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Special Counsel Appointment Is Biden’s “Saturday Night Massacre”

Posted on Sunday, August 13, 2023
by BC Brutus

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus


All the major public corruption scandals in American history have their inflection points, with the most famous being Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” and the firing of Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. The threat now facing Joe Biden is that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of David Weiss – the same prosecutor who cut a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter Biden that a judge later rejected – as the lead special counsel to investigate Hunter’s crimes will be a similar watershed moment when the president’s attempts to cover up his wrongdoing will instead cause the scandal to fully break through with the public.

At the onset of the probe into the Watergate break-ins in 1972, most Americans viewed the saga as a political side show and dismissed accusations of Nixon’s involvement out of hand. With the nation mired in the Vietnam War and a general election looming, a clumsy burglary attempt of a high-end Washington hotel seemed a fleeting curiosity.

Yet as the investigation dragged on and more evidence emerged implicating Nixon, the president and some of his top aides began to grow nervous. Still, however, much of the public viewed the investigation as a politically motivated effort on the part of Democrats in Congress.

That all changed on Saturday, October 20, 1973. After Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox issued a subpoena for taped Oval Office conversations, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox. Instead, Richardson resigned in protest. Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox – only to have Ruckelshaus also resign.

Finally, Solicitor General Robert Bork, who had just been sworn in as Acting Attorney General, complied with Nixon’s order and fired Cox.

The incident was the beginning of the end for Nixon. Just one week after the Saturday Night Massacre, an NBC News poll found that, for the first time, a plurality of Americans supported impeaching the president. Nixon’s public image would never recover, most of his Republican allies would abandon him, and the president who carried 49 out of 50 states in his 1972 re-election effort would resign less than two years later.

As President Biden faces his own rapidly deepening scandal, Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Weiss as special prosecutor may be an even more strategic error than Nixon’s “massacre” – a mistake that is compounded by Biden’s prior bungled attempts to undermine the investigations into himself and his family.

As The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board wrote, Weiss’s appointment is another “belly flop” by Garland into the 2024 campaign. After Weiss cut a completely discredited sweetheart deal with Hunter Biden, and after IRS whistleblowers provided evidence that Weiss already failed to follow clear evidence of the Biden family’s corruption and million-dollar payouts from foreign businesses, Garland’s response is to give Weiss even more control over the investigation.

This has the unavoidable appearance of Garland attempting to shield Biden from accountability for actions that could imperil his boss’s re-election bid. Weiss was the architect of a scheme to get the president’s son off of corruption charges with a slap on the wrist, and now Garland has appointed him special prosecutor.

Law professor Jonathan Turley also pointed out that Garland’s appointment of someone who already works for the Justice Department as special prosecutor appears to violate federal law, as such positions are supposed to be filled by individuals from outside the federal government. Moreover, special prosecutors are supposed to have “a reputation for integrity and impartial decision-making,” and Weiss has repeatedly been accused of lying and having conflicts of interest.

“The Weiss appointment definitively established Garland as a failure as attorney general,” Turley concludes. “As it stands, Garland has virtually ensured that Congress will pursue an impeachment inquiry as the only body seriously investigating the scandal.”

Even Biden’s erstwhile ally Peter Baker over at The New York Times recognizes that Biden may have a serious problem on his hands. “Questions about Hunter Biden’s conduct may be harder for the White House to dismiss as politically motivated,” Baker writes. “They may even break out of the conservative echo chamber to the general public, which has largely not paid much attention until now.”

For Biden, the real danger in Weiss’s appointment is not that he will uncover “smoking gun” evidence implicating the president or a member of the First Family in criminal wrongdoing – thanks to the Hunter Biden laptop and additional revelations from House Republicans, that evidence already exists. Rather, the danger is that the glaring appearance of an attempt to cover up that evidence will place the scandal front and center in the public consciousness.

The Justice Department’s prosecutions of former President Donald Trump only add to this brewing public relations crisis for Biden. Every time another domino falls in the Biden corruption case, Democrats announce a new “bombshell” in their investigations into Trump in what has now become a transparent attempt to distract the country from the very serious problems facing the Biden family.

This was made even more clear on Friday as, just hours after Garland announced Weiss’s appointment, news leaked that Trump could be facing another indictment in Georgia. The juxtaposition of the two news stories had the undeniable appearance of an orchestrated attempt at damage control, where the media and Democrat insiders behind the Trump prosecutions think they can rescue Biden with campaign-style spin of the news cycle. But as each indictment looks shakier than the last, this strategy may be falling apart.

