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Snapshot of Election Lawsuits – Options Narrow

Posted on Monday, November 23, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

electionKeeping up with an undecided presidential election, as dueling press conferences shift public perceptions, is a challenge.  Here is a top view, cases in a variety of jurisdictions.  Options narrow, but this is not over yet.

On media tabulations, Biden leads, 306 electors to 232.  The Electoral College will meet on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.  That is December 14 this year.

Meantime, on the heels of complaints from hundreds of official and unofficial observers, dozens of suits have been filed.  These suits are winding on, based on allegations of mis-, mal- and non-feasance – errors and omissions, affidavits of voter and electoral fraud.

Notably, some suits have been dismissed. This is not surprising, as state and local judges, following state laws are often partisan.  They run for election, and a Trump victory would hurt. These cases are subject to layers of appellate review.

Interestingly, of all suits filed – some by the Campaign, others by citizen groups – many have been “dismissed without prejudice” by the plaintiffs, and not decided.  Judges permit withdrawal or dismissal without prejudice (meaning freedom to refile) is to allow amended complaints, new evidence, arguments, and stronger claims.

Does this mean suits will be refiled, or raise chance of a favorable disposition?  No, but it does leave the door open – and refiling happens. That means we may not have heard the last of these.

Separately, some suits are still being filed, others appealed with constitutional arguments at the forefront. At this frustrating midpoint in a complex process, here is a thumbnail sketch.  At the federal level, Trump’s suit seeking an injunction – or stop order – to block vote certification in Pennsylvania was decided against Trump.  The central argument was an “equal protection” claim, based on different counties treating ballots differently – especially mail-in ballots.

That is an important case, as it casts constitutional doubt on the electoral process in a decisive state, and could affect other states.  Like arguments were made in 2000 by the Bush Campaign, which prevailed. But state law, evidence, and margins are different this year.  This case could arrive at the Supreme Court.

In other states, including Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona – suits have been filed. Certifications are being questioned, recounts contemplated, evidence presented, appeals likely.  Some legal experts minimize chances of these suits prevailing; others are not so sure.

By way of example, in Pennsylvania, an effort to halt ballot counting in Philadelphia was dismissed, although an effort to get observers closer was first favored, then overturned.

This suit raised questions over who sets rules; other claims involved challenges to voter identification.  One ruling blocked counting of ballots, while another ordered segregation of ballots. Unclear is how many ballots would be affected.  A separate suit asked provisional ballots to be blocked and led to sequestration of these ballots.

Most significantly, litigation is ongoing tied to Supreme Court intervention and a challenge to ballots received after 8 p.m. on election day.  That suit may proceed alone or be declined. Arguments persist over number of ballots, 10,000 or closer to 45,000 – Biden’s reported edge.

Behind that suit are important facts. The State Supreme Court extended ballot counting out to Nov. 6, which caused an appeal to the Supreme Court.  At the time, a 4-4 tie (before Justice Barret arrived) failed to block late ballots, a second suit put off the decision. On Nov. 6, Justice Alito ordered segregation of late ballots.  How many got segregated, any comingled – is unknown.  We will likely hear more about this suit.

Other suits include trying to stop counties from certifying, including Allegheny, Centre, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia, which all went for Biden. The question again is strength of evidence. Under intense pressure, attorneys for the Campaign in this suit withdrew. An amended compliant followed.

Taking a breath, consider Nevada – where Trump trails by a slim margin. Questions about automated signature-verification machines in all-important Clark County, are behind one suit, so far rejected on technical grounds. Another suit hits observer access.

In Michigan, while media report Biden up by 148,000, suits were filed seeking to stop ballot counting based on blocked observers, halt certification in Detroit, and then statewide.  The first two were denied, appeal options unclear.  The third is pending. Notably, presumptions are important here; if observers could not see ballot counts, signatures, or elements protecting against fraud, one is left wondering what to infer.

In Georgia, while certification was confused and hand counts found anomalies, results are complete – for Biden.  That said, the Trump Campaign may request a machine recount of five million votes, as the margin is within half a percent.

