AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Just a few weeks after a media firestorm over Republicans in the Tennessee legislature expelling two Democrat lawmakers for breaking House rules and obstructing a legislative session, the liberal establishment is once again apoplectic following Montana Republicans’ censure of a Democrat who also broke decorum and aided in a demonstration that disrupted official proceedings. In both cases, the media and national Democrats have fully embraced the lawmakers’ portrayal of themselves as persecuted victims despite the fact that they broke clearly defined rules, only encouraging more frustrated Democrats to follow suit.
On Wednesday, April 19, Montana State Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a Democrat from Missoula, lashed out at his colleagues during debate over Senate Bill 99, which bans puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and transgender surgery for minors. Zephyr, a man who identifies as a woman, told lawmakers who supported the bill that he hopes “when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”
In response, Speaker Matt Regier and House Republican leadership announced that they would refuse to recognize Zephyr to speak until he issued an apology for an “unprecedented and personal attack” on other lawmakers.
Things escalated further last week when protestors disrupted House proceedings after a vote to uphold the gag order on Zephyr. When asked to clear the chamber to restore order, Zephyr instead remained at his seat, holding his microphone up to the protestors.
Two days later, on April 26, the Montana House then voted to bar Zephyr from attending or speaking at floor sessions for the remainder of the legislative session, which ends on Friday. Notably, Zephyr will still be able to vote remotely on bills.
On Monday, Zephyr announced that he is suing the state of Montana, Speaker Regier, and even the Sergeant at Arms over his censure.
Zephyr’s censure came less than a month after Tennessee Republicans voted to expel two state House Democrats, Justin Jones of Nashville and Justin Pearson of Memphis, for participating in anti-Second Amendment protests inside the state capitol, in violation of House rules.
On March 31, Jones, Pearson, and a third Democrat, Rep. Gloria Johnson of Knoxville, went to the House floor unrecognized and produced a bullhorn, proceeding to lead protestors in the gallery in a series of chants. The unlawful demonstration prevented the House from conducting any business until the protestors were cleared.
A week later, on April 7, the Tennessee House voted to remove Jones and Pearson for their actions (Johnson narrowly escaped the same fate after she pleaded with Republicans not to expel her because she did not raise her voice or use the bullhorn). However, both Jones and Pearson were quickly re-appointed to the House by their respective city councils and will likely go on to win special elections this fall.
Immediately following both the Tennessee and Montana incidents, the Democrat lawmakers involved became sensations on the left. Dozens of stories flooded news feeds detailing the supposedly “shocking” and “unprecedented” “silencing” of elected representatives.
USA Today called Zephyr a “hero,” while The Washington Post published a glowing profile on him. The “Tennessee three” enjoyed even more lavish treatment, including an invite to the White House and a special appearance on “Good Morning America.” An MSNBC panel even explicitly compared Jones’s reinstatement to the resurrection of Jesus, calling it an “Easter miracle.”
The media also attacked the Republicans involved in both cases, accusing them of being “threats to democracy.” In an ostensibly “objective” explainer piece on the Tennessee case, the New York Times called the lawmakers’ expulsion “a dramatic act of political retribution” and an “extraordinary punitive action.” The Associated Press echoed that language, calling it “an extraordinary act of political retaliation.” Forbes, meanwhile, declared that censuring Zephyr was an example of “cancel culture towards officials who speak out on social issues.”
This is all, of course, despite the fact that it was the Democrats who were punished who literally halted the functioning of democracy and broke the rules of the institutions in which they served. The media and national Democrat figures characterized the lawmakers’ actions as legitimate political protest – ignoring the reality that those actions were clearly intended to disrupt the lawmaking process.
In both cases, this was legitimized by the liberal establishment. Following the Tennessee incident, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and four other Senate Democrats wrote a letter to Merrick Garland asking him to investigate the Tennessee House. While admitting that the lawmakers “challenged procedural rules governing decorum and good behavior,” the senators argued that this was acceptable because “the repeated and preventable slaughter of our children should frustrate and disrupt decorum.”
