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Soros’s Rogue Prosecutor Crime Spree Must Stop

Posted on Tuesday, May 7, 2024
by Ed Martin


george soros

Left-wing megadonor George Soros has a bad reputation among conservatives, and rightly so. For decades, he has employed questionable methods to leverage his vast wealth to control political races far outside of his state of residence in New York.

Say what you will about him, Soros has an incredible gift for maximizing the effect of his political donations. If only he didn’t use this gift to undermine law and order.

If Soros were trying to create the most chaos possible and endanger the most lives possible for the least amount of money, he was spot-on by donating his money to fund far left prosecutors in America’s big cities. At the height of his influence, half of America’s 50 most populous cities were overseen by prosecutors who had received astronomical donations from Soros-linked entities.

All this came at the relatively low cost of $40 million. That’s pocket change for a man valued at $32 billion.

The efforts by Soros-backed groups to enact what they called “criminal justice reform” were so effective because they took advantage of the fact that there were very few procedural checks and balances in place to stop a local prosecutor from refusing to charge criminals for their offenses. As a result, Soros prosecutors could do like Rachael Rollins of Boston, who released a list of 15 crimes that she would decline to prosecute, signaling to criminals that it was open season on destroying property, breaking and entering, and possessing drugs with the intent to distribute.

On top of that, few people even bother paying attention to local prosecutor races. As a result, any willing megadonor could pile on massive donations to completely throw off races that would ordinarily be characterized by low spending, and no one would be the wiser. Pro-police “law and order” candidates don’t generally receive a lot of funding, so knocking them down would be a piece of cake.

At one time, twenty percent of America’s population was under the thumb of Soros funded prosecutors. Many were former public defenders who “switched sides” with the help of Soros funding. They then replaced all of the lower-level prosecutors with other public defenders who would refuse to charge criminals.

Unfortunately, that is where things took a grisly turn for the worst.

One by one, America’s big cities were embroiled in a crime wave of epic proportions. Kim Foxx in Chicago was the first rogue prosecutor that Soros funded in 2016 and again in 2020 to the tune of $2.7 million in campaign contributions. During her first four-year tenure, 10,857 Chicagoans became shooting victims.

To put that into perspective, that’s half as many shooting victims in Chicago in four years as there were troops wounded in action in Afghanistan over the 13-year period from 2001 to 2014. It’s no wonder that crime rates are up in Chicago, as Foxx consistently relies on placing criminals on electronic home monitoring rather than putting them in prison, then refuses to prosecute them when they violate the terms of these arrangements.

Consider also the case of Larry Krasner, district attorney in Philadelphia. Elected in 2017, Krasner is a former criminal defense attorney with a history of suing the Philadelphia Police Department. A whopping 90 percent of his campaign cash came from Soros-funded groups – $1.7 million.

Krasner fired 31 prosecutors upon taking office and replaced them with defense lawyers. Then he sat back and watched as murders went up 63 percent and shootings went up 78 percent. Rather than facing accountability for his gross mistreatment of the prosecutor’s role, Krasner accepted an additional $1.2 million to secure his reelection, bringing his total contributions from Soros to over $2.9 million.

Soros-funded Kim Gardner, former Circuit Attorney for the city of Saint Louis, was accused of being the captain of a “rudderless ship of chaos” by one judge who was fed up with her and her fellow prosecutors not showing up for court. She allegedly violated Missouri state law to protect criminals from weapons charges and forced the circuit court to dismiss a total of 2,735 criminal cases, letting criminals walk free with no punishment for their violent crimes. Needless to say, crime skyrocketed.

Of course, even for lackeys of a billionaire, these actions have consequences. More than a dozen local prosecutors funded by Soros have either been removed from office or quit within the past two years. This includes Kim Gardner, who dramatically emailed her resignation to the governor mere hours before a judge was set to rule on whether Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey could schedule a deposition with Gardner and likely obtain incriminating evidence against her.

