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Rittenhouse Verdict Shows American Justice Can Still Prevail—For Now

Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

Credit: PBS News

When the jury delivered its long-awaited verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case on Friday afternoon, many conservatives – and indeed fair-minded Americans of all political stripes – likely exhaled a sigh of relief. The jury’s full acquittal of Rittenhouse—even after weeks of the media actively working to swing the case in the other direction, as well as several instances of jury intimidation—is a welcome sign that our system can still deliver impartial justice… at least for now.

Rittenhouse was accused of intentional, reckless, and attempted homicide, as well as reckless endangerment, after he shot three men (two of whom died) during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the summer of 2020. While many would agree that Rittenhouse perhaps inadvisably put himself in a dangerous situation, that in itself was not a violation of the law – something that the defense went to great lengths to make clear. By any honest review of the evidence, Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense against his three attackers.

Yet although the jury found Rittenhouse not guilty, the 18-year-old has not fared so well in the court of public opinion over the past year. Notwithstanding the facts of the case, the media was determined to cast Rittenhouse in the most negative possible light by willfully ignoring key evidence and attempting to frame the incident as a racial issue, when race was obviously not a factor. (Each of the three men Rittenhouse shot was white.) CBS News accused him of “murder,” President Joe Biden slandered him as a “white supremacist,” and Congresswoman Cori Bush irresponsibly claimed that the jury’s decision amounted to “white supremacy in action.”

Now, conservatives are calling on both the media and many elected Democrats to apologize to Rittenhouse. Some have even called for Rittenhouse to sue the media and President Biden for defamation, asserting that they must own the consequences of what has increasingly become a dangerous disregard for impartiality and due process.

In addition to the media malfeasance that came to overshadow much of the case, the trial itself became the source of concerning antics. As George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley explained, “The troubling aspect of this trial was an array of prosecutorial blunders and, in my view, misconduct. The prosecution made reference to his silence despite a long line of Supreme Court cases saying it’s unconstitutional. There was evidence that was withheld. There [were] questions as to how the prosecution stated the facts.” The prosecution concluded the trial by seemingly attempting to make it impossible to declare self-defense—making the shocking claim that “You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun.”

Judge Bruce Schroeder, who presided over the case, was even forced to bar MSNBC from the courtroom following reports that journalists from the news outlet were following the jury bus in an attempt to expose the identities of jury members. Such a move was likely intended to ramp up public pressure for a guilty verdict.

But while the Rittenhouse case is the latest example of the media circus that now seemingly surrounds any high-profile court case, it’s hardly the first: conservatives have come to know all too well in recent years that establishment media entities are more than willing to set aside factual accounts of tragic events to advance the progressive left’s preferred narrative.

This phenomenon can be traced back to at least 2011, when the media became obsessed with a narrative claiming that George Zimmerman, a Hispanic male, was a white supremacist keen on murdering black men—even though the jury ultimately found that the facts demonstrated Zimmerman was acting in self-defense. The same left-wing media complex then spent years pushing a completely false storyline about a police-involved shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, which resulted in heavy rioting and was used to push the idea that every police force in America is systemically racist. This notion was ultimately normalized and contributed to the nationwide burning of cities and the “Defund the Police” movement several years later.

In nearly every such controversial case, the narratives propagated by the media turned out to be at best grossly misleading and at worst irrefutably false. There is no clearer instance of this blatant media dishonesty than the now-infamous “hands up, don’t shoot” slogan, which became a rallying cry for activists based on the false notion that Michael Brown—who was fatally shot by officer Darren Wilson—raised his hands and calmy told Wilson “Don’t shoot.” Even though investigations into the incident unequivocally established that this did not happen—and that Wilson was justified in killing Brown out of self-defense—the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative nevertheless took root. As journalist Christopher Caldwell wrote in reference to the Ferguson riots, “The country’s official culture” is “now squarely on the side of the protests”—even if any “neutral reading of the evidence” proves to the contrary.

Of course, the media’s tendency for narrative-building and hoaxes is not limited to police encounters. For years, the media has routinely and intentionally misled the public about their political enemies, slandered high school students as raging white supremacists, and aided in left-wing schemes to advance accusations of systemic racism in every domain of American life.

This standard has become disturbingly commonplace on Capitol Hill, in newsrooms, and on college campuses throughout the country. It is thus refreshing and reassuring that the jury saw the 15-month-long smear campaign against Rittenhouse for what it was.

Yet just because justice prevailed this time does not mean it will in the future. The most important lesson from this case – for the media and the general public – may be that the American people should remain vigilant in anticipation of more attempts by the radical left to rewrite history and dispense with the truth in order to advance their progressive narratives. The future of the nation may depend on it.

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2 years ago

Vigilance is the key for justice to prevail. It is refreshing to know that justice can still prevail when the facts, and only the facts, are considered and weighed by an impartial jury. Even when that jury is intimidated by media, anarchists and the “illustrious” President of the United States. The Rittenhouse case is truly an example of American justice at its best.

2 years ago

If BLM ..couldn’t watch that video and see his beating ..then they are color blind.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
2 years ago

As soon as I learned of the not guilty verdict I had a beer and three shots
in celebration of Kyle’s victory !
The kid makes the all the Leftists howl and foam at the mouth with displeasure, and I’m lovin’ it !
Let’s Go Brandon !

2 years ago

So Glad we have Judges that up hold the law.Thank God forthe U.S.A.

Jeffrey T
Jeffrey T
2 years ago

Justice is alive, for now but, please avoid complacency i.e. the attacks against We The People will continue.More later but for now, the Jury’s verdict re Rittenhouse is certainly a blessing and gives me hope.

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

I would not take anything to heart that that fake president said

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

A factual article here… The Ferguson Effect was the aftermath created & perpetuated by Barack Hussein Obama & AG Eric Holder…Not only did potus Obama & AG Holder lie to the American people after the verdict was read in officer Darren Wilson’s favor & was in fact the correct verdict, potus Obama & Holder continued on with their ” FALSE ” narrative on Ferguson & a MSM fully on board with it, thus the creation of BLM, 100% built on FALSE NARRATIVES with the FULL support of MSM & the entire Democrat Party as they allowed the country to burn without arrests…That along with George Soro’s money, ALL local district attorney’s offices in ALL the Democrat run cities are bought & paid for & hence the immediate release of the blm/antifa criminals & the arrests of Trump supporters, i.e. 1/6/21…
Not forgetting the Zimmerman trial, once again the verdict was correct & again, a potus, i.e. Obama dissing the facts of the case & saying things like & I quote, ” If I had a son, I would want him to be just like Travern. ” A known thug & hoodlum with a long arrest record at the age of ( 16 )…
Everything we are experiencing in America to date has it’s origins that go back to the election of arguably the worst & the most dangerous president ever elected into office, one Barack Hussein Obama…Obama literally destroyed the DOJ, the courts & all forms of normalcy in this nation & make no mistake he is in his 3rd term & calling the shots with the current idiot calling himself potus, NOT…
Bill on the Hill…

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Great. Another spamming scammer.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

Accountability means when right, you get rewarded and when wrong you get punished. Apology is not punishment. All the leftist media and people in power who publicly made accusations against Kyle Rittenhouse, should be sued for libel at least and, if proper, they should be prosecuted and put in jail. We will then see a tapering off of the false propaganda that the Dems and and their MSM allies are constantly pushing down our throats.

2 years ago

The future of America DOES depend on our vigilance, because the lying ‘media’ has been working since the early 70s to cover up the truth. One literally cannot, in good conscience, believe one word from them.
The only thing that will stop this is for these “high profile” victims of the media smear to sue them out of existence. These fraudulent attorneys — who are nothing more than Communist Party hacks — also must be disbarred for their illegal behaviors.

2 years ago

Shut up and take your BS away.

2 years ago

The leftists protesting against the Rittenhouse trial are carrying signs reading,”No Justice, No Peace”. The problem is that that is what they want: no justice and no peace. Why do the desire mob rule (as in the jim crow south) over civilized government?

2 years ago

Okay. I am relieved that justice was properly administered and am happy for this young man. My question is, why are so many people screaming “racist”?? If, as I’ve seen in videos and photos, most, if not all of these folk are black, how can they call him ‘racist’ and want to riot and maraud when the people who were killed and injured were all white? He didn’t shoot one black person. He was chased down by white men and cornered. What did any of this have to do with BLM or being a cause for rioting, race baiting, etc. by BLM? Just goes to show you how misguided and hateful this group is. They just want to wreak havoc and make an excuse to behave like animals. It’s crazy!

2 years ago

Please keep telling us the truth.

Willy E
Willy E
2 years ago

IMHO: This case was crystal clear self defense and should never have even been taken to court in the first place. If anyone should have been taken to court it was the liberal extremist rioters. Rittenhouse should sue every one of those that were involved in the riot, and all those who promoted and prosecuted this case. I’m glad he was found not guilty, and sorry he had to endure this typical democratic BS. This judge should be cloned and placed in other courts that are in need of an honest judge that will follow our constitution; there are many of these courts in need of this. We currently have the best judges that democratic money can buy in this country, and that needs to change. I would hope there should still be a few honest lawyers out there that would take these cases pro-bono. One of the worst mistakes we made as a country was to allow “career politicians,” which is why we need term limits so badly.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

That young Patriot would qualify as a Navy SEAL. Combat experience against all communisrts both foreign and domestic.

2 years ago

Can’t wait for the quadra- billion lawsuit by Rittenhouse against MSNBC. Hopefully, Lyn
Wood gets this case.

2 years ago

Kyle, I hope you sue all those idiot commies in the new media. What a bunch of ignorant bas—-s!
Anyone other than you ignoramus jerks can see it was self-defense. GET OVER IT and shut up.!

2 years ago

Justice done again! For Arbery!!

2 years ago

Rittenhouse should sue the pants off all those who have slandered his name and this includes biden . I believe I heard piglosi and others make comments about no one being above the law when they were trying to railroad Trump

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