By – Ian Gargan

Olympic champion Shawn Johnson has come to the aid of mothers during our most recent FDA catastrophe. Johnson and her husband have begun the “Baby Formula Exchange,” a website that connects a community of people who have infant formula to those that are looking for infant formula. They ask a series of questions to match people with the brand or types they need.
Johnson was inspired by her personal struggles as a new mother. She had a tough time finding formula for her 10-month-old son Jett and she began to run low. After searching everywhere, she could not find the brand she needed. She spoke to a friend of a friend who then connected her with another friend who was willing to ship it from Pittsburgh to her home in Tennessee. This got her thinking, “is there a way we can actually connect all of you to other mamas who have formula?”
The community is encouraged to sell or donate formula based on the brand. This makes it easier for mothers when searching for what they need. Once a connection is made, they can coordinate the shipping and payment among themselves. If it is not being donated, mothers will be asked to pay market value and pay for shipping costs. After perusing the message board, it shows how beautiful the hearts of hundreds of incredible patriots are. They are willing to take time out of their day to help strangers. But it’s not just infant mothers helping infant mothers. People with children of all ages are checking their cabinets for sealed cans they may have left behind. Others are keeping an eye on store shelves to spread the news of restocks. Breastfeeding mothers have been increasing their pumping and offering their own breastmilk to mothers in leu of formula.
The Baby Formula Exchange is also posting resources such as “where to buy formula online?” They point out stores selling formula online like “Bed Bath & Beyond,” a store you would think never stocks infant formula. They offer links to lesser-known companies like Byheart which boasts exceptional formula quality and Bobbie, an online retailer known for their organic infant formula.
With Americans being more divided than ever, whether it be social, race, gender, or economic issues, we come together in crisis. Being a parent transcends everything else. They create communities based on nothing besides a shared experience. The FDA’s slow reaction to substandard formula plant conditions is what led to this shortage, and the only effort by the Biden administration was to offer the FDA $25 million to cover their mission’s failure. Shawn and Andrew decided to take action rather than point fingers and for that, we salute them both!
That’s why I say we have no hope for change except by force. This country has been taken over by corrupt politicians for over 45 years. Everyone one that in government from the past 45 years has baggage. They all need to be put on trial and investigated.i do home work
SAVE THE U.S.A. arrest and exterminate all demonrats,libturds, commies, and nazis!!!…It’s time for another civil war!!!
Biden is pro abortion and anti formula. Not good.
A big day for Biden Administration: Plays the Blame Game.
Baby food shortage and other food shortages are all part of the Biden/Obama plan. Biden said ‘there is going to be a food shortage and ‘voila’…..just like that 20 food manufacturing plants were burning. Such a coincidence?????
My son in law is a nurse practitioner for infants and those up through 18. He says the formula is out there, but people have to look everywhere. He said, CONNECT with others and have them TELL you where it is. Just tonight, he said, there was twenty cans at Walmart of all places. His wife immediately got online and posted them to tell everyone she knew, because that formula had iron in it, and lo and behold, they found more of it, stashed on another aisle, where people wouldn’t look. So they posted it, as well. All, in all, they found 80 cans of varying types, all brands that many of their friends and others in the area were looking for. Earlier, that day, there hadn’t been ANY on the shelves.
Biden plays the blame game because that’s all Democrats know how to do. If Trump were still in office, he would have gathered all the CEO’s of the formula manufacturers and corralled them until they had a workable plan and got things rolling. That’s what he did during the lockdowns …. got the meat manufacturers rolling again and the supply chain in the supermarkets rolling again. No hemming and hawing, no “it’s going to take years before we see results”, etc. … Just results … now!! That’s what the President of the country is supposed to do!
Now someone needs to state the obvious…..we have a rudderless ship of state. We have a President that gained office by now proven theft (see 2000 Mules please), and who obviously has severe dementia. His verbal gaffes regarding both Russia and China have the entire world on the edge of nuclear war….the end in other words…..forever.
Set up some court, get the real President back and maybe he can undo the horrible damage done by the clueless thief currently occupying the office
Catastrophes my ass, deliberate acts to demoralize the country. And the Dems won’t complain if a few people perish because of it. Nor rudderless, psychopaths at the helm.
God bless these patriots for helping the scared moms of America. We need more god and less politics!
The destruction of AMERICA is obvious and that we know who is involved and they should be branded as criminals and tried for treason for all of the harm that they have caused to AMERICA and it’s citizens.They WILL continue if not stopped.
Just cross the border and try to come back as an illegal. I bet you would find more than enough formula for the babies.
This article just goes to show how Americans stand together when they need too. Yes, we are all different and have different life experiences but we still step up and help one another when we need to. We’re being led to believe that we’re so divided, we’ll never make it. Look who’s dividing people into separate boxes. Demonrats, as usual, pitting one group against the other. Sad part is that it’s all based on lies and manipulation of the reality of the situation. I think what Shawn Johnson and her husband are doing is truly commendable. Where are the politicians, professional athletes, Hollywood elites, and big tech? They’re people that could step up and use their celebrity for something other than bashing Americans who may have a different opinion than they do. Where are the activist women who open their big yaps on the View? How about it Joy, Whoopi, Sunny?! Point I’m making is, that with a little effort and compassion for one another, we can build on what we all have in common as Americans. Unfortunately we have an incompetent and his crew in Washington DC continuing to pursue division rather than solution. So far all I see is a bunch of elites who talk a good game and accomplish nothing but destruction of the values and ideals on which most of us were raised. Thank you to Shawn Johnson for doing a good turn for many through an issue she’s experienced herself as the Mother of a young baby.
biden’s next old-age stage ……………. he will become a double image.