In Arizona, suits were filed focusing on unusual marks on ballots, but were determined not to be material.  That said, county certifications and challenges continue.

Bottom line: We are closer. Final vote counts, balancing certifications against fraud and anomalies, may come to the Supreme Court.  If the Court refuses, Biden’s final count holds.  If it accepts, they could rule for either candidate, or – a real possibility – conclude that enough states are “disputed” that no one has 270 electors, meaning the US House must decide – based on the 12th Amendment, one vote per delegation. That solution keeps the High Court from deciding and would favor Republicans.

Finally, state legislatures finalize electors; some surmise two states could replace a Democratic slate with Republicans, highly unlikely. Similarly, some mention “faithless electors,” seven in the last cycle; an enormous number would be needed, not likely. In the end, options narrow – but this not over yet.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

The problem is that what the Campaign’s lawyers say and show on the courthouse steps is not what they say in their pleadings and a judge can only rule on the information that is included in their pleadings.

3 years ago

The DOJ and the FBI are still no where to be seen according to every member of President Trump’s legal team. So without the resources and the ability to seize evidence and compel cooperation (that’s what the legions of FBI agents usually do in fraud and cyber cases) both domestically and internationally, the Trump legal team has a real hard lift in a small window of time.

Is it still potentially possible to prove something like the Dominion aspect without any support from the DOJ and FBI, I would say yes but far less than ideal. It would have taken the FBI less than 24 hours to secure the Dominion servers in both Spain and Germany, the source code from Dominion’s HQ in Canada and start the interview process of Dominion employees. The FBI cyber crimes unit could have poured over the source code information in another 24 to 48 hours to determine whether or not the system was designed to do anything other than simple vote tabulation. Real straight-forward stuff. So roughly 72 hours from start to finish to establish whether there was any basis for further investigation. That’s how the process normally works.

However, both the DOJ and the FBI are clearly taking a complete hands-off stance and allowing the clock to run out on the Trump legal team. Sitting on their hands just like they did with Hunter Biden’s laptop and the business associate of Hunter Biden’s that came forward. Same as what they did for Hillary’s illegal server with classified data on it and the myriad of other high-level Democrat crimes. So we now all definitively know the leadership of both the DOJ and the FBI is completely corrupt and will only enforce the law for the peons.

3 years ago

The FBI and DOJ are both MIA. Totally worthless! When the truth finally comes out about this stolen election, don’t be surprised when you find out these agencies were in on the theft.

3 years ago

THEE rats nest called the FBI is useless// and the liberal loonies in the Justice Dept/ rule Barr//So now their is the blue states who will lie and the media who is up Biden/s butt which is now the oldest ass ever to seek the White House// It seems the only fair minded result would be the end of the road and the buck stops there//It is known as the SUPREME COURT// The election was the biggest farce in USA history and never be right again//

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

Giuliani’s press conference was reassuring, unlike anything I’ve read on this site. They’re are people out there, literally risking their lives, trying to keep us from becoming a communist country. It’s good to know that not everyone is a sellout or coward.

If we don’t have honest elections, we have no hope.

3 years ago

Don’t hold out any hope for the US Supreme Court. John Roberts is a turn coat.

3 years ago

Maybe we should have two presidents in this country and the states that are democrats get that money to run there’s and states that are republicans get there’s . That would mean better roads in republicans and bad roads in democrats.Better schools in republicans and better everything in republicans. Why can’t we do that?

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This attempted bloodless coup is nothing short of an epic attack on everything that is traditional American Liberty. Sidney Powell’s separation from the official WH team is a strategic move that is designed to help the Cause. If Joe-China prevails in this stealing of the Presidency, be prepared to “do whatever it takes”, “by any means necessary” to RESIST this theft of YOUR Liberty. Or, just clutch your pearls locked up in your home, and Stfu.

