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Real Leaders – Theodore Roosevelt

Posted on Friday, September 6, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

We live in a time when real leaders are hard to find, good examples forgotten, the timeless nature of good – and bad – leaders highly relevant. “Doing” is different from talking. Deep love of nation is different from fighting for popularity. Among the best was Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th President.

Famous for many things, not least turning into the wind, Theodore Roosevelt was quick to sideline doubters and infuse others with confidence. Even in his day, he was a force of nature.

He was also a naturalist, endless energy, love of the wild, founded many of our national parks, revered John Muir, appointed Gifford Pinchot, conservation pioneer, first head of the Forest Service.

Theodore Roosevelt rode horses avidly, like Reagan and our founders, went west, worked as a “cowpuncher” – driving cattle for two years after losing his beloved first wife, Alice. He loved nature, Maine to the Dakotas.

An explorer, he crossed Africa, recorded in “Africa Game Trails,” collecting exhibits for the Smithsonian. He discovering the headwaters of Brazil’s “River of Darkness,” now “Rio Theodoro.”

Father of six, Alice – daughter of his beloved Alice – then four sons and a daughter with Edith, Theodore Roosevelt was a celebrated father, taught his children comfort with themselves and in nature, dawn to dark.

His four sons, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Kermit, Archbald and Quentin, served in the army. Quentin was killed in WWI, flying against Germany. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. died days after hitting Utah Beach, WWII. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. won the Medal of Honor – and Theodore Roosevelt later did posthumously for heroism in the Spanish-American war. Theodore Roosevelt’s younger daughter, Ethel, was a Red Cross Nurse – and ambulance driver – in WWII.

Where does one begin with Theodore Roosevelt’s life lessons? How can one illustrate what great looks like? Theodore Roosevelt’s breadth – his hunger to live and learn, teach, and lead – was honest, genuine, and breathtaking.

Theodore Roosevelt loved his father, lost him early, and wrote often to his mother. He kept a diary – which I have held in my hands and read front to back; it is moving. He was determined to set the bar high – physically, mentally, spiritually – walk  the walk, put himself in hard situations to resolve them.

Opposing New York’s Tammany Hall as a legislator and governor, he was hated, drew energy from that. Finding corruption in New York’s police, he fired 10,000 officers, made them pass physical and moral tests to return, and policed the streets himself.

As an assistant secretary of the Navy, after legislator, cowboy, lawyer, police commissioner, before serving as Garfield’s vice president (1901), Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama become independent of Colombia.

A Republican, Theodore Roosevelt loved free markets, and so…hated monopolists and those who exploited children and women for cheap labor. As president, he broke up the “trusts,” settled major strikes personally, again infuriated powerful interests, was sued for doing so, no matter.

He pushed fair treatment for children and women at work, created the first child labor laws, set in motion the 19th Amendment, women’s right to vote. A traditionalist, unfairness deeply disturbed him. He hunted it out, fought it wherever he found it.

An anti-racist, Theodore Roosevelt shocked the nation, elevated the issue as president, dined privately with Booker T. Washington, the black educator, opened the civil service to Black America – which Wilson reversed.

Theodore Roosevelt was more than this list. As president, he was first to fly, built the trade-changing Panama Canal, personally brokered Russo-Japanese peace, earning the Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless efforts.

Between doing and daring, serving as president when Garfield was assassinated in 1901, winning in  in 1904, not running in 1908, then running as a “Bull Mooser” in 1912 – defeating Republican William Howard Taft, who deeply disappointed him, nearly beating Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt wrote 37 books.

Theodore Roosevelt’s impact on America, our national and global identity, was extraordinary. He launched the US Navy, or “Great White Fleet” – painted the color of peace – on a world tour pushing “peace through strength.” He turned America into a global power, was a role model for his fifth cousin…young FDR.

But Theodore Roosevelt’s greatest contributions were to the American character, being a beacon, showing what leaders really are, that they exist. Many recall his “Man in the Arena” speech, which came late, near an assassination attempt. But he had voiced that same sentiment, respect for the doer, far earlier.

“Man in the Arena” was 1910, delivered in Paris, but Theodore Roosevelt wrote similar things in 1891. He was candid, clear and consistent. In 1891, he wrote: “The man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic – the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought  to be done.” That was true at every level, voting to running.

