AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

While mainstream publications have extensively documented Iran’s role in funding Hamas’s war against Israel, most media outlets have largely ignored the role of Qatar, a small yet influential country, in fueling the violence.
With a population of 2.66 million people and a land area of just 4,468 square miles – slightly smaller than Connecticut – Qatar is often forgotten in discussions of Middle East geopolitics. But with extensive energy reserves, it clocks in as the world’s 5th-richest country in terms of GDP per capita and is home to futuristic skyscrapers and mesmerizing architecture.
Despite the country’s history of sympathies for Islamic terrorist groups, the United States has generally worked to maintain ties with Qatar as an intermediary for negotiations with Iran. The most extensive U.S. Air Force base in the world, which hosts the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing with more than 100 aircraft, is located a few miles south of the capital of Doha.
This relationship has become particularly important for the Biden administration as the White House continues to press forward with its plans to revive the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal.
However, Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7 has placed added scrutiny on Qatar’s role in facilitating the violence.
Qatar has a long history of stoking tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Last summer, a major Qatari newspaper which publishes in Arabic denounced Arab leaders who promoted harmony between Jews and Palestinians, falsely claiming that Israel wants to force Muslims to abandon Islam.
Just a few months prior to that, Al-Watan, another Qatari newspaper, incited violence against Israel by publishing a Palestinian author who called on Islamic nations to target “every part” of Israel, claiming that the Israelis stole the land and expelled the original owners.
All media outlets in Qatar are controlled by the ruling clan of Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, the current Emir of Qatar, who runs a fundamentalist Islamic system governed by Sharia law. “[The government] does not distinguish between ‘laity’ and ‘ecclesiastical body’ and promotes a disaffecting, antagonizing, and inherently conflicted worldview,” Professor Bernard Lewis, an eminent Islam specialist, told me in an interview in 2010, three years before al Thani took the reins.
There are some indications that Qatar has not only encouraged violence against Israel, but may have even provided some material support to Hamas in furtherance of its terrorist activities.
Days before Hamas’s attack began, Qatar offered sanctuary to several Hamas leaders, including Ismail Haniyeh, the senior political leader of Hamas. Qatar has been home to Hamas’s political bureau for years, and has joined Iran and Saudi Arabia in publicly blaming Israel for Hamas’s attack.
Shortly after the attacks began, MEMRI, a think tank specializing in Middle Eastern politics, released a video showing Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders in Qatar performing a “prostration of gratitude” for the slaughter of more than 1,000 innocent people. “Qatar is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar,” MEMRI founder and president Dr. Yigal Carmon told this author. “Every missile, inch of tunnel, drone, motorcycle, weapon, and bullet is paid for with Qatari money,” he added.
Qatari leaders have volunteered to mediate the Israel-Hamas conflict, but one prominent Arab observer I spoke with called this merely a cover for “harboring Hamas leaders who took part in planning the attack.”
The Qatari media has since continued to express complete support for Hamas and open glee over the death of Israeli civilians.
Two cartoons published by Qatari-owned media outlets are indicative of this heinous attitude toward Israel. In one, Gaza is depicted as a concentration camp that Israel created to torture Palestinians. In another, entitled “collective destruction,” the artist accuses Israel of genocide.
Alberto M. Gonzales, a vice president of MEMRI, told me that the hatred toward Israel in Qatar was bolstered in large part by the country’s harboring of Egyptian cleric Yūsuf Abdallah al-Qaraḍāwī, one of the most outspoken anti-Israel voices in recent memory who built a media empire inside Qatar.
Al-Qaraḍāwī, who died last year, was exiled from Egypt in 1961 to the then-unaffluent country of Qatar. He openly supported suicide bombings against Israel and repeatedly said that Muslims must unite to fight for Palestine, a battle he portrayed as a religious war. He was notably a significant influence in the life of Ismail Haniyeh.
Al-Qaraḍāwī first rose to prominence as a popular host of the “Sharia and Life” show on the al-Jazeera TV network. In 2010, Qatar-sponsored groups, together with the Hamas government, began promoting Al-Qaraḍāwī as a role model for Palestinian and Qatari youth.
