
Newsline , Society

Soros DA Gascon Extends Grisly Record of “Second Chance Killings”

Posted on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Less than a year after being released from prison early for a murder conviction thanks to Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon’s soft-on-crime policies, 25-year-old Denmonne Lee has been charged with another killing.

In 2018, Lee participated in a gas station robbery in Antelope Valley, California. He, along with co-defendant Deonta “Fatboy” Johnson, was charged with the murder of Marine veteran John Rue in the process of committing the robbery.

Though Lee did not pull the trigger, he provided the weapon to Johnson and was charged with murder for his participation in the violent act. Following Ruh’s murder, police said Lee walked away “smiling” after the veteran was shot three times. According to another detail revealed during the trial, Lee also threatened to shoot his ex-girlfriend in a video rap he sent to her on her cell phone shortly after the incident for “snitching.”

Lee was initially charged as an adult, but as his case was winding its way through the court system in 2020, Gascon took office following a campaign cash infusion from liberal megadonor George Soros. One of the first policies Gascon implemented was a blanket ban on trying minors as adults – good news for Lee.

Following his conviction, Lee was sentenced to serve time at the county’s youth facility until he turned 25. He was released early on good behavior last June and initially touted as a great success story of the left-wing criminal justice “reform” movement. Lee gained admission to community college and landed a job at a nonprofit.

Then, in April, Lee was arrested and charged in the killing of 28-year-old Eric Ruffins back in January.

The news has generated yet another political firestorm for Gascon, who faces a strong re-election challenge from Republican Nathan Hochman this November. Michelle Brace, Ruh’s widow, has blasted Gascon for refusing to try Lee as an adult for that first murder, which likely would have meant he would still be behind bars. “He didn’t know what he was doing with his directives and the lives they’d shatter,” Brace said of Gascon, also noting that she plans to leave California but “won’t move until George Gascon is out of office.”

Kathy Cady, a victim’s rights attorney representing Brace, also told the LA Times that “if Gascon hadn’t stopped [Lee from] being tried in adult court, he’d be in prison for life. Instead, he was freed to commit another horrific murder.”

Notably, this isn’t the first time that a criminal let out of jail early thanks to Gascon’s policies has gone on to commit another grisly act.

In April of this year, 47-year-old Raymundo Duran shot LA Sheriff’s Deputy Samuel Aispuro in the back at a stop light. Duran has a long rap sheet that includes two felony assaults that he committed while serving an 11-year sentence for manslaughter. But due to Gascon’s policies, he was back out on the streets following a plea deal.

Thankfully, Aispuro was wearing his bulletproof vest and survived. But police officers Michael Paredas and Joseph Santana were not so lucky. Back in 2022, career criminal and known gang member Justin Williams Flores killed both men during a shootout in the San Gabriel Valley. Court records show that in 2021 Gascon offered the 35-year-old Flores a plea deal after he was charged for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Under the terms of that deal, despite being a repeat offender, Flores received the minimum sentence of probation, serving no jail time.

“Gascon is just letting all these criminals out and they just keep doing one crime after the other,” Olga Garcia, Santana’s mother, told a local Fox News affiliate at the time. “That guy should have been in jail… my son and the other officer would still be here.”

LA County Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami, who subsequently challenged Gascon in this year’s nonpartisan primary election, also said that Flores “should have been in custody for at least 32 months” according to state law following the 2021 conviction. But as Hatami noted, Gascon had defied that law and instead imposed his own far more lenient sentencing guidelines.

But while Gascon has treated violent criminals like Duran and Flores with kid gloves, he has thrown the book at individuals like 19-year-old USC student Ivan Gallegos, who recently defended himself from a homeless man who was breaking into cars on campus while threatening students by claiming “he had a gun.” Gallegos confronted the criminal, and in the ensuing scuffle, the homeless man died.

Gascon’s office initially charged Gallegos with homicide, threatening to send the student to jail for an act of self-defense, only dropping the charges after extensive public backlash.

While the families of the victims of Gascon’s second chance killers will never get their loved one’s back, they may take some solace knowing that voters have a chance to hold Gascon accountable and boot him from office in just a few months’ time.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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8 months ago

This DA needs to be voted out, then charged as being an accessory to all the criminals he let out under his tenure.

The David
The David
8 months ago

Gascon is subhuman garbage, just like his pimp Soros. California is littered with this filth.

kitty hogan
kitty hogan
8 months ago

stop voting for democrats

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
8 months ago

The left’s war on the U. S. continues. At what point do these people(?) get labeled as and charged with treason?

