Let’s do a reality check on the current federal shutdown. Are you ready for a good laugh? Put down your favorite mainstream media outlet. Switch it off, and just follow the numbers. Yes, every rooftop is cluttered with news anchors, bellyaching reporters and stray Democrats shouting “the sky is falling!” or “the federal shutdown is ending life as we know it!” Here is real news. Not so.
First, recall that when President Obama managed a congressional shutdown, he blamed Congress and “weaponized” that shutdown against average Americans – deliberately putting barricades around traditionally open, accessible monuments and parks, including our WWII Memorial on the National Mall.
President Trump has done the reverse, waiving obstacles to volunteers at monuments and parks, clearing the way for federal agencies to stay as open as much as possible. He has specifically assured EVERYONE entitled to a timely tax refund will get it, throughout the shutdown. Most parks can use operating budgets to keep restrooms and garbage pickup going. As he seeks to get Congress to properly secure US borders, he is looking after the American People – in ways his predecessor did not.
Second, remember that the bills held up by Democrats in Congress have more than 300 billion dollars that could be placed against the five million dollar request. It would take ten minutes for Congress to agree. The five could be taken from parts that deliberately EXCEED the President’s original request – such as the 10.6 billion dollar jump up for Housing and Urban Development over the President’s request. This would instantly end the crisis, allowing money to be used for border security or “the wall,” also allowing other programs to remain at requested levels.
Third, look at the real numbers on shutdown impact. No one is doing it – so let’s do it here.
As of this week, 328,000 federal employees are on furlough, according to the most recent agency reporting. If history is any example, they will all be given back pay – part of the eventual compromise – when the shutdown ends.
They represent 38 percent of employees at the several affected agencies – so less than half, even of those agencies – and almost nothing by comparison to total government employees, federal or national employment.
Today, there are 230 public employees for every 10,000 Americans, according to the US Census data. Altogether, America has 16 million public employees employed beyond the federal government, plus more than two million (fulltime) federal employees, excluding postal employees.
Since we have another half million postal employees, we have a total of 2.5 million federal employees, 18.5 million overall public employees (with the federal employees), and a total of 126 million employees nationally – a number that has risen sharply (and in every demographic) since President Trump took office.
So, let’s keep some perspective here. This “partial shutdown” – furloughing 328,000 “non-essential” federal employees who will likely be paid for time off – is a drop in the national bucket. To be precise, these “time off” employees represent 13 percent of our total federal workforce, less than two percent of public employees, and one quarter of one percent of all American employees.
So, while congressional Democrats insist that 10.7 million illegal aliens in the United States amount to nothing to worry about, and we witness roughly one-half a million new illegal entries per year, the commotion is now about the one quarter of one percent of employees who are presently furloughed – pending protection of the border.
The sad irony is that this contrast – genuine public health and safety issues tied to a porous US border versus the political hoopla promoted by Democrats who refuse to pass the bills that would protect the border and pay the quarter of one percent on furlough – is somehow lost in the clatter and clank of what masquerades as modern political debate.
Average Americans are tired of this poking by Congress at a President trying to protect the nation, endless and pointless posturing, ranting and reorganizing of facts to support what Democrats in Congress think will bring more votes.
The average American is glad that President Trump has assured all social security, Medicaid, Medicare, Military pay, and IRS refunds will go out uninterrupted by the political shenanigans. They are glad essential personnel will remain as usual, and that the “partial federal shutdown” is not being weaponized against the American people. They are glad too that President Trump wants to protect them and secure the borders. What they are not pleased about is the antics that now define the public square.
And again, thank God for this President.
I just heard that a Catholic Biship in New York commented that he was having great difficulty in understanding how a good Catholic could be a Democrat. I have been saying that for years! They give more credence to whales rather than humans. Save the whales and the seals while murdering millionso of the most defensless humans of all……..the babe in the womb.
The article states “… against the five million dollar request …”. That should be 5 billion, not 5 million. In all other respects, I agree with the article.,
Why don’t the Democrats ask the people who live along the border whether they want the wall built or not?
Please proofread your stories.
Well said! Hopefully the President stays strong and holds the course.
Do not give in Mr. President. We are with you.
DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good article——–this is great that the average American realizes Marxist Demorats care more about illegals than American Citizens.
In just three words – way too big.
The Founders of this nation would be appalled at the current size and scope of the federal level of government.
