AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

Since 2022, at least 15 far-left district attorneys backed by liberal megadonor George Soros have resigned, retired, been recalled, or lost re-election, according to a recent report from the watchdog group “Virginians for Safe Communities.” With fewer Soros prosecutors taking office in that time, it seems conservatives may be turning the tide against the radical criminal justice “reform” movement.
On January 8, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm became the latest Soros DA to announce that he would not seek re-election this year. Like other Marxist prosecutors, Chisholm pursued an agenda of ending cash bail, releasing as many prisoners as possible, and refusing to prosecute “low-level” offenses like drug use and theft.
Chisholm’s policies received national attention in 2021 after it was revealed that 39-year-old Darrell Brooks, the man who intentionally drove his car into a Christmas parade in Wisconsin killing five innocent civilians and injuring at least 48 more, was out on $1,000 cash bail after physically assaulting the mother of his child and attempting to run her over with his vehicle at a Milwaukee gas station. The ridiculously low bond was even more shocking considering that Brooks was also guilty of jumping another bond at the time of his arrest.
Following this incident, many of Chisholm’s critics pointed to an interview from 2007 in which Chisholm said it was “guaranteed” there would “be an individual I divert, or I put into [a] treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody.”
“It’s guaranteed to happen,” Chisholm said at the time. “It does not invalidate the overall approach.”
Chisholm’s decision to not seek re-election is particularly significant considering that he was in many ways the blueprint for other far-left Soros prosecutors throughout the country, often acting as the movement’s top cheerleader online and in the media.
As the Washington Free Beacon noted back in 2021, Chisholm has “taken credit” for the rise of other radical DAs like Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner and San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, whom Chisholm viewed as a sort of protégé. At a conference that year, Boudin and Chisholm spoke together about the supposedly bright future of the far-left prosecutor movement.
Ironically, however, it was Boudin’s recall in June 2022 that helped spark a nationwide backlash against Soros prosecutors. Despite being elected as a Democrat in one of the most liberal cities in America, voters overwhelmingly chose to recall Boudin after San Francisco devolved into one of the most dangerous cities in America.
A month later, Baltimore DA Marilyn Mosby, another far-left prosecutor who received millions from Soros, was defeated in the Democrat primary by a challenger promising to get tougher on crime. Mosby, who oversaw a dramatic spike in homicides and repeat violent offenders yet refused to stop letting violent criminals out on bail, was also later indicted on federal perjury charges.
Another major blow to the Soros prosecutor movement came in May of last year when St. Louis DA Kim Gardner resigned amid a series of lawsuits to remove her from office. Under Gardner’s watch, St. Louis became the most dangerous city in America – even as she refused to prosecute more than 35 percent of the cases under her jurisdiction.
Last November, Soros-backed Loudoun County, Virginia, DA Buta Biberaj lost re-election to Republican Bob Anderson in a county where Biden won more than 61 percent of the vote in 2020. Biberaj infamously allowed a trans-identifying male who raped a girl in a high school bathroom to walk free and transfer to another Loudoun County high school, after which he assaulted a second girl.
When Scott Smith, the first victim’s father, demanded justice for his daughter at a school board meeting and was arrested, Biberaj, discarding her commitment to seek lenient punishments, attempted to throw Smith in prison. Biberaj was later removed from the case by a federal judge citing concerns about impartiality.
Throughout the country, it seems millions of Americans, even in deep blue areas, have had enough of Soros’s vision of criminal justice “reform.”
Nonetheless, the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund counts more than 70 Soros prosecutors who are still in office, including in the nation’s largest cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. These prosecutors wield enormous influence – look no further than Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s indictment of former President Donald Trump for evidence of this. Bragg has accepted more than $500,000 from Soros-linked groups and is now leading an effort to potentially disqualify Trump from running for president.
Americans will have their next opportunity to deliver a further rebuke of the radical criminal justice “reform” movement in primary and general elections this year. With cities continuing to succumb to chaos and lawlessness, the worst backlash for Soros prosecutors may be yet to come.
Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.
Soros backed 75 different DAs around the country. Yes, 15 of them may have left office, for one reason or another (most either recalled or forced out by other means), but that still leaves 60 of his people to cause all sorts of problems in the cities where they are located. So, while I appreciate that the author tries to put a really positive spin on the issue, the simple fact is the overwhelming majority of far-left wing DAs Soros managed to put in place are still there today and they continue to cause numerous problems in far too many cities around the country.
The Soros family is evil incarnate. Evil walks amongst us with different faces, but I see it in so many of these “Progressives”. Wanting to eliminate religion in favor of sectarian beliefs, worshiping man over God. When we do that, chaos ensues.
Soros is an unrepentant Jewish Nazi collaborator who is out to destroy Western Civilization and he must be stopped.
Criminal Justice Reform?
It’s a justice BREAKDOWN! Why is Soros even allowed in the US? Doesn’t everyone understand his intent?