3 years ago

This election is going to force States to tighten their election laws to demand more integrity of who votes! Mail in ballots have been the problem in all this and need to be outlawed except in extreme cases where certification can be done before election day! Otherwise, whatever mistakes be they fraud or incompetence will continue to worsen with more corruption seeping in! No American, whomever you voted for, should be for the continuing corruption in our government and the processes used for the election of those who serve in government!

3 years ago


John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

I know from personal experience just how corrupt filthydelfia and penns. courts are(which is why I moved out) the courts there have been KNOWN to be corrupt for decades, yet nothing has ever been done to clean them up, they like the fbi and doj, along with the rest of the federal beuarocracy have been stuffed with socialists for decades, so of course they have no clue what JUSTICE is, along with msmwho have been hiding the truth from “WE THE PEOPLE”, in effect AIDING AND ABETTING all these treasonous acts, I see little to no chance of finding out just how much voter fraud has taken place, only way to decide who really won would be to schedule another IN PERSON vote and have someone from each party check every vote BY HAND! That or start the revolution.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

When all is said and done, may Trump come out the winner!!

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
3 years ago

It takes a conscious effort to intentionally blind oneself to the fact that this election was STOLEN. And, even if there is not enough evidence to prove that, beyond a doubt (the requirement in a criminal case), the preponderance of evidence makes the theft absolutely clear (the requirement in a civil case, which these suits are).

Edward T Curtis
Edward T Curtis
3 years ago

4th paragraph from above editorial – some judges may be partisan because their re-election may be dependent on their vote (paraphrased, but you get the drift).

Gee, how about we handle criminal cases with judges taking their personal views into consideration? Why I guess I’m just a naive country boy. Gee, after 33 years in the law enforcement community I thought judges were not to consider their individual proclivities, just the facts. Whoa, I take that back, I did have a Judge tell me I would be out of a job the next day if I insisted on arresting him for being too drunk to drive. I guess my my “Pollyanna” view was right after all, I stayed in law enforcement for 30 more years. I don’t care what a judge believes in the written law or the way the country is run – I only believe there is a right way and a wrong way; a judge is supposed to rule with the law, no matter what. Election fraud is a basically a “HIGH” misdemeanor, In most cases, and if there is proof of election fraud, either overturn it or re-do the election with tighter reins.

Trump has been running this great nation of ours the way it should be run for the last 3 years and 22 months, for the people, not the politicians. I know he has made a lot of political enemies along the way, they’re not used to an “outsider ” coming in and upsetting their lucrative apple cart by following the “good ole boy” politician’s group(s) working mainly for themselves and only for their constituents when necessary to look good every so often.

I am only 68 days shy of 78 and I was told by a very wise man 50+ years ago, “The first day a politician is sworn into office is the first day he starts running for re-election. Think about that. How many politicians can you think of who actually worked on every promise he made during his/her campaign; and made good on most of them. Only one in my lifetime, Donald John Trump.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana has introduced legislation to amend all of these non-standard practices and to have a high degree of fairness in voting. Let us hope that there is enough common sense in the House to get this legislation passed so that we have a fair election in 2022.

Patsy Kwitkin
Patsy Kwitkin
3 years ago

GOD help us all now.

3 years ago

Likely Biden will be President. The real issue is The Senate. If The Democrats win both seats then Harris will be the tie breaking vote for all close bills

We will see. Not much anyone can do about any of it

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

This is interesting. I pressed the minus (-) button on a comment and the count went up. Has anyone else noticed that? Hmmm, kind of seems like an election “glitch”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Cant they use photo evidence of trashed ballots, workers tossing ballots , other for court.
& or machines alter votes.
Why vote if some machine can alter YOUR vote.
Rig machines to COUNT ballots.
Or corrupt election officials.
Must remedy for 2022.

Graham Astley
Graham Astley
3 years ago

I have lost all confidence in the integrity of our voting system based on one side reporting massive numbers of voting fraud reports and the other side saying there is no evidence of fraud anywhere. I really believe moral values have been lowered to a point where cheating is absolutely wrong but if it helps my side win then I will not just look the other way, I will defend it as much as I possibility can even though I know it is wrong! Voting corruption has hijacked this election. No one will convince me any different.