In other words, as the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board aptly observed, “The Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate is publicly arguing that if partisans feel passionately enough about a policy issue, they are justified in disrupting legislative proceedings by force.”
The Zooey Zephyr case is no different. Democrats did not have the votes to enact their preferred agenda via the legislative process – in this case opposition to a Republican bill protecting children from harmful and medically unnecessary treatments and surgeries – and so they resorted to mob intimidation in an attempt to frustrate the democratic process.
Once again, the left asserted that Zephyr’s words and actions were justified because they were in defense of a cause they agree with. Nowhere to be found in the sea of liberal outrage was any consideration of the fact that Zephyr was attempting to delay and derail a bill supported by a large majority of Montana’s representatives, who in turn represented a large majority of Montana voters.
Regardless, Zephyr, Jones, Pearson, and Johnson have appeared to soak it all in, by all accounts enjoying the trappings of their newfound stardom. From toiling in relative obscurity in GOP-dominated state legislatures, suddenly they are the subject of national headlines.
Given the obvious incentives to cause chaos for media attention and clicks online, it should be altogether unsurprising if more such incidents occur in the near future. In a political party where victimhood is the most valuable currency, making a martyr of oneself is a tantalizing prospect indeed.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.
So many democrats like to talk about democracy and refuse to acknowledge that this is a republic. Democracy to the left is simply obnoxious mob rule
DC is a bottomless pit Not one of those we support there has a spine strong enough to stand up and say we are past the limit this is too much It is unsustainable it will ruin us
Just bully’s, that’s all they are. IF the Republicans did this there would be cries of outrage, hand wringing, and all sorts of anti Democratic things. IF we can’t win the correct way, we’ll just be obstructive.
It’s so very sad to think that the people vote for these lunatics. What are the people thinking??? Or, are they thinking at all?
This is another example of a double standard.
Democrats claim they can get away with anything (and they will try).
Using the broken windows approach, the summer of 2020 they disrupted use of a federal building in Portland, OR, and burned cities and Kamala Harris bailed them out (if any were arrested and most were not). They got away with it.
January 6, 2021 Republicans who found their way into the Capitol are still in prison or being hunted.
The issue today is promoting transgenderism. Tomorrow it will be some other issue.
Anyone who does not just let them do whatever they feel like is attacked. This does not mean we should be driven back and let the law of the jungle take over.
Our entire constitutional process is under attack, from multiple sources. What ever happened to common sense? It sure doesn’t exist among most politicians.
Legislators like these people are disgraces to their office and the constituents they claim to represent. All done for publicity and the most willing propagandist media play right along. Such an embarrassment!!
So the newest weapon of Democrats who cannot articulate a scientific, reasonable, logical argument concerning any of the radical agenda they want is to throw a hissy fit? Maybe it’s time for them to grow up and face reality. Their current agenda on promoting various genders represents less than 1% of the US population. The other 99% of the population isn’t interested in your personal issues so keep them to yourself. Science has proven that there are only two genders, male and female, although there are many forms of mental illness separating the two genders.
I’m happy the Republicans stood up for the right thing. The ‘trans’ people or whatever they call themselves have proven to be violent – probably from the cross gender drugs and all the other stuff they do to their bodies, inside and out. It screws up their minds, and their behavior. Trying to tell God HE made a mistake is not the way to be healthy in mind, body and soul – in fact, just the opposite. They become angry, confused, paranoid and violent, all because they are being used by greedy medical and pharmaceutical companies to make money in the name of child sacrifice. When they hate themselves enough, they will commit suicide. Their parents may feel guilty, but not the surgeons with money in their pockets. nor the pharmacies. Sacrifice and exploit the children for their egos, without a thought of where their own life after death may end up.