They should all be put in jail for their crimes. He’ll probably walk away with no accountability like the rest of the stinking Democrats
Yeah, Milwaukee DA Chisholm has a lot of blood on his hands. Revolving-door justice is a recipe for mayhem, murder, ruined lives. What is more, Chisholm was a strategist in highly unethical, arguably unconstitutional witch hunt targeting Republicans a few years back. Alas, he was — is — a good Marxist. His wife is a Marxist teachers union rep. Proud of it, too. Good riddance.
Soros has caused numerous problems with interfering in how our country should be run. He is a far left believer and is interfering with due process. His is a threat to the US. And by the way he’s American citizen! His act is an act treason! He should be stripped of his American citizenship. Also his sons.
Good article. This is one of the reasons I ALWAYS vote NO on judges at election time. Always ask who’s pulling their strings.The other reason is they should not think of it as a lifelong job. This applies to DAs and judges. The best thing that happens is their actions come back to haunt them. And then they have to experience their mess. Yup, ’nuff said.
I have to wonder how many of these Soros proteges were elected based on skin color rather that competency? Those doing the voting & who elect these evil DA’s bear equal responsibility for the policies and procedures that follow. With the mass influx of illegals to whom marxist politicians are attempting to award voting rights, and at least some of whom have committed serious crimes, can we expect any real reduction in the number of marxist DA’s being elected? Criminals with the right to vote will inflate the number of those who vote based on attributes other than competency and reduction of crime.
Good riddance! They should all be prosecuted, never hired again and soros put in prison!
Sadly, most people don’t care. I haven’t seen the movie “Road to Perdition,” but I suspect we are on the way to perdition. By the time folks wake up, it will be too late!!
I have a curious mind, and I have always wondered, what’s in it for Soros to turn everything/everyone to the far left in America? What is is reward for doing that? Has to be something more than satisfaction.
Next to obama who was mentored and is still supported by soros, soros is the most evil person in this land. A Jew who turned against his race and country-men to become a nazi informer and assisted them all during the war, to an evil America-hating person with money enough to support his ideology. The only people who can stop this is us. But, we have to have someone to tell us how to do it! (BTW, the lowercase names are intentional; they don’t deserve to be honored with capital letters.) We need more public action and a good leadership to help us.
There is a kink in the armor of the two party justice system in this country. Are the people waking up? Is the what they see and hear finally being seen and heard for what it is and not a lie, what the left keeps telling us. What the left, ole Joe and Soros want you to believe. Is the tide turning? Now the rest of these vultures have to go. Time to clean the swamp not only in DC but in every city, every state. Are teachers, school superintendents, and school boards next. Then the healthcare has to be cleaned up to save our precious children. There is movement and all good changes start with the first step.
We need a published list of all Soros’ backed prosecutors. In fact a list of all Soros’backed politicians would be better.
I’m sure Soros isn’t finished interfering in our government and justice system. These prosecutors very likely will be replaced by more of the same wolves hiding in sheeps clothing.
Deport George Soros and his son.
The DA’s office in New York just freed (without bail) five ILLEGAL ALIENS back on the street after they attacked New York’s Finest. They should have been deported immediately. Instead, they will not appear in court and will move about, with impunity, to another part of the country and attack more police officers and innocent citizens.
The Soros funded, pro criminal DAs have made a mockery of the law. Their job is to enforce the law and not keep criminals out of jail. The 60 Soros funded DAs still in office should be arrested themselves for loitering. They are not protecting the public but rather encouraging more criminal behavior.
Soros has funded many Anti-American plots , open borders, no bail, etc. In ’07 he put many leftist Secretary of State candidates in office since they confirm counts on elections (brought on by Bush v Gore in the 2000 Florida election). You remember multiple recounts, loose ballot boxes in car trunks, service member mail-in votes disqualified, etc. Soros needs to be deported to Austria where he is a wanted man, his family, too. .
We need to handle Soros the same way Greece did. Pull his citizenship and visa but instead of throwing him out of the country, throw him in prison then liquidate all his assets and put them to the deficit he helped create.
If anybody knew what a Soros-supported DA was going to do, why would they vote for him? And now that they know what the Soros-supported DA did, how on earth could they re-elect him? Maybe voters are that stupid, or maybe elections are that crooked. We voters better not be lazy! You gotta do the homework and get involved to stop voter fraud!
I think Soros should be deported to Israel and tried for treason from what he did during WWII. He is an anti-American A**hole.
Excellent article. They even won’t charge the Disgusting democrat aide filming having annal sex in the Senate.
Another Prime example of their Double Standard.
Far left = America hating, CRT promoting, DEI hiring, child mutilating traitors.
so all these Da`s get off scott free no consequences for their actions? Just as Biden, Pelosi, Clintons, obama, any and All Democrat Communists officials will. PLUS the added Benefits of a Full Retirement, the Gift of a Pension, Social Security, Health Care, and Immunity from all their Crimes? aint that Wonderful. Just as the Illegal Aliens Will receive coming across our Open Borders..
Our Reward is to be Taxed, Pay them, and be Happy to do so..
George should have been dealt with 40 years ago. I have read his books–he advertised his pathology in print for even the most ignorant to understand his evil intentions toward mankind.
I truly wish old Soros would be hit by lightning !