From studios in Doha, Al-Qaraḍāwī would transmit his approval of Hitler’s crimes against the Jews, calling the Holocaust “a divine punishment” that “Jews exaggerated.” On one occasion, he added that, “Allah willing,” this judgment, “the next time will be at the hand of the believers [Muslims].”
This toxic hatred has now become an intrinsic part of Qatari and Hamas youth culture. “These groups headed by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad adopted this hatred of the Jews,” Professor Shaul Bartal from Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv told me. “According to this outlook, the Jews are the enemies of God and the Islamic faith.”
“I fear Palestinian youth being corrupted and indoctrinated by this culture of violence,” Palestinian political analyst Bassem Eid added. “Institutions promoting these ideals must be abolished throughout the world for there to be any hope for a rising generation to embrace peace and prosperity.”
Yet individuals like Al-Qaraḍāwī and Ismail Haniyeh are exactly who the Qatari regime has continued to harbor and promote. Far from working to ease tensions, Qatar has been ratcheting them up.
The Biden administration for their part has been willing to turn a blind eye, desperate to keep their misguided dreams of an Iran nuclear deal alive. But the Israelis and the prospect for Middle East peace more broadly are paying a hefty price for this decision.
Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.
Both Ronald Reagen and Donald Trump called for peace through strength, Obama and Biden have no concept of “peace through strength,” and look at what we got. War in Ukraine, Israel threats from China, North Korea, Iran and all the Islamic nations, and a threat of nuclear world war. Thank you democrats!
Ben, this is another excellent article with journalistic insight. These original, first-hand source statements provide a better view. Thanks, Amac. Qatar is one of the cruelest tyrants in the Middle East. Last week, al-Jazeera reported about the conference of “conservative” preachers. That TV rarely uses the word “Conservative” in its reporting in Arabic. For them, “conservative” is a hardliner jihadist we call a terrorist preacher. A few months after 9/11, I completed nearly two decades of service in the Middle East.
I understand Arabic and have started to follow Middle East broadcasting, particularly al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya, regularly since Oct 7. Qatar funds both stations. Both of them are programmatically anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and, of course, anti-American. They miss not even one day to tell their audience that the U.S. wants to conquer them.
By the way, Obama gave his first interview in the Arab world to al-Arabiya, in which he, of course, slammed America.
I’d suggest we move our airbase from there, but the moron in the oval office would end up leaving all the aircraft, equipment, and arms there.
I am glad Amac published the truth about Qatar. This article is truthful, accurate, and concisely provides sufficient facts, allowing us to understand the nature of this evil regime.
Qatar has been a source of this problem called Hamas for years. When the Israeli government tried to deal with it, America elected Barack Obama, whose sympathies went first to Muslims. In his speech in Cairo, Obama enabled radicals, giving them nearly all freedom to do what they wished in the Middle East. At least, they understood it that way. The so-called Arab Spring was not a liberty or moral revolution like in Poland in 1980 and later in Central Europe. It was Sharia Revival in the Middle East. The U.S. media and other Western reporters portrayed it falsely as a “freedom movement.” It was a call to new jihad, which Obama enabled. I am writing these words without satisfaction but in sadness.
I immigrated from the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. We escaped a wave of virulent antisemitism there. Soviets pursued the same policy towards jihadists as Qatar does today. Communist Party sponsored all terrorist groups in the Middle East to deny peace and disturb energy supplies to the West. They had portrayed the United States as imperialist even though nearly all major Soviet companies had a powerful presence in each Arab country, from Syria to Iraq to Iran. They trained Arab leaders to undermine any effort to establish a different system than tyranny. We are now facing their grandchildren in power in many cases. Until these Soviet crimes are described, the persons responsible are known publicly, and the ideology banned, peace will be a dream.
Qatar was mentioned among the locations from where a new terror threat to the U.S. could emerge. Besides, Doha, in addition to financing the Taliban, regularly hosts them and their minions. This relationship with Qatar is not a hypothetical danger to America but a genuine one.
