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Tennessee Acts to Hold Biden Accountable on Human Trafficking Crisis

Posted on Monday, September 11, 2023
by Neil Banerji

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji

Tennessee flag with ripped paper that says human trafficking

Human trafficking has become one of the fastest-growing criminal industries in America thanks to President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats’ open borders policies, prompting Republican-led states to take action to address the crisis.

In the most recent example, the Tennessee state legislature passed a bill during a special session late last month which mandates that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) release an annual report on the state’s human trafficking crimes and trends. TBI has previously said that human trafficking is the second-fastest growing criminal industry in the Volunteer State, and the law enforcement organization had already received nearly 200 referrals of human trafficking in 2023 by early last month.

Tennessee’s effort to better track the crime reflects how bad the situation has become amid a surge in illegal border crossings since Biden took office. In 2022, reported human trafficking cases spiked 84 percent nationwide from 2021, and are set to soar higher still this year.

As human trafficking numbers have increased, Tennessee and other red states have made criminal penalties more severe. But without the ability to address the problem directly at the border, those efforts have been marginally effective at best.

In an exclusive interview with AMAC Newsline, Aaron Gulbransen, the Executive Director of TN Faith and Freedom Coalition, praised the Tennessee legislature’s effort as a promising sign.

“This bill is the first step in a very lengthy war,” he said. “It’s the kickstart of a swathe of bills that are intended to cut the heart out of human trafficking in the state of Tennessee.”

As Gulbransen explained, “Because of the murky nature of human trafficking, better tracking data helps law enforcement identify blind spots. Any person who’s a fan of good government understands that you need to hold government accountable.”

One of the most tragic aspects of human trafficking in the U.S. is that many of the victims are children who often experience physical and sexual abuse. “Here in Tennessee, a child is bought or sold for human trafficking every two minutes,” Gulbransen said. “Human trafficking is amongst us. It is in our communities. It occurs very often less than one from mile from where we live, and very near to where our children sleep and play. Most of the cases are Tennesseans who are being trafficked by drug-addicted family members.”

According to Gulbransen, blue cities like Nashville and Memphis have witnessed the largest spike in human trafficking, and radical leftist prosecutors in those cities seem to be the most obvious culprits aside from the traffickers themselves.

“What you have is George-Soros Funded DAs, who at the very least refuse to prosecute child and human traffickers,” he said. This creates a “ripple effect that directly impacts law enforcement officers on the street’s ability to do their job. They don’t have the resources they need to do their jobs. And they’re certainly not going to risk being murdered by gangs and other organizations when they know that the people they go after aren’t going to be prosecuted anyway.”

The result is a vicious cycle where traffickers are incentivized to continue operating in ever-more brazen ways while law enforcement is sidelined by activist-minded prosecutors who put criminals ahead of victims.

The current situation is a drastic reversal from what was seen under former President Donald Trump. “The Trump Administration understood the human trafficking problem,” Gulbransen said. “They understood it in the United States and at the border. As soon as Biden took office, they deemphasized or scratched everything that Trump was doing.”

The numbers support Gulbransen’s assertion. Human trafficking in the Americas has expanded from a $500 million industry in 2018 to an estimated $13 billion industry today. The State Department now estimates that between as many as 17,500 people are victims of human trafficking within the U.S. every year, 72 percent of whom are immigrants.

That’s hardly the “fair, orderly, and humane” immigration system Joe Biden has promised. Instead, it seems the traffickers and criminals are the only ones who are thriving under Democrat rule.

For red states who have been demanding the federal government do more to address human trafficking as well as a host of other problems as a result of the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border, Tennessee’s efforts could become a blueprint for change. While it’s clear by now that Biden isn’t interested in responding to the direct pleas of the people most affected by his border policies, perhaps hard data will force some accountability.

Even if that’s not the case, further exposing the full scale of Biden’s failures could go a long way toward convincing voters that it’s time for a change in 2024.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke. 

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1 year ago

Human Trafficking is today how our Communist wannabe Democratic Party Leadership is trying to destroy America!
Our illustrious imitation of a President is in Alaska instead of New York City on this 20th Anniversary of 9/11!
He’s a PHONY AMERICAN PATRIOT and should be brought up on charges of TREASON!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Good put biden, harris and the whole administration in prison.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Children. Buying. Selling. And let’s include abusing! Maybe I’m wrong but aren’t I remembering that it was Biden who showered with his 13 year old granddaughter? It was in her diary. How is that not child abuse? What about Hunter? This is more than trafficking. Kids need protection. Period!!!!

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

I’ll bet the house that more than one Democrat voted AGAINST this bill. How is that not evil?

1 year ago

I’m all for arresting our Human Trafficker in Chief for his clandestine trafficking flights that distribute illegal aliens all over the country under the cover of darkness.
But maybe I missed something. I fail to see how mandating the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation produce a report on human trafficking is “Holding Biden Accountable” as the article title states.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Too bad they never found Jeffrey Epstein’s computer… then they could deny the existence of that one too.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Unite all Red States alone here

1 year ago

Someone needs to hold Joe and Democrats accountable for something!! They have made a mess of everything!!!

1 year ago

Anyone caught trafficking children should be taken out and shot period , if you’re caught with under age children you should immediately be shot end of discussion. This would curb the scumbags that do this kind of thing, children should be our first priority because they are our future ✌????

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Our great Blunder in Chief Biden and Harris and the Dems that support him keep sending the illegals to the blue states that stick up for Biden’s handling of the border let the support them our great so called president does not care about Human Trafficking where was he for the 9/11 in New York did not show his face there or his great VP what respectful people that includes all Washington Dems.

1 year ago

Biden’s DOJ will spend whatever resources necessary to defeat this in court.

1 year ago

In the 8th paragraph it says “Here in Tennessee, a child is bought or sold for human trafficking every two minutes,” That would amount to 262,800 victims per year.
In the 4th from the last paragraph, it says ‘The State Department now estimates that between as many as 17,500 people are victims of human trafficking within the U.S. every year, . . .”  That is only a fraction of the amount of victims in Tennessee alone. Someones numbers are all wrong.

1 year ago

Good for Tennessee because the Federal Gov. won’t , maybe because it serves their purpose?

1 year ago

You shall Reap what you Sow

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Let us assume he is held accountable What is the next step and who is going to take it?

1 year ago

Wonder what the Big Guys cut is?

1 year ago

Seems to me the president isn’t staying true to the constitution in stead he has turned his back on a America and turned it into pure evil letting human trafficking take place and more then likely getting a cut from the profits, letting the criminals get away with murder why they try to take our guns away to defend our selves , and God for bid if we do protect our family or our someone eles you have the book thrown at you for lounge to jail . Seems to me our government is corrupt all to hell , and until the American people stand up and say enough its gonna keep going . We shouldn’t have to wait to vote to get things taken care of . They made an oath to protect the American people and to up hold the laws of the constitution, and none of it is being done . The whole administration and including thoes who are involved with this evil need to be put in prison. That includes Biden and Obama F.B.I. N.S.A. and who ever eles is involved.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Luke 17:2 It would be better for him to have a millstone hung …
WebAmplified Bible. It would be better for him if a millstone [as large as one turned by a donkey] were hung around his neck and he were hurled into the sea, than for him to cause one of these little ones to stumble [in sin and lose faith]. Christian Standard Bible.
If you have not seen “Sound of Freedom, you should.
Joe Biden’s border policy has made every tax paying American complicit in human trafficking.
Remove Joe’s millstone from around your neck. It’s your vote and your choice!

1 year ago

Pedo joe the big guy????

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