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The Barack Obama Cover-Up

Posted on Thursday, August 10, 2023
by Outside Contributor
barack and michelle obama

This week, Tablet released a fascinating conversation with historian David Garrow, author of a massive unauthorized biography of former President Barack Obama in his early years titled “Rising Stars.” By all rights, the book should have been a massive hit upon its release in 2017. Instead, it underperformed. The revelations contained therein never hit the mainstream. And that simple fact, in and of itself, demonstrates a simple reality of the modern political era: The entire press apparatus has been dedicated, since at least 2008, to the proposition that Obama had to be protected from all possible damage.

Garrow’s book carried multiple bombshells for Obama. Obama’s first autobiography — the egotist has already written several — “Dreams From My Father” told a story about how he broke up from a white girlfriend in his Chicago years over her failure to understand his desire for racial solidarity with black America. Actually, as Garrow’s book relates, the couple broke up because Obama refused to disown black antisemitism. Furthermore, as the book uncovers, Obama wrote letters to a girlfriend in which he “repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.”

These are incredible allegations, to say the least. They were reported in the book. But as David Samuels of Tablet observes, the media were shockingly remiss in covering any of these stories: “‘Rising Star’ highlights a remarkable lack of curiosity on the part of mainstream reporters and institutions about a man who almost instantaneously was treated less like a politician and more like the idol of an inter-elite cult.”

That was true in 2008, when the media steadfastly refused to take seriously reports about Obama’s attendance at an openly racist and antisemitic church for two decades. And it’s true in 2023, when the media still refuse to cover the fact that a huge number of President Joe Biden’s closest aides are Obama’s closest political allies. Obama resides in Washington, D.C.; all of the people who made policy for him now make policy for Biden. And yet nobody talks about the Obama influence in the current White House.

All of this is part of a broader pact on the part of every major apparatus in American life to mirror Obama’s perceptions of the world. In Obama’s own mind, he was a world-historical figure; that’s why, in 2010, when he experienced a rather predictable shellacking in a midterm election, he responded by suggesting that his opposition was actually motivated by vicious racism and brutal bigotry. The media mirrored that perspective; so did entertainment; so did tech companies. The immaculate, solid wall of support for Obama’s intersectional coalition is intimately connected to direct allegiance from the movers and shakers toward the Obama persona.

Just as our institutions were shaped for decades beyond JFK’s death by the myth built around him, so our modern institutions will be shaped for decades to come by the myth of Barack Obama. Garrow concludes about Obama: “He has no interest in building the Democratic Party as an institution. I think that’s obvious. And I don’t think he had any truly deep, meaningful policy commitments other than the need to feel and to be perceived as victorious, as triumphant.” But that victory — that triumph — came at the expense of the American people, who were promised a racial conciliator and a man of honor by a media invested in that lie. When the truth materialized and our institutions continued to perpetuate the lie, our institutions collapsed. We live in the era of Barack Obama still.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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Marigene Ficke
Marigene Ficke
1 year ago

I find it ironic that our first Black President caused more racism than we had before. Actually, he caused a lot of problems we are dealing with today.

1 year ago

Obama is a criminal and Biden is his puppet.

1 year ago

Obama was the most divisive and hypocritical president in my lifetime (I started voting with Nixon’s 2nd term.) He is sleazy enough to give goosebumps and cringes. It is o wonder that Biden knew he could get away with whatever he wanted as VP; his boss could do no wrong and if we make the couple a triumvirate adding Hillary Clinton and her own illegal antics, we get the worst possible, inept, hypocritical, dishonest and corrupt governance in decades if not our history.

1 year ago

We all knew that there was little credence to the “perfect,” almost messiah-like image the media propped up for BHO when he strangely and very sudden came on the scene back when. None of these discoveries and/or allegations surprise us, nor does the blatant fact that they were concealed. Disgusting.

1 year ago

barry and his husband are revolting anti American perverts.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

Obama is the sickest, fake, criminal racist we’ve ever had in government. If all in the world was right the people would try him then found guilty hang him from a tree. This would be to dissuade the rest of the communists from attempting another coup against the people.

1 year ago

I am still waiting to hear just one accomplishment of Obama. Being black or white or both is not an accomplishment.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Obama played up his black half to get guilt-votes from whites even though his black father deserted him! Then he threw his white grandmother under the bus even though she raised him in a well-to-do home after his mother abandoned him to run with men! And many people fell from his sob story, showing how STUPID many people are!

1 year ago

And, here we are, up to the neck in poli-gators with seemingly no one to clear the swamp.