8 months ago

Soros and his paid-to-destroy-the-community “prosecutors” are cesspool dwellers who free the violent criminals and jail the citizens who step in to the aid of victims. Is it any wonder that firearms sales have surged in the past four years? All the more reason to defend our Second Amendment rights!!!!!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
8 months ago

Makes me glad I don’t live in California even though it is a beautiful state. It is inhabited by too many wackos like Gorge Gascon and Gavin Newsome.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Explains why people are moving to other states: People move somewhere else because of disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding… and Democrats.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
8 months ago

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The flaw is allowing a criminal conspirer like George Soros to live and thrive in the United States. His assets and that of each and every leftist non-profit that he supports as well as the assets of each of his family members should be immediately frozen and Immediate deportation proceedings should be commenced to rid us of this poor excuse for a human being.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

Everything that soros has his crooked fingers in is anti AMERICA.His sick influence is evident in every liberturd that this slug supports.

8 months ago

It’s the land of fruits and nuts. They will vote that A-hole back into office once again.

8 months ago

Will they vote Gascon out? They had a chance before to recall him and he survived. Criminals are cuddled like heroes and a President of America who hasn’t done anything is convicted and is demoralized by the left wing. While Soros is busy killing innocent Americans by making victims of the killers and killers out of the victims. It is being done at the highest levels in the land. Kill your opponent by finding a crime and buying a judge and a jury to get him convicted. Get the MSM involved and the DOJ, FBI or CIA and your plan is complete. The Supreme Court immunity ruling shows how they think and govern. Through total control of the masses. Nobody tells Brandon or the dems or ultra left that in a democracy other people get voted in and will govern America. Not only the dems. The dems have no monopoly in this country. They think they do. Even when it is shown we have a leader who has no idea what is going on. Who rules as a dictator and only to keep the power. To eliminate all opposition. That is how dictatorships are born. One day he is shown as demented white as a ghost person. The next morning he is Orangeman. Let us laugh and get United and vote this man and his cronies out. His hatred of opponents has to be stopped NOW.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

Gascon acts more like a criminal defense attorney than a prosecutor. He is a disgrace to his office who deserves to be run out of office on a rail so that he can’t do any more damage than he’s already done with his soft-on-crime policies. Also, I respectfully disagree with Ruh’s comments that Gascon “doesn’t know what he’s doing with his policies and who they hurt.” Gascon knows what damage his policies are causing. He just DOESN’T CARE!

8 months ago

That’s OK. Let them all out of prison. BUT make sure to keep them all in Los Angeles, the city that LIKES violence and murderers.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Wants More crime for office

8 months ago

Well done, voters of do you sleep at night? What if your family member was murdered. Either the laws are for EVERYONE or we will be a lawless society. Wake up people! This stuff is going on all over the country thanks to George Soros. He needs to leave the country he emigrated to and go back to Hungary. And take his son with him.

Michael Lefort
Michael Lefort
8 months ago

The affected families should file a Class Action lawsuit against Gascon. When he can’t pay the multi-million dollar judgment the Court can throw his ass in jail.

8 months ago

At what point do we stop this by arresting Gascon for assisting in a murder?

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
8 months ago

Wouldn’t it be a shame if Gascon was a victim of his own policies?

8 months ago

Don’t get your hopes up, once a democrat it seems they never get wise. They still keep voting the same way they always have. They watch MSM media. Hope I’m wrong. Wish I could vote in LA county, but I don’t live there.

james carlyle
james carlyle
8 months ago

Since George Soros is responsible for these and other similar crimes he should be held accountable along with Gascon and his other operatives.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
8 months ago

we need to hold judges accountable for their failures. and this judge needs to go to prison.

8 months ago

It’s interesting that the far left makes numerous attempts to take away our 2nd Amendment rights and are offended and appalled that any would own a gun. However, when a criminal uses a gun in the commission of a crime or a felon is in possession of a gun, Gascon, and all of the Soro’s D.A’s, elect to barely give that criminal a slap on the wrist.

Martin B
Martin B
8 months ago

Soros has DA’s all over America.

8 months ago

All CA democrat politicians do is make excuses for criminal behavior. Newsom, because the states finances are in the red, has been slowly gutting the incarceration system while dumping these criminals back into society at the people expense.

8 months ago

But Due to Tons of MONEY & Tons of Ignorance & Tons of Stupidity….He’ll Probably CAUSE More to Be Killed, Because that’s the WAY IT IS….Not JUST in Kal-I-Forn-I-A Either.