3 years ago

Been married for 58 years, and my wife has argued yearly that no one will ever be held accountable. I have always believed in law and order, but it’s almost impossible now to not agree with her. I just feel real bad for my grand kids. The education system is defunct as our kids are not taught to think for themselves and the teacher’s union is to blame. I grew up in the 50’s and the outlook was all positive. Never thought it would come to this. Trump, I believe was our only hope for our Country’s integrity. So sad to witness all the corruption going unpunished!

3 years ago

It seems this whole thing has been maliciously preplanned since 2016, ending with the fraudulent votes to conclude the Trump Presidency. Once Biden takes office and I truly wish he did not, our Country and Constitution will cease to exist. For all the Biden supporters who think they are going to get something for nothing-this won’t happen.. The Dems, High Tech, Fake news Foreign countries have bought and paid for America at our expense. Don’t mean to be gloom and doom but that is how this old Vet feels.

3 years ago

What happened to Sidney Powell’s case? She is off the Trump team with no explanation. She is credible and said she had a lot of witnesses and affidavits. Furthermore, Dominion was moving out of its office when Sidney started on the case. If her case were without substance why the move and the shredding of files? Now she is out of the news. I don’t see how Trump succeeds against the fraud now. Is he going to base his case on speculations about ballot harvesting machine printed ballots in sufficient numbers to swing a state? The voting machine fraud case had an adequate order of magnitude and would explain what was observed. I believe he won in reality but proving this fraud to Democrat elected or appointed judges is another thing.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Constitutionally, in States where “Mail-In Ballots” were allowed by any court’s decree or by a government official, they are invalid!!  By our Constitution, only each State’s Legislature can make the rules on how Federal Elections are conducted in their State.  State and/or Federal Courts can invalidate for equal treatment and/or send back for revision what a State Legislature has done but they CANNOT implement/decree how the processes may/can be done!!!  Election results have been changed in at least 5 States by “Mail-In Ballots”.  If the US Supreme Court upholds our Constitution, none of such “Mail-In Ballots” are legal/valid!!!  The DemocRats/Communists hope Americans will remain silent!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

At this moment, the only thing that is certain is that the majority of Americans have been brainwashed by the Mass Media, the Education Unions, and the Entertainment Industry!!  Fact, the DemocRat Party has become the Communist Party in America!!!  The “ole line” Republicans have also become Communists!!!  No voter who has not been brainwashed “could possibly vote DemocRat”!!!!  Trump Republicans are TRULY become the only Americans left!!!!!  We must be ready to “Take-up Arms and FIGHT!!”  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The vast majority of Mail-In Ballots were not approved by their State Legislature and are therefore not Constitutional!!! Get this issue to the Supreme Court and America’s battle is WON and the cheating DemocRat/Communists LOSE!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In the 1930’s, Adolph Hitler: “Heute Deutschland, Morgen die Welt!” (Today Germany, tomorrow the World)!!  Today, Chuck Schumer in the same year he threatened OUR Supreme Court: “Today Georgia, next we change the World!”  The Leaders of Socialism never cease to be corrupted by its EVILS!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Too much talk and too little action by the so called Republicans and anyone who claims there is no proof of Fraud is a LIAR!!  No one is TAKING ACTION on the ONE valid and factual Constitutional Issue!!  Re Mark Levin, none of the “Batch Mail-In Ballots” are valid!!  By Our Constitution, only each State’s Legislature can determine the voting requirements/rules/processes for voting in each of the “several sovereign States”!! No ruling by any Court can set voting procedures.  Courts can reject voting processes but only the State Legislatures can establish procedures!!!  TAKE THIS FACT to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Counts in all states with “Batch Mail-In Ballots” will significantly CHANGE!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The Communists (DemocRats, Media, Entertainment, Education, etc.) industries have finally met a Nation whose Constitution STANDS-UP against their “dirty tricks”!!  Now, if our Supreme Court (thank Our Lord for the newest Supreme Court Judge) and true Americans STAND-UP, the United States of America will not become the United Soviet States of America!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Joanne Holden
Joanne Holden
3 years ago

