AMAC Exclusive

San Francisco’s Radical Leftist District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, has two new problems to worry about as the effort to recall him gains steam. Two prosecutors working under Boudin have resigned in protest of his leadership, and are now actively working with advocates and city leaders in the campaign to remove him from office. In addition, San Francisco Supervisor Catherine Stefani is pushing legislation to bring greater transparency to the DA’s office. The effort comes amidst spiking crime rates and rising murders across the city.
On October 24, Prosecutors Don Du Bain and Brooke Jenkins announced that they were resigning from the San Francisco District Attorney’s office. Since DA Boudin was sworn in last year, a total of 51 prosecutors have quit, resigned, or retired from his team, accounting for a third of all prosecutors in the San Francisco office. Du Bain and Jenkins are the first of these prosecutors to publicly join the recall movement against their former boss.
Both former prosecutors were interviewed by NBC Bay Area immediately after resigning to outline their reasoning. Jenkins stated that “Chesa has a radical approach that involves not charging crime in the first place and simply releasing individuals with no rehabilitation and putting them in positions where they are simply more likely to re-offend.”
“Being an African-American and Latino woman,” she continued, “I would wholeheartedly agree that the criminal justice system needs a lot of work, but when you are a district attorney, your job is to have balance.”
Boudin is one of a number of radical leftist prosecutors whose rise to power was funded by progressive megadonor George Soros. Soros and his allies claim that their intentions are to combat “systemic racism” in policing and help minority communities. The tragic irony is that, thus far, the most visible result of this approach is greater violence and less opportunity in those minority communities, where criminals are released back onto the streets. Thankfully, as seen in other cities like Chicago, citizens and even some liberals are stepping up and taking a stand against such dangerous practices.
One of the most shocking allegations the former San Francisco prosecutors revealed was that Boudin would regularly defer to the preferences of public defenders over his prosecutors. “Lawyers in the public defender’s office essentially are getting to boss around attorneys in the DA’s office” Du Bain revealed. In one specific case, he said, a man was convicted of shooting his wife in the chest. Boudin explicitly “ordered” Du Bain to pursue a more lenient sentence, in direct violation of state statutes. Du Bain withdrew from the case, the first time he has done so in 30 years of prosecuting cases.
Jenkins and Du Bain have joined a growing chorus of critics moving against the DA, several of whom are government officials seeking greater accountability. San Francisco Supervisor Catherine Stefani has proposed legislation that would require quarterly reports from the prosecutor as to the results of domestic violence cases. In the fourth quarter of last year, almost 90% of the 131 felons arrested for domestic violence under Boudin had their charges outright dismissed. Stefani, a former prosecutor, asserted that the level of dismissals “made no sense to me” and deserved greater scrutiny.
Thus far, the District Attorney’s office has dismissed or deflected all criticism directed at Boudin. They assert that all attacks are “political” and in bad faith. Although Boudin himself has been actively avoiding reporters asking about the recall effort, he did join a webinar to discuss social justice issues. During the interview, he made it clear that his goal is radical “reform,” and claimed that his only true opposition is “police unions…undermining reforms.”
Despite attempts by mainstream media outlets to downplay crime in San Francisco, the spike in criminality shows few signs of abating. Last Monday, for example, a San Francisco Safeway announced that it would no longer remain open 24 hours. According to the Safeway Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, the reason for the tightened hours is “off the charts” shoplifting.
“Police rarely arrest anyone for a property crime, by the time they make it on the scene,” he said. “I think like a lot of retailers [Safeway’s owners have] been experiencing increasing property crime and theft from their stores. I think the last 6 months from what they say have been sort of – off the charts in terms of how bad it’s been. It’s sad, upsetting, and frustrating.”
Earlier this year, Walgreens announced it was closing several stores due to shoplifting in the San Francisco area as well. Most concerningly, violent crime rates are skyrocketing in 2021. While the DA’s office touted an all-time low in 2020, rates for 2021 could be as much as 50% higher than the previous year.
As of November, over 83,000 signatures for the recall of Boudin have been submitted to election officials, well over the 51,325 required to trigger a recall in June of next year. This will be the second recall attempt against Boudin. With crime on the rise and so much opposition to Boudin’s tactics, even within his own party, just what Boudin’s end goal is seems unclear to many. However, Jenkins has a clearer view. “Public safety is not his focus,” the former prosecutor said. “That is not his goal.”
