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Ten Steps Biden Could Take Right Now to Secure American Energy Independence

Posted on Sunday, March 6, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By – Seamus Brennan

energyAs gas prices continue to rise to record highs, the disastrous consequences of President Joe Biden’s war on American energy have come into full focus. After the United States achieved energy independence and became a net energy exporter for the first time in almost 70 years under President Donald Trump, Biden soon erased all that progress in a matter of weeks with a slew of ill-advised executive actions. But even as the White House attempts to blame Russia for soaring gas bills, Biden has all the tools at his disposal to ease Americans’ pain at the pump. Here are 10 measures he could announce right now to restore energy independence and cut U.S. reliance on oil supplies from our chief adversaries.

  1. Withdraw from the Paris Agreement
    On his first day in office, Joe Biden signed an executive order to rejoin the Paris Agreement, a completely one sided international agreement to reduce carbon emissions.   Studies show that the Agreement is doing little to drastically cut carbon emissions or fend off other purported causes of climate change—all while letting countries like China, with significantly higher rates of carbon emissions, sit back and do nothing. More significantly, the Agreement is projected to add an extra $30,000 in energy costs for the average American family of four over the next 10 years. As domestic energy prices soar, withdrawal from the Agreement would make for a much-needed first step in restoring American energy strength.
  2. Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline and Protect the Michigan Pipeline.
    Also on his first day in office, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline—killing thousands of jobs, while also leaving Americans increasingly dependent on foreign countries for their energy needs. The Laborers’ International Union of North America accused Biden of “pandering to environmental extremists” and eliminating “good union jobs” while doing “nothing to replace them.” If Biden wants to prove his commitment to American energy dominance, national security, and job creation, it would behoove him—and the country—to reconsider his day-one cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline permit.At the same time, Biden’s team has repeatedly teased the possibility of shutting down yet another pipeline in Michigan, which transports more than 500,000 barrels of oil every day. Much like the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline, a closure of the Michigan pipeline would yield disastrous effects for job growth and energy availability throughout the country. By promising to keep existing pipelines open, Biden could go a long way toward assuring Americans that their lights will stay on and their energy bills won’t go up any further.
  3. End the War on Coal
    To the surprise of few, Joe Biden has resumed the Obama administration’s war on coal. Last year, Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry told far-left climate activists that “we won’t have coal” by 2030, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan has pursued efforts to revive Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP), which was developed to combat climate change but has since been blocked by the Supreme Court. Despite the noted ineffectiveness of the CPP in cutting carbon emissions, the EPA’s current efforts could close a large swath of coal plants. As the Cato Institute’s Chip Knappenberger said of the CPP, “even if the United States stopped emitting all CO2 now and going forward, it would only reduce emissions by 0.15 degrees Celsius—that’s all we have to work with.” This pattern of rhetoric and policy actions to destroy coal must be brought to a swift end.
  4. Renew Oil and Natural Gas Leases on Federal LandsAnother easy step Biden could take to calm the mounting energy crisis and project American strength would be to renew the slate of oil and natural gas leases he revoked shortly after taking office. Since becoming president, the Biden administration has stopped new oil and gas leases on federal lands and set in motion a series of arduous “reviews” of existing energy production permits. He has also closed off the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska—one of the largest energy sites in the world that would have brought countless jobs and valuable revenue to the state. Nothing could be worse for American energy than continued cancellation of these permits, and Biden would do well to reverse course as soon as possible.
  5. Relace the UN Climate Change Conference with a new UN Conference on “Energy Abundance and Affordability for Democracy and Freedom”
