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Rowling and Deneuve – Heroes in the War Against the Extremist Agenda

Posted on Tuesday, May 16, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the last decade (and beyond) is that we never know what’s going to happen from day to day. Cases in point, emerging as important and inspiring examples of how the war against progressive bullies and the woke mob can be won is JK Rowling, author of the beloved Harry Potter series of books, and French cinema icon Catherine Deneuve.

If you think the woke cult is bad here in America, it’s even more unhinged in Europe where the left has had a stranglehold on government and culture for far too long. For years now, transgender extremists have been trying to ruin author JK Rowling. Her crime? She has the temerity to believe that transgender men and women are not the same as biological men and women, and she says so publicly and consistently. Nothing makes a leftist’s head explode like failing to frighten someone into submission.  

You see, for progressive extremists and cults in general, this is a zero-sum game—either you pledge allegiance to their agenda completely and conform, or you are destroyed. At least that’s their threat. But the effort to cancel Rowling hit a massive roadblock when she refused to bow down. Nor has she made a hostage video admitting her thought crimes and vowing to ‘learn’ and do better.

Rowling is a feminist and left of center. Moreover, the Harry Potter books are all about people being able to be themselves no matter how different. But she, too, was going to be thrown on the pyre of cancellation until she refused to accept that fate. Because of her fortitude, the campaign to destroy Rowling has failed, most recently evidenced by the BBC greenlighting a new crime series by Rowling with a storyline about a creator being accused of transphobia, and HBO’s announcement of a new “Harry Potter” series, with a ten-year commitment, for their newly dubbed Max streaming platform.

Rowling is also serving as executive producer for the HBO project. Outkick reported, “When whispers started circulating a TV series with HBO was in the works, the first question many had was whether or not Rowling would be involved. After all, the entertainment industry and many of the people who she made very rich and famous – looking at you Daniel Radcliffe – turned their backs on her because she believes men are men and women are women…. Well, she’s absolutely going to be involved… That’s a huge win for fans. It will also be very fun to watch people meltdown at the fact Rowling just can’t stop winning.”

When HBO executives were excitedly quizzed by reporters about how they felt about Rowling’s opinions, the answer was clear. “Our priority is what’s on the screen. Obviously, the ‘Harry Potter’ story is incredibly affirmative and positive and about love and self-acceptance. That’s our priority — what’s on screen.” That’s another way of saying they don’t care to participate in the fake controversy ginned up by extremists meant to generate hate and division. Good for them.

And then there is the example of French cinematic icon Catherine Deneuve. She is now 80 years old and is internationally recognized for her contribution to film as an actor, efforts to protect creative freedom, and has a history of standing up for and fundraising on a variety of women’s issues and to improve children’s lives. But alas, Deneuve committed the new mortal sin of signing onto a letter in 2018 which asserted that the #MeToo movement had begun to turn into a witch hunt.

The open letter against the emerging extremism was signed by 100 women in the arts, academics, and writing, and read in part, “’What we are once again witnessing here is puritanism in the name of a so-called greater good, claiming to promote the liberation and protection of women, only to enslave them to a status of eternal victim and reduce them to defenseless preys of male chauvinist demons,’ the letter said. The letter attacked the #MeToo social-media campaign and its French equivalent… ‘But what was supposed to liberate voices has now been turned on its head: We are being told what is proper to say and what we must stay silent about — and the women who refuse to fall into line are considered traitors, accomplices!'”

Proving one of the letter’s points, and being one of the more famous to sign the letter, Deneuve faced an uproar for uttering an unapproved opinion and refusing to go along with the leftist agenda and narrative. She answered the hysteria by issuing a new personal statement which apologized to victims (“It is to them and them alone that I offer my apologies,” she wrote, who were hurt by the original statement, but then reiterated her concern about what the movement was becoming.

Variety reported, “Deneuve said she believed the solution would come from educating ‘our boys as well as our girls.’ She also said the solution would arise ‘eventually from protocols in companies allowing for legal pursuits to be immediately launched in case of harassment. I believe in justice.’ Deneuve, however, insisted on the pertinence of one aspect of last week’s public letter, which criticized the #MeToo anti-harassment movement for leading to a campaign of public denunciation and summary justice fueled by the media. ‘I don’t like this aspect of our times where each feels the right to judge, arbitrate, condemn – a society where simple denunciations on social networks lead to punishment, job losses and often lynching in the media.’”

Despite efforts by a rabid few to destroy her, the French have not allowed it, as Deneuve continues to work as she chooses, and was given a lifetime achievement award in 2022. Also this week, she is the official image and poster for the Cannes Film Festival. This particular action is seen by most as an undeniable statement of support and acceptance of Deneuve, whose persona for over 60 years has been one of personal and creative freedom in a world constantly threatened by women who personify the fight for both.

The success of Rowling and Deneuve, willing to state their opinions and challenge the status quo when it would have been much easier to stay silent, serves as an imperative reminder that bravery is often trusting ourselves and not caving to the bullies intent on frightening us into silence.

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Dennis Math
Dennis Math
1 year ago

Rowling may not be fully “woke”, but minor insanity is a very close relative to the lady. Ms Deneuve I know little of other than I had an immediate crush on her when I was very young and saw her in possibly her first movie outing in The Time Machine which is what? Sixty years ago?
For being at least somewhat rational a problem is evident and that problem is age. What happens when all the rational folks die off? Good,luck grand kids!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Hey AMAC Id more Anti Woke celebs OK A-Z

Kathryn Dahlstrom
Kathryn Dahlstrom
1 year ago

JK Rowling is one of my heroes, as a fantasy writer marveling over what she’s accomplished, and as one who agrees with her 100% about men and women accepting the identity God birthed them with because nothing else really works, if the Left could only be honest. I admire her ability to forgive, since HBO banned her from participating in the Harry Potter 20th anniversary special that it produced and aired. I was furious over it, and refused to watch the show. I really admired the actors in the HP cast who stood with her. Those who didn’t..? I pray they’ll grow up soon.

Kathryn Dahlstrom
Kathryn Dahlstrom
1 year ago

Kathryn again, adding one more thing: Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) warmed me to the toes when he said that he didn’t agree with JK Rowling’s stand, yet added, “But I love my auntie!” GRIN!

1 year ago

Bravo to both of these women. And to all the others like them. Do not give in to the mob. We must crush the mob with its destructive left wing ideas that we must change society’s mores..

I was once a victim of the mob on a website devoted to scoholarship. I was stunned. They came after me like an army. They organized to try to shame me and make me an outcast. This has no place in a scholarly setting. All I did was say that I did not come to the same conclusion as one person who wrote an overly long, full of himself tract – and it was poorly written yet – and who came to the conclusion that America was becoming worthless and tyrannical.

Wow did they organize fast and try to ridicule and ostracize me. Disgraceful.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Left is no different than Catholic church before reformation You adhere to it’s teachings without a doubt or you are a heretic and will be treated as such The rules of course do not apply to higher rungsThey are in the category of their own and peasantry must not even think of them as ordinary mortals

1 year ago

God made Man and Woman period! And GOD DOESN’T MAKE MISTAKES! . . . So I don’t recognize transanything!

1 year ago

Thankfully some are calling out the marxist democrat party for their obvious ridiculous policies and support of this NONSENSE!
I’d bet NO person with one iota of knowledge or common sense would support this insanity!
STOP listening to the fringe, whacko,agenda driven despots.
Wake up America, tell these LOSERS where REAL American Citizens stand.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

All thinking people have to go.
Only those agreeing with the politician in the White House are great and get to stay.
Go J K and Catherine. Take it up for women are women and men are men.

1 year ago

And there you have – two real women.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Even lifelong libs like Bill Maher and Richard Dreyfus have FINALLY come to their senses over these mentally-ill wokesters!

Grave yard tombstone with Rest in Peace ESG etched into it
Thomas Jefferson
JD Vance at MSC

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