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President Trump Signs Executive Order Barring Men from Women’s Sports

Posted on Thursday, February 6, 2025
by Outside Contributor

On Wednesday, National Girls and Women in Sports Day, President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring men from women’s sports through Title IX, withholding funding from universities that insist on allowing male athletes to encroach on women’s competition.

The order will also empower women who are forced to compete against men to sue their schools and directs the Department of Homeland Security to deny visa applications from foreign athletes who identify themselves as the opposite sex in order to compete in the U.S.

At the signing ceremony, Trump specifically cited the importance of protecting female athletes at the upcoming 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles and the World Cup.

“My administration will not stand by and watch men beat and batter female athletes. We’re just not going to let it happen,” Trump said.

Trump was joined at the signing ceremony by female athletes who lost out on opportunities due to male competition. Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines came in second to male University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas in the 2022 Women’s Division 200-yard Freestyle National Championship, while Payton McNabb was seriously injured when a male high school volleyball player spiked a ball into her face.

Passed in 1972, Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in the allocation of federal funds. The measure was intended to support women’s sports and other campus activities, but was interpreted by the Biden administration to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity, which allowed males who identify as women to access female competition and spaces.

Only a couple weeks into his second term, Trump has used his executive authority repeatedly to undo the Biden regime’s support for progressive gender ideology, starting with a declaration on day one of his administration that there are only two genders: male and female. That order restored the sex binary to federal policy.

Trump pledged while running for office to prohibit transgender-identifying male athletes from women’s sports if elected.

“The president bans it,” Trump said at a town hall in October when asked how he would treat the issue of men’s intrusion into the women’s category. “You just don’t let it happen. Not a big deal.”

Titled “Violence against women and girls in sports,” an August study conducted by the United Nations found that by March 30, 2024, over 600 female athletes in more than 400 women’s division events across 29 different sports were defeated by transgender-identifying men. Male athletes have taken over 890 medals from female athletes, the report said.

“The replacement of the female sports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number of female athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing against males,” the report said.

In late January, Trump also issued an executive order to ban invasive sex-change surgeries and hormone therapy for children, dubiously named “gender-affirming health care” by progressive ideologues and much of the medical field.

The order will cut back federal funding for medical institutions that provide puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and surgical mutilations to minors.

“Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions,” the order reads. “This dangerous trend will be a stain on our Nation’s history, and it must end.”

Trump’s order requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to encourage practices that will “improve the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation,” rather than encourage children to undergo irreversible procedures that carry countless side effects.

As the child gender transition order alluded, those who transition are likely to become permanent patients of the medical industry. This fact also served as the basis of another January executive order that will eventually disqualify transgender individuals from serving or enlisting in the military on grounds of mental unfitness.

Gender dysphoria, that other order states, is a mental condition that comes with bodily consequences that are incompatible with active duty and “conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life.” Those struggling with it “cannot satisfy the rigorous standards necessary for military service,” the order states.

The order explains that admitting trans soldiers in the armed forces is a liability to military lethality. Those who receive so-called treatment for gender dysphoria often sign up for lifetime follow-up appointments that jeopardize deployability, or the ability of a service member to be deployed at sudden notice when duty calls. The order points out that transgender individuals often seek medical procedures that leave them physically unable to perform for extended periods.

Transgenderism is also a mental illness, the order notes, that can interfere with military performance. Transgender risk of suicide is also a significant concern, as 81 percent of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide and 42 percent of transgender adults have attempted it, according to a 2023 study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.

Reprinted with permission from National Review by Caroline Downey.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Rich Garrison
Rich Garrison
1 month ago

This insanity should never have been put in place. Leave Women & girls to their own identity and protect them from the intrusion of transgenderism.

1 month ago

Bravo! How any decent human being would know this just isn’t right! These athletes train for years and their dreams shouldn’t be shattered because of some weirdo who can’t win in their own league.

1 month ago

I watched the ceremony yesterday and DJT exposed how the freak show “athletes” dominated the various sports they were allowed to play in. These biological dudes sucked at men’s sports so they had to violate women’s sports and even severely injure women competitors, the volleyball spike is a perfect example. Now I feel my granddaughter will be able to play on an even playing field. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!