What is the status of a lawsuit over the Dominion equipment and the manipulation of votes and is it going to be allowed to be used again in Georgia in

Dave S
Dave S
3 years ago

I’m in Georgia. Just spoke with my daughter who told me she visited a client in suburban Atlanta last week and heard this report. She was told how, before the election, Democrats were going door-to-door in that suburb and handing out ballots that were already filled in, asking the residents to sign them. And boy was there a big change in the local election results as well.
Is what they did legal?

Ruth A Lance
Ruth A Lance
3 years ago

We all know that this race was stolen by the extreme leftist (socialist?) I don’t think however that President Trump will be able to electoral votes to stop Biden ( I had trouble spelling his name). I believe our only hope now is the Senator vote in Georgia. We must keep the senate.

Michael Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
3 years ago

This is all bull. Nothing is going to change because the media, big tech and all the big names and money people have decided the winner is Biden. No fraud false voters, no voting machine errors have been proved. They will never be shown and all the Trump voters will be ostracized.

Allan Bremors
Allan Bremors
3 years ago

By any means necessary.

GT PatriotI
GT PatriotI
3 years ago

Trumps biggest mistake was selecting compliant swampsters for key positions. Example: Christopher Wray at the FBI and I’m beginning to suspect AG William Barr who replaced Jeff Sessions who is a major swamp creature. Trump had no help. Surrounded by non-supporters. All of DC is one family which tries to convince us that there is an option to the liberals. There isn’t. Yet Trump even at this moment continues to accomplish miracles. A third China Virus cure announced today. Biden will shut us down for months. Get ready for all schools and businesses to close. The dimocrats are gleefull that we will be third world much faster than they could have hoped. On to communism.

GT PatriotI
GT PatriotI
3 years ago

NO coming together for Joe Biden. We need a Red State Nation.

3 years ago

Geriatric Joe will NEVER be my president. Talk about an illigitimate president! He will try to continue the destruction of our country that Owebama started. He is putting the same lame, dangerous losers in his cabinet that Jugears depended on. Just pray that we can hang on until 2022 when we take back the House.

3 years ago

No more comments from me.I know where we are headed.As a independent person I say good bye.It is to bad all I cam do is watch.I have learned much in my 70 years and hope to have many more.

M. Beaumont
M. Beaumont
3 years ago

The Trump team has an uphill battle to pull this election out of the muck and fraud perpetrated on the American electoral system, I pray they can. If they fail to prevail I fear we will have lost all possibilty of ever having fair election in this country. the only alternative will be to fight, however we can to protect our Bill of Rights. Power hungry democrats will manipulate and scheme, as they have done to President Trump from the day he was elected. Backed by mainstream media, high tech, and multi-millionaires like Soros and Bloomberg Conservatives will not stand a chance. We may even be forced into re-indoctrination camps. As a veteran, I took an oath many years ago to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, that oath had no expiration date.

GT PatriotI
GT PatriotI
3 years ago

Don Lemon: ” The party’s over” He’s right. Now its time for hell. Can’t wait until the next primary which will be more important
than the Nov 2022 election ( assuming the lefty’s don’t change the date). Can’t wait to replace the gutless repubs who let this
happen. I think I will move to Utah to vote against Romney.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Keep PUSHING, Conservatives! Show the Media your outrage!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
3 years ago

If this election ends up being stolen by the brainless Biden and his commie VP candidate “earned my way on my knees” Kamala Harris, then it most certainly will be time for brave Americans to unfortunately resort to using the Second Amendment for its intended purpose and that is to defend our freedom from a tyrannical government. Yes, the Founding Fathers actually perceived that treachery like what is unfolding could happen and specifically moderated the Constitution with that INALIENABLE right to defend our country and our freedom from the treacherous actions of the left. We can’t select our President, we cannot worship in our churches, we cannot gather together on holidays, we cannot freely travel…..but the leftists can loot and burn and pillage and even murder with no police action taken against them. If now is not the time to take action then when is? What will it take?