    The UN’s Climate Change Conference (the “Convention of the Parties” (“COP”), first inaugurated in 1995 and continuing annually for more than 26 years to fight “dangerous human interference with the climate system,” has become wholly irrelevant and counterproductive to its original purpose. Instead, it has devolved into a system to force the United States to commit unilateral fossil fuel disarmament.  Since its founding nearly 30 years ago, the COP system has enabled the authoritarian, nation-destroying goals of leaders like Vladimir Putin. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should be a wake up call. For the sake of protecting freedom and democracy as well as lifting up the living standards of billions of people around the world, COP should be formally replaced at the first opportunity with a UN conference system geared toward developing abundant and affordable supplies of energy, including fossil fuels and nuclear.
  6. Ditch Net-Zero Carbon Emissions as a Goal
    In January, Biden’s Pentagon announced a plan to cut carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050—a sentiment largely echoed by nations in the European Union. As Rupert Darwall noted in a recent Real Clear Energy article, net-zero policies will deepen nations’ “dependence on Putin’s goodwill as they increase their exposure to unreliable wind and solar, phase out coal, and—in the case of Germany and Belgium—prematurely close their nuclear power stations. Strategically, that’s a win for Putin.” Until Biden can recognize this basic reality of geopolitics and denounce net-zero policies as environmental strategy, the United States will weaken while Russia and China will grow in strength.
  7. Cut Burdensome Energy Regulations
    Biden must immediately stop inflicting costly regulations on energy companies. As president, he has directed executive agencies to require energy companies to disclose “climate-related financial risk,” which is widely seen as a strategy to promote “divestment” throughout the U.S. energy industry. Instead, Biden should equip the American energy industry with the tools it needs to thrive.
  8. Stop Imposing Tax Hikes on Energy Companies
    The Biden administration has taken several steps to raise taxes on energy companies: during his first year in office, he proposed plans to cut $35 billion in tax benefits from the energy industry and to use subsidies to benefit particular kinds of renewable energy. Biden has also toyed with using the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) provision of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to double the tax rate on the oil and gas industries from 10.5 percent to 21 percent. Such suggestions send clear signals to the market to stay away from new energy investments. As energy analyst David Blackmon wrote, “It’s a fool’s game entirely designed as a punitive measure on a disfavored industry, the sort of policy move one would expect to see from authoritarian governments in 3rd world countries.” To stimulate new energy production and lower prices of American energy, Biden should be cutting taxes, not raising them.
  9. Remove Green New Deal Nonsense from Domestic Spending Bills
    Democrats should cease all efforts to pass Biden’s gargantuan “Build Back Better” spending bill, which is widely perceived to be a backdoor attempt at cramming through the socialist Green New Deal.  They should also take swift action to revoke provisions of the so-called “infrastructure” bill that unfairly target the American energy industry.  The invasion of Ukraine is the first war caused by the Green New Deal.  Biden can help make sure it’s the last by eradicating the Green New Deal root and branch from our laws.
  10. Halt Plans to Ban Fracking
    From the very moment he announced his presidential campaign, Joe Biden has openly flirted with the idea of banning fracking. Even before his inauguration, he vowed there would be “no new fracking,” promised to “end fossil fuel,” and pledged to “transition away from the oil industry.” However, those promises were soon proven both unrealistic and a dangerous threat to national security. Biden – and the country – would be well served by the administration backing off and allowing the American energy sector, including fracking, to thrive.Though Biden has demonstrated an interest in cutting energy prices and embracing a position of strength as the Russia-Ukraine crisis continues to escalate, he will almost certainly be unable to take action on these promises without taking each of these crucial measures. Pivoting to a pro-American energy position that echoes the platform of the Trump administration would give Biden a chance to change the narratives of incompetence and weakness that have come to define his presidency thus far. If he fails to do so, the consequences—for American workers, the American economy, and America’s strength on the world stage—will be nothing short of catastrophic.
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Darlene Ashley
Darlene Ashley
2 years ago

I know you have to say something, but there isn’t a chance in hell this administration will do anything to help our country. They have one agenda — destroy, destroy, destroy!!!