1 month ago

Now congress needs to do their job and make it law.

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
1 month ago

A mentally dysfunctional male, who believes he is a woman, is not. God had already issued his executive order when he created Men and women.

1 month ago

There was a time when gays seemingly begged for tolerance. Fast forward to today, and it should be clear that their goal is dominance. We must never be fooled again into thinking that they only want tolerance.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
1 month ago

No such thing as transgender until you can change xx to xy and vice versa. DNA matters no matter what the non-scientists say.

1 month ago

Only reason they want to compete against ‘real’ females is because they’re too wimpy to compete against men.

Peter E. Kennedy
Peter E. Kennedy
1 month ago

Why do we even need an executive order on this issue.
Common sense alone should have prevailed.
The left will try any woke agenda to clutter up common sense.

1 month ago

These transgenders in the military look for payment by the gov for the medical care they will have to endure for the rest of their lives. We are paying for prisoners who say they are a woman. And Biden allowed them without checking to be housed in women’s prisons. He distributed via USAID trans books videos and supported trans art all over the world. The poor people in those countries, who cares. He hated those. The 1% of 1% are ruling the country because somewhere someone decreed there were more sexes than male and female. Only DNA has not proven that. People THINK they are a different sex. There is no basis in fact. If Biden had spent all this money on psychiatric care for these people than promoting Trans. We would be a healthier happier country. This was all put into action to depopulate the world. All those young children who are going through these mutilating surgeries or hormone treatments will be sterile forever. Why do you think the birthrate in America has dropped. The COVID vaccine is lowering fertility in men. It is a comprehensive plan set up by the WEF and the billionaire members of that organization. All of a sudden the word trans and surgery hormone treatments were the words creeping in our daily conversations, in 2021. Where did that come from? The Biden White House? Trans cabinet members? Were they asked personal embarrassing questions at their confirmation hearings??Of course not. I am sure they had some interesting sex life the people would want to hear about. You know to see if they qualified for the job. Only in America the dems ask those questions and we reps let them get away with it. Trump has only been in office a few weeks and Sodom and Gomorrah are the headlines in the paper. The propaganda Machine of the Fake MSM is in full swing. We the people voted all this crap out only the dems ignore that fact.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

It’s amazing that anyone HAS to sign an order keeping boys out of girls’ sports! Common sense and scientific FACTS are ignored by the DIMM party! How they used to lecture us about denying science [FALSE] but now the shoe is on the correct foot! There are EXACTLY 2 sexes. Babies in the womb are living human beings from the moment of conception. Global warming is a HOAX! How can ANYONE be so stupid as to push the DIMM agenda?

1 month ago

Well, that’s what it has come to because of stupid people (liberals) running the country. Under liberal rule, purple-haired lunatics comprising of a very small percentage of our population got their feelings hurt, and common sense came under attack. Oh, are you offended? I don’t care!!! Thank God for Donald Trump!!! MAGA!!!!

Jennie Pusateri
Jennie Pusateri
1 month ago

I have concerns that all of these EO’s will just be negated when next democrat president gets into office
Hope most of these congress will put into bills so they can’t be overturned.

1 month ago

More winning…..Thank you Lord for bringing COMMON SENSE back to America.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

It’s about time!!! These transgender men invading women’s sports are either abusers or they can’t compete with other men. Regardless, it doesn’t give them the right to force competition in women’s sports, against women. Guess what guys…you can chop off your parts, add other parts, put on a dress, and wear makeup, but it still doesn’t make you a woman. You’re just a man parading around as a woman. If you want to pretend to be a woman, bully for you! Compete against others who are also pretending to be a woman. You then have fair competition.

1 month ago

Hopefully that ends this craziness. However, we can never underestimate that the next Democrat President will reinstall his tribes failings.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
1 month ago

Anyone who ever thought this was a good idea was either a radical liberal afraid of repercussions IF they didn’t go along with the party or they were mentally deficient. Another reason to thank God each day he is president!!