I firmly believe in the 10th Amendment and the old saying: “The government that governs best governs least”.
The Democrats don’t want a so called fake crisis to go to waste. They are poor excuses for human beings. A lot of the old wind bags need to retire and ride off into the sunset. Never to be heard from again.
I can’t understand why some people are against this Pres! I know some and they have no valid point. Are they too democrat and don’t look at facts? Or are they so for abortion that nothing else matters?! Climate change matters to some. We must PRAY. because the devil is loose and clouds reason!!!!!
When are the democrats going to wake up! The invaders coming through our borders don’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat. They will run you down while they are drunk or on drugs regardless of your politics. They won’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat when the go after your job, offering to work for half your pay, in cash and willing to live ten in a room to do it. They won’t care what your politics are when your taxes are raised to provided welfare, free medical care and free education for them and their several children. They will be nonjudgmental as to who pays the freight, Democrats or Republicans, as long a Americans do it.
Steady as she goes Mr. President. Be stronger.
I don’t think normal people have noticed any difference in this shut down. Maybe its time to trim more fat off the budget and release these no essential to go work in the private sector. Congress and the Senate need to stop receiving pay checks too until they get off their fat “@&$ and do what the American people have asked. Build the flipping Wall.
Question: if these furloughed Federal employees are officially classified as “non-essential,” why not furlough them permanently and just retain essential employees? And, why were they hired in the first place? STAY STRONG, MR. PRESIDENT! MAGA!
Demorcats need to know that they are the ones hurting the American people and have proven again that they don’t care about the American people they don’t like trump and his promise to the American people and want there own way even if it hurts the American people and line there own pockets with money that is not theirs
Please refuse to settle for anything less than money for the border Donald.
I do not want an open border.
Please, let’s get the job done, build the wall. This form of protection against illegal entry to our country is so very long overdue. We must protect, defend and take care of our own citizens as the number one priority here. Until all our veterans, homeless and orphaned are helped we cannot and should not take on others.
We are with you, Mr. President!
“ITS 5 BILLION, NOT 5 MILLION,” But I agree with the rest of the article !
I agree with your entire discussion. Thank you for giving us sensibile reasons for all the hoopla!!
Excellent substantive and compelling summary!
Is there perhaps a typo – should $5 million be $5 billion?
Our elected congressmen are working to protect themselves, and not the american people, while our News agencies lie to us. Very sad.
about time the government looks out the people
I know this article is true and accurate, except for the typo already mentioned. But, what concerns me is that everyone, yes everyone, I have talked with about this believes the lies and misrepresentations and hatred spewed out by the media and they vote accordingly. What can we do to turn the hearts, minds and votes of the deceived masses?
I totally agree. Build the Wall at any cost. thank you. David Hermiller
The Democratic party have shown they are haters of God country and the American way
Don’t let the Liberal Democrats win this one. Stand your ground, President Trump. Your are correct and the Democrats are willing to let our country be overran with illegal aliens.
I am a retired U.S. NAVY CB, I would bet they would gladly build the wall if asked. I think every branch of our military has a construction branch, put them all in the wall.
The greatest problem I see is most of the land where the wall would go is private property.
Please stand your ground, President Trump.
Working at a big box store stirs emotions when your fellow employees think the dems are right. When I present facts as to your newly read print here they balk and say the usual “It’s all Trump, there is no problem” , I really wonder at my age just what cool aid they drink or the fairy tale they read. I even tell them DIG Deeper into the real truth. ONE word comes to mind and the mainstream media , dems , and liberals took to saying “MAN-U-FACT-URED” . Eyes on both sides of the parties really need an eye opener. Videos, pictures, comments, actual murders, rapes, molestations, SANCTUARIES, have done nothing to convince the American public to the true nature of the reasons of the need of a wall and MAJOR security of these United States. YES, I am a conservative, I am a Nam vet, retired, still work, LOVE this Nation and believe in God and the presidents way of caring for ALL of us. Despise the FREE give me programs as my last comment.
This is a good explanation of what is really going on. Many people have stopped watching network & cable news and no longer even view it as actual news. We are now presented with what THEY would like us to believe and follow as factual events that are distorted or 1/2 truths. The boarder has been in crisis for years and nothing has been done according to the news media in the past. Now …….that steps are being taken to correct this…. we have no boarder or immigration problems according to them. The government shut down can be fixed. Main stream media and certain politicians ……work as one and want nothing to be corrected. Hopefully the wall and illegal immigration can be addressed and people can return to there jobs. Keep America safe. Stop using good people to help ilegal immigration.