2 years ago

“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” – Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
This only one list which is certainly a realistic summation of what needs to be done for this country, unfortunately, there is only one thing is wrong, we’re not dealing with an individual or government of the people who gives a shit! The Washington morons in control, under the leadership(?) of a cognitively, mentally deranged individual, are doing EXACTLY what they want; they are NOT interested in returning this country to a normal society, their intent is to DESTROY the United States, by any means, and make it a socialist, islamic, communist, marxist, totalitarian country, where THEY RULE, and we are viewed as nothing but obedient surfs! And their plan is already active!
This country must stand up to this stupid, asinine ideology of every dumocrat in any way it can, and hopefully survive to the next presidential election (if that will do any good). However, the time is coming, as surely as winter gives way to spring, that “We the People”, the down trodden, ignored and despised conservative majority, will be left with no other choice, as were our founding fathers were when faced with the same tyrannical subjugation from Great Britain!
How much more are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas or milk? Will you be willing to pay another dollar or more for a pound of meat or chicken? How more are you willing to pay for your prescriptions? How much will you tolerate being told you are a domestic terrorist and continue to follow illegal mandates? At what cost point will it take this country to finally say it has had enough of the lies spewed by this illegal dictatorship and do something about it?
As the saying goes, freedom is not free; the tyrants are afoot, the time each and every one of us will have to sacrifice if we want to remain free is near, much nearer than we think. Pray to God to rid us of this antichrist!

2 years ago

The only way any of this gets reversed is to bring back the mean tweeter.

Bill Humiston
Bill Humiston
2 years ago

Neither President Biden nor his Democrat colleagues will never do any of these things, as he and they are too locked in to the Climate Change/Green New Deal claptrap. We need to elect an administration sympathetic to the steps delineated above to achieve the energy independence and low energy prices we desire.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

Biden could take these steps, but he WON’T because he’s beholden to the extreme left wing of his party who oppose these policies in favor of the Green New Deal monstrosity which is a rip-off to this country’s energy consumers. The extreme left wing of Biden’s party also will not allow him to take these steps because they want to force us to use the most unreliable forms of energy out there and if it means destroying our economy, so be it.

2 years ago

“Ten Steps Biden Could Take Right Now to Secure American Energy Independence”

Three things, ten things, thirty things– it doesn’t matter. Biden and the rest of his socialist party don’t want us to be energy independent.

2 years ago

Why is nobody talking about the pollution huge ships, tankers specifically, are spewing into our atmosphere? A pipe line from Canada to the US would transport oil without releasing any, or a tiny fraction of pollution that ships produce. Seems to me that a pipe line would be the responsible environmental option.

2 years ago

Arrest this impostor PINO worthless sack of human waste for treason and jeopardizing the safety and quality of life of millions of Americans and the future generations to come their screwed !!! .. thank God I don’t have kids … I would be worried sick and absolutely furious at the destruction this Communist dictator and his concubine have done to destroy everything America stands for !! …As a Veteran whose father and grandfather both fought WWI and WWII .. I can’t begin to imagine what or how they would feel if they were alive today … God help U.S.ALL !!!

2 years ago

Yes he should.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Just as Biden refuses to build the wall, because he will go against ANYTHING that President Trump favored, he most likely won’t start oil production for the same reason. IF he does drill again, it will be right before elections to try and gain the backing for his defunct administration. Anyone that thinks Biden or his party is not deliberately destroying this country is living in a vacuum.

Renate Link
Renate Link
2 years ago

Yes he should immediately

2 years ago

What can I say, that hasn’t already been said here numerous times? Yet another article that outlines all the various solutions that NO ONE IN THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION OR THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, AS A WHOLE, WILL EVER EMBRACE.