Yet, despite this wave of pushback against the efforts of Soros prosecutors to upend all semblance of law and order, dozens upon dozens of rogue prosecutors funded by Soros are still out there disrupting the natural course of justice in our major cities. It’s time for responsible elected officials to get involved in ending this reign of terror.

The best solution is, as usual, a state-by-state solution. Other state attorneys general should take action modeled after that of Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey. Each rogue prosecutor should be investigated thoroughly, and if they are found to be derelict in their duty, they should be made to either resign or be removed from office.

Soros’s network will undoubtedly do all they can to maintain their influence over big city district attorney offices. But Americans should recognize that people are dying because of the policies put in place by Soros-backed prosecutors. As dangerous criminals are being released back onto the streets without remorse for their actions, Soros prosecutors and their financial backers are ignoring the suffering of victims and trampling upon the commitment to justice that has always characterized America’s institutions.

Our cities are becoming less safe by the day. How long will it be before this tidal wave of terror reaches the neighborhood where your children play?

Ed Martin is a lawyer who succeed iconic conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly as President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, the pro-family organization with leaders in every state. He clerked for the federal court of appeals and has served as Chief of Staff to the Governor of Missouri, Chairman of the St. Louis Board of Elections, and in 1997 as special assistant to Pope John Paul II.

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9 months ago

Something has to be done with Soros and individuals like him who have so much money, they apparantley do not know what to do with it. They are helping Biden ruin this country. don’t know how, but Donald Trump needs to be rescued from that bunch of socialists in the courrt system of New York. All of his court battles are “trumped up” charges. The judge in this case and his family are benefitting from this farce of a trial. It has to be stopped. Why can’t the Supreme Court intervene?

James Rowland
James Rowland
9 months ago

Soros isn’t just a left wing partisan. He is a globalist who has written he believes that is is necessary to weaken both the US and Israel in order to move to a one-government world.

9 months ago

I’m still wanting to know why Soros is still in our country. He was a known Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary. He was a turncoat Jew. Demunjak lost his citizenship and was deported. He was a featherweight compared to this scumbag Soros.

9 months ago

The evil foot soldiers taking Soros money may get investigated, but Soros is untouchable. I believe his son is now in charge and he’s a chip off the corruption-funding block. I’m in agreement that both are pushing for the one world government and currency. Sadly, there are many who will still take their money and do their bidding

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Democrats sure act lije they hate the Citizens United SCOTUS decision but sure love the dark money themselves. I’m thinking they just hate Republicans getting money… And I forget: where does Soros money come from? 87,000 new armed IRS agents looking to audit people might know!

Pat R
Pat R
9 months ago

The news of Soros’ financing of prosecutors was made public BEFORE their elections this past cycle. Why wasn’t something done then to get the news out there? Why did it take 4 years? There should have been news about funding during campaigns.
Dems are ahead of the curve obviously. Repubs/conservatives play catch-up. So guess who takes advantage of such sluggingness?

9 months ago

I have said for years that outside money must be banned from ALL local elections. Donation limits must be put in place in national elections. Soros, Gates and the like wield far too much influence over matters that should be no concern of theirs. As things stand, our elections are for sale to the highest bidder.

9 months ago

Soros is pure evil. His judgement day is coming.
His lawless legacy will unfortunately live well beyond him as I believe he has a son who is just as power mad and evil minded.
Imagine the good things Soros could have done with his incredible fortune.

9 months ago

Why are we talking about this? This man is helping destroy our country and he still is walking around?? The whole Soros regime should be taken out, and no one does anything about it!

9 months ago

Make those who fund rogue prosecutors criminally and financially liable for the consequences of not enforcing laws. A decree by a rogue prosecutor to not enforce laws on the books, without appropriate government action, is dereliction of duty. The only way to make this stop is to force Soros and his dark money groups to pony up millions upon millions of dollars in every city and also face criminal prosecution themselves for aiding dereliction of duty.

