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Tell the Biden Administration to Support American Energy Production

Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2022
by AMAC Action

Mature Americans are among those most likely to be living on a fixed income. In fact, 1 in 3 of Americans over 65 years of age are economically insecure, with incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.

That means every little cost matters.

But when gasoline and energy prices rise as sharply as they have over the last year, with little end in sight, it hurts older Americans more than others. That’s because older adults, on average, have a 36% higher energy burden than the median American family, meaning their overall costs are more than a third higher than everyone else’s.

That is during ordinary times. The current energy crisis is an extraordinary time, as is an era of the highest inflation in more than 40 years.

The last year has seen gasoline prices rise 44%, with total annual household spending nearly doubling to $5,000.

Every single dollar increase on essentials like energy is the same as a tax increase. More spent on filling up our tanks or paying our electricity bills is less for everything else, like choosing how often to visit grandkids or even when to retire.

It is time to say no to intentional government efforts to lower American energy production, which have contributed to the energy price increases.

No matter what the Biden Administration says about prices dropping, gasoline prices are still nearly 60% higher than they were well before the Ukraine war aggravated the situation and sent prices near record highs.

The fundamentals behind high energy prices are unchanged: excessive regulations restricting oil & gas development; too little reliable U.S. supply to meet basic energy needs; geopolitical turmoil in Europe; and a misguided attempt by some to ban the use of oil and gas.

Those kinds of policies have led to businesses in the UK have shut their doors as costs have tripled, and ordinary citizens are facing a cold winter where prices will double to more than 10% of the average income and keep rising next year.

Some politicians in the U.S. want to follow this failed formula, and it’s started with one of the same mistakes the UK made – limiting offshore energy production. 

Offshore energy production provides the United States with 15% of the oil we use every day. If it’s not produced here, we become dependent on other countries.

Revenue from federal leasing supports national park maintenance, conservation, and recreation areas enjoyed by Americans across all 50 states. For those enjoying their retirement years on the coast, or planning to move to their retirement dream house there, leasing revenue sends hundreds of millions of dollars to states for coastal restoration and hurricane protection projects.

Banning American energy production, while begging countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and negotiating with state sponsors of terrorism like Iran to pump more oil, places America’s interests last.

Our strategic petroleum reserve has been drained to its lowest level to prop up the Biden Administration’s energy policy failures, leaving us no options in a real energy emergency.

Hampering American energy oil production is just one way to make mandates to buy electric vehicles more appealing, forcing older Americans to spend $54,000 on average for a new electric vehicle, not including the thousands of dollars needed to upgrade their home’s wiring for charging.

It’s time to let the Biden Administration know we are tired of high energy prices.

Let’s tell Washington we don’t want to repeat other countries’ energy mistakes.

You can act now by commenting on a federal program to continue oil & gas development in the Gulf of Mexico.

Let your voice be heard and tell Washington to get serious about protecting older Americans from higher prices.

There is no time to waste.



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Terri T.
Terri T.
2 years ago

The Russians are cutting our European NATO allies off from natural gas

2 years ago

Do your Job

2 years ago

Censoring and removing comments more frequently, seems to becoming the new norm with AMAC.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

The dolts in the Biden administration can’t be told anything.

2 years ago

We are tired of high energy prices.Continue oil

2 years ago

A crime has been committed against the American people…Our petroleum is being sold to the Chinese Government..this is a crime!

Betsy D
Betsy D
2 years ago

This energy crisis is man made by Biden and his handlers. Resume drilling you idiots.????????????

2 years ago

This “President” has no clue, He’s just a puppet for the left. They are such hypocrites, they fly all over on our $ and tell us we shouldn’t, lets gas go sky high for the Citizens but somehow, they don’t even know what it costs because nothing comes out of their pockets. When DJT ran the 1st time I voted for him because he won the election, didn’t really like him but he put America 1st, I’ll vote for him again,

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

“Tell them” what? DEMOCRATS DON’T CARE. They only care about their POWER.

2 years ago

We need to be self-sufficient as a country and not relay on our enemies for our gas and oil. They will have complete control over the US and we will become a third world

election fraud
election fraud
2 years ago

Obama/Biden want to destroy America, which in turn will hasten the destruction of the whole world!!! They will not open up the pipeline because that will give us our freedom back, which is exactly what they want to steal from us!!! They want us in continual lockdown mode, believing we will think that the government will solve the problem/s. The GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM-REAGAN!!!

Rene H Roy Jr.
Rene H Roy Jr.
2 years ago

Oil prices have come down because of the use of oil reserves. Tt is deceptive strategy to garnish more votes for the left. Ocean waves come and go however after the midterms if the house and senate does not turn red there will be a tidal wave of misery for the average income citizen. We are a nation that depends on oil and its byproducts for everything that that we consume. Without oil this nation will crash, green energy is not the answer, it’s a big fraud propagated by the progressive elites.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

We were energy independent before Biden. The only way we will have American energy production again and thus be energy independent again is to vote Biden and the green new deal crowd out of office and to tell the greenies to take a hike.

2 years ago

It’s naive to encourage people to “let the Biden administration know we’re tired of high energy prices”.
It’s untrue that Biden’s policies have “failed”. In fact, they are succeeding quite well.
Everything the current fraudulent administration is doing is completely intentional. The will of the people is being ignored and is now of no consequence whatsoever. There is no reason to appeal to government to reverse or change their energy policy or any other destructive policy. All appeals and protests are of no use.
Biden’s policies are accomplishing exactly what he’s been ordered to do – destroy the economy, the social structure and ultimately the US as a nation.
Our government has been overthrown by communists and too many Americans have failed to notice.

Richard Eha
Richard Eha
2 years ago

This government is so corrupt that it is a STENCH in the nostrils of God Almighty. Help is coming from God…not man. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls…look up because God Himself is going to deliver us from this evil regime that has taken over our lives!

2 years ago

If Americans have to suffer then so will the government. The gov needs lots of oil for its cars, aircraft and military.

2 years ago

Drill baby, drill. Unfortunately these tyrants in office won’t listen. They would rather watch America tank than help us out.

One Concern American
One Concern American
2 years ago

We need to get rid of them all in power. Even the Republicans now in office are not standing up for Americans. This country is being taken over because everyone is being told to feel sorry for all. Well who is going to feel sorry for Americans when are like a third world country? Who is going to give their money to us and provide for us because me don’t have it any more? We gave it to everyone else.

2 years ago

The situation is intentional. Open your eyes and use your brains ????!

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