Illinois ( my state) has Kim Foxx. Do I need to say more ? Our government in Illinois is corrupt. From the Governor to the mayor of Chicago. Why don’t you move is the question. Kids and grandchildren. Not an easy task separating from family. Chicago is the problem and all involved know it. DuPage county just raised our property tax 7%. Do we have to pay for the illegals now? It’s a cluster —— folks. Illinois hasn’t changed in decades and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. November voting is our last chance to change a few things. Hopefully Americans will wake up.
Strip Soros and his family citizenships and deport them immediately. Also, Hack into his bank accounts and give the money to Americans since he helped the NAZIS kill Jews and others. Want to know why he hasn’t been charged with WAR CRIMES and is an American citizen to begin with.
All Soros has done since living in the United States is attack the US trying to turn our country into a 3rd world country.
Look at all the help he gave Dictator Beijing biden for his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION. Not to mention funding the Election Interference against President Trump. Just look who funded the DA in Georgia among others, Soros.
EVERY person backed by Soros and his multiple organizations should be outed on national TV. They all PRETEND to be one thing but are all rabid socialists/communists/ fascists.
IF what used to be the People’s House had ANY semblance of integrity, this kind of thing would not be happening. It’s a clear demonstration of being able to buy anything at any place on the planet if you have enough money. Nancy, hillary, obama’s were implicit in allowing this to happen. . .and they are among the wealthy elite because of it. The American taxpayer no longer has representation. Plan accordingly.
Trump was found not guilty of insurrection when he was tried by the Senate Insurrection against the federal government is a federal issue not a state issue and therefore should dead in state courts.
Guess had poor orientation for funding from Soros, didnt expect Backlash
Since the beginning of time it’s been God vs~satan. Unfortunately, the innocent have to suffer at the hand of the “ Soros’s of this fallen world. In the end we all know who wins because “Good” always conquers evil. Keep the faith????
Sorros is old. Why dont he just keel over and die. Kyle L. P S . Where doe4s Sorros live ??? Anyone know ???
With all the corrupt dirty dealings this family has and is involved in should be enough to send georgie packing back to Hungary! Wonder how many are even here legally to begin with? Can’t wait until Donald J.Trump takes the reigns again to save our country this time hope he’s very aware of who he’s putting in his cabinet many he thought he could trust stabbed him in the back not to mention if dirty democrats would’ve worked with him our country would be unstoppable right now but of course they dont want us to succeed so they stopped him at every turn now we’ve got the cartels running America along with an illegally installed old man as president who doesn’t know where he is or what day it is who cant walk up stairs who falls off bikes who wanders aimlessly where babies are slaughtered at any age children are sold for sex toxic drugs are rampant killing our youth at alarming rates illegals have more rights than U.S. citizens our Police and Military do on and on…God help us we are in serious trouble!
I wonder if these prosecutors are soft on all crime or just certain crimes? Would they refuse to prosecute someone arrested for peacefully protesting near a Planned Parenthood location or are they only reluctant to prosecute violent criminals who might kill someone?
I’m glad these prosecutors are leaving public office. They were hired to do a job, namely enforce the law and prosecute criminals. If they don’t want to do that job and instead want to let criminals go free, they should be defense attorneys.
Soros will just replace them.
Lets watch and see…
There are still plenty of Soros backed DAs in the country to make things really difficult for Republicans and conservatives!!! But at least some of them are being exposed for their ideology and others will be, too!! Another part of the problem are all of the Democrat voters who refuse to think that their wonderful politicians would ever lie to them much less do bad things; they couldn’t be corrupt or lie to us, ever!!! Those Democrat voters are going to be so angry at Democrats if they ever wake up enough to see truth but they should be angry with themselves for believing them for so long and giving them power for so long!!!!
Do Democrats ever review the past performances of the people they vote into office or is it a blind spot all the way? Were they all in agreement with the very liberal policies and no bail actions of the AGs they put into office? Now the damage is done, and our justice system has become a victim of crap it will take at least two elections to renew faith in the system. We know the answer to my question. Of course they don’t or we never would have gotten the plagiarist pedophile traitor we now have in the oval office.
under our thumb is the most corrupt judges in the world
under our thumb are soros lackeys running from trump
under our thumb are corrupt politicians
its down to free. the change has come their under our thumb.
We’re gona jail you criminals.
yeah the change has come your under our thumb
Fanni, jack, james are going to prison.
The Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans want to destroy America. That is the only thing that makes any sense. They want to join with Xi & CCP and the leaders of the EU in a one world government and they cannot do that as long as there is a free nation state super power.
Can we devise a mechanism that when prosecutors and Attorneys General do not follow their oaths to uphold the Constitution, they are relieved of authority? At the least, that should be for the matter at hand, but on repetition should be extended to relieved of and removed from office. Oaths to uphold office are not niceties, they are oaths before God and Country.
No one in the USA is safe until ALL Soros prosecutors are removed from office. The removal of Soros supported politicians should not stop there. If we truly want our country back ALL Soros supported politicians need to be gone!
More like prosecuted and booted.
Why is the American voter so set on voting these disastrously Soros backed people into office. It’s like they have lost any common sense.
Send them all to place far,far away and send giorgio,his son and his syndicate along with them