Self Martyring? I call it search and destroy. Destroy any rule, law or ordinance one disagrees with today. such children as these destroy the rule of law and the concept of majority rule. It is going to be a herculean effort to rebuild our damaged government after these anarchists get done with it.
“Zephyr, a man who identifies as a woman, told lawmakers who supported the bill that he hopes “when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”
Methinks “zooey” (fitting) had better re-read the good Book. The verses that point out the errors of his ways are too numerous to list. Two that immediately come to mind:
“It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble” Luke 17:2
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 22:5
An excellent article showing the absolutely mindless liberal agenda and mechanisms in use today to corrupt this nation.
God please help us.
Once again I’m “awaiting for approval” (nice grammar) on my comment. Is Amac offended by verses from the Bible? What’s there to scrutinize?!
Sooner or later this kind of activity is going to result in chaos beyond what the powers that be expected or wished for. There are rules for everything. When you break the rules, you should be prepared to suffer the consequences. Calling someone a martyr who breaks the rules of decorum is not intelligent; it’s just stupid and a betrayal of your oath, your position, and your constituents. If there’s an explosion of violence as a result of this kind of ignorance, the media should pay a price since they are the ones who are pushing it as an issue. And you want to know why they do it? To sell newspapers; to create exposure for your network that increases advertising profit; also to increase your personal revenue when you get more exposure. That’s all. Do you think they really care?
Besides, to me, martyrs are the Christians who were burnt at the stake or eaten by beasts in public view during the Roman Persecutions. The Jews were also martyrs during the Nazi genocide of WWII. Both groups died for their religious views and for who they were. The Nazis were just a little less public about it. Careful for what you wish for idiots or our entire society will come crashing down hard!! It’s coming if we’re not careful.
So, no accountability; its not my fault; I don’t have the follow the rules or regulations, because I am who I am. Politicians are the worst examples of leadership that I know. “Actions speak louder than words,” and “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.” As a parent this attitude sucks.
A juvenile temper tantrum of a petulant politician is now considered “legitimate political protest”? Interesting. ????
IF THE libs WANNA B MARTYRS, MAKE SURE they R DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad that this article CORRECTLY identified the offender’s sex! Too many “conservative” outlets go along with the FICTION that a man can change into a woman!
Just the fact that Montana elected a transgender representative puts them on the same list for me as Bud Light. They have given up their man card. I can’t believe Montana went South but then again they elected a Democrat Governor. It used to be a great state just stay the hell out of Idaho please
I think if you break the law which they did they should be punished and in this case to the maximum that the law will allow. I also think that when the ones that were sent home that they should nothave been allowed to return to the state congress because they had already showed that they weren’t going to obey the rules as set down by the governing body, is that the behavior that you want your children to learn to do if so our country is in big trouble inn the future.
You can’t reason with a mentally ill person.
How did this country become so sick and perverse in such a short time? This is disgusting! The fact that these topics are even up for debate show the total insanity of the left. This HAS to stop. These warped “people” need to be in an institution, not in congress!
No amount of makeup, female clothing or length of hair can conceal the fact that the individual looks like a male. Our brains can’t be fooled.
I couldn’t make this stuff up if I worked at it for a month!
But, I guess as the leftist ideology continues to implode upon itself heading up to the election, it will get considerably more tragic for them.
Sorry, but if a person has a penis then HE IS A MALE, if a person has a vagina then SHE IS FEMALE! . . . GOD ALMIGHTY DOESN’T MAKE MISTAKES BUT DEMOCRATS NOW THINK THAT THEY, TOO, ARE GODS! . . . NOPE!!!
We are living in Bizarro World. You have to be 18 to get a tattoo but you can be a child and get “hormone blockers”. Really?? These people that want this are freaks but the scary thing is that people are apparently voting for them somehow.
“The Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate is publicly arguing that if partisans feel passionately enough about a policy issue, they are justified in disrupting legislative proceedings by force.”
Oh, so they should release the Jan 6 protesters now, right?
