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Teach Confidence – Not Fear

Posted on Monday, January 6, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

America’s young people are in trouble. The data is piling up. Kids are not being taught critical skills, how to think, work, dare, and thrive. They are unduly anxious—in historical context—but this can be fixed. Adults must teach confidence, not fear.

Nationally, the raw numbers are arresting. Some states are worse than others, but all paid dearly for misconceived COVID mandates and lost time living and learning.

Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research reports education outcomes continue to decline, suggesting policymakers need to think harder and work together.

In “The Scary Truth About How Far American Kids Have Fallen,” the Center notes “more than four years after the pandemic shuttered classrooms and disrupted lives of millions of children …” we are still in trouble.

In the wake of COVID, “effects were seen almost immediately, as students’ performance in reading and math began to dip …” and the New York Times reported, “The pandemic erased two decades of progress in math and reading.”

But now – as 2025 unfolds – we have a larger concern, “non-recovery” by kids, lack of resilience, and no rebound for young adults. Why? In part because critical life skills – social, psychological, academic – were not taught, and life keeps coming.

On the academic side, we can see effects on scores. “Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study” just found that “between 2019 and 2023, test scores for American 4th graders in math dropped by 18 points and scores for 8th graders dropped 27 points.”

Other studies suggest the same, up to half of all kids are a grade behind. The slide is accelerated by absenteeism, anxiety, depression, drugs, and violence.

Not surprisingly, anxiety originating in the pandemic mandates and lost social interaction has been compounded by inflexible policy responses, lack of accountability, and unhelpful hysteria about politics, jobs, crime, health, and climate.

Another recent medical study found: “Rising anxiety and depression in primary school students adversely affects their development and academics, burdening families and schools. This trend necessitates urgent, focused research within this young demographic. This alarming trend calls for a systematic bibliometric analysis to develop effective preventive and remedial strategies.”

Another report, citing still other studies, declared “Anxiety and depression are spiking among young people. No one knows why.” The media throw hands in the air, oddly like arsonists handwringing over a fire they helped start.

The Wall Street Journal last week expanded the damage assessment circle. A wide swath of young Americans, even after school – face personal lags. Wrote the Journal: “As American 30-somethings increasingly bypass the traditional milestones of adulthood, economists are warning that what seemed like a lag may in fact be a permanent state of arrested development.”

What does that really mean? The data suggests slower learning of self-reliance and skills that reinforce confidence, producing less financial independence, more living alone, slower marriage, childbearing, and missed markers of adulthood.

In short, we are at another intersection – lean in, or shrug. We can choose not to care, or we can affirmatively reach out and teach by example, offering positive reinforcement for self-reliance, role modeling, job training, how to make decisions, how to fail and recover – or the reverse, permitting fear, self-doubt, and anxiety to win.

What is the answer? The answer is to reverse engineer the problem, teach trust and responsibility, and go back to basics: How to fail, learn, succeed, and keep going, how to have faith in yourself and – yes – faith in God, understanding things work out.  

We have to remove the impediments to confidence, personal growth, and achievement, stop excusing escapism, replace bad influences—from ambivalence to drugs—with good ones and affirmatively teach resilience—how to step up, not back.

Can this be done? Yes, of course it can. Can we give kids the life lessons, role models, sources of peace, predictability, faith, and calm we were once taught? Yes, of course we can. This can be fixed. Adults must teach … confidence not fear.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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2 months ago

If our nation would turn its heart towards God, everything else will fall into place. The secular world has tried to remove God from every aspect of our lives and look where that has gotten us. Our children have been robbed of the peace and love they so desperately need. Only God can fill the space in our hearts that is rightfully his. Let us all pray that God in His mercy will help each of us to honor Him individually and as a nation. Evil can and will be defeated eventually when God seems it so, but until then we must do all we can to oppose evil. Trust God.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

During COVID I drove by a closed school every day. Later, when they did open them, I drove by the same school during recess with sequestered, masked children, roped up swings, and equipment cordoned off with caution tape. I guess I could have prayed for America but I was the 51st person there and Nevada only “allowed” 50 at one time to worship in churches. And they call Trump a “dictator”?

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

Schools have been on the decline since they’ve become indoctrination hubs rather than learning centers. Industrial arts have been removed and now, no one can do anything without paying a “professional”. Life skills are only taught at home if they’re fortunate to have a experienced and skilled mentor. Life isn’t just about education, the myriad of skills necessary to navigate everyday issues is severely lacking and the cost is staggering.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 months ago

Those young people who were effected negatively by the Covid corruption and incompetence do deserve to be understood and being influenced by confidence instead of fear will be the right way to fix what needs to be fixed. Knowledge of history should help as well as the value of having a sense of humor, and developing a sense of purpose . If the hull of a ship sustains damage then the situation requires quick and accurate inspection to assess the extent of the damage . Only then can a decision be made as to getting into the lifeboats or not. So that metaphor applies to the disruption in the lives of young people inexperienced in life. An understanding that making adjustments due to adversity is something that is part of reality and having an understanding of those matters can be thought of as a great source of strength. Thoughtful article RBC , very positive and encouraging !

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

How about teaching humble gratitude instead of pride which has become a dirty word lately. Gratitude for being an American. Grateful for your mom and dad. Grateful for your own race, birth gender etc.

2 months ago

Great article!

2 months ago

There is at least one way out of this: get your gkids, if at all possible, out of public schools. Yes, even the suburban ones your kids are heavily taxed to support. Keep then away from ‘media arsonists’ as much as possible for as long as possible. Carefully selected private schools or home schooling is the short term answer. Check out Chesterton Academy of st benedict if Catholic minded. Therere plenty of Protestant minded home school ‘plug in’ options. Ive seen them in action and the results: kids who are normal, serious at study, exhuberant at play, respectful of others.

2 months ago

I wonder how much the over reach of pandemic and shutdowns with CoVID increased anxiety. My granddaughter who is now 10 began counseling for anxiety and fear of diseases that cause emotional meltdowns and more two years ago. She and her siblings have always been homeschooled but did co-op one day a week. I would think even more impact on kids who were in school suddenly being home. Where I lived all parks and playgrounds were closed too. Less social interaction and activity may contribute to the anxiety abs fear levels.

John Shipway
John Shipway
2 months ago

“Don’t teach fear”? Have you been paying attention to what our own government has been doing to civilians both at home and abroad? You think any of the hordes jailed for participating in a welcomed in guided tour of the Capital won’t be teaching fear for the rest of their lives? How about the surviving parents of the tens of thousands of Palestinian children blown to pieces with munitions the good ole USA provided its master state, Israel? You think they won’t be teaching fear for the rest of their likely brief lives? How about the male population of Ukraine who have died acting as proxies in a conflict our country is too weak to carry out itself. I bet the VERY few that survive that conflict that American meddling started will sure as hell be teaching fear for the rest of their lives as well, or at least when they arent attending Nazi rallies in honor of their true hero, Stepan Bandera.
We need to either teach fear or use the Second Amendment for its true intended purpose as we are all in dire danger.

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Harvard university
Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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