Lets do this in ALL Blue States OK, Dirty Harry time for SF
You reap what you sow, and the Soros-backed DAs are sowing chaos and violence with impunity. Definitely no help for law-abiding minority citizens.
Get rid of these lawless bums who are bent on ruining the country
Its interesting to note that these decadent DAs must have some kind of “end game”. Does anyone really think that a continuously and rapidly rising crime rate indicates their direction of work is valid ?
There was a time in our country when refusing to prosecute a criminal might end-up with a rope around the neck of the prosecutor.
In order to fix something it has to be broke first…..I think this idea or thought is beginning to manifest itself. More and more people are starting to see it IS broken. Lets see what we do about it.
Citizens who pay for public services expect and deserve rational and comprehensive doses of law and order truth, justice and equal treatment under the law. People like this DA should be prosecuted for not doing their job. George Soros should be arrested, put on one of Jeff Bezos’ outer space excursion trips and dropped off at the apex of his flight.
George Soros is starting the race war……….
Shoot shoplifters shoot criminals if DA goes after people taking care of crime get rid of DA by any means possible. It funny how crime goes down with vigilante justice!
And this has nothing to do with Newsom?? Sad California couldn’t see King Newsom as the real problem. Larry gave me hope for a week. Now we’re moving out of a place we’ve called home for 30 years. Hope this movement can work!
She is not the only one there are many like her in key positions across the country causing harm to communities, hiding behind impenetrable armor of sex and color of the skin
Perhaps organized gangs are paying this guy off. Follow the money! California is turning into a third world country that thrives on bribery.
Evil ppl like soros are out to destroy America……the evil power of money. Money could be used for the good of mankind but the elites have succumbed to greed and power.
Same policies coming soon to NYC.
What a sad sight California has become//When are the dumb assed liberals going to wake up and take there state back and stop paying for the putrid ideas of losers like the RED STATES // Does anyone actually believe that Pelosi cares about tent cities and garbage dumps in the streets//
I don’t care. What will be done? Words only allegedly CONTRIBUTE TO to global warming. ACTIONS ACTIONS,.
Leftists like Boudin should be given their walking papers throughout the country, regardless of their position. Money donated to any candidate originating from Soros, his son, and any organization that supports his views should be illegal. Failure to do so in each community or state that fails to do so should suffer the consequences. It’s as simple as that. These practices result in high crime and are anti-American. It shouldn’t be about politics, it should be good old common sense. If the Democrats don’t see the light and continue to support leftist policies, then that party should disappear.
Soros…..that about tells the story. This appears to be his agenda.
Boudin parents were/are domestic terrorists from the 60s/70s. When they threw his mom in prison, his “foster” parents were unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers (Barry Soetero’s pal) and Bernadine Dohrn. The rotten apple didn’t fall far from the rotten tree!
George Sorass hates people of color, that’s why he is encouraging black on black crime by having criminals released to kill again.
If you don’t prosecute crime you are no longer a DA, just a bassackwards social worker.
So true, if you don’t prosecute crime, why do we even need to have DAs. Everything is backward and unfair. OH, and the latest, Nasty Nancy Pelosi is looking for a house (mansion) in FLORIDA. She destroyed San Francisco and all of California, NOW she’ll destroy Florida. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!
Election laws have got to change! This Soros asshat and his dirty money need to be left behind. I know him and mini Mike Bloomberg screwed up Virginia selections ! (Missed this past election cycle) Way to much money being poured into a DA’s or state house/senate races.
All of these issues could be resolved if brainwashed leftists woke up and stopped voting for these commies. California has created it’s own disasters because of their far left un-American ideas. I think we need a wall around California to separate the sane from the insane.
Long overdue….hope that it spreads to Los Angelis and beyond.
so fool-what is this balance you speak of?
Maby Soros will die soon. He is in his 80’s. Kyle L.
Regardless of whatever Soros’ stated goals are, his real goal is destruction for destruction’s sake. His history and the things he admitted to in that decades past 60 Minutes interview show him to be a psychopath. The ultimately goal and results of everything a psychopath does is destruction.
