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Putin Is Pushing Where There’s Mush

Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Vladimir Putin, the President of Russian Federation

This week, Vladimir Putin finally — allegedly — murdered his chief political rival and critic Alexei Navalny. Navalny’s death followed an attempt by Putin’s operatives in 2020 to kill him by poisoning; Navalny survived the attempt, worked with online specialists to unmask the actual agents responsible for the poisoning and then returned to Russia, where he was promptly arrested on trumped-up charges and sent to a Gulag in the far north.

Now, Navalny is dead.

And Putin isn’t stopping there. This week, the Russian government announced an arrest warrant for Navalny’s brother, Oleg, on unspecified charges; Putin’s agents likely murdered a Russia defector to the Ukrainian side, who was found riddled with bullets in Spain; Putin’s government arrested a Russian-American dual citizen on treason charges for giving some $50 to a group called Razom for Ukraine, which sends medical and hospital equipment to the beleaguered country.

Meanwhile, Putin is stepping up his international outreach efforts. This week, Putin invited the terror group Hamas to Moscow to talk, along with fellow terrorist leaders from Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Authority. He also received plaudits from far-left corrupt Brazilian president Lula Da Silva, who refused to condemn Russia for Navalny’s death but found time to accuse Israel of perpetrating a new Holocaust in the Gaza Strip. And, of course, last week he hosted Tucker Carlson for an interview, in which he laid out his historic grievances against NATO and Ukraine; Carlson then followed suit by issuing a series of videos praising Russian metro stations and supermarkets, claiming that Russian food prices should “radicalize” Americans into despising their leaders.

Putin feels unbound.

And he should.

Joe Biden is a weak leader with no centralizing principles. He has slow-walked aid to Ukraine since the beginning of the war; he has insisted on continued funding for the war while refusing to articulate what an end to the war would look like; he has refused to even justify the war to Americans beyond simply repeating the word “democracy” over and over — empty rhetoric that no longer tugs at the heartstrings in a complex world where the U.S. has non-democratic allies of its own. Biden refuses to take serious action on the southern border in order to achieve the Ukraine aid package he insists he desires; he even refuses to negotiate with the speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, on the issue. He seems to prefer tearing into Republicans for their insufficient zeal in funding Ukraine. All of this focus on Republicans allows Biden to elide the split in his own party — a split between Wilsonian interventionists and Noam Chomsky anti-Americans, who believe the United States to be a malevolent force in the world.

Meanwhile, Republicans are split, too. There are essentially four camps into which the Republican Party has split: neo-conservative interventionists, a remaining rump from the Bush years, who have historically supported nation-building efforts in far-flung regions with the goal of cultivating democratic allies even in inhospitable places; realpolitik devotees, who seek to assess each foreign conflict and all foreign aid with an eye toward hard American interests, ranging from the economic to the military; isolationists, who oppose all American interventions, both economic and military, on principle, believing that foreign policy generally represents a betrayal of priorities closer to home; and anti-Americans, who meet with the Chomsky-ite left in a perfect example of horseshoe theory made real.

Putin sees all of these splits. He sees the fact that Americans are distracted by domestic concerns, pried apart by competing narratives of the country, at each others’ throats over everything from the definition of sex to the role of the government in everyday life — and split even on the question of whether America is a force for good or ill in the world.

Vladimir Lenin once supposedly said, “Probe with bayonets. If you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw.”

Putin is probing. And he’s finding nothing but mush.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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7 months ago

Putin has been killing those that stand in his way for years. Most dictatorial regimes kind of share that same ruthless and murderous mindset in one form or other. Just look at the various socialist or communist regimes around the world, in the last 50 to 60 years, to see how many share basically the same playbook of just choosing to eliminate their enemies, meaning just outright kill them in one way or another, along the way. Putin is just kind of more “in your face” about it than most brutal dictators. As nobody ever believes Putin didn’t directly order any of these hits on his enemies.

Putin seems to assess the stance of the other major world leaders in place at the time and then makes an assessment as to whether he thinks he will face any significant costs to him personally for his actions. If he chooses to move forward. The quote from Lenin was quite appropriate in this instance. Putin probed and found LOTS of mush in the Biden administration. Given who we have in the White House today, Putin likely already knew he wouldn’t face any meaningful “cost”, that would impact him personally. At best, based on past responses from this current administration, Putin would likely face just a few bad news cycles of bad press from our MSM and maybe, if we’re real lucky and they could get Biden to stand upright and speak a few words, a brief, semi-coherent statement from Biden or one of his surrogates about yet another political Putin assassination.

7 months ago

Putin is a bad man, has been for years. But is he worse than Biden? He and Biden are stuffing their pockets with bribery money. He and Biden persecute, hound and ultimately get rid of opposition. Both of them line the pockets of their families and friends and drive their rivals into bankruptcy. They both use the court systems in their respective countries to break the opposition. They sound like birds of a feather to me.
if idiot Uncle Joe had just said upfront that Ukraine would not be let into NATO, none of this would have happened. But no, because the Ukraine has paid Joe and his family millions over the years, the whole world suffers. Joe might be a worse human being than even Vladimir.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Where was Joe’s zeal when Putin invaded Georgia and Crimea? If Obama wasn’t too busy trying to shove ACA down our throats and taken a strong stance with NATO then there might not be a Ukraine thing NOW. But Joe wears blinders: MAGA is his perceived enemy. Today, he announces 5000 more sanctions one being on Russia tank manufacturers. Ya think maybe that should’ve been DAY ONE, Joe?

7 months ago

(12) Edward Slavsquat | Substack–news from the Russian Media

7 months ago

Consider post today by Mark Crispin Miller. Sorry unable to copy it. Thoughtful—”Sometimes it takes a martyr” May be on his substack.

Just by looking at him
Just by looking at him
7 months ago

Ben would die in a war against Russia crying and running away I can tell lol

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