Oh wait, I forgot, they were protesting on the “wrong side” so I guess they will just be left to rot in jail.
God, help us.
So sadly true.
All the people arrested and still being held in jail since January 6 should be immediately released and Brandon should invite them to the White House for tea and crumpets. Apologize for their arrest. For they did far less than these state politicians did in their state capitol.
Only we don’t have a fair and just government.
Tucker gets fired for calling someone a name. Brandon calls millions of his citizens fascists and does not get fired. Explain this to me.
The writer of this article, Shane, I noticed is wearing an LBQT pin on his lapel, showing his support for their agenda, it would appear. At first, I thought this was a picture of a homely woman (b/c of the long hair) but I see I was mistaken. What am I missing here, Shane?
ZOOY ZEFFER ? Anyone with that name must be a looney although Its a good name for someone who dosen’t know they own sex
This is a good but the states need to remove at least half of the democrat members of their
legislatures. A very inadequate start in a good direction.
Remember you can never insult a lib. OK. Instead of insulting them I would be happy to say
nothing and stick my foot up their a____s.
I’m delighted to be a redneck. In fact I consider myself a Super Redneck which is a far superior
title compared to the diseases that most of us have. uneducated ? I regret the education that I
got. It limited my thinking
The almost maniacal push to “normalize” what the Creator deemed an abomination has gone over the top the last 2 years. No doubt just one more of the many ways the left is degrading our nation.
It’s a bit sad to think how far they’ll push it as 2024 gets closer. What else is on their agenda…do we even want to know?
These freak shows are attempting to destroy America.
If people want to be trans, then that is THEIR choice. Isn’t that what freedom is all about? But when their way of living becomes the “norm”, and the rest of us have to accept the rules they make up…then all of this “hoopla” is actually a political agenda. Beings they can’t accept the non-trans people, then it becomes a whole different issue. Interesting thought.
From Marriam-Webster dictionary Democracy is defined as “government by the people especially : rule of the majority”
Given that any group falling under the umbrella of the democrat party, whether it be gays, lesbians transgenders, environmentalists, pedophiles, or any racially based group, is within itself only a minority, Democrats are attempting to create a majority with the binding together of these minority groups. The very purpose of which is to undermine the will of the majority. I cringe every time I hear some smarmy democrat cry foul and claim anyone who disagrees with them is a threat to democracy. It is they themselves who are the biggest threat to democracy. But in the end if democrats get what they want, total unyielding power and control, it is these very minority groups which have allowed themselves to be duped by thier chosen party that will suffer most because when the democrat party no longer has a need for their vote, they will be the first ones to be destroyed by the party to prevent them from retaliating when they see the truth of how they were used and played for suckers. Why will they be first? The democrats already know who the current enemies are and they will not allow any of their current minority groups to have a chance to wake up and realize they were on the wrong side all along. End game complete. Please turn off the lights when you leave.
I was so excited to see this headline. Then I read that “Self-Martyring” was not quite what I thought it was.
Oh please don’t abuse me any more
self-martyring has always been a way of socially coexisting in the normal world by nerds. it became prevalent since the computer and internet ages melded in the ’90s and has increased since their daily expansion and growth of importance. the normal world created both computers and internet (to the eternal dismay of the nerds who only created some elements of both and remain mired in their own stew of personality social frustration referred to as “woke” which only has credence with themselves). to the normal “woke” is an annoying social “joke”.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the Demsheviks were to self-martyr themselves and get evicted from all the legislative bodies across our country. In fact, such actions would be the greatest positive contributions these excuses for human beings could make to our nation.
These people were elected to office & should know the rules of the job & they should follow these rules. It is a total disruption to the system if you allow these people to scream/hollar about issues when they do not agree.. Follow the rules or get kicked out of the system is my opinion.
Wonder what would happen if this occurred by a Republican in the US Senate chucky boy. Then it would be a terrorist act and arrested.