9 months ago

Soros wants to be a world leader by buying his way. He is not a leader that we want, because this man is so corrupt and has no scruples! He is a traitor to the USA and if he hates our country so much, why doesn’t he move to Russia or China and take up citizenship? Oh yeah, those leaders would exterminate him because of his threat to their government.
Our election of justices, must be more open and public. The ballot questions is…do you want this person to have another term or not. When trying to research their record is not listed just how many lawyers approve of their court decisions. We need more open history of their judgements, sentences and why.
Just my opinion from a Great Grandma, so sad that all of this has come about because of personal greed and not allegiance to our country! If he hates the USA that much to destroy it, he is a traitor and needs to abandon his citizenship.

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
9 months ago

Madmen bent on World domination have plagued Mankind since the day “ruling the World” first became an idea. There’s a place for megalomaniacs like Soros; it’s called an “asylum for the Criminally Insane.”

KJ Crockett
KJ Crockett
9 months ago

Why are contributions from any source (like Soros’ America hating foundations) not limited to smaller amounts? Perhaps the reason is the same as why there are no term limits or cognitive tests on our politicians. Old Georgie and his brain washed son should be relieved of their US citizenship and removed from our shores.

9 months ago

Soros is an evil force that needs to be reckoned with. Just a vile man that has too much money. His time is coming at judgement day.

9 months ago

Should we expect anything other than evil from Soros – the person who turned in Jews to the Nazis, so they could be sent to concentration camps and murdered. This person is ugliness and evil in one person. Of course he is hell-bent on destroying the United States and Israel. he almost destroyed the UK a few years ago.

9 months ago

Soros the Hitler of the 21st Century. His sons are following in daddy’s footsteps. The dems don’t do anything without first checking with Soros. These rogue DA’s can’t be dismissed. Only through the courts and the judges have been bought as well. This set up is so well planned and executed it will take generations for it to change. Soros has meddled in the Ukraine war since 2014. In Georgian war. He paid the Wagner group to start the conflict. That was his army. How do we get rid of all the destruction this man has created. Not every American knows his name or what he has done and is still doing. That Trump is in court today is thanks to Soros. Who got Letitia James and Alvin Bragg elected as prosecutors. Solely on the basis they ran on getting Trump. What have the dems done the past 4 years but ruin this country. Nothing has been accomplished only Soros vision for America to bring her down as a powerhouse.

9 months ago

Soros is a sick minded man and he uses his money to buy people to control. He and Adolph are alike.

9 months ago

All of this happened because voters bought into the argument that there are two many people of color in prison. Don’t look at who is committing crimes, because we must assume that crimes are committed at the same rate by all ethnic groups. News at 11 in any major city displays many crimes caught on surveilance cameras. Tell me what you see.

9 months ago

Why don’t organizations like this sue the heck out of Soros, and his funded organizations, and those terrorist politicians, prosecutors, judges, personally for the specific harms they create on behalf of victims?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
9 months ago

When will something be done to neutralize “slugs”,never as long as we have leftist sympathizers like the obama/biden entities and their cult,or until the uprising that mey very well happen removes these entities.I would thing that attempting to destroy AMERICA would be classed as treason.

9 months ago

If Soros were trying to create the most chaos possible and endanger the most lives possible for the least amount of money,’ the article states. Yes, he is not just trying, but doing it. Why? you may ask. Because he can. Ego.

jerry d.
jerry d.
9 months ago

Why is it all the prosecuters and judges in ny are all jerkoffs including sorass.