The objective of so-called “green policies” is NOT to solve what is currently being called “Climate Change” (the climate on this planet has been constantly changing for the last 4 billion years! Which is well before humans even existed and it will be changing long after we’re long gone.). The goal of “Climate Change” is simply to transfer the wealth of the vast majority of all individuals into the hands of a select few, who stand to benefit both financially and via a greater control over the masses they have impoverished along the way. That is what the constant fear mongering of “Climate Change”, which has been a scheme called by various names throughout history, since at least the 1880s in various newspapers of the time, is all about. A sort of a return to feudalism, except on a global scale. Where the anointed royalty, what we would call the ruling elite today, controlled 99 percent of the wealth and had total and absolute power. All by creating a so-called “crisis” that is far enough way to be supposedly “curable”, but close enough to require extensive reallocation of wealth and resources by governmental / executive fiat to do the job.

If you look at the history of this scheme, even over the last 50 years, dire predictions of a coming global catastrophe, having swung from either we’re on the verge of the next ice age to the rising temperatures will melt the polar ice caps and flood the world will happen in the next 10 to 20 years without immediate and expensive action.

As we get close to the so-called dates of doom earlier predicted, those driving the scheme redefine the danger (Global Cooling becomes Global Warming and then when none of the dire predictions come to pass, Global Warming morphs into simply Climate Change), new, revised dates for our impending doom are released each time. That immediate action required always takes the form of calls for more changes in how we live (always costing more), massive governmental spending initiatives (enriching the key private sector players and spreading around lots of pork to keep the government officials on board), massive governmental taxing efforts to social engineer the results the purveyors of this scheme want (the ongoing huge transfer of wealth from the individual to the those running the scheme via a governmental collection mechanism), and of course a new slew of governmental mandates ( which of course also result in more transfer to wealth from the private sector to those benefitting from this scheme).

Bottom line: Climate Change is part of a huge, global money transfer scheme at this point. One that has its roots going back well over 130 years. It has taken many names and iterations (The new coming ice age, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change) with frequently diametrically opposing fates for the planet (either we all freeze to death, or we drown from the melting polar ice caps) without massive and expensive changes being imposed on the population of the planet. Minus those involved in this scheme of course. They still get to fly around in private jets, have 10 or 12 cars, 4 or 5 massively energy inefficient estates and do as they please. Exempt from all the nonsense being foisted on the rest of the 99.9 percent.

The Democrat Party is 100 percent in on this global financial scheme here in the United States and sadly a growing number of RINOs are as well. So don’t expect any reversal back to sane and rational energy policies anytime soon. Elections, fraudulent or not, have consequences and everything that has happened in the past 13 months was spelled out by the Democrats well before the election. So no one should be surprised that the Democrats have simply enacted the very policies that they promised to do. I can’t make it any more straight-forward than that.

JW Bumgardner
JW Bumgardner
2 years ago

Agree 100%

2 years ago

Yes he should no he won’t. Xiden is an agent of the chicoms and a traitor.

2 years ago

Contrary to the lying sack of excrement that wrote this, America became a bigger net exporter of energy in 2021. In fact, 2021 was the first year since the 70s that the US was a net exporter of petroleum. That happened under Biden’s watch as a result of investments made under The GWBush administration and the fracking revolution under the Obama administration. Trump’s contributions, nothing.

Susan A
Susan A
2 years ago

What an ass we have pretending to run our Country!

2 years ago

Did I miss something? Barely a mention that we develop nuclear power. Nuclear power is a million times as energy dense as fossil fuels. We know how to make nuclear power that will not repeat what happened at Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island. Don’t use water as a coolant. These three accidents all happened because water was depressurized and turned to steam. Steam is a poor coolant. The answer is to use molten salt as a coolant because molten salt does not need pressuriztion. We have known this since the 1960’s when we successfully ran the molten salt reactor experiment.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