Why don’t the “Friscans” do the simple thing and find out where he lives ?
Then take it from there. Vigilante style.
All a bunch of idiots
Not knowing if this individual is elected to office (most DA’s are), it would seem that the governor would have some interest in the issues…but of course this is California, and the governor is most likely cut from the same no traction there. Perhaps, as the city defunds police and promotes crime by not prosecuting offenders, they just don’t need all those extra people, so this would be a good thing. Saves money too.
But as I see it, this is the consequence of bad people, making bad decisions, for all the wrong reasons and having created this monster, now they cannot deal with it. It always amazes me that when things go south, people who could implement change from within jump ship. What’s worse, to stand up for what is right and get pummeled, or take a hike and leave a mess in your absense? You choose. there are plenty of cowards to go around. Where are the heroes?
The only “political and bad faith” attacks are from Soros’ Leftist loons. Soros is a Communist and has been since Hitler came to power. Even though he’s a Jew, he turned in Jews to be railroaded to slaughter camps.
Soros is EVIL.
His goal is to cause CHAOS. A fundamental means to break down a society to institute Communism.
In CA, we know how the recall of Newsom went, don’t we? Overall, this madness has not abated going back over ( 18 ) months now with respect to all the felons being constantly released from custody in every single democrat run city in the nation, ALL bought & paid for district attorneys offices by George Soro’s & his affiliate organizations run by his children & I’m guessing grand children at this stage…Yes, all of these criminal DA’s need to go, pronto. Why has it taken over ( 18 ) months for the attorneys within these corrupt DA offices to begin reacting to this now? I am more than just a little suspect of this late in the game kind of behavior by these people…
Being the pragmatist I am, it needs to happen across the nation & the sooner the better. The head of the snake needs to be cutoff completely, not only George Soros head, but his ENTIRE network of criminal organized associates, all of his affiliate organizations, including his family members running them.
All of it needs to be permanently taken down & all of it NEVER allowed in America again. George Soros at last count has already been banned from ( 6 ) nations around the globe & America needs to be number ( 7 ) asap…
The road to recovery for America will be a long road for years to come now with respect to all the damage done by the Democrat Socialist Party of America to date…Every American from every walk of life, color of skin, creed & religion knows full well what is at stake now, especially since a stolen 2020 presidential election & a state senate runoff election were allowed to stand…
Corporate America is another entity that will require a major house cleaning because at present they are the Fascists’ doing the current Washington, DC occupiers dirty work with regards to the so-called vaccine mandates, hiring & firing those that don’t meet the standards of the tyrant, JRB & his team of Obama era cohorts, i.e. traitors…
God bless America,
Bill on the Hill… :~)
No surprise Soros is behind this a******. I keep saying this but Soros needs to go he needs to be banned from the planet. And the next time a republican is president his open border society and his money need to be banned from this country. We won’t be the first to do that and we won’t be the last either.
Seems to me that the way to ruin every business in your city, is to allow them to go into a store and if they steal less than $1000 of stuff —then they will not be arrested. Is that true in SF ???
What is Solo’s real aim?
You have to wonder how these idiots like Boudin get elected???? As heavily far liberal a big percentage of the citizens of San Francisco are, it is difficult to understand why the non crazy liberal majority tolerate and vote someone like this in to any public office. Too many crazy DemonRats getting elected to political positions in too many levels of governance. But … this is California’s problem up front (CA is vulnerable to nutcases partly because of its Pacific shores and its great climate being attractive to too many idiots). Lot of good people live in CA … its a shame that they can’t seem to get the nutty liberals pushed out of political influence.
Dump his sorry leftist socialist anti-American ass in the Pacific Ocean. Probably no self-respecting shark would bother to eat him.
How old if Soros. Isn’t it time for him to kick the bucket?
San Francisco was such a beautiful city in its heyday. I’ll never set foot there again, it is lost forever as far as I’m concerned ????
Makes you wonder about Soros’s childhood and what kind of parenting would create such an evil, mentally disturbed man. Too bad we can’t kick this commie out of this country.
In the discussion about how these morons get elected, I’d like to know who are the 38% of people that think Biden is actually doing a good job? The height of stupidity.