9 months ago

Soros personifies evil. Watched the last few minutes of a 60 Minutes interview with Soros by the late Steve Kroft. Soros recounted his days in Hitlers Auschwitz prison camp with a “smile”. He was 12 years old, considered a man in the Jewish faith. He told of taking the belongings of other Jews being herded into the building. He handed them over to the gestapo no doubt knowing by then their fate. As he recounted these memories he “smiled” and said; “I have such fond memories of that time.” The “showers” were CS gas, banned by the Geneva Convention as “to cruel for warfare”. I’ve seen photos taken by General Dwight Eisenhower who told his men to take “thousands of photos as no one would believe it.” The look on Kroft’s face was one of barely concealed horror.
I’ve seen a few photos of the concrete walls…with ruts clawed into them by bare human hands from pain that can’t be imagined. About CS gas, it was also used on the Branch Dividians, American citizens, in Waco, Texas in ’94 at the behest of another monster, Wm. Clinton. Whether or not you hated them or sorrowed for them, American men, women and children where screaming in unimaginable pain before death. Murdered under an “American” president. Soros no doubt approved…evil in the flesh. Can’t help but wonder what the future may bring…

9 months ago

All this is not to mention that he and his ilk are also funding all of the social unrest like the BLM riots, the Anti-Israel University takeovers, Antifa, and others. Of course, they get most of their traction in the areas where Soros has his bought prosecutors in office where they refuse to prosecute the rioters or to hold anyone responsible for the damages and the police cost to break them up. All these should be rounded up and charged with everything in the book.

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
9 months ago

I don’t understand how organizations like Soros’ Tides Foundation can be allowed to freely undermine our constitution. I appreciate their first amendment freedom of speech rights but this organization goes far beyond that. I think the fact that Soros is a major doner to the Democratic Party may have something to do with his seeming immunity to governmental investigation. Along with the Rockefeller Foundation they seem to want to undermine our government with impunity through huge donations.

9 months ago

Soros must be charged with felony, and if convicted for subversion, bust be expelled from this country.

Old Silk
Old Silk
9 months ago

He must be covering up his own high criminality that he needs to do so much damage, with all of the money that he has. And now he seems to have made his son complicit. Others have been all along with their palms that need greasing. Same thing with the wef.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Began since Obama

9 months ago

They should all be given a mandatory sentence of 75 years in federal prison without pardon, or parole unless they make a plea deal and deliver the real criminal, and serial campaign max contribution violator, and domestic terrorist, and mass invasion sponsor behind them.

9 months ago

Why can’t he be arrested?

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
9 months ago

Why allowed? Anyone!

9 months ago

When soros assumes room temperature, a good- riddance party would be in order. He won’t see the Pearly Gates. His soul will split Hell wide open.

9 months ago

I wonder how close these dontations are to treason. Might be something to look into.

9 months ago

Soros is a piece of s**t and he should be kicked out of America, but you have to many greedy politicians for that to happen!

9 months ago

This is an invasion to our country. you have people living in America as Americans using their money they made in America to destroy the country. China Russia their envy alone would make them want to hurt us. However our government has been very dark and now I understand how they must feel. Because Americans feel the same way. Crimes like this are crimes against America it is not just high treason it’s an invasion and a form of government takeover which holds 25 years to life in prison and in some cases the death penalty. You have to go back in history to see that. However we may need to make a lasting impression this should never happen. If you don’t like it here you need to leave. that’s not an option. And as my understanding is he’s gotten thrown out of several other countries for trying to do the same thing. Let’s make this right for every country when it comes to these kind of people. It doesn’t matter if you have money if you have mental illness and thoughts of Granger there’s a name for that…

9 months ago

Old george has caused a lot of good taxpaying america loving patriots be murdered by america hating people who shouldnt be allowed in this country illegals and legal thugs or animals did i say animals yes i did.The corrupt prosecuters and judges his blood money is backing them to put them in office should be stoped by whatever ways it can be legally stoped.Theirs a lot of good people waiting for years to immigrate to Ameica spending a lot of money and doing it the legal way while muderers rapist terroist and pure evil are being flew here free given phones debit cards luxury hotel rooms and whatever else they demand not to mention all the gang members coming over.Old George may not have long on this earth but the damage hes done and still doing will affect america for a long time.