When his poison pen literally destroyed our energy independence, it was a immediate sign of things to come. Without our abundant oil and gas companies providing our country with essential and critical energy supplies ,we we’re almost immediately doomed to our enemies. Right now we’re paying obscene prices for our oil and gas and it’s only going up literally by the day. This will guaranteed destroy our economy overnight The green t I’ll and all the hard working average American families will be devastated by this. Within a year or less this will put our country into a major recession and possibly much worse. After all the pain this country had to endure from the unfortunate pandemic this is the proverbial straw that will crush our middle class American citizens. I unfortunately truly believe this is being done for one objective, destroy our base and foundation and everything else will surely collapse right behind it. Only the filthy rich billionaires and of course the absolutely corrupt politicians will survive this. Then it’s a full blown tyrannical government running all of the people and controlling everyone and everything. If you think all of these destructive policies and mandates are a
Coincidence. I can assure you it’s not, We have enough oil and natural gas and other energy supplies in our nation to keep our country healthy for a few hundred years more. Now we’re paying $115 dollars a barrel to our worst enemies to supply us with something we had more than anyone else in the world?? We need to know why and how this is happening, and it must be reversed ASAP!

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
2 years ago

Very soon the windmills will be coming down and solar will be relegated to powering satellites.

2 years ago

The abrupt change from energy independence during the Trump administration to begging for energy from OPEC and groveling for energy from our enemy, Russia, illustrates the difference between a person of action and one who is driven by ideology. Gasoline dropped to $1.59/gallon, and now it’s $3.79. My, how I long for the good old days!

Cheryl Flann
Cheryl Flann
2 years ago

There is no way Obama will permit any of the mentioned remedies. It is now, and always has been his goal to totally destroy the United States and inflict as much pain on the American people.

We are living through the illegitimate third term of Obama, through his puppet, Joe Biden. Biden was not elected – he was “installed” as president through massive voter fraud!

There is no way in hell Biden got 8 Million votes!

2 years ago

LOL! Why would Biden (et al) take ANY steps to secure American energy independence when EVERY step he has taken opposes American energy independence??? They are accomplishing EXACTLY what they have set out to do. None of this is accidental or by incompetence, but all by design.

2 years ago

Good article but all it does is make a person think.Try to complain but to whom will listen to you?Whom will do something to correct this madness?Been on earth over 60 years listening to the same stuff/different days by both sides.Example,been asking question about EV batteries since last year.No one even my power company (AES)is pushing EV’s can/will answer just hope you go away..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

&: produce Thorium reactors, use new nuclear reactors, alone
But Biden alas wont

2 years ago

If ‘talk is cheap’ why is it that every word out this current Disadministration’s mouth costs you and me so dearly?

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden isn’t going to do ANY of this article’s 10 suggestions because it DOESN’T FIT WITH HIS PLAN TO FIRST CRIPPLE AND THEN DESTROY AMERICA! . . . The Progressively Communist wannabe Democrats NEVER REVEALED THEIR COMMUNIST LEANINGS PRE-ELECTION and NOW ARE FINANCING PUTIN’s INVASION OF THE UKRAINE! . . . Poor Ukraine and even poorer America!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Wonderful article. Agree with it wholeheartedly. This is a real world. It needs real solutions. President Trump approached this subject with a down-to-earth approach. Pie in the sky solutions are part of the democrats’ delusions. We don’t need fuzzy, dreamlike solutions or leadership. We need down to earth, get it done; get to work on real problems, with real solutions. God Bless America!

Harold Vaughn
Harold Vaughn
2 years ago

A question and a comment:
Who benefits from the Biden anti-energy exec orders? Does “the big guy” get money from Russian oil? Does his son? Does his brother?
OK I asked more than one question. Now the comment:
Biden is either so out of it or so sold out to the wrong ideas and advisors that he lacks the understanding, the will or the love of country to reverse his anti-energy policies.We may have enough members of congress to pass a veto proof bill to go back to pre Biden energy policies. But please please don’t even consider booting Biden and installing his VP.

Tea Tephi
Tea Tephi
2 years ago

Great article, I agree with it all.

2 years ago

True. But he is owned.

2 years ago

Biden and his globalist friends want America to fail so they can “Build Back Bolshevik”. When America fails, it’s the right time for the hidden leaders to move in and make us socialist and part of the one-world government. The WEF is just waiting for America to go belly up economically. People will turn to anyone who they think can save them. In come the globalists to take over and you can say goodbye to your freedoms.