Some Democrats also appear to recognize the perils of Biden’s situation. In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips said he has “grave concerns” about Biden’s re-election bid and encouraged other Democrats to challenge him.

If a few more Democrats break rank, it becomes untenable for the media to continue carrying water for the administration, and the intelligence community can’t cover for him any longer, things could begin to snowball quickly in the wrong direction for Biden.

Of course, there are also some notable differences between Nixon’s downfall and Biden’s current crisis that could continue to help prop up the president. Unlike Nixon, Biden has a media establishment still largely eager – desperate even – to assist him in the cover-up. As AMAC Newsline previously reported, the liberal press has parroted Biden’s lies every step of the way, and thus have intertwined their fates with the president’s

Most elected Democrats will also be far more reluctant to abandon their leader than were many Republicans 50 years ago, as they too have staked their reputations on the Biden family’s integrity. It’s not just Biden’s reputation on the line, either – if Republicans’ accusations break through with the public, many will begin asking questions about what Obama knew and when concerning his vice president’s illicit activities.

The aftermath of Nixon’s resignation was an electoral bloodbath for Republicans. Democrats saw a net gain of four Senate seats, 49 House seats, and four governorships. That backlash continued two years later with the election of Jimmy Carter, whose presidency would be a disaster for the country.

It has often been said of scandals that “the cover-up is worse than the crime.” That was certainly the case for Nixon and Republicans. Now, Biden and his Democrats may be barreling toward their own electoral reckoning.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Nixon was in trouble because the media HATED him for opposing their Commie friends after WW2. The media LOVES Senile Joe because he is so pliable to Soros and the other Commies running things. Both times the Communists are the “good guys” for the media!!

1 year ago

This does not surprise me. This current administration has been looking for so many ways to cover up for this President and his family. As one of the commentators to AMAC articles that I enjoy reading always writes or comments on that congressional hearings can not indict or prosecute the wrong doers it’s up to the DOJ, FBI to bring indictments but we all know this current leadership of DOJ and FBI are just as corrupt and nothing will happen to Biden and his family but trumped (no pun intended) up charges against President Trump could have him if convicted on all charges sentence to 600+ years. Are we Russia in which Putin’s arch political rival, Alexi Navalny was given an additional 19;year sentence for wanting Putin to be transparent with the Russia people.

1 year ago

I have been wondering if the facade would ever be broken and the Biden crime family would be exposed for what they are. I am still waiting but it looks as if there is some cracking in that facade.

1 year ago

Nixon was a Saint compared to Biden!

Terry White
Terry White
1 year ago

This just keeps getting better,and better. Bidens allies just don’t get it. The more they try to “help” Biden, the more damage they do to him. I love it! Keep up the good work dummies!!!

Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno
1 year ago

Republicans know what’s happening here, but Weiss’s appointment is waaaayyyyy too subtle a point for the average Democrat voter to grasp. The only obvious point that can be gleaned from this article is that Democrats “get away with m*rder” and Republicans can’t get away with jaywalking. End of story!

1 year ago

There are a number of people involved, that should be tried for TREASON, if convicted, follow thought. STOP THIS CONTINUED SUGAR COATING of thugs.

The forgotten man
The forgotten man
1 year ago

It would have more of a chance of snowing on an 80 degree than Hunter Biden being convicted of a crime under this depraved Regiem call Government. Look at the witch Hillary Clinton with a criminal record of over 30 years.. has anything happened to her and her consort Bill for their evil deeds?

1 year ago

Journalism may be the difference. If fewer Americans even know the accusations, there may not be a majority that realizes that the Homeland is NOT secure and the administration is NOT enforcing laws.

1 year ago

Can the special counsel investigate his own agency??????

1 year ago

Thank God that Merrick Garland was not allowed to get on the Supreme Court where he would serve for life. Perhaps his bitterness over the way his nomination was ignored has something to do with his extreme partisanship. But I think he needs to be reminded, it’s supposed to be the department of JUSTICE not the department of Democrats.