Qatar thinks our president Joe Biden is a bonehead and his foolish administration will do nothing. They are correct. They are so incompetent, so there is nothing more to say.
All Islamic nations support Islamic terrorist organizations such as Hamas. Islamic nations use organizations like Hamas as terrorist arms of Islam while maintaining enough distance from the terrorism to be able to take advantage of trade with other nations. Radical Islam is the problem! While most who identify as Muslim are just like others in the world, just wanting to live a relatively peaceful life, these radical Muslims are using Islam to justify terrorist acts worldwide. To stop the terrorism, we must address those who are supporting the terrorists.
I know there are Muslims who do not subscribe to this jihadist belief, they want to live and work and prosper. They do not speak out, for fear of retribution. If there is a way to eliminate evil from the world, no one has found it. We must stay strong and fight against the evil, even though it will cost innocent lives. Joe Biden seems to be one of the evils, trying to placate both sides to keep his money flow coming.
Qatar never helped the United States in anything. When the U.S. evacuated Afghans (the wrong ones, not those who helped us), they stayed in our bases near Doha. Qatar did not contribute or allow to settle these people on its territory.
Earlier, Qatar did not agree to hand us KSM Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, a chief Al-Qaeda terrorist mastermind of the attacks on WTC.
Israel was forced to discuss with Qatar due to our State Department experts who first prepared a path for “diplomacy.” Few people warned against such an approach at that time. As we can see it now, it was a grave mistake.
Even on October 7, Qatar did not stop to propagandize hatred against Israel on behalf of “Palestinians.”
All this has nothing to do with the Iranian nuclear deal. This has everything to do with destroying Israel and America. O’s plan is coming closer to becoming true. And ole Joe is being pulled by O in that direction. We are listening to Qatar to get the hostages released? How well did that go? Demonstrations pro Hamas are continuing, the pro Hamas Squad in the House can say what they want. Ole Joe says nothing. Slow walking everything. Even the atrocities or attacks on our ships and bases in the Middle East is met with no resistance or strong admonishing from ole Joe. He goes to Nantucket for thanksgiving, leisurely shopping for Christmas, while the Middle East is burning. All because O wants America destroyed
Playing both sides
NONE!! of these Islamic Satanist Cult members should EVER be trusted!! Especially if you entrust them with your goats!!!
Arab countries “love” us so long as we are useful to them. Period.
I feel that joey thinks that QATAR is a friend and ally,and they are as long as we support their military and a few other things.But joey also thinks that he and his programmers are saving AMERICA,but they are not.It was a simple decision for joey,KEEP PRESIDENT TRUMPS POLICIES and quit being a wimp,biden is good at trashing AMERICANS and”cuddleing”up to our many ememies.
My friend sent me this article today in her email. It answered all my questions about Qatar. I remember after 9/11, I listened to an interview with a counterterrorism specialist from the Middle East who warned against the Qatar regime. The 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, and other countries, but he said we should be wary of Qatar since it sponsors terror against Israel. He mentioned connections between the Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinians. But this article provided a lot of details on it, and now I understand that Palestinians were radicalized nearly from the beginning. Sadly, talking about “normal” Palestinians is pointless since the hatred towards Israel was sown by these radicals a long time ago. I appreciate this article.
This article is very helpful, Amac. I shared it with my friends and via email. The other day, we discussed why America’s policy in the Middle East must always press Israel for some compromise with murderers. Can we allow them to eradicate everything they need to have a quiet life? The two-state solution has been a wrong concept from the beginning. Now we see that these “partners” like Qatar and its propaganda machine are pushing Israel to the same hell. It is time for us to change this horrendous policy towards Israel. We must provide them with all the help Israel needs to purge these terrorists from north, south, and east.
Yesterday, I watched a documentary about the Wahabi Islam revival in Saudi Arabia. If in Iran, youth is protesting, although the regime censors this news and our media are silent, in Saudi Arabia, it is the shift to the harsh version of Islam. We should not be deceived by the campaign to portray Saudi family as modern and progressive. The religious schools are populated as much as their Universities. A new generation of educated Arabs is growing, which is also ready to spread Islam.