9 months ago

Who says the Nazis were defeated in 1945? Obviously, some got away.

9 months ago

Soros has a date with eternity. Only God can save him, not his wealth or liberal policies. Unfortunately he is making this world a very uncomfortable place in the mean time.

CJ Statler
CJ Statler
9 months ago

Soros hates and wants to destroy the United States and uses primarily liberal and democrat organizations to do it. How can anyone take his money and not share his desire. He is an enemy and they are traitors.

Harry Guzaliak Jr
Harry Guzaliak Jr
9 months ago

Cut off all Soros money to political campaign’s

9 months ago

Arranging for evil to go unpunished, in fact encouraging more breaking of laws, is the route to revolution. Some people have been trying to make this happen in America for a very long time. We need more leaders who like William F Buckley shout STOP and block the way. But with the same legal system working overtime to prosecute whoever takes this stand, I am afraid we are in terrible trouble.

9 months ago

Soros and his son Alex are misguided and evil. They want to remake society to suit themselves, but in this country it’s not up to them to change what the US stands for. Soros was elected to nothing. Just having money does not mean he can buy his way into our government.

9 months ago

The United States has always had the best government money can buy.

9 months ago

Years ago congress passed campaign reform bill that was to prevent people like Soros or from outside individuals to influence elections and limit money used for election. It has not done as advertised. We need to stop the millions of dollars from outsiders to riot our college campuses and contributing to political campaigns. The amount of money spent to gain a job in Congress that pays $174,000 is not right. A judge being paid by Soros to put Trump in jail is not blind justice. Congress is not living up to their pledge of office. One cannot answer a political poll without money contribution. A limit of money to D. C. and polliticians must be limited. What happened to the voice of the people? It is now money and one should not buy the office or vote in congress.

Richard Irvin
Richard Irvin
9 months ago

Stupidity like this is why I like living in Texas. We don’t put up with fool Soros want to elect

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

Time for communist Soros to go he will do anything to run this country into the ground he backs the Dems because they love power and Soros is just a corrupt person that hates this country and hates the people in this country but loves it that Biden floods this country with all kinds of people from all over the world to bring this country to its knees we need to stop him and people just like him he is a communist that must be stopped the Dems in Washington love him because he has deep pockets for all there money needs to destroy this country and the citizens here as well.

9 months ago

He has become a one-man Rico act he’s hired employees giving them all the supplies they needed to be terrorist in our cities in our towns in our colleges he’s creating division and danger and that my dear is a terrorist he has been benefiting toward his cause as destruction to America is at the top of his list he has made that perfectly clear now rest the bastard and put him in jail for life liquidating all of his assets and putting them back in the American peoples pockets to get on with their life with ,no I’m not joking he is the deep state a small fraction there are many many more and this is how we deal with it

9 months ago

Soros has been a long time friend to the democratic party. Joe Biden has used any and every opportunity to get votes, look at his past and what he is doing now and you will see a true racist at heart. We Americans are in deep trouble if we don’t take our country back from these far left radicals that will lie cheat steal and even kill to keep the power over our country. Pray and pray and vote and pray more !!

9 months ago

Why dont you just build him up like a celebrated criminal in Robin Hood folklore only to destroy rather than help. Now if he was a national born Patriot fighting for justice and the American dream we might celebrate him. Yes, inform us of old news, celebrate him as it sounds like a hero attempting to help destroy America. Oh Mr. Martin,, I’m not accusing you, rather the spineless top tier leaders over the last 5 decades who opened their hands

9 months ago

Amazes me how many lawyers sell their soul to the devil, in the long run they including Sorros will pay the price for their crimes , God does not like discord and unfairness among the innocent, God also dispise people who kill other’s God is in control not Sorros, not Bill Gates , nor anyone eles who is in power . God will take care of business just be patient and watch.

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