurrection. All this is just another hurdle to put in front of President Trump. Obama must have known about the Big Guys corrupt involvement as well, since as President he is briefed daily on governmental issues. He must know what is going on in the kitchen. Perhaps Obama needs to be investigated as well. No country is paying HB millions of dollars and not getting anything in return. Put all these corrupt criminals in prison where they belong. Maybe then at his trial, JB can account for all the millions of dollars he and his family got at the legal American citizen’s expense. Selling American influence for money seems to me to be treason.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I bet the biggest lie is that The Big Guy only took 10%.

1 year ago

I had expected more from Devon Archer. He confirmed the speculation that ole Joe was in cahoots with Hunter ever since the lap top said 10 to the big guy.
We don’t have it on paper. We have document 1023 but it is just a report what was said by who and where but no actual evidence.
Everything is subjective to interpretation. We say they talked money and bribery they say they talked weather.
They do the same with Trump which is reported 24/7 on the MSM but nothing is reported of Hunter’s investigation. No airing of whistleblowers testimony. Total radio silence.
Lets get the bank account numbers. Play ole Joe’s denials that he didn’t know nothing about Hunter business dealing but had a lot of weather conversation with those Hunter got millions of dollars from. And how he got the prosecutor in the Ukraine to back off investigating Burisma and thereby Hunter by threatening to take billions of dollars in aid away if they didn’t comply. MSM calls it some anonymous gave them a tip on this, adding there is no proof. Not that it came directly from sloppy. We have all seen that video. But keep playing it sooner or later they will see it.
Plus this all happened during O’s administration. And since O is still the president behind ole Joe it’s all being hidden by de media, the FBI and DOJ and our intelligence is standing down if it involves ole Joe or the Ukraine.

1 year ago

Was someone somewhere expecting something different? I ask in all sincerity.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

They got paid for their crimes and then some

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

BS Day 1

1 year ago

Nothing will come of this because corruption in government is a reflection of corruption in the people who keep voting for social justice, progressive ideology, one world order, transgenderism, anarchy, atheism, reduction in world population, redefinition of parental rights, marriage between a man and women, the marginalization to irrelevance of the US Constitution. That’s the short list of reasons why the Biden’s and people like them in government regardless of party will not be prosecuted. Evil will rise and evil will fall. That outcome is guaranteed.

1 year ago

Why is uncovering the truth about President Biden, Hunter and the Biden family taking soooo long? Why have elected officials, government agencies, etc. become part of the “big liar” ? Is it because their ox isn’t getting gored, everyone is getting money or power or all of the above? Everyone in government, elected or not, seems to be in on the cover up to protect themself, profit from the distruction of the U.S. and become part of the new power structure called One World Order. There will no longer be a Free America. Having a corrupt President is just the opening act of a corrupt government and compliant citizenship. Look at corporate America…they are not serving their stockholders nor living up to their fudiciary responsibilities as publicly traded corporations when they cow tow to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies that are about breaking down society through means no one individual has control over, i.e., what color my skin is at birth. I hope there is at least a hand full of GOP’s who have the guts to fully expose Biden / family, military leaders and other government officials for their corruption, call for impeachment and do the time. Tire of lawlessness, trashing our Constitution and re-electing self-enriching representation.

1 year ago

My old saying, “DEMOCRAT, No Matter What”

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