I think Trump could sign an executive order to prevent mortgage companies and utilities from foreclosing on those furloughed federal employees. And give those employees 90 days after their first pay checks to make good on their loans and utility bills.
Send this to all news outlet and see if it’s reported. Lol. Won’t happen. If it’s not against Trump they will have no part of it. Trump should sell the Non-essential jobs to private contractors and let them pay employees the going rate and take the burden off of the taxpayers . Just saying.
I Thank God every day for our President and his incredible service to our Country! Trump/Pence 2020!
I’ve heard that those who have been furloughed (ie on paid vacation) are not going to get paychecks and that those folks are hurting. What ever to savings accounts for rainy days? You can’t tell me that these non-essential government employees don’t have savings accounts where they sack a little each pay to cover any major expenses unforeseen in their lives? I got laid off a couple times in my career and had savings to fall back on for at least a couple months!!! I cut out certain things I didn’t need and took some part time work until something came up again. Can’t these folks do the same? Welcome to reality! And if I were one of those non-essential government employees, I think I’d be re-evaluating whether I want to work in a job in which its considered non-essential!
I agree completely!
Amen Brother !
Standing with our President.
I hear repeatedly why the Democrats don’t want a wall, they don’t want Trump to have a win. Occasionally I hear they know a wall works but it cannot be disassembled inconspicuously, where as their solutions can. The Dems call for a wall in the past is nothing more than a charade, they see these illegals as a part of their future voting base and in some areas, they already are. They are seldom if ever challenged on the latter.
I agree we need the wall. I also agree that our Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves over how badly our country is being driven into total poverty and obscurity. Please President Trump, stop these illegals who want nothing more than to take over our country and murder as many “American Infidels” as they can. I am a born again believer, so I am not afraid to die for my Lord, but I don’t want to die yet.
MAGA! Go Trump Go!
Peloski and Shummer need to be removed from office, they both care more about illegals then the citizens of this country, in 2006 50 million was set aside by Bush and Obama was suppose to carry this out by building the wall, where did this money go? You can almost bet it went right into Obama’s, Congressman, and Senators bank accounts, Democrats are nothing but a organized crime syndicate, domestic terrorist set out to destroy this great country, the only hope we have is President Trump and I stand with this man 1000%.
We have met the “enemy” and they are “the democraps” and the phony news media. This ‘unholy’ duo seems hellbent on destroying the national and cultural heritage of the United States and replacing it with globalism and “politically correct culture”.
It is time for all who love this country and what it has stood for: to stand up , fight back and resist the craziness being fostered
on our great country by the “Evil Duo of Chuck @ Nancy” @ their band of progressives, globalists and socialists!!!
Disregard denominational labels, How can any Christian be a Democrat. Pure communism is a system to be sought after and ultimately achieved by Christians. Socialism is as far from that ideal as one can possibly get. Look at the Congress. What do you see but a bunch of socialists vying for the right to run the whole world? For all who espouse any but Christian values and rules for life: “What other laws do you need than, ‘ You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your strength; and you will love your brother as you love yourself?'” Oh, and for the record, Democracy as a governmental system is worse than nothing.
Go President Trump we are with you!
I support the President in this battle of wills. Pelosi, Schumer and other Democrats remind me of the people that join Isis and fight against the U.S.A. THEY COULD HAVE BEEN FLYING THOSE PLANES THAT HIT THE TOWERS.
This a game to the Democrats, and some Republicans. The security and welfare of our Country is secondary to their gamesmanship. They are more interested in their “game plan” to stop anything, and I mean anything President Trump does. But when you have been in Washington for as long as many of them have, you lose all contact witht reality and it becomes a game. They are so pampered that they don’t know what it’s like out here in the “real” world. I thank President Trump every day for doing what he has said he will do and for not giving in. I don’t care if the Government is shut down for as long as it takes. Maybe they should look at the non essential employees and fire them.
The Democrats continue to slap the face of every legal immigrant to this country; people who waited in line, without cutting-in, and came here legally. They continue to call us racist and anti-immigrant when the only thing they are concerned about is power.