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The Biden Administration’s Attack on Small Businesses  

Posted on Thursday, April 21, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

The American people face more empty promises from The Biden Administration as his presidency spirals out of control with inflation, taxes, and uncertainty. To avoid drowning in the surge of inflation, most small business owners have to raise prices to make ends meet. Others are choosing to operate in the red since they are still not back up to pre-pandemic levels, says the Washington Times. Only 7% of small businesses are fully recovered from the pandemic.  

In 2021, many hard-working Americans were still struggling to stay afloat while the media was swept off their feet by the idea of The Build Back Better Plan. This $1.7 trillion package was proposed to fund an array of social investments from lower education and healthcare costs to extending the expanded child tax credit, says Forbes. The White House claimed “the working class is the back bone of the country. For too long, the economy has worked for those at the top, while working families get the short end of the stick.” Their rhetoric so far has been uninspiring to the American people and Senators in their own party. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) challenged Biden’s proposal by stating, “I’ve never found out that you can lower costs by spending more.”  

Small business owners continue to live in fear of more tax increases after reviewing Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposal that includes at least 36 direct tax hikes on Americans. Those new taxes stack up to $2.5 trillion over the next decade. Tax increases include erasing much of the 2017 tax cuts, which helped bring unemployment levels to historic lows and economic growth to historic highs following its passage. In our day-to-day lives, we will be experiencing higher prices of goods and services due to this change, and tax increases would only make the situation worse for consumers. A 2020 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that 31% of the corporate tax falls on consumers. Americans are already scraping to make ends meet as inflation hits its highest reading in 40 years, so how will they weather more tax hikes and bad economic news?  

Biden plans to increase the top income tax rate to 39.6%, hitting small businesses organized as sole proprietorships, LLCs, partnerships, and S-corps. He created a new “billionaire’s minimum tax,” which would tax unrealized gains for the first time in history. He doubles the number of families subject to the hated death tax. The budget also proposes to repeal deferral of gain from 1031 like-kind exchanges. That would complicate things for small real estate investors by forcing them to forego new investments or take on unneeded debt. Small businesses of all shapes and sizes would come out on the losing end if these policies were implemented.    

Hardworking Americans have been weathering the storm since the pandemic, but there seems to be no ray of hope in sight under this administration and current leadership in Congress. Voters in November will decide if Democrats in Congress truly have America’s small businesses’ best interests in mind.  

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action  

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2 years ago

The question of the day, what do ANTIFA, BLM and Democrats have in common? ANSWER: their primary target, small business.

2 years ago

This mask mandate of the Democrats, small businesses are dropping like flies. Here in California, commercial vacancy’s gone ballistic. Sad sight to see, the policy community’s abuse of COVID, to impinge on our Founding Father’s 1st amendment, is snuffing-out small business here in California.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Democrats = TERRORISM and FASCISM.
Why do you think they Lie, CHEAT, and Protect their TERRORIST buddies like antifa, blm, Iran, China, Taliban, ISIS, CDC, WHO, Fauci, and cnn?
Because DICTATOR Beijing biden is their leader and he’s in their back pocket.

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago


Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

That’s becuase the democrats are the party of big business and rich people.

2 years ago

Democrats a party of destruction.Promoters of moral decay in society where the words God, Family or Patriotism are words not spoken>

2 years ago

pay with cash to small businesses.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

Sloppy joey started destroying AMERICA the day that the”IT”was inaugurated,the only other people that he can blame are the”herd”of his fellow democRATS and”RINOS”.

2 years ago

and we wait for some midterm election that most people think will magically restore what was once the only country on earth that Was the greatest .. Ha we are totally Screwed.. The founding fathers said every 20 years we should scrape the sh-t off the bottom of our shoes and clean house.. Yet we wait. RIP 1776 2022

2 years ago

Fundamentally, the issue is that the current administration does not care one iota about the general public, small businesses, individuals at every level, race, gender or bend……it remains simply a matter of keeping power, greedily grabbing all they can and letting the rest of the country fall into the abyss.
Even the repubs for the most part are included here…..their history does not bode well for their capacity to help….they are no better than the dems in most cases. So…..get out the petroleum jelly, you’re gonna need it!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Communistic scum.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

The attack on small businesses is part of the long term plot to force them to consolidate or sell out to big businesses. Why? It makes it easier to keep track of them so they can be regulated and taxed with less effort. In other words, it will hasten the day when with most business divided up to larger but fewer chunks a socialist government can control peoples’ lives easier and with fewer outliers to cause them trouble. The socialist utopia will then be realized. (Or so they think)

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

I am so worried that we will never be able to recover from all of this damage Biden has done. It will take a long time even if we take back the House and Senate and a Republican is elected in 2024.
Shame on the people who voted for this wrecking ball clown!!!!!

2 years ago

I believe small business owners are more in tune with the deranged financial policies of this administration than the titans on Wall Street. For those conservatives who are well-read and up on their history, it should come as no surprise that this administration, or any Democrat administration, destroys the supply side of our economy – without fail. They are hell-bent on destruction of livelihoods, businesses, and private ownership of income and land. One constant fear of mine is that it will take years (if at all) for the electorate (the governed) to wake up and realize Democrats have always been a destructive cancer within within our gates. The hour is late and does not look good.

2 years ago

This week , big news is Musk making a $25 Billion for Twitter. This reminded me, what happened to or what is status of the similar account that Donald Trump was putting together last year? Is is up and working as it seems like Trump had about $200M donated to help with cause.. Does anyone know, thanks.

2 years ago

What happened to Biden’s promise of no new taxes? And he’s obviously going after small businesses. How can you tell if Biden is lying? His lips are moving.

2 years ago

The Marxist Democratic Party is doing all it can to make the population destitute and desperate for a government handout. They’ve been doing this since the party’s inception, so this isn’t new.

Noel Holtz
Noel Holtz
2 years ago

From the day JFK died and possibly as far back as FDR (although secretly in the closet) the Democrat Party has hated America, Americans, Small Businesses and anything God-fearing.
Power is their only desire and they have done everything to get it and will do anything to keep it. Since the unveiling of The Man-Child and now Brandon’s Folly, the outlook for the hated is bleak indeed. Whether or not TJ said it, it is time for that certain Tree to be refreshed, but I see a lot of writing and hear a lot of words, yet still the Patriots are silent. The clock is running to save this Nation and the hands are near the top.

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
2 years ago

I run a small business. Biden and crew are killing the small businesses.
However, if you want to destroy a country a key element is to eliminate the middle class.
Small business is the middle class.

2 years ago

all illegal. 2nd amendment!

2 years ago

elites control govt. big problem.

2 years ago

It’s BAD, people …. VERY “bad”.
And regular everyday people who “are” paying attention, don’t even know the half of it!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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