7 months ago

This is the new America: land of Gascon, Garland, Biden, etc. Anti Americans; Anti Christians; Anti Righteous and Anti Decent

Pat R
Pat R
8 months ago

Soros needs to have his citizenship withdrawn and his in-country possessions seized. He uses his money to manipulate countries’ currency to create a financial crisis or by supporting those who ignore laws applying to criminals. He seems to think it’s a challenge. And no doubt his son (who has been put in charge of his ‘business’) has learned the same; hopefully he has more of a conscience than his father.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago

There need to be laws which penalize DAs and judges who let killers and rapists out early or won’t prosecute them at all. Also, along this same line, what will happen [NOTHING] to Garland, Jack Smith, etc who are bankrupting honest citizens by filing phony charges against them? Why don’t appellate courts heavily FINE these POS who file frivilous charges!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Jail is not a place for those people a strong branch would do Nothing else will stop them System that enables them to murder and excuses their crimes is anything but justice Those in charge of it are true criminals

Bob L.
Bob L.
8 months ago

Gascon and others like him should be charged at least as accessories to crimes committed by felons they let off light.

Thomas A
Thomas A
7 months ago

The city of Los Angeles ???? needs a name change to LOS DEMONIOS ???? with a new Zip Code: 9HELL

7 months ago

It appears that Gascon is hiding behind his immunity as an elected official. He should be tried for aiding and abetting murder.

7 months ago

I’m a little confused. Was it the 2018 murder that he was originally charged as an adult? He is 25 years old now, so that should make him over 18 years of age at that point. Eighteen is still the legal age for an adult, so how he go off on that is so like the far left Democrats. His charge should be based on what the law was at the time of the crime.

7 months ago

What goes around should come back around to haut Gasson till he meets the devil below.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
8 months ago

Democrats like creating all kinds of new laws, then they refuse to use the law to prevent crimes. What all those laws do is makes it easier for Progressive Democrats and D.C. Swamp dwelling Republicans to control citizens.

7 months ago

How many people in our country has lost there lives do to this type of infraction?
Just wondering~~

7 months ago

In cases like this – the second chance killings – why shouldn’t the DA and the state bureaucracy be held as accomplices, and at the personal level so as not to further harm the taxpayer/voters? That would make sense to me.

7 months ago

Why do we have to put up with these scumbags?

7 months ago

That’s like the saying goes; ‘he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword’; as if Gascon handed these felons a sword to kill again. He is as guilty as they are. Live with that….. Mr. Gascon….. You very well may expect that wakeup call or you may fall on your sword.

7 months ago

You mean the ‘injustice” system?

7 months ago

Soros and his wealthy anti-American family should be banned from the United Sates. This should have happened in 2016 when Trump was elected. Maybe if he wouldn’t have had to deal with the evils of Pelosi, Schumar and the F.B.I., he could have done that. This is only one reason why we need to vote for Republican and Independents to push all democrat Marxists out of our government, Or they will be right back.

7 months ago

I live in this state of the stupid and hate to say this but, this is what the people of California get for electing such filth. Maybe, just maybe if enough terror continues,maybe this state will wake up. However, being a democrat state I seriously doubt it. Getting people to see beyond their free hand outs and liberal ideas in California the chance of getting hit by lightning has better odds.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

He was up fir recall… so what happened? Its too bad only the dolts who vote for these idiots are its only victims.

7 months ago

Why are Californians electing dismal candidates, and then not supporting those who want to recall these so-called exploiters parading as if they have any decency in them when it comes to protecting their citizens and legal residents from atrocious crimes?

8 months ago

That is the general idea Release actual criminals so they can commit more crimes and create more chaos. Then the uninformed general public will clamor for more government to “fight” said crime.

Sandra Haddock
Sandra Haddock
8 months ago

Do we really need these people as leaders/prosecutors to limit sentences for crimes done with complete knowledge and mostly preplanned? soros has no business buying libs for positions of governing our Homeland. There is no one on soros ‘gift-list’ who belongs in OUR governing bodies.

8 months ago

Why are they trying to destroy this country – they live here too?

John C
John C
8 months ago

To the abortion abolitionists, I will do everything in my power to fund early term abortions where abortion is banned by 6 weeks or earlier.

John C
John C
8 months ago

To the conservatives of Oklahoma, I will do everything in my power to find abortion at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy.

To the conservatives of Iowa, I will do everything in my power to fund abortion at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

John C
John C
8 months ago

To the people of Idaho, I will do everything in my power to fund abortion at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

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Trump signed an executive order on price transparency requirements for the health care industry.
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