2 years ago


Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

And do you know how many of these “ten” this regime will even consider? You got it…ZERO. For the umpteenth time…this regime intends to destroy this country. They are fully compliant with agenda 2030 and the “great” reset criteria. Both equal nothing but global tyranny. Conservative writers and commentators have got to stop approaching this as incompetence. It’s deliberate and it’s treasonous…nothing less.

2 years ago

He could, but will his handlers(Obama and friends) let him? I would not be surprised if the handlers in control do give in. Not because they care about this country but because they are afraid of the November elections. Inflation is killing them, $7-$8/gallon gas prices will wipe them out.

2 years ago

Save your breath because it will never happen. This is exactly why the illegally put him in. To add America to the United Nations, push for One World Order. The Only way out now is a Revolution. Period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donald A Colongeli
Donald A Colongeli
2 years ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It is all common sense not some kind of revelation unfortunately Biden was put into place for a reason and it’s not to lead us into prosperity

2 years ago

You are preaching to the choir. don’t tell us….tell biden and crew.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Everything stated in this well written article is by deliberate actions of this vile, crooked administration, it can’t be denied, all of it is factual & we are paying dearly for it as a direct result…
Item # 9 really stood out to me & I quote, ”  The invasion of Ukraine is the first war caused by the Green New Deal. ” More to come on that score folks, it ain’t over by a long shot…
PaulE brings up another interesting point on Venezuela, under the Maduro regime & Iran, both enemies of the United States & not forgetting Russia & once again the US is gov’t licking their respective chops on buying oil from the enemy yet again…Here in Vermont, going back many years now, under Senator Leahy & Sanders I believe, brokering a deal with the Chavez regime for cheap Venezuelan oil under the CITGO brand, brought cheap oil & gas for us northern folks, this is a prime example what gets Leahy reelected year after year, FREE stuff for the clueless Vermonters. Leahy won’t be back after the ’22 midterms btw as I say he has seen the writing on the wall & I say good riddance, for he can’t step down fast enough, I pray daily that Bernie Sanders will be next & VT needs to rid itself of RINO Gov. Phil Scott as well as the entire Democrat majorities in BOTH state houses, as that is a tall order for sure, sadly enough, the same applies at the federal level…
Seamus Brennan has written a fact based acct. on all of his points made in this well written article & don’t expect the Biden regime to change course here for I believe everything happening both domestically & abroad is playing out precisely according to their devious, global NWO plans…
The wealthy elite will continue living their lavish lifestyles all around the world & continue to be unaffected by the draconian measures against the American people & the world over as a whole…
Bill… :~)

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Too simple for him to even think of such measures because of his parties hate for fossil fuels. Jet fuel is something we need to allow for since any alternate fuel source may not be something that you can 100% insure the planes engines will be fed with fuel that works. Many people hate flying but to think that something other than fossil fuel working effectively without negative consequences frankly is plain scary, not something people will feel safe using. We are being led to the slaughterhouse by an incompetent fool, everyday he’s working to bring down our country and it’s obvious.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

GO JOE. All he is doing is building this country up for revolt. He has no understanding what he is doing. If you tied him to a post,he would ask are you really going to shoot me. ?? When the people get really hungry ,you will see a change. Kyle L.

2 years ago

He could but he won’t. We have a ruff time ahead!

2 years ago

Won’t happen, no matter how bad it hurts the American people. Want to know why? Because they would have to admit that Trump had it right all along. They are going to follow their ‘climate change initives’ no matter what it cost the American people.

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
2 years ago

Stated more simply, to correct the current situation, Biden could return to the energy policies of the Trump administration, policies he overturned immediately upon taking office, to create the current deplorable situation. Our country was energy independent during the Trump administration. Putin waited until Biden reversed the situation to invade Ukraine.