1 month ago

Who would have ever thought we would have the issue of gender confusion in the United States. People have too much time on their hands, they should be busy working. They wouldn’t have time to think about crap like this.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 month ago

Who in the”H”with an ounce of common sense would let males compete in women’s sports anyway.OH,I KNOW,the liberal,leftists,also known as the democRATS.The identity that you are born with is what you are.

1 month ago

No 72. And counting.

1 month ago

What are you talking about? This has to do with transgender people

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
1 month ago

Thank God!! Finally some sanity in the White House. My God, how does ANYONE think this is a good idea to have boys/men in girls/womens sports, much less locker rooms. I do believe they should have their own league so they can compete on THEIR level, not be better just because they “identify” as a man. This was just despicable what they have done to Title 9, after it was fought for for so long. Thank you President Trump

1 month ago

All I could state is that this last administration, president and democrats, ROUGE INSANITY.

David P. Nelson
David P. Nelson
1 month ago

What a break-down in our Society that was needed to happen!

1 month ago

This has been in the works for awhile or else how did so many young girls & women get invited to the WH for this signing. And hats off to Riley Gaines for kickstarting the problem in women sports today.

Phil M
Phil M
1 month ago

The picture accompanying your article is iconic. I watched the video, too. Whereas young scared girls were pushed toward Biden and forced to be included in his photo ops, when Trump invited these girls to watch him sign, the looks on their faces were pure excitement as they gathered around him. No publicist can create THAT kind of magic.

1 month ago

It’s about time we had common sense in our White House. So, there are a lot of people who hate President Trump because they say he’s a criminal yet there was never any proof of that.
Whoever thought that men playing sports identifying, as women, would get so far. I, for one, am very happy to see and end to this nonsense.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

IDIOT much?

1 month ago

What does that have to do with transgender people?

18 days ago

I just hope that these executive orders get codified by congress ASAP.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

11 if you count your “mom”.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

That’s funny since the only condiments I ever saw served in Navy gallies was manufactured by HEINZ, a company John Kerrys wife owns. And how did AOC go from living in her office to being worth $35M on a $175K/year job anyways?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Finally a President who is not afraid to act according to logic and reason. Anomaly is not and can’t become a norm to which the rest of the population must cow tow for fear of offending and upsetting. Unfortunately there are those who exploit it to their own enrichment, in the name of this that or the other.

1 month ago

Bill Gates should be listed right next to her. With his big bug factory he is planning along with Tyson food in America. And his many packaged lab food that is on the market now from his lab. No more natural grown food for Gates. No you will eat his lab food. You know to help the environment and climate change. And of course pad Bills wallet. Yum yum.

Daryl Lindholm
Daryl Lindholm
22 days ago

So, so happy President Trump signed this order.

1 month ago

It’s a very sad sign of the times ,that an American President has to sign such an idiotic order.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
1 month ago

We live in a comedy show. The President signing an Executive Order for people to engage in sanity?

1 month ago

The line in the text above seems disingenuously lacking.
“The order will “cut back” federal funding for medical institutions that provide puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and surgical mutilations to minors” would appear to leave the financial door open.
Who will be controlling the remaining federal funding?
Just saying…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Trolls shouldn’t use words like “f***” if they’ve never actually experienced it themselves.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Sorry but have you seen what many liberal women look like? Its no wonder the left can’t tell you what one is…. they have little examples to go on! Now Republicans need to follow up with legislation (getting no voting Democrats on record) to make it law. Otherwise, a “President Newsome” can erase it ALL not just Title IX!

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
1 month ago

I agree with what Trump has done about men staying out of women’s sports. Also, on the flip side, girls need to stay out of boy’s little league baseball teams. Also, women need to stay out of historic soldier re-enactments in order for said re-enactments to remain accurate. I noticed they are always putting a woman in these re-enactments just to be “politically correct”. Finally, does anyone remember BOY scouts?

1 month ago

The liberals are losing their stupid, gullable minds.

1 month ago

How did they even get to the point that someone can’t tell who a man or woman is? Domestic enemies. Spewing confusion across the globe.

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