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

What a very sad day in American History.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

It’s over, folks.
Time to regroup and go on to “Plan B”. 2024.
Think Grover Cleveland.
Think Gen Douglas MacArthur:
“I shall return!”

3 years ago

Please promote and support Sidney Powell at She never signed up to be a lawyer for Trump nor billed Trump. She is doing this on her own as a patriot that believes in life, liberties and freedom. I also know that Lin Wood is not letting down. The truth of this fraud will come out. We as Constitutionalist must stay strong as George Washington did at the Battle of Trenton.

3 years ago

We have a serious problem with corruption at all levels in America.
Boting,FBI, DOJ, all corrupted by liberal democrats and the anti american forces of soros,lying media,big tech and washington establishment elites.
The only answer is for 73 million REAL Americans to continue the fight to save this Great Country.
We the People MUST stay true to liberty, justice and the Constitution.
I for one,will accept NOTHING LESS!

3 years ago

With corruption set with deep roots, even our elections have become a joke. It’s going to take will take a war to take back our freedoms and a large group of ethical statesmen to restore our way of life!

3 years ago

It seems to me, USING COMMON SENSE, that when you consider the number of folks who turned out for the Trump rallies compared to the Biden turnouts, that it would be VERY UNLIKELY that Biden would win the election. Likely there’s a snake (or snakes) in the woodpile. But doesn’t seem like there’s anyone who wants to get rid of the ‘snakes’. We hear a lot of talk,
but there’s never any action! What’s happened to the ‘backbone’ of America?

Pearl C. Ware
Pearl C. Ware
3 years ago

It is highly significant that The Pennsylvania Supreme Court when reversing one of Trump’s only post-election litigation wins has stated in a 4-3 SPLIT DECISION that “states can count mail-in ballots with superficial facial DEFECTS. In the 354-page ruling by Justice Donohue the court reasoned that the Election code was AMBIGUOUS with regard to whether such ballots are to be discarded and that the ambiguities should be “liberally construed.” ” More to the point, the direction to the voter to provide a handwritten name or address is not only NOT MANDATORY,…” This is in line with what many people have filed in written affidavits under penalties of perjury, that they saw workers writing on the mail-in ballots, and observed boxes of ballots coming in the middle of the night and observed that many of the mail-in ballots did not have creases in them as an authentic mail-in, folded into an envelope ballot would have had. They could not do this with voters who came to a polling place and filled out a ballot, then placed it into the scanner and at the end of the day the scanner gave a total for each candidate. This could be accurately verified by checking the actual ballots that are placed into a blue bin below the scanner. They cannot mess with the in-person votes the way they can with the mail-in ballots. This is in line with what the Courier Life newspaper of Nov. 20-26, 2020 stated, “”Three Republican insurgents…swept their races on Election night after an apparent red wave of support for President Trump boosted the down-ballot Republican candidates throughout southern Brooklyn.” Notice that on Election night, the in-person votes for President Trump were much higher than the in-person votes for Biden.

GT PatriotI
GT PatriotI
3 years ago

CNN dingleberries ( kweemo) are now discussing how Trump might go to jail for providing pardons to Michael Flynn
or Paul Manifort. What will they do when Trump is no longer around ? Biden is boring and will accomplish
nothing other than what he is told to do. So CNN must rely on Trump-bashing for the next 4 years . So where will
we go to find out what Hidin Biden is doing ? Limbaugh ? The Dim propoganda machine ( CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC)
will never report on Biden because they never did during the election. They know he dosen’t sell “tickets” and they
know his manuvers are disgraceful to the nation.

Trump amidst a black and white crowd
Kamala Harris laughing in front of small business shop
mysterious man in Venezuela jacket with police man behind him regarding gang members
David Muir and Linsey Davis with ABC news on tv with fact check/myths background

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