Moreover, Saudis are silently financing Muslim theological schools in Europe to prepare new preachers. The documentary also said, on the margin, that Qatar is in discussion to purchase one of the leading French TV stations. Someone here told us about Islamic revival. I think it is the correct judgment.
The U S should protect Iseral 100 %. Then get the Hell out of all those mid east countris. If one wipes out another, so be it. They are like Leeches. Let them die or whatever. Kyle L.
The Qataris are Wahabi Muslim, as is Saudi Arabia, which promotes the most “fundamental” aspects of Islam. Explains a lot about their behavior, particularly under the current Emir.
This is all Obamas doin , he did the same thing when he was president, Obama is the one running this country not Biden . Obama was not born in America , Even if he was he is a Yraitor of the American people he could give a rats bottom about the Americans , thats why the borders are wide open they are trying to destroy this country , and what kills me congress is letting them do it as long as they get a cut .
Palestinians are all radical Muslims according to recent surveys regarding their support for terror organizations.
If we are there, we should rein in these radicals. Qatar must be told to halt its propaganda against Israel. This propaganda motivates protests in America and gives a feeling of being victorious to this rowdy, vicious mob wrongly called students. Democrats profit from these rioters, so it is our side’s job to stop it. Qatar’s behavior can cause us serious trouble in America. We should offer as much help to Israel as we can to turn this militarized zone upside down and de-radicalize Arabs even with harsher discipline, which includes a penalty of cleaning pig houses for life.
Biden, really Obama, has been in bed with these Arab nations since Obama became president — to the huge detriment of the United States. Obama said in his books that he’d always side with the Muslims and that the Muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful music. How can we doubt that the inciting of antisemitism and Israel here is in large part due to the Arab refugees Obama brought to the U.S. and supported as well as O’s own views? Example: Omar and friends.
I am Jewish American. A lot has been said about the increase of threats to us. It is primarily a clash of ignorance, arrogance, and, in some cases, aggression against us who live with vivid memories of the Holocaust of the past and fearful thoughts that it may repeat not only in the Middle East but also in the West. The West is abandoning its ideals, trashing its precious culture, which made it the world’s moral leader. We still fight to defend this position, clashing with the growing enemy’s camp. Too often, people who join this fight rely only on the loudness of their voice and respond with similar aggression that lacks knowledge.
But such articles, competent and calm with all necessary context, help us to win this battle.
“Qatar is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar,” this is essential truth about this Middle Eastern supposed partner. I learned a lot from this article. Thanks Amac
Biden is not now nor ever has been fulfilling the office of the President. Right Barak??
No need to respond . There will be punishment for this fraud of all other frauds.
Let those weeping over the death of Palestinian children take note. Better to die innocent than become fanatic soldiers of Islam-the religion of Satan- as evidenced by all the followers of Jesus Christ killed by the adherents of Islam over the centuries
The present American government is corrupt and has to be totally replaced. The greed and self- righteous hypocrisy of the entire Democratic party has to be held responcible for their hand in the development of COVID and their attempt to remove the wiser and unindoctronated older generation of Americans. The Democrates, if left in any capacity in American politics will continue to steal American tax payer dollars to fund non government organizations to accomplish their authoritarian one-world goal to rule over the American people. Vote every Democrate out of office and hold them accountable for their actions aganist the American people and the American way of life!
Biden’s allies are the highest bidders.
Ok………so a nation by the name of Israel and I dont care if its state religeon is Judaism or Taoist or Hindi, this nation literally forces everyone that isnt Judaic into a ghetto called GAZA and are surprised that after enduring incredible hardships from being locked into this ghetto, an organized political outfit morphs into acting in a terroristic manner if viewed by the Israelis anyway and all this is because of………Qatar now? I thought it was Iran? Or was it Syria? Iraq?
Israel wants to blame everyone but themselves. No wonder over 85% of the globe views Israel as enacting essentially Fourth Reich like tactics against what the Israelis call “animals” in Gaza.
If only those were Israeli children getting blown to bits daily. Nothing gets more attention than Jewish Whine.