1 year ago

They are pulling all the strings to protect ole Joe. There is no comparison with Nixon and ole Joe. The FBI the IRS the DOJ and the courts are all in ole Joe’s corner. Everything will be dragged out and more made up charges are piled on Trump.
Their plan is so large not only here in America but the WEF are behind it. And they have lots of money and have compromised lots of dem politicians. Nobody is going to break with the plan. They all will be losing their position and go to prison. They rather go on tv and talk about ole Joe like a saint. That is how we found out ole Joe is a weatherman. He is or has been talking to all kinds of business associates of Hunter about the weather. Apparently they don’t have that information they paid ole Joe handsomely for that information. If it was so innocent why have none of these business associates come forward and have told the truth what took place?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Rigged to keep Hunter safe all Politics

1 year ago

At first, I thought that having far-left Garland step aside was a good thing. This article has set me straight. Thank you.

1 year ago

It is folly to think that dem robots might wake up or breakout of the medias tractor beam. Biden is on the hard basement floor now. As the election nears dem robots will circle the wagons. His numbers will rise as the media whips up trump hate all over again. The independent vote is slightly different even tho most of them are dem robots who fancy themselves conscious beings. In fifty yrs the country has changed dramatically. The progressive influence has largely succeeded in creating millions of emotionally sick people who will be dem robots till they expire.

1 year ago

That could happen now IF our elections had integrity which they DON’T. So, we don’t know how this will turn out. Thr Democrats and the blue states are expert CHEATERS!

1 year ago

Somehow, we have a crook as potus and an admin of his petty, propaganda peddling pals. Took about 250 years to metastasize.

1 year ago

The Dims and MSM keep saying that it was Trump who appointed David Weiss, even Garland in his speech made a point to say “Trump appointed” special prosecutor. They neglect to say that it was democratic Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons who recommended Weiss, from a state, Delaware, that is totally left wing Biden supporters.

1 year ago

Media-driven tripe. ALL of it. Designed to dupe gullible American taxpayers.

1 year ago

This is reading like a mystery novel, except to many of us, it’s no mystery what’s happening, it’s just the outcome that’s in doubt. With so many prominent legal experts saying the government is doing illegal things, can it be long before the cover up falls apart? I’m impatient to see the outcome.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Media never shut up about Watergate then and keep it alive now Nixon was not liberal or on the left enough He was in the way and had to go Biden is safe as long as those who handle him allow it Security a la Politburo

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Let ne guess: the lead DOJ investigator is Officer Barbrady? What a joke.

1 year ago

Nothing will ever happen. Nothing will come of this. The Biden crime family will continue. The media will continually cover for everything they have done there will be no prosecutions unless your name is Trump. We are a really bad third world Banana Republic, and it’s not going to get any better.

nassrin or steven meisels
nassrin or steven meisels
1 year ago

Where do we go from here? It is now the Biden regime versus the American people.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

The whole biden family and the entire administration that has been covering for the bidens needs to be in prison for life.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

I woulkd like to thank AMAC for myself and I’;m sure others ,for airing my comments. Aol has banned my free speach. Left wing bunch.. Kyle L.

To whom
To whom
1 year ago

To the person who deleted my comment.

i hope you get kidnapped next time you go out and the police never find you lol

Dick Keith
Dick Keith
1 year ago

The media will never turn on Biden. That might lead to the realization that Barry Hussein’s cabinet members along with Barry himself profited handsomely from their “public service.” The Obama economy was so great the Clintons amassed a fortune running a “charity.” (How are Clinton Foundation donations going since Hillary’s humiliating 2016 defeat?) Barry & the “wife” have really experienced growth in their various accounts since leaving the White House. None of their books have sold & the Netflix contract hasn’t yielded any major works. It doesn’t look like Barry is out giving speeches around the globe. Where did their money come from? Biden is giving everyone a glimpse of the sausage-making. (Barry wasn’t lying when he said Biden could find a way to f##k up anything.) None of the Democrats will break ranks along with the establishment RINOS because their bank records would definitely follow the same pattern we see from the peak behind the curtain of Joe & the crackhead shoving the ground meat into the intestinal casing.
Free elections could solve the problems but is anyone really confident that US elections are on the level? Unfortunately, unless something massively unexpected happens like both houses of Congress & the bureaucracy find some integrity, we’re watching the end of the American experiment & the beginning of a quasi-oligarchy. Considering the long con has started falling apart because the people running it aren’t anywhere near the best & the brightest, this won’t be a pretty landing.