1 year ago

Here is the truth: Just when the America I grew up in became more racially tolerant and things settled down, here comes Barry. He stirred the pot of racial hatred and we became a nation of tribes: Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Orientals, Native Americans. Well, you get the picture. America is now more divisive than ever. This was the plan all along. George Soros and that deranged gang are attempting to take our country down. Divide and conquer. Covid came along and further splintered our peaceful landscape. Was the disaster contrived or not? I guess we will never know.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Fake, impostor, fraud He is not a true article

1 year ago

Obama was never an intellectual. Just another loser from a broken family

The Armstrong Family
The Armstrong Family
1 year ago

0nce a crook, always a crook and they do not care about the people who voted for them
even. Hopefully this comes to end this next election.

Frankye D Gallegos
Frankye D Gallegos
1 year ago

Obummer and his Biden cronies are all TRAITERS !! It will give me complete elation when this FAKE administration of the bankrupt corporation are GONE ! And the REPIUBLIC STAND once again !

1 year ago

Still question his birthright. From what I understand he applied and was granted foreign aid when in college. Now in my eyes barack that means you either lied on your application, which is mail fraud or you really aren’t a citizen. You can’t have it both ways. So what you say Barack?

1 year ago

I don’t find it surprising that one of the most obviously bigoted, “full of himself” people ever to occupy the office of President of the United States should turn our country into a racially divided hell hole. He is a bad man.

1 year ago

I lived in Illinois when he ran for a seat in Springfield and won. The problem was that I could not find anyone who knew him or what he was about. Overnight thousands of Obama signs were posted everywhere you looked. He did not even finish his first term and left to pursue a Senate Seat. Again, he won, and then was force fed to the American people as the next President even before the 2004 election had taken place. Living in Illinois this scene was mind boggling to witness. His actions and the hush by the media of anything related to him continues to confuse and amaze me. He promoted racial separatism throughout his career and continues to do so from the sidelines today.

Doc Kozlowski
Doc Kozlowski
1 year ago

Biden is Obama’s puppet. America is being destroyed by Obama’s 3rd term.
1 year ago

I want to know how these people actually sleep at night with a good conscience. They’ll soon find out what their Maker feels about this. Makes me sad how many politicians sold their souls. They’ll regret it, but it will be too late.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

We are in Obama’s third term with an idiot masquerading as president with disastrous results. What a mess!!

1 year ago

I never liked O. He oozed insincerity. He was so opposed to Republican Americans. And reading that he was fantasizing about homosexual relations makes sense why the elevation of the Pride community and the push to trans our kids is number one priority for ole Joe. I never understood why all this was pushed from all sides on the American population. O was behind it. Always knew there is a reason for anything that happens only this heralding of trans and gender policies had me stunned. Who decided to make this our top problem in America. When our vets and our kids are dying by the thousands every year and total silence by the White House about that problem. Joe is selective where he does something about. Today he is sending aids to Hawaii and that is great, but the people in Ohio never heard a word of help from him. Even mayor Pete dragged his feet to even go and visit East Palestine. Trump was there handing out water and other aid they needed. Acting caring and presidential. So lacking in old Joe

1 year ago

Remember Obama’s America: Directed by Dinesh D’Souza. Everything in that movie was fact and the warnings were all fullfilled.People didn’t believe it. Obama was so charismatic people didn’t believe it.HE was groomed to take the country down.He lied so any times during his administration and got away with it.He wasn’t elected on his merits.He was elected on his looks,and charismatic mannerisms and the countyr bought it.Money looks and a big smile.I hope that we as a country have learned a lesson from this and look more closely into the next potential presidential candidates.The only thing that he did was create more racial division undoing everything that Martin Luther King tried to do.

1 year ago

Does anyone else think that Obama is also behind all of the preposterous attempted prosecutions of former President Trump?
I’ve long believed that BO is behind the failing policies of the current illegitimate administration. It probably irks him to no end that he isn’t in the limelight receiving credit for the stupidity which he obviously doesn’t perceive to be a failure on all fronts.
After all, it’s always been about whatever it takes to destroy the USA. Of course, the CCP has their fingers into our destruction as much as anybody else does.
This is evidence that elections matter as do legitimate election processes. Take a look at Venezuela over the last 20 years if you don’t believe me.

1 year ago

HUGE difference between “Making love” and DEPRAVED CRAVING of a man putting his apparatus into another man’s stink hole! As Elton John says “a piece of momma daddy never had”!

1 year ago


Nancy Norvell
Nancy Norvell
1 year ago

Please read the new book, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy, How He Transformed America”. It’s edited by Jamie Glasov, with a foreword by General Michael Flynn. Blockbuster!
It can be bought at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, if Amazon has banned it.????????

1 year ago

Correct. Washington, D.C. has been a Democrat-controlled town for several decades. Going all the way to FDR, when he massively increased the size and scope of the federal government by leveraging and making worse the Great Depression as a useful “crisis” to enact all sorts of destructive policies in the name of “helping the people”. By the mid 90’s, Washington was controlled 75% by the Democrats. After Obama finished his second term, the town was 95% Democrat in virtually every department and agency. Today under Biden, I have to say its literally 100%, including the entire senior staff of our military.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Where is the FBI RAID on Obama? He is just as guilty as Dictator Beijing biden and H. Clinton.
Obama was involved with biden’s illegal deals with foreign countries and entities.

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
1 year ago

Are their daughters adopted if Michelle is really Mike?

Miranda LMB
Miranda LMB
1 year ago

Why doesn’t anyone just say it?! Why is one of his ‘houses’ only 5 blocks from the White House and under the command of MsJarrett, and WHY does NO one cite his DESIRE FOR A THIRD POTUS TERM ( with someone (Biden?) serving as his legal surrogate) as he stated in that interview with Colbert? He wanted to finish his promised ‘fundamental transformation of the USA’ – that nasty man is well in his way….

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

I put 0bama in the Leftist category. Not Democrat, too radical. Not Liberal, too radical Not Progressive, still too radical, Leftist? if not Marxist.

1 year ago

I find it ironic that decades since the Civil Rights Act was passed in the 1960’s a black man brought racism back to this country. I also find it ironic that the liberal elite media aided and abetted him and allowed it to happen.

1 year ago

No, but they’ll be accountable to someone much higher. And they won’t be able to lie their way out of that.

1 year ago

It is clear to me that Democrats insist on calling those with whom they disagree, racists, but they are the worst perpetrators of racism this country has ever seen!

1 year ago

As Uncle Joe would say Come on Man ! Amac your still talking about slick ?? Let’s move on America .

1 year ago

I knew something shady was going on when he decided to stay in Washington after leaving office

Janis Seward
Janis Seward
1 year ago

Obama is the worst thing to happen to this country, in every way.

1 year ago

Obama = wore great suits, gave speeches like ALL lawyers can, that’s all I can think of.

1 year ago

Correct! Jackass Joe Biden will infamously go down in American History as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER and HE CERTAINLY HAS EARNED IT!

1 year ago

Obama is just as GUILTY as Biden in the pay to play scandals with hunter.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Always will be the Divider in Chief.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

True statement: Obama was the worst black president we’ve ever had.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
1 year ago

From what I seen on the internet he has his fingerprints all over many a men’s BUTTS!!

1 year ago

Obama was and is both race and ineligibility protected. Race protection got Obama elected and ineligibility and race protection kept him in office, becasue both parties did and said nothing to stop Obama from being sworn-in. Both parties gave America’s government and her military to her enemies via Obama and they must cover for that treason to protect themselves. Trump, Obama’s nemesis, must never be allowed to be president again because the truth about Barry could be revealed and acted on………….

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

Many politicians have parts of their lives they don’t want revealed or dwelled on. Obama is a bit extreme in how many things in his life aren’t known or dwelled on.

Gail Bosak
Gail Bosak
1 year ago

Obama started this Socialism with lies for 8 yrs of office !!! He should be thrown out of White House !!! Biden is so out of it …come on true Americans and start to wake up !! We Americans pay there salary so it is time to wake up and get them fired !!! We have become a 3rd Country !!! China believes they own this country..Duh!!! Millions of jobs were turned to China !!! Now they are farming in this USA !!! Pick up anything and it will Read : Made in China !!! Obama hates this country and always has !! Then he started to docturate are childern in Socialism!! Is our country that stupid !!! Then Biden opened our borders to create Crime, Drugs, and to promote Criminal Voting, and the lack of none of them are vaccinated from disease!!! And I truly believe Covid was spread across our USA so millions died !! Do not tell us for one yr of this country was shutdown and we have let China gain more control of this country !!! And it is true : shortages of food supplies are allready becoming scarce!! My pharmacist just informed me to start wearing a mask again because of my age !!! Oh I almost forgot : now they want to shut down all the big trucks that is totally insane !!! All I can tell you is this : Put prayer and Faith back into your life …they say us Christian’s are a minority but I have news for them …God is in Control !!! But

Carol in Ohio
Carol in Ohio
1 year ago

As I watched his presidency, I started realizing he wanted the title “President” without the responsibility of BEING president. He’s extremely narcissistic and the press just helped him along. It really was a shame.

1 year ago

In the video of Biden talking about withholding a
billion dollars in aid to Ukraine unless the
Prosecutor (who was looking into Burisma Energy) was fired, when told he wasn’t the President by the President of Ukraine. Biden’s response was call him. I’m pretty sure the Ukrainian President did just that before firing the prosecutor.????????‍♂️

1 year ago

Remember when Joan Rivers was asked by a reporter. “Do you think we will ever see our first gay President” and she turned around and said ” We already have our first gay President, Barack Obama and Michelle is a tranny.” Her exact words,a couple weeks later she was dead.

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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