Jamie Martin
Jamie Martin
2 years ago

I am not even going to read this story because it is just more BS. Why would Biden and the deep state regime do anything good for the USA and the world.? Their mission is to destroy us all and to bring in the great reset. How many of you realized that his State of the Union speech was nothing but a hoax, all CGI. That was not real once again, but how many of you bought into that BS? We need to fall on our knees and pray to Almighty God because it is going to get very rough. Tawain is next. Got to clean it all out before the new can begin. How many of you have the fake news on your TV listening to nothing but more lies about Ukraine? The fake news media is to blame for all of this BS. Biden is doing what must be done and we are watching the take down of the deep state. Stay in prayer because we need divine intervention from Almighty God.

2 years ago

The dem voters i know are still swilling the sewer water spewed forth by the commie media. I think we’re in a hell of a quandary. Its going to take a lot more destruction to bring the 10-15% of dem voters along that will be necessary to vote the traitors out. To get there is going to take 7-8 dollar gas as well as the economic catastrophe that will bring. Remember , the green loonies running the show now are Ecstatic with four buck gas. They’ll be orgasmic at six or seven.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Futility!! Any calls for Joe Biden to reverse the executive orders concerning our energy production is falling on ears and eyes that cannot affect his dementia damaged brain. Biden’s sole remaining focus is to stay near restrooms where his Secret Service attendants can change his depends.

Really, all communication efforts need to be directed at the White House staff that pull hapless Joe’s puppet strings. Who are these Puppeteers? It doesn’t really matter because they are obviously committed to bringing about a socialist regime akin to the one of the old U.S.S.R.

Solution? Vote next November, and help other non-liberals get to the polling places on that day.
A Senate and House of Representatives controlled by Republicans can stop further mischief by the puppet masters.

Oh, by the way, on November 8th, let the air out of your liberal neighbors car tires. This would reduce the fraud voting by double voters, and the dead zombie voters. And yes, ALL liberals are deserving of such righteous treatment.

2 years ago

All mentioned in the article would make sense if Biden’s and the Democrats goal would be to save the United States and benefit the American people, alas in their protests against Trump’s policies they clearly voiced their agenda “No Trump, No wall, No U.S.A. at all!” were their chants. Biden, Buttigieg, and Kerry don’t care how much gas costs, or if the people can afford their hyperinflation, they want this country gone so they can fully engage the “Great Reset”, they lack the intelligence to comprehend that it will utterly lack anything remotely resembling “greatness” because even their wealth will not be able to compensate for the loss of creative workforce their authoritarian, moronic plan will induce. Their 21st Century forced labor tower of Babel empire will collapse under the weight of their hubris, before it can even gain control.

2 years ago

Biden himself caused the U.S. to lose our energy independence by killing off the western oil production project , & resultant domino effect has caused everything else to get much worse in the last year . Obama & biden also FUNDED their genocide virus in communist china wuhan lab . .ALL of this has been blatantly obviously intentional to destroy America , per their NWO agenda goals . Biden is a true enemy of America .

2 years ago

This is a well constructed argument to do what’s right. The problem is that President Biden has no desire to do what’s right for the people of this country. Matter of fact, he has little to no understanding of the consequences of his ill-conceived executive orders because he just signs whatever pieces of paper are shoved across his desk. Since the Democrats have crowded the box with people who lost their minds long ago, there is little hope that any of these suggestions will come to fruition as long as the Democrats retain power. We can only hope and pray that there will be an overwhelming flood of conservative voters at the polls in November sufficient in number to nullify the manufactured votes of the Democrats.

President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: Demonstrators, some of them former PEPFAR and USAID employees, protest to demand that Congress stand up to President Donald Trump and Elon Musk's "Department of Government Efficiency" and reinstate lifesaving programs in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill on February 26, 2025 in Washington, DC. Organized by ActUp's Health Global Access Project, the protesters temporarily occupied the floor of the rotunda before U.S. Capitol Police arrested 21 of the demonstrators. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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