What people should appreciate is that real leaders lead with heart, mind, and experience; they are authentic, obviously and always so. They are doers, learning but consistent, purpose-centered not ego-before-country, about action. Theodore Roosevelt was always there for America. People knew it, loved him. He was real. We need that again, authenticity, doing what is right regardless of cost, love of our nation.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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6 months ago

RBC, great article of a President that went above the call of duty. As you stated, he was a leader of his time, doing what was right.
Alas, it is too bad that the nation has not seen a great leader since Pres. Reagan until Pres. Trump interrupted the chain of average and worthless ones. The Biden-Harris team did nothing, totally worthless as their policies destroyed the economy and foreign policy made the nation look like a pansy. The Haris-Walz team is no improvement and will finish the Left’s agenda of destroying the nation. I hate to look on the negative side, but I doubt that the people will wake up to reality when they find that it is too late.
Have a good weekend.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
6 months ago

Theodore Roosevelt had the qualities of leadership for sure . Two examples of those qualities ,before he became President were how he did things as New York City Police Commissioner (1894) . And his knowledge of naval history ,which included writing about the United States Navy in the war of 1812. As New York Police Commissioner he recognized the importance of judging police officers by their abilities ,not their political affiliations. And apparently he did some patrolling of his own just as a patrol police officer would do. One of the marks of good leadership is for the leaders to understand what those people they are leading are all about. To be part of those people ,at least occasionally, that is of great value. As a naval strategist he was well respected and the United States Navy made significant improvements due to his wisdom and appreciation of what having a strong Navy meant in those days. The respect for nature was admirable — he was truly in favor of conservation , appreciated forests , and did much to provide a way of thinking for the Country that encouraged developing interest in forest lands. A good President , a good American , a good example of how being an explorer leads to things that are positive, meaningful and in the spirit of practicing Freedom !

6 months ago

TR was a war hero who negotiated a Russian peace. Draft dodger Biden funds a protracted deadly Russian war. Warmongers love Biden and profit bigtime.

Jim Dowdell
Jim Dowdell
6 months ago

I have been a fan of Teddy Roosevelts for many years and have read numerous books about him. He was a man of great, integrity, faith and boundless energy. He towers above the career politicans prowling the nations captal today.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

A great patriot ,too bad his cousin did not posses those qualities.

Mike Stertz
Mike Stertz
6 months ago

McKinley, not Garfield

6 months ago

Theodore Roosevelt was a lover and advocate of America and the working people. He is my favorite President and has been since I was 8 yo. As for FDR…if he was so enamored of his 5th cousin he should have shown it by not being a Commie lover.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 months ago

Who knew that Theodor Roosevelt was capable of walking on water? The article’s writer Robert Charles, seems to regard Theodor as being akin to Moses leading his people to the promised land.
The reality of Theodor is a bit different from the hero described by Mr.Charles. Theodor was an unabashed progressive. He was so irritating to the Republicans that they nominated him to be the Vice President of the Garfield Administration. Normally, a vice president is a hapless figure who disappears after his term is over. But something happened on the way to the forum. President Garfield was assassinated.
The worst fear of the Republicans occurred when Theodor was sworn into office. While a few of Theodor’s ideals were commendable, his obsession to bring about equality of the masses was naive. Theodor was just as much a socialist as Karl Marx. Unfortunately, socialism only succeeds in the insect colonies where each worker expends maximum effort for equal compensation until it dies. However, socialism is not so good for human beings because they have free will. Some people will try to work harder to receive more pay while others will laze about happy to get the same compensation as those who put in a good day’s work.
A little bit of socialism is akin to a little bit of cyanide, both are toxic to the well being of human beings. Theodor Roosevelt should have been a Democrat like his relative, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Chuck Richardson
Chuck Richardson
6 months ago

He was not a great leader. He was the inaugural President of greater Federal control. He didn’t help the poor man, he initiated the control of corporate America through the anti-trust lawsuits. He enjoyed freedom in the wilds and then stole for the Federal government millions of acres of profitable land that oil companies and others now have to beg for, at the teet of the Federal government. There will always be exploitation and corruption, but the solution isn’t a National nanny. The free market will always work it out eventually. Our economic growth, including wages was the envy of the world from the 1880’s to the 1920’s. TDR began what Woodrow Wilson and FDR completed. They gave us the modern Nationally controlled economic and social nanny state. I would love to see a Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge again but the closest we will get is Donald Trump. Of course, he has to work within the accumulation of all of this Federal power. TDR isn’t even comparable to Ronald Regan except for Horse riding and what difference does that make? A personal life can shape who you will be as a leader, but it is not a mutually exclusive proposition.

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