1 year ago

NEVER, EVER TRUST A liberal OR A chimp

1 year ago

Sadly, this is just the “tip of the iceberg” with the Progressive Liberal “DEEP STATE”. The corruption includes, The Corporate Media who shields them “from the light of day”, yes, as we see the Justice Department, but also the FBI, CIA and NSA, but more importantly than ever, half of the American population voting Democrat over and over and over in spite of the damage to the nation they wreak.

1 year ago

Weiss was appointed by oh bummer and Sessions was AG when he was confirmed in the position. Anyone who says he was appointed by Trump is avoiding reality.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
1 year ago

Democrats hinge Biden’s innocence of wrong-doing on the missing “hard evidence” of his participation in the Hunter Biden ” brand scam”. In my mind his guilt was left in no doubt simply by not STOPPING Hunter’s activity. Obama could have stopped it too, but didn’t. They are both guilty of complicity.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

Remember Bill Barr originally appointed Weiss. What a turd AG Barr is! Never loyal to Trump he was.

1 year ago

We can all hope this will happen, but the deep state and MSM corruption may prevail. If so, our country is doomed.

Ednor Rowe
Ednor Rowe
1 year ago

As Dan Bongino frequently says, in DC, 90% of Republicans are Democrats; but 0% of democrats are really republicans.

Had hoped RFK Jr. would break that mold, but haven’t heard a peep out of him on this ridiculous criminalizing of free speech about election fraud, when I’ve recently heard 20 minutes of high democrat / media assertions that EVERY race they’ve lost since hanging chads through Gore V Bush and Hillary 2016 was stolen.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

What’s truly amazing is that Biden has been a corrupt politician most of his life and it is only coming to light now that he holds the highest office of president while committing treason and allowing evil to run rampant across our land. What a sad state our country is in when the only fear of half the people is that we might get a strong speaking leader who does what he says and says what he will do, which is get rid of those who have allowed, if not caused, the (deep) state we are in.

Michael Nugent
Michael Nugent
1 year ago

Let’s get it done for we can get on with putting trump back in the White House.

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

What will be key is whether or not the public hears the entire story or only what is reported by the one sided media.

Kenneth Howes
Kenneth Howes
1 year ago

Big difference. Biden has almost all the major news outlets running ìnterference for him. The same outlets were working overtime to bring Nixon down.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

How does Garland get a pass on violating Fed rules for assigning Special Prosecutor? No one seems to discuss that. Either it is a violation to assignment from within his agency or it is not. Very difficult to follow these stories without the truth.

1 year ago

And now we get the GA prosecution, ridiculously broad and ineptly presented (the charges were posted before the grand jury even voted for them, then erased from media sites) and gleefully covered in detail in the media and press.
Reality is that many Americans are more concerned about paying their bills and protecting their children from indoctrination and abuse in schools and throughout the culture, but surely the massive overreach in this last “prosecution” of an opposition political candidate (AND those around him) must SOMEHOW strike the distracted people of America – as well as Republican members of Congress, who SUPPOSEDLY speak for the people they represent – as the last straw! The Democrats are demonstrating their Civil War pattern of “Rule or Ruin.” Unable to completely “rule” through corrupt leaders and their loyal activists, they have resolved to turn the law on its head and destroy this country. What they do now is clearly PERSECUTION BY PROSECUTION.
Only GOD can resolve this chaos, and every sign indicates that, unless there is repentance and revival among our people, He will not do so.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

The whole bunch of bidens”buddies”makes a mockery of AMERICAS justice system.All of the bidens are”teflon”coated and not one of these criminals will be prosecuted.This kiss sloppy joeys behind is a total sham.

1 year ago

At some point soon the MSM will have to start giving details and the truth about “Uncle Joe” the treacherous grifter. Who is the president who really deserves prosecution for 40+ counts of illegal activities?Q

John clarke
John clarke
1 year ago

We now know the CIA was involved in the Watergate break in – and it was most likely a set up.

Louise R
Louise R
1 year ago

One can wish…

1 year ago

Rather than prognosticate about what if’s of the Biden and the crooked lefties, we should be loading up behind President Trump with everything we can do to support his bid for the Presidency. We need to be prepared to march right behind him if they push these baseless charges from the time he announced his bid for the presidency. It is hard to believe anyone with a logical mind can believe the crap thrown at him and what he has gone through and still fights for our country. I suggest if they do accomplish their illegal harassment and indictments of an honest man, we should start our push for the largest write in vote in history. Keep funding him in his battles and help him save America.
1 year ago Is